The Romanov Series Book #1: M...

By jmhallewell

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Sometimes things aren't always as they seem. What we believe about a person may not be so and what we don't i... More

Author's note
Chapter One: What Could Have Been Mine
Chapter Three: A Job
Chapter Four: Rude Awekenings
Chapter Five: I know You!
Chapter Six: The Mediator
Chapter Seven: The Casanova
Chapter Eight: Family Reunion Part 1
Chapter Nine: Ghosts
Chapter Ten: Family Reunion Part 2
Chapter Eleven: The men in her life
Chapter Twelve: Bad Dads
Chapter Thirteen: The Street Urchin
Chapter Fourteen: Overdue
Chapter Fifteen: Impulsive Family
Chapter Sixteen: Not A Lawyer Or A Doctor
Chapter Seventeen: Grand Father
Chapter Eighteen: Of Dark Legacies and Dark Princes
Chapter Nineteen: A little Push
Chapter Twenty: Final Preparations
Chapter Twenty One: Ghosting Games
Chapter Twenty Two: Difficult Kid
Chapter Twenty Three: The Problem List
Chapter Twenty Four: For The Man I Love
Chapter Twenty Five: Goose Chase
Chapter Twenty Six: What Happened To Ferrer?
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Dark Prince
Chapter Twenty Eight: Leverage
Chapter Twenty Nine: Conjugal Visit
Chapter Thirty: Chasing Shadows
Chapter Thirty One: Almost Checkmate
Chapter Thirty Two: Checkmate
Chapter Thirty Three: Farmhouse
Chapter Thirty Four: The Boss
Chapter Thirty Five: Where is home?
Chapter Thirty Six: The to-do list
Chapter Thirty Seven: Random Decision
Chapter Thirty Eight: What I Saw
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Gift
Chapter Forty: Acceptance
Chapter Forty One: Pissing Contest
Chapter Forty Two: Intervention
Chapter Forty Three: The Safe Choice
Chapter Forty Four: You Messed Up!
Chapter Forty Five: Not Big Enough
Chapter Forty Six: The Storm
Chapter Forty Seven: Ambivalence
Chapter Forty Eight: Hasty Decisions
Chapter Forty Nine: Dear Bestie
Chapter Fifty: No Show
Chapter Fifty One: Baby, I do
Chapter Fifty Two: This Moment

Chapter Two: Paycheck

385 47 13
By jmhallewell

Katya's POV
I have been thinking of what Nick said to me. Who would be crazy enough to tag his car? Is it someone who wants to know where he lives? That is obvious. It's even online. Is it someone who wants to keep a log of his daily movements? Probably but he has several cars! I have no idea what to make out of it. Whoever they are they should have known better. A man like Nick always checks for tracking and recording devices. He is careful. Nick won't even repeat his own name if he isn't sure he can trust the environment or the person he's talking to.

"Good morning!" I greeted the nurse at the reception who warmly smiled back at me. I leaned on her desk beaming at her. I just had coffee. She should have seen me when I woke up this morning. I am not a pleasant sight. My son will confirm that I can qualify for a horror movie that early in the morning.

"Good morning. What can I do for you?"

"Is Ferrer in?"

"Doctor Cavaleiro is in surgery at the moment. Do you have an appointment?"

I tapped the tip of my nails on the desk tempted to lie but the guy will throw me under  the bus. "No."

"He sees patients by appointment." She cringed. "Should I book you? He is available six months from now on Friday morning. Is 8am good?"

I have nothing but admiration for Ferrer. He is booked six months in! He runs a successful oncology center and is still the chief of surgery in this big hospital.

"I don't think I need an appointment. The thing is I haven't seen him in years! He's my old friend and we have lost touch. I would really like to see him."

"I can't just let you see him."

Is he invisible or something? Will my eyes burn at the sight of him?

"And I totally understand that you're doing your job but I am leaving the country in a few hours and I may never see him again. I don't have his number anymore. You know how we tend to lose numbers, right? Please just let me see him. I'll sit over there. If he doesn't have time to see me I'll leave."

He doesn't answer my calls. I think he blocked me.

"Fine." She agreed.

"Do you know how long I'll wait?"

"A few minutes." She answered. "He must be wrapping up."

I caught up on some emails as I waited for him. Seeing Ferrer and talking to him is usually the highlight of my day. Even if it doesn't go well I'm happy. I am hopelessly in love with the world class neurosurgeon. When we met eleven years ago, I didn't know we would have a son together. I was fresh from Russia thrown into a whole new scene by my circumstances. I spoke very little English with a heavy accent. I was terrified for my life and my plan was to do what Katerina intended to do. I wanted to find Nickolas Balotelli and ask him to do for me what he did for my sister. I wanted his protection.

When Katerina left home I was just fourteen. I waited everyday for her to come back for me like she promised. Months down the line my hope dwindled until it eventually burned out. I came to the sad realization that I am on my own. The day before I turned eighteen I fled from the mob and from everything I had known. I came to New York to find him but instead, I found the doctor.

He was just a student on scholarship back then working odd jobs to make ends meet. I was working odd jobs too and  we used to hang out. I got close to him and he started to like me too. It sounds like a promising love story but not exactly.

"Mierda! No no no no no! Not today!" Ferrer held his arms at his waist looking fed up. He is in a pair of black crocks, navy blue scrubs with a grey long sleeved fitting tee inside. He looks interesting and I almost wanted to make a joke but I put on my serious face. He turned his attention to the nurse. "By appointment. Does she have an appointment?"

"She said she is your friend."

"Take note of that devilish face. If you ever see her again, call security! She is not my friend!"

He is so cute when he's freaking out.

"Are you done baby boo?" I pouted.

"Go away."

"If you don't talk to me I will go to the New York times and give them a story about a world class surgeon who refuses-" he muffled my mouth.

"Lorraine, please join me in my office." He whispered.

I smiled at him and made my way to the door. He closed the door behind him. I made myself comfortable in his high backed chair feet on the table and my hands folded behind the back of my head. "So this is the seat of power! This is where your big brain is at work! How is your day going baby boo? Was the surgery a success?"

"What do you want? It is not okay for you to be here!"

"You don't answer my calls, you don't text back and you are even ignoring my lawyer. What do you expect me to do?"

He ran his hands over his face. He is a hot rude sexy Spanish mess. Sometimes Terrance acts like him. Genetics are amazing considering they have never spent time together yet they share certain mannerisms like the expression on his face right now. Unlike those moms who lie to their kids about their absent dads, I never lied to Terrance. When he asked me who his father is, I gladly showed him a photograph of Ferrer. I told my son his dad is figuring some things out and he will come home when he's ready.

"Not to come here and cause a scene. My lawyer already told yours what needs to be said. Beyond that we have nothing to talk about."

"He is your son."

"He is not."

"Seriously? This shit still? It has been eleven years already! Stop living in denial!"

"He is not my son! I had a vasectomy! That is not my son."

It is like dealing with an obstinate child. "The paternity test disagrees. If you want me to stop, give me child support."

"You make six figures. You don't need child support."

"I want half of your paycheck."

He scoffed. "Go to hell."

"I will take you with me." I lowered my tone and narrowed my eyes. The humour is over. "I want half of your paycheck." I stood up straightening the short dress I chose to wear today. The Cassonova shamelessly looked at my exposed thighs. His hazel eyes trailed up my body to my face his jaw tightly clenched. It's been nine years since we were last together. Is he curious to be reminded? I know I am! "If you don't comply, I will drag your name through the mud and when I am done with you dear Doctor Cavaleiro you will be nothing."

I kissed his cheek fondly on my way out.

That should give him something to think about.

I do make six figures. But I also know that my life choices can abruptly catch up with me. When they do, I want Terr to have access to clean money, his father's money. Mine may end up stuck in frozen accounts. For my son, I will viciously go after Ferrer.

Being my day off, I don't have much to do at the office. Terrance is at Nick's house. He spends a lot of time around Marcella. I don't mind because he's safe and he likes her.

"Are you addicted to work?" Rose teased me. Together we founded Anderson & Hall. It's our little law firm. She is the face of the law firm. I'm the underdog and for good reason. I'm not to be seen. I only go to court when it's a low profile case without any media attention. "It's your day off!"

"I have no life!" I laughed. If I'm not working, I'm raising Terrance. If I'm not with him, I'm working.

"You should get a hobby."

"I lack greatly in the skills department. No hobbies and no talents that don't include arguing." I laughed.

"You have a client by the way." She told me as she walked out to go to court.

I walked to the office. There is a man in my seat. He looked up with a fleeting smile on his face. "Who are you?"

"Is that how you greet your clients?" He asked me with a crooked smile on his handsome face.

"The ones sitting in my chair." I remained at the entrance. "Who are you?"

"Olezka Federov." He said his name like it's supposed to mean something great.


He laughed softly. He stood up looking sharp in the three piece pinstripe suit. "Please come in Katya. Close the door. We need to talk."

My throat became dry when he called me by my name. I looked around to make sure no one heard him. I closed the door quickly. "How do you know my name?"

"You are a legend. You almost killed Leonid Romanov. Have a sit. It's a friendly visit."

"Friendly?" I asked. "I don't even know you."

"But I know you. It's enough. I didn't even know who Lorraine Hall is until I saw you in court. I have a gift for you."

He placed a velvet box on my table. I opened it only to see a beautiful diamond choker. Men don't give me gifts. None of them have the balls to make a move on me. I scare them. "It's nice." Girls and diamonds. "I don't wear necklaces." I hate the feeling of something around my neck. I don't wear scarves either. "Why are you giving me a gift?"

"You helped my friend walk free from his charges."

The case came back to mind. It was money laundering and I got him off without a sentence. If I knew he was connected to the Russian mob I would have turned down the case. "I'm busy. You should go."

"Actually," he took my hand into his. I froze letting him hold my hand. Our eyes locked. He has cold blue eyes, colder than Nick's. Yet he is drawing me in. His hold is strong. "I am taking you out to dinner. Tomorrow night I'll pick you up." He kissed my cheek.

I felt a cold chill run through me long after he left my office. I closed the velvet box with the diamond choker.

He is giving me bad vibes.

Katerina's POV
"You promised!" I stormed into his bedroom not caring that his bodyguards were forming some sort of a line to block me. "You said once a month! They didn't let me through!" He kept playing chess with Alexei completely assuming my presence. "Papa!"

"Silence." He spoke and made a move on the chess board before looking at me.

Perhaps it's in my imagination but papa is losing weight. He looks frail and unwell. I sure hope his time has run out.

"I need you to do something for me."

"We have made enough deals. The deal was that I work for  you and in exchange you let me see my son! No more deals papa!"

"I need you to do something for me." He repeated like he didn't hear my protest. "Alexei."

His right hand man approached me with a photograph in his hand. "Embed yourself in his life. Wait for further instructions."

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