The Three Survivors (The Twin...

By GamzetteMakara8

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The Sequel of the twin of a Potter. James and Lily has twins. Dear Elizabeth Rose Potter is back will she be... More

The Halloween I wished never happened
farewell for now
Dudley's birthday
The letters and meeting Hagrid
Meeting with Hagrid and the twins
The train ride and being late
First Day back at Hogwarts and checking on the twins.
Harry's and (y/n) first flying lessons.
The twins learning about quidditch
Troll in the school
first game of quidditch for this year.
Christmas at Hogwarts.
Finding the mirror of Erised.
Finding out who Nicolas Flamel is and meeting Norbert
Detention in the black forest.
The day with malfoy and the plan
Under the trap door.
The fight between the Potters and the mystery person
The End of first year feast
The goodbyes for now.
Dobby the house elf
breaking out of the Dursley's house.
Seeing Lucius and meeting up with the twins.
The flying car ride to school
Harry and Ron gets in trouble.
Ron's Howlers
Lockhart's lesson
Talking with my Uncle and my Niece's question
Draco the new seeker.
Aunt Lizzie's pass part 1
The chamber of secrets have been open.
Slytherin vs Gryffindor quidditch match
Info on the chamber
Dueling Club
training with Aunt Lizzie
another person petrified.
The trio doing something stupid.
Aunt Lizzie past part 2
First Christmas With Aunt Lizzie Part 1
First Christmas with Aunt Lizzie part 2
Things get more interesting.
two important people get petrified.
Hagrid's HUt and visiting an old friend.
Visiting the chamber
They finally arrive
The end of year two part 1
End of year 2 part 2
The court visits
The night Harry blew up our Aunt Marge
Sirius Black escaped.
The train ride
Old friends meet again
Hagrid's Lessons
Remus' Lesson
Aunt Lizzie's past part 3
Sirius tries to break in.
Severus takes over Remus' Class.
The match that went bad.
the marauders map
How it all went down
The patronus lessons
Catching Harry with the map
The day they meet Sirius Black
We save Sirius
The end of year 3
The world Quidditch match
The rules for the tournament.
Fred and George do something stupid.
Moody's first lesson
The night I won't forget.
The interview with rita skeeter.
Finding out the first task
Figuring out a plan for the first task
The first task
Dress shopping
The outfit for the Yule ball.
The day Viktor ask Hermione to the Yule Ball.
The Yule Ball
Talk about the next task.
The second task
Plan for the third task
The third task.
The fight with Voldemort.
The End of 4th year.
Harry got into trouble
The order meeting
The history behind the map and Harry's trial
Welcome miss Umbridge

Aunt Lizzie's Back story

307 8 2
By GamzetteMakara8

-Lizzie POV-

Lizzie: I should start at the beginning with me. I always was able to speak to snakes at a very young age. Your father (y/n) and I were only about one as my mom told me. I was outside with my dad as he was doing yard work since James was taking his nap. I didn't want to sleep so I was outside in a playpen. My father wasn't looking until he heard a hissing noise. 

(y/n): did grandfather freak when he saw the snake?

Lizzie: oh yes both my parents did. My father was about to get the snake away, but he stopped cause he heard me giggling and saying a few words. 

Draco: Parseltoungue if I am guessing.

I nodded my head with a smile. 

Lizzie: I was the on;y Potter that spoke that language, but there was a reason for that. A prophecy that not a lot of people knew about.

(y/n): what was that Aunt Lizzie.

Lizzie: it is said that Salazar Slytherin would have a child, but not of his time. A women would have two children something would happen to one of the children during birth the other would be healthy.

Draco: were you.....

Lizzie: I came out not breathing. The doctors and nurses kept trying, but nothing happened. Until I was next to my brother that I started to cry. For some odd reason I was breathing like nothing happened. I was known to the family as a miracle child.  None of the doctor could figure it out. It was like a switch happened when I was near James.

(y/n): so wait was that prophecy about you?

Lizzie: sadly yes it was. 

Draco: so you are the heir to Salazar Slytherin.

I nodded my head at that. I looked to (y/n). She was in deep thought. Draco tapped her on the shoulder. She looked at him then to me.

(y/n): does that mean Harry and I are the heirs as well or?

Lizzie: no it doesn't. You aren't my real blood related children. Here is a secret though I may have been born into the Potter family with their blood in me, but there is another blood cell in me. Like from another person.

Draco: what do you mean professor?

Lizzie: well when the child is made the child gets both the dad's and mom's dna in them. James had that and so did I, but there was another dna cell in me. 

(y/n): from like another person?

Lizzie: exactly. No one knows were it came from or how it got there. It showed up at random. So I am guessing that specific dna cell. Well now cells belong to Salazar Slytherin. Since they didn't really have the technology as we did back when he was alive they couldn't tell who the other cell was. 

(y/n): how did you find this out?

Lizzie: when I went to Hogwart I was in the dark forest. I met something a giant snake. thought to be dead called a baskilisk. Found out he knew of the prophecy. He told me that Salazar told his little pet that told him of it. I could look it in it's eyes and not die and only the heir to Salazar Slytherin could do that. So putting the pieces together at that moment.

(y/n): So the Prophecy of a child of a twin. You coming back to life after being pronounce dead at birth and looking at the baskilisk in the eyes while talking to snakes.....

Draco: you are the real true heir of Salazar Slytherin.

Lizzie: correct. Why me though I have no clue. 

Draco: anyone else know about this Professor?

Lizzie: just Lucius and Severus, but I do believe Dumbledor knows as well, but didn't want to scare my mom and dad or scare anyone at all about it. 

They both nodded their heads. I looked out of a window a gasped. I looked to my wall clock and looked at the two children.

Lizzie: it is way pass curfew. We need to get you two into bed before a professor finds you two out. 

I stood up and began to head to my classroom door. I took out my wand and waved it getting everything back where it was during my classes when I knew both Draco and (y/n) was next to me.

(y/n): but wait why can Harry and I speak parseltoungue. Even though you didn't give birth to us. 

I looked to her and went to her level. 

Lizzie: he-who-must- not be named was heard to have spoken parseltoungue. I believe when his curse hit you two a little bit of his power rubbed off of you two, but as of why I have no clue. Something as of why it happened might be ment to not be answered until the right time. So listen to me you two. Do not I repeat do not go looking for the answer as to way, until the right moment has come for it to show it self am I clear?

(y/n) and Draco: Yes ma'm

Lizzie: good now lets go you two have classes tomorrow and one of them being with Severus. Let me tell you he is not happy with late students to his class. You think Harry got it bad. Just wait when two students from his house arrive late to his class. It is not fun.

I then pushed them two out of my classroom and began to walk them to their dorm. I whispered lumos and the tip of my wand lit up. When we got to the Slytherin common room I gave both of them a kiss on their forehead and sent them off to bed. When I turned to go to my quarters I bumped into a wall. Well more like a chest. I felt arms warped around my waist and I looked up to the person. 

Severus: here you are what are you doing here we were supposed to meet in my quarters at 10 it is almost 11:30. 

Lizzie: sorry Sev had after school lesson to teach with (y/n) she is getting the same powers as me. So I need to teach her how to use them. 

Severus sighed and picked me up bridal style. He started to walk with me in his arms. 

Severus: Let me also guess she had Draco with her and they asked about her being the heir of Slytherin. 

Lizzie: yes dear and I told her about my prophecy. I say they took it well. I am so not going to tell harry until the time is right. That boy has enough problems as it is. Now with the school thinking him and his sister are the heir of Slytherin.

Severus: sadly that name is already claimed by you.

Lizzie: Sadly.

Severus and I finally got to his quarters which was in the dungeon area close to the potion's class and his office. He set me down and opened up the door. I said naux and the light on my wand went out and the light from the candles in Severus's livingroom part of his quarters lit the room. I went to his bathroom to get ready for bed. I placed on my night gown and did my night routine.   When I walked out I noticed that the candle light in the livingroom was out and Severus was sitting under the covers reading a book. I set my wand on to the bed side table on my side and got comfy under the covers with a yawn. Severus set his book down on his table and blew out the candle on his side. He laid down next to me and pulled me to his chest. I laid my head on his chest and cuddled into him. Right as I fell asleep I heard him say goodnight and that he loved me. I mumbled love you too before falling into a deep sleep with a smile on my face. 


So how do you guys like this chapter. Now I think I will be taking a small break from typing since it is now 3:08 in the morning. Also this is Lizzie's night gown looks like. 

this style, but in black. Now if you excuse me I need some rest. Well bye guys see you guys in the next chapter.

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