By the_seven_signs

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I was a beast deceased with the ability to destroy whatever he needs... Trauma changes you to who you don't w... More

introduction ❣
First impression💎
Is he alright?🌸
why is taehyung treated that way?🥀
The untold truth...💫
Just hold onto me tight
The trouble continues 🖤
You can't have me
Your still hiding!
we can make it right🍁
will thing's fall apart♠️
Everything's changed
I'll try my best
U can't be my cure
Thing's HURT🦋
this shouldn't have been this way!
Danger creeps In☠
I wish i could protect you!
emotions 💟
Is this right?
You belong to me!
Everything I can do for her
Hope is all that we have
May you rest in peace🥀
Why I am, the Way I am!?
The pain is unbearable!
I'll always remember you
Let's stay strong
Life goes onn...
Time flies by-
The proposal
You hurt me
Loving you is Hard!
Past beholds
Hating on you is a curse
Post Graduated🎉
Is it a 'Yes or a No?'
The grand wedding of the town
Married life troubles
Author's notice
Unexpected Honeymoon trip
Finding my Serendipity
Rising conflicts or connections?
Shadows of Envy
♡Tangled in ecstasy♡
Heated confessions
Fractured desires: the dual struggle
Obscured Intentions
Serenade of smiles or melancholy
Entangled emotions
Unknown deliveries and feelings
Unexpected connections.
Vengeance Unleashed
Party bash or new dangers unveiled?
Blurry days and dawning realisations!
Whispers in the shadows
Hoseok's unrequited Echoes
Twilight love confession

Can i trust you? 💟

389 24 0
By the_seven_signs


Y/n POV-

My eyes shot open, and a scream escaped my lips as I sat up in bed. Panic coursed through my veins as I took in my surroundings—it was just my room, just a dream. The haunting words echoed in my mind.

"No, this can't be real. Taehyung, you can't harm me. I was only trying to help," I whispered, my voice trembling. The terror of the dream clung to me, refusing to let go.

Taehyung's voice echoed in my head, filled with anger and menace. "I warned you to stay away from me. Your meddling has consequences. Prepare to suffer a death, where I'll relish in your demise."

My breath hitched, and I let out a strangled cry. "No, Taehyung, please!" I pleaded desperately, feeling the pain and fear engulf me.

I gasped for air, my heart pounding fiercely in my chest. I was safe in my room, but the remnants of the nightmare lingered. Perspiration covered my body, and I rubbed my eyes, desperately hoping it was all just a figment of my imagination.

And it was. Relief washed over me as I realized it had been a dream—a horrifying nightmare. I took a moment to collect myself, trying to steady my racing heartbeat.

"M-mom, dad!" I cried out, my voice filled with a mix of fear and relief. The realization that I was safe in my room brought tears to my eyes.

"I wish Jisyoung hadn't told me about Hyun-wu's death and all those things related to Taehyung." I grumbled to myself, realizing the dream was a result of my overactive thoughts.

Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was already 6 AM. College would start in a couple of hours, and I decided to go early today. With a shaky breath, I pushed myself up from the bed and stumbled toward the bathroom.

Looking into the mirror, my face reflected the fear and horror that lingered from the dream. Sweat glistened on my forehead, serving as a reminder of the intense emotions I had experienced. Shaking off the remnants of the nightmare, I splashed my face with water, hoping to wash away the lingering unease.

A hot steam bath seemed like a good idea to help me forget about the deadly dream. I immersed myself in the soothing heat, letting it melt away the tension and fear that had gripped me earlier.

Feeling slightly more composed, I made my way back to my room. As I finished getting dressed and applied some makeup to conceal the dark circles under my eyes, a shiver ran down my spine. It felt as if someone had walked past me, but when I turned around, there was no one there. I scolded myself for letting my imagination get the best of me and quickly pushed those thoughts aside.

Downstairs, I prepared a simple breakfast of honey nut cheerios with milk and savored it slowly, trying to calm my racing heartbeat. I also packed a bacon, egg & cheese avocado sandwich for my school lunch, ensuring I had something to keep me going throughout the day.

Glancing at the clock once more, I realized it was already 7:15. Time was slipping away, and I couldn't afford to be late for college. I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed out the door, leaving the eerie dream behind me.

Sitting in the car,-

I found myself lost in deep contemplation.

"I suppose it's best if I heed everyone's warning and distance myself from Taehyung," I thought aloud, my mind filled with conflicting emotions. "If everyone is cautioning me and urging me to leave him alone, I should listen. Who knows what could happen if I continue to involve myself with him? From today onward, he won't exist in my world either. Safety comes first, Y/N."

With determination in my eyes, I resolved to prioritize my own well-being and prioritize my safety above all else. The weight of the decision settled on my shoulders as the car carried me towards the uncertainties that lay ahead.

At school-

As I settled into my seat, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Taehyung's empty chair. However, my attention was swiftly diverted as the classroom door slid open, and he walked in, taking his rightful place. Our eyes briefly met, but I quickly averted my gaze, not wanting to dwell on the intensity of that moment. Mrs. Nim entered the classroom, and the class commenced with her taking attendance.

During the break, our group gathered together, and I found myself sitting beside Soo-jin. Though I was eager to ask her about Hyun-wu, who had been her boyfriend, I couldn't bring myself to do so. I understood that delving into the past would only reopen wounds and intensify her pain. It became clear to me why she held such animosity towards Taehyung. With that realization, I chose to remain silent, sparing her from reliving those dark events.

After the school at home-

Once I arrived home, I reflected on my day at school. Ignoring Taehyung had been a challenge, but I had made a concerted effort to do so. It required strength and determination, but I hoped to carry on with the same resolve in the days to come.

After 3 days -

In a rush to complete our project with only two days remaining, I found myself leaving the library, my vision obscured by the towering stack of books in my arms. Without paying attention, I collided with someone, causing everything to tumble to the floor. Frustration surged within me as I started berating the person without even glancing at their face.

"Hey, are you blind or something? Can't you see a girl struggling with all these books? Are you going to help or just stand there staring?" I exclaimed, my anger evident in my closed eyes and clenched fist, ready to strike.

As I slowly opened my eyes, my heart skipped a beat when I saw Kim Taehyung standing in front of me, giving me a bewildered look. Fear gripped me as I realized what I had just said to him. Nervously, I covered my face, anticipating his retaliation. However, to my surprise, he began rubbing his eyes, as if to clear his vision. Bending down, he started picking up the scattered books, leaving me in a state of shock at his unexpected behavior.

Confused and uncertain, I followed suit and joined him in collecting the fallen books, unable to comprehend his sudden change in demeanor.

Taehyung's POV-

Walking out of the library, I accidentally collided with someone. Looking up, I saw Y/N standing before me, her voice filled with rage as she shouted at me. It was the first time I had witnessed her in such a state of anger. I instinctively smiled, but realizing my mistake, I quickly wiped the smile off my face.

Y/N continued her tirade, and as she finished her sentence, she opened her eyes, meeting mine. The sudden silence hung in the air as she covered her face, leaving me perplexed by her peculiar behavior. I raised my hand to rub my eyes, pretending that something had gotten into them, hoping to diffuse the tension.

She hesitated for a moment, and then, to my surprise, she joined me in picking up the fallen books. We worked together in silence, a whirlwind of thoughts racing through my mind, trying to understand the unexpected turn of events.

Back to y/n pov-

As we finished picking up the books, Taehyung surprised me by offering to help carry them to class. I hesitated, unsure of his sudden kindness.

"Um, no, I'll manage," I replied, declining his offer. He simply nodded and continued on his way.

Glancing back at the pile of books, I quickly reconsidered. It dawned on me that I couldn't handle them all by myself. I called out his name, trying to catch his attention.

"Hey, Taehyung, sorry, but is the offer still valid? I realized I can't handle this on my own."

He chuckled softly, his demeanor warm. "Yes, it is," he replied, taking most of the books from me while I held onto a few.

Together, we made our way back to the classroom. Taehyung placed the books on my desk and quietly left without me even noticing. I missed the chance to express my gratitude, and a pang of regret washed over me.

In the play ground

Taehyung's POV-

Today, after four days, I finally managed to make contact with Y/N. However, it was evident that something had changed. She was ignoring me, keeping her distance. It's not like I crave her attention, but deep down, I feel a sense of emptiness when she's not around, when she doesn't involve herself in my affairs like she used to. Her care and concern meant something to me, especially considering the years of loneliness I've endured. The only solace I had was when Hyun-wu was by my side, but even he left me. I suspect that Y/N now knows about what happened to Hyun-wu, and that knowledge has prompted her to take a step back.

Meanwhile, Y/N appeared perplexed by my sudden change in behavior, unaware of the turmoil I carry within me. Little does she know, I remain the same heartless boy I've always been.

After 2 days-

Y/n pov-

As the day of our project submission arrived, I couldn't help but feel a surge of panic. It was my first major project at this school, and I wanted to make a good impression. While my team members seemed relaxed, my hands were sweaty, and I found myself drinking water incessantly. We were scheduled to give our presentation during the next class, which only added to my anxiety.

In the past two days, Taehyung and I had not exchanged a single word since the incident in the library. I resumed my strategy of ignoring him, although I couldn't help but notice a change in him. There was a sense of unease, as if something within him was missing. Occasionally, I caught him stealing glances at me, but I brushed it off. I felt a twinge of guilt for him, but fear held me back from reaching out.

Suddenly, an urgent need to use the restroom struck me just before our presentation. Excusing myself from the classroom, I hurried to freshen up. On my way back, passing by the boys' restroom, I stumbled upon a distressing sight. Seojun, accompanied by his gang, was mercilessly beating someone. To my shock, the victim turned out to be none other than Taehyung. Anger surged within me, overpowering any fear I had.

"Yah, Seojun! What do you think you're doing? Enough is enough!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, hoping to grab his attention and stop the violence.

Seojun, consumed by rage, didn't even spare a glance at me. He continued his assault on Taehyung, relentless in his punches. Acting on impulse, I rushed forward, unaware that I was entering the boys' restroom.

I pushed Seojun away forcefully, causing him to lose his balance. His gang members quickly grabbed him, but his furious gaze bore into me as if he wanted to kill me.

"Yah, Lee Y/N, do you really think you can stop me? You're as insignificant to me as an ant. I warned you not to interfere in my matters or with the people I choose. But you just wouldn't listen, would you?" he spat out angrily.

Closing in on me, Seojun struck me hard across the face. The force of the blow knocked me off my feet, sending me crashing to the floor.

Within seconds, I saw Taehyung, his eyes filled with rage. He let out a primal scream and lunged at Seojun, delivering a powerful punch to his face. Seojun collapsed to the ground, and Taehyung mounted him, raining down blow after blow until Seojun was completely incapacitated. Seojun's gang members, witnessing Taehyung's unbridled fury, made no attempt to intervene.

Taehyung's POV-

Everything was a blur until y/n suddenly appeared, defending me from Seojun's relentless assault. I watched in disbelief as Seojun slapped her across the face, sending her crashing to the ground. Rage surged through me like a wildfire, overpowering any rational thoughts. Without a second thought, I unleashed my fury upon Seojun, my punches landing with a vengeance. How dare he raise his hand against a girl, right in front of me?

Y/n POV-

I slowly got up, my head spinning from the chaos that had unfolded. The sight of teachers and students gathered around was overwhelming. They tried to intervene and stop Taehyung's relentless assault on Seojun, but it was my desperate plea that finally reached him. I shouted at the top of my lungs, urging him to stop as Seojun had fainted.

Taehyung snapped back to reality, his expression shifting from rage to concern. He approached me, his eyes scanning my face, filled with worry. He asked if I was okay, his voice laced with genuine concern. I could only nod in response, unable to find my voice in the midst of the turmoil.

Mrs. Nim, our teacher, stormed in and immediately started yelling at both of us, blaming Taehyung for the entire incident. She forcefully grabbed his arm, intending to take him to the principal's office for disciplinary action. I couldn't stay silent and watch an innocent person suffer unjustly.

With determination, I intervened, asserting that Taehyung was not at fault. I revealed the truth about Seojun's long history of bullying Taehyung and how no one had taken action against him out of fear. I emphasized that enough was enough, and it was time for justice to be served. I pointed to the blood on my lips as evidence of Seojun's aggression towards me.

Mrs. Nim, taken aback by my revelation, hesitated. She let go of Taehyung and instructed both of us to go to the medical room to tend to our injuries. As the crowd dispersed, Seojun regained consciousness, his actions catching up to him as he was escorted to the principal's office by Mrs. Nim.

In the medical room-

we discovered that there was no nurse present, and Taehyung was badly hurt. Without hesitation, I offered my assistance, and he accepted it. As I carefully applied the antiseptic solution to his lip bruises, our proximity created an intense connection. His gaze penetrated deep into my eyes, and a sweet scent of vanilla enveloped the air.

After finishing the task, the nurse finally arrived, apologizing for her delay. She asked who was injured, and Taehyung, being considerate as always, indicated that she should tend to me. He excused himself, leaving me with a whirlwind of thoughts about him. At that moment, I realized that his past didn't matter anymore. People had unfairly labeled him as a bad person, but I believed there was more to him, perhaps a hidden secret or a painful past that he had never shared. It dawned on me that no one had truly listened to him, always quick to pass judgments. But I was determined to be different. I wanted to help him become a better person, even if I was not yet considered his friend. I couldn't conform to the perceptions of others—I simply couldn't.

Lost in contemplation, I made my way back to class, where a crowd of concerned classmates surrounded me, inquiring about my well-being. However, not a single person asked about Taehyung, the one who had come to my rescue and was more injured than I was. My eyes scanned the room, desperately searching for him, but his seat remained vacant.

Annoyed by their lack of concern, I mustered the courage to ask the whereabouts of Taehyung. The disbelief in their eyes was evident as they stared back at me. One boy, with a condescending tone, attempted to dismiss my worry, urging me to find solace and sit beside him. I glared at them all, refusing to back down.

"Are you all blind? He's the one who saved me, and I want to know where he is," I declared firmly, frustration lacing my words.

My response irritated them, and the same boy retorted, suggesting that I search for Taehyung myself, mentioning his usual haunts like the library or the playground.

Their indifference only fueled my determination. I couldn't fathom how they failed to acknowledge the person who had shown kindness and bravery. Leaving the oblivious crowd behind, I resolved to find Taehyung on my own.

After hearing their suggestion, a sudden realization struck me. He might be in that same spot where he usually seeks solace. Without wasting another moment, I sprinted towards the tree, where a bench stood, the very place he often found refuge in his comic books. As I approached him, my heart pounding with anticipation, I couldn't contain my emotions any longer.

I reached him and enveloped him in a tight back hug, his surprise evident in his expression. Yet, he didn't resist or pull away. The moment lingered in the air, and I silently hoped that my presence would offer him the comfort he needed.


Yayy!! I new start is it? I feel so let's hope for things to go better now....

Stay tuned❤
Keep supporting 💜

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