~Memories~ Hetalia One-Shots

By MaralinaSakura

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Hetalia one-shots featuring all your favourite guys and girls!~ More information below~ "___? That's your nam... More

The Party Begins!
<A Small Cross> Norway
<A Strawberry> England
<An Empty Soda Bottle> America
<A Rose> France
<A Maple Leaf> Canada
<A Batch Of Seeds> Russia
<A Bento> Japan
<An Old Book> Lithuania
<A Lighter> 2P! Norway
<A Scrap Of Paper> Romano
<A Chick> Prussia
<A Pink Bow-Tie> Iceland
<A Bag Of Sweets> China
<A Bag Of Sweets> China
<A... WHAT!?!?> Belarus (YURI)
<A Cross> Norway *REWRITTEN*
<A Llama> Prussia *REWRITTEN*
<Scared?> America: HHS
<It's Not Hentai!> Japan: HHS
<A True Magic?> England: HHS
<Faith> England
<Teach Me!> Switzerland
<Baking And Lush!> 2P!England
<Just Once More?> 2P! America
<The Edelweiss Pirates> 2P!Germany
<Bring Passion For What You Want!> Spain
<Witness Victim> 2P!Italy
<Parting Ways> Italy
<Parting Ways> Italy P. 2
<Parting Ways> Italy P. 3
<Parting Ways> Italy P. 4
<Cuddly Teddy-Bear Valentine?> Russia
<The Hero's Bedtime Story> America SHORT
<Dare Dare Triple Dare> Prussia
<Skadi> Denmark
Unfinished Pieces
<My Sister; The Athelte>
<Love Triangle> America+Canada
Final Notes
Seven Years Later: A Review

<A Paintbrush> Sweden

1.1K 28 2
By MaralinaSakura

So... A few days before I was due (well, begged) to write this, I read an article explaining that Sweden has a sexual preference. For Finland. Now, I'm being forced to mention Sufin. #SUFINFOREVA Oh my God, please, just, leave me. I've embarrassed myself. 

Country names:

Berwald = Sweden

Tino = Finland

At this moment of time, you tried to adjust your physique to give you as little surface area as possible due to your extreme nerves overcoming you. At first you tried to act cool but now you were almost as petrified as Lichtenstein as she clung for her life behind Ukraine. You noticed your hand beginning to shake but that stopped as Alfred placed his free hand on your arm before whispering that "It'll be fine.". You took a short and nervous deep breath in before closing one eye as a sign of anticipation. Your fingers flinched as you felt something brush against your index finger. It agitated your fingers but also left you with a sense of curiosity. It almost felt like bristles...

With everyone watching over you like a hawk to its prey, you harshly pulled the seemingly-like thin object out of the hat to see in your hand was a paint brush. It seemed to be in a decent state with only a few of the multiple bristles out of shape. Perhaps it had only been used once or if multiple times, a true delicacy. It made you happy just staring it of how well treated it was. You'd always love painting and drawing but you were never exactly that good. Constantly, you'd break pencils, lose brushes and mix paints together! In your entire occupation of your artist streak, you'd only managed to sell two or three paintings for a cheap price. What most shamed you was that you were spending much more on paint supplies than actually making an income... You let out a small sigh as your arm hairs went on edge as you heard the hefty cough of Berwald Oxenstierna. He was the tallest of all of us by quite a bit but just matching Ivan. They both had this intimidating aura which made most of the other countries quite bothered and feared for their lives when in near proximity. Even when on your top-toes you were no where close to matching his height. He was basically like a mountain and you the strange mountain goat who wanders around the place looking for food and shelter.

You slowly turned around on your heel to see his aqua eyes giving you a petrifying stern face which almost immobilized you in your tracks. You felt your chest sink as you saw Berwald give Tino a light pat on the head before going in. It had always been a joke with you and the other Nordics that Tino and Berwald were like a cute family. It was would always be hysterical how Tino would always deny it with a passion. You never really minded it before but why now is it that you feel so sensitive to their actions...? You anxiously watched inattentively as Francis showed you the seven minute timer before you and Berwald waltz into your walk-in wardrobe.

For a while, neither of you said anything to each other, let alone make any sort of eye contact. This is so awkward! There has to to be a way to break the ice! You opened up a small drawer that was near Berwald which contained some of your unsold art pieces. "I drew this one yesterday. I thought I'd ask your opinion later but now seems like a good time, huh?" you asked while shoving a canvas displaying a picture of a dove inside a cage. You tensed up whilst waiting for his response but ultimately, you knew it was terrible. "It's good" he stated with his hand to his chin. "though, see here, you need to work on your lining." You tried to lean over to see what he was pointing at which turned out to be a part of the background where you overlapped the line with the green paint over to a white patch. You nodded your head constantly as he went on and on about painting techniques and ways of improving your work style. Every word you took into a deep account in a section of your brain but at some point you got lost of how cute his voice sounded.

You suddenly were lead out of your trance by how your feet got caught up between themselves as you went to go grab another painting resulting in you falling and skidding your knee. "Owwchiee!" you groaned while rubbing your knee for comfort. There was no blood but you probably did have a case of carpet burn which hurt quite a lot. "Are you alright?" he asked as he took off one of his black gloves and started rubbing where you had hurt yourself. It felt surprisingly nice and gave you a warm feeling in your heart. For some reason, you came down with a massive desire to suddenly burst out laughing for no reason. You tried your best to suppress it but was no use. "W-why are you laughing like that?" Berwald stuttered with a slight blush to his face. "I have no idea! You just look so adorable when you get sincere like that!" you confessed as you tried hugging your chest tightly to get yourself to calm down.

Your laughter was immediately stopped as you were suddenly thrown to the floor with Berwald towering above you. His aqua spheres staring directly into your [e/c] ones. You wanted to ask what the heck he was doing but you couldn't find the way of asking. Your tongue just kept fighting back making you mute to say anything at all. His glasses amplified how serious looking he seemed which almost sent shivers down your spine. All you could do was watch as he started to move closer towards you. Then it happened. His lips collided with your which sent your heartbeat into hyperdrive. "Alright! Time's- Whoa! Are you trying to kill her or something!?" Berwald rushed to get off you as you both noticed Alfred standing there. Disapproving looks were given you for the rest of the night from Tino but you simply ignored it.


Le Time Skip


It had been around a year since the event of the party and after weeks of begging, Berwald finally agreed to become your art mentor. Everyday, you'd both sit outside in a field nearby your house as Berwald taught you different sketching techniques and how every detail is crucial in a picture. Now, you were actually making money from your paintings! Though, overtime you started to confirm these feelings you started to have for Berwald but deep down you knew he liked Tino and that you honestly had zero chance of winning him over... Though, it was worth it in the end being with him. Every second with you filled you with joy even though you thought the two of you would never be official. "But Berwald! I don't want to right now! I want to have some fuuuun!" you yelled straight at him. Berwald had taken you to a sparkling lake but you started getting annoyed by how all you'd done so far is sketch a tree! "You need to keep practicing or you'll lose experience." he instructed strictly but that expression soon became more relaxed. He gave a light sigh before giving in and giving you an unexpected kiss on the cheek. Your face went bright red in surprise before you heard Berwald mutter under his breath.

"I may have liked Tino in the past but now all I can think of is you. I treasure these moment we've had together. I love you, ___.".   Astonished by this, you had no idea of what to say. You were completely in roll with the moment. Instead, you just decided to give him the most powerful embrace you could muster. It wasn't a lot but he looked glad still. You felt so relaxed as he stroked his hand through your [h/l] [h/c] hair before you finally managed to say "I love you" back. 

Author's Note: So, my keyboard and mouse is screwing up now so I might have to delay some chapters until I can get it fixed. It keeps freezing and spamming random letters. It's a USB detected Logitech so if you know how to fix it, please say! 

 Author's Note 2: I think I fixed my keyboard and mouse now so it's fine now!

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