Andy and Robert's Love Story...

By sarahanneh1

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This is my version of their love story. How I thought it should have gone. Hope you like it. Have fun reading... More

The Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
A Short Story - He Cooks?!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Info
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Wedding Week!
Wedding Info
Chapter 10 - Part 1
Chapter 10 - Part 2
A Backstory Behind Jennifer's Appearance
Chapter 11
Robert's Vows
Andy's Vows
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Andy's Attire for the Fire Gala
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 pt.1
Chapter 31 pt.2
Chapter 31 pt.3

Chapter 19

279 11 0
By sarahanneh1

Andy's 16 Weeks and 3 Days... When Andy woke up, she had forgotten that Robert had his surgery yesterday. However, when she opened her eyes and saw the bed empty, that's when she remembered that he's in rehab. So she got up, showered, had breakfast, and got ready to go to rehab to see Robert. While she was showering, Andy noticed that her belly had doubled in size from yesterday. So she ate breakfast and headed to the rehab place.

When Andy got to the rehab floor, she was greeted by Nurse Adam. When Andy made it to Robert's room, he wasn't there in his room, which totally scared Andy. After a minute, Robert came around the corner, and Robert was surprised to see Andy when he came back in his room from taking a walk. When he saw Andy, he had a smile on his face. When he came back into the room, Robert kissed Andy, and the first thing he noticed was how her belly grew.

They basically spent the whole day together, and Andy left around 6:30 in the evening. Andy didn't want to leave, but she did. When she got home, she got a call from her Aunt Sandra saying that she's coming to town in a couple of weeks, and when she's coming to town when Andy's nineteen or twenty weeks pregnant. Andy still hadn't told her aunt about Robert or the twins.

At night, Robert calls her and they fall asleep together. That night, Andy told him about her Aunt coming to town in a couple of weeks.

Andy's 16 Weeks and 4 Days... When Andy woke, she missed Robert but was happy to go see him. She took a shower, and then went and had breakfast. While she was making breakfast, she noticed her appointment date for her next appointment for the babies was for this afternoon. Andy knew that she'd be going to this appointment alone, and this is her first appointment alone. After she finished breakfast, she headed to the rehab floor to be with Robert, and that afternoon she went to her appointment.

About ten minutes before her appointment, she headed down to the appointment. When she got there, they checked her in and took her to a room. After ten minutes, Carina came in. She checked Andy's belly, both of the heartbeats, and everything was perfect. After the appointment, they scheduled Andy's twenty-week appointment which included an ultrasound. After they scheduled Andy's appointment, Andy went back to Robert and told him everything that happened at the appointment, and about the ultrasound. When Robert heard about the ultrasound, he got excited. After that, they hang out for the rest of the day.

Andy went home around 6:30 in the evening. On the way out of the rehab floor, Nurse Adam stopped Andy and told her that if she wanted, she could spend the night tomorrow if she wanted. When Andy heard that, she got excited. She decided to not tell Robert about her spending the night tomorrow night and asked Nurse Adam to not tell Robert about her spending the night tomorrow night.

Later that evening, Robert called Andy. They talked until Andy fell asleep.

Andy's 16 Weeks and 5 Days... Today, Andy gets to spend the night at the rehab place with Robert and she's super excited. When she got up, Andy was super excited. She packed a backpack with everything she would need and she decided to head to the rehab floor later than usual because she's needed at the station for a meeting.

Today is a shift, and Andy is needed at a station. Today is the monthly staff meeting. So Andy's going to go to the meeting, and after she's going to hang with the team for a little bit. After a couple of hours, she'll head to the rehab floor to be with Robert. The meeting is at eleven, but Andy left for the station at about nine.

When she arrived at the station, she was greeted by the team. They were so happy to see her, and the first thing they noticed was her belly. They all hung out until the meeting, then Andy, Maya, and Jack all went and had the meeting. Usually, Robert's there, but he can't be there today. The meeting usually includes the two lieutenants, captain, and Battalion Chief. The meeting lasted 45 minutes, but it's usually longer. It's longer because Robert will usually go over all the calls. However, Maya usually has shorter meetings. It's been tough on Maya only having one lieutenant, but Travis has been filling in for Andy.

Andy's coming back when she's eighteen weeks, so she'll be back in a couple of weeks. After that, the meeting ended. Andy hanged out with the team some more and then headed to the rehab floor. Robert knew that Andy was going to be late, because of the staff meeting. So he wasn't expecting her until much later. She made it to the rehab floor about two in the afternoon.

Andy was so excited to be able to sleep near Robert tonight because she's missed him so much. When she arrived, Robert was doing his exercises. When Andy came thru the door with her backpack, Robert knew why she had her backpack and he was excited.

Conversation... Robert: Why do you have you're backpack? Andy: Because I'm here for the night. Robert: Really? Andy: Yeah. Robert: Well, Amelia is coming to come by later. Andy: Okay. Why? Robert: She wants to talk to both of us about something, but I'm not sure about what. Andy: Okay. Robert: How was the meeting? Andy: Good. Shorter. Robert: Okay.: End of Conversation After that, Andy and Robert hanged out together. Around four in the afternoon, Amelia came in to talk to both of them.

Conversation... Amelia: Hey Andy. Andy: Hey. Amelia: So, I usually come in the morning, but I wanted to talk to you both. Andy: Okay. Is anything wrong? Amelia: No. We talked about Robert being in rehab full time for about a week, and it's been about six days. So, what do you think about Robert going home in a couple of days? Possibly the day after tomorrow or the next day. How does that sound? Andy: Amazing. Amelia: Okay. It may be hard for him to get upstairs. Andy: Okay. So, we do what we did a couple of years ago? Amelia: Yeah. Andy: Okay. Amelia: Depending on how the rest of his rehab goes, he should be back at work between six to eight weeks. Possibly three months. Andy: Okay. Amelia: Are you ready to go home? Robert: Yeah. Andy: I'm so ready to have him home. Amelia: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Robert: Okay. Amelia: I have to go. I have surgery. Bye y'all. (Amelia leaves.) Andy: Did you know? Robert: Kinda. She talked to me about going home, but she didn't give me a date. Andy: This is amazing. I have missed you. Do you want to go home? Robert: Yes. I miss you. Being on the phone, isn't the same as being in person. Andy: Agreed. I forgot to bring it up, but do we want to find out the genders? Carina needs to know. Robert: I would like to find out. Andy: Me too. Are we going to tell the team? Robert: Yes. Andy: Why don't we throw a party and tell the team that way? We can have Maya help us. Robert: Okay. Andy: I guess, we're finding out the genders. Maya reminded me that I'm back at work in about two weeks. Without you. That really sucks. Robert: Definitely. Don't worry, I'll bring you some lunch, and hang out with you. Andy: Okay.: End of Conversation After that, they had dinner together and they talked until bed. A little bit before bed, Nurse Adam brought Andy a bed. Then they went to bed together.

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