Lucille (The Walking Dead)

By JessLee3223

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"This is your last try," Negan whispered against my neck and his hands were squeezing my wrist to the wall... More

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414 14 0
By JessLee3223

Time seemed to pass slowly and quickly all at the same time. It had been four days since I saw Negan. I was going crazy without knowing what was happening behind the walls of my room. The only people I would see were the people who would come in and leave trays of food for my meals on my counters and take the food with them that I keep refusing to eat. They don't talk to me and I don't talk to them. But inside I was flooded with questions about Daryl and Eugene that I knew couldn't be answered by the strangers that brought me food. 

I knew that I needed to eat but if Negan didn't want to answer my questions I wasn't going to eat his food. I managed to only eat the things that were already placed in the room always ignoring the call of the hot food that sat on the counter. The only thing I could do was lay there in silence or try to fill time with playing on the piano. But as the third day passed my want to do anything but lay in bed remained. As I stared out curled up in a ball on the bed I heard the door unlock and I didn't even turn to acknowledge whoever came in the room. 

"I've been sent by Negan to deliver your food." A familiar voice said. I turned and looked at Eugene standing at the door with a tray of food. I  shot up and ran over to him just happy to see a familiar face again and to know that he was okay.

"Eugene!" He didn't even try to hug me back when I wrapped my arms around him and I wasn't surprised. "What have they done to you? Have you seen Daryl?" 

"I am not authorized to speak of the Daryl situation." He said in his monotone voice. "And I have been welcomed here. They seem to appreciate my services." I looked at the tray of cut-up apples and the sandwich and took it from him and put it on the counter.

"Not authorized? Are you fucking kidding me?" I exclaimed annoyed. "I need to know if he is okay, can you at least tell me that?"I said pleading with Eugene looking back at him standing by the door. 

"Negan told me on strict order to not say anything at all. Negan has treated me well here and I will not go against his orders." I let out a cry of frustration. 

"I'm glad you're just settling right in. I'm just trapped in this room and you're just out getting to play house." I said crossed with him. But I knew deep inside I wasn't any better with the things I've done. In all honestly, I was worse.

"Negan thought my presents would make you happy but if I am upsetting you I shall take my leave." He turned to leave with a nod.

"Wait! No, I'm  sorry." I said scared of being alone again not knowing how long it would be this time. "Just being alone in here for these past days has me going crazy," I say with a sigh. "Do you think we can go on a walk at least?" He seemed to ponder on this for a moment. 

"Negan did not address if you could leave or not. But I think it would be acceptable to go to my room." My heart fluttered with joy.

"Really?"  I said almost jumping with excitement. I slid on my tennis shoes beyond ready to see something other than this room for the first time in four days.

"I do not see the harm in that," Eugene said knocking on the door. A tall rough looking guy opens the door on the other side. "I am taking her to my room for a moment." The guard nodded and stepped aside. 

"Thank you, Eugene," I say following him out the door. We walk in silence but I took in every hall and door hoping for any sign of Daryl anywhere. We came to a familiar red door as Eugene opened it. I looked around and recognized it as the one  Daryl was supposed to receive if he played along with Negan's games- In the same room where I agreed to become one of Negan's wives. "This is your room?" 

"Yes, I find it to be comfortable and well equipt for me." He said looking around. He walked over to a jar of pickles. "Would you like a pickle?" He said looking at me. 

"No thank you," I said looking around. "Have you seen Negan at all? I haven't seen him in about half a week." I looked a Eugene as he bites into his own pickle. 

"He has been occupied at the moment." He said between his bites of food. 

"Doesn't mean he should leave me in solitary confident," I say annoyed that Eugene was so on his side. 

"I do believe he-" Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Eugene walked over and opened it a bit.

"Eugene! My man!" I heard Negan bellow on the other side of the door. Eugene looked over at me then back to Negan.

"Hello there Sir." He with a shake in his voice. 

"How was our little buttercup doing?" I heard Negan saying as the door opened a little bit wider. He hadn't seen me yet but I walked over fury inside me boiling. He turned in surprise at the sound of my food steps. I start pounding on his chest.

"You son of a bitch! Leaving me locked away for four days!  I've gone completely mad waiting for someone to come let me out!" Negan catches my wrist and holds them up. 

"Now, wife," He pauses after enunciating the wife part to me. His breathing was heavy and I knew he was upset." I don't think showcasing our domestic problems in front of friends is the proper thing to do." He looked at me for a deep long moment and I stared back at him.

"I hate you," I said with no emotion left within me. He looked down at me still holding on to my wrists. 

"You're coming with me." He said suddenly turning and walking out the door with my left wrist still in his clutch. I turned my head back and took a look back at Eugene as he watched as Negan dragged me away. But Eugene didn't move or say anything as he watched us leave. I trailed behind him as we made our way down the hall. He threw his door open and tossed me inside his room. He slammed the door and turned to me with a fire in his eyes. But he didn't speak to me at all. He shook his head and walked past me not saying anything.

"What," I said as he slid his jacket off and went to sit down in one of his chairs. The room filled with stiffness and silence with him sitting in a chair and one arm sitting on the armchair holding his face up looking out his fogged windows. I didn't move and neither did he for what felt like ages.

"I really can't fucking win with you."  He uttered finally. He didn't move his gaze from the window as I moved closer. "No matter how the situation turns I'll be the villain no matter what. I should be used to it by now." I softly sat on the couch opposite of him and just really took him in. I wanted to yell at him and punch him repeatedly in the face and run out and find Daryl but I just sat on the other side in silence. 

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