✔ Unforgettable- Aizawa x Re...


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"I know that you're unstable." The wind blew his luscious black locks back, revealing his black orbs that we... More

Morning Madness
A Coffee for A Marathon
Feathers, Sweat And Coffee
Mister Number Two
Working Workaholics With Cookies
Family Visits Are Not Therapeutic
Hobo At A Dinner Gathering
Flashbacks And Drunk People
Friends Gifting Cookies
A 'Lovely' Visit
Two Frigthened Friends
A Inviation To Go Back To The Past
A Loyal Puppy
A Trip Back To the Past
Teacher's Lounge
Energetic Boy In A Meeting
A Bunch Of Aholes
Drunk Machine Gun
Holographic Bullets
They Can See
What An Intresting Aftermath
I Have Feeling For Who?
Thoughts And Doubts
Jealous? Am I?
Just A Game Of Tag
Extra Training
Stuck Up High In A Tree
Cars And Airplanes
A Dance In The Rain
Surpisingly, I Have New Visitors
Comfort Me In The Darkness
Who Listens To The Law Anyways
Meet My Fists
Dinner Clean Up
My Agency - PT. 1
My Agency - PT.2
The Lies You Have Told
Lets Go Somewhere Seculded
Help Is On The Way
Freefalling; What A Pain
Oof- Rejection Is Going To Hurt Bro
The Plan Has Already Begun
I'm Being Chased Down
Useless Bunch Of Suited Males
I Figured It Out
We Are Going To Save Her
Coming through like An Savoir
I Really Wished That I Could Run
Here Comes The Double Suicide
Someone's Going To Prison
Dadzawa Is Back At It Again

We're Not Strangers, Not At All

687 27 9

            The seagulls flew by us. Filling in the silence. I rested both of my arms on the railing as I leaned over. Eyes glued on the sun as it sets for the day. Humming a chirpy little song. Shota stared at me for a while, waiting for me to answer him. After he noticed. That I obviously wasn't going to answer him now. He released a sigh, combing back his hair with his fingers.

As you could see. . His side profile was fudging amazing. Why is he so handsome?!

I frowned as my great skip a beat. Covering up my flustered face with a frown. Shota glanced at me from the corner of his eyes. Checking if I was going to answer him. Basically, he was giving me a second chance. The black-haired male sighed as he stood up straight. Walking towards me. I flinched when I felt him place a hand on my shoulder. Soon after that, I felt him place his head on top of my head. I cocked a brow and suppressed a chuckle.

"It's fine." He hummed, "You can tell me when you're ready..."

He laid his hand on top of mines. Flipping my hand over and intertwining our fingers. I stared at our intertwined hands for a few minutes. The corner of my lips tugs upwards into a tiny smile as I squeezed his hand. I heard him hum as he squeezed back.

"Hey. Shota?" I didn't wait for him to respond, "Do you really want to know?"

The weight on top of my head suddenly disappeared as he reappeared right next to me. I could see that he was completely intrigued. Based on the speed he used to get here. I chuckled as I tugged his hand, walking away from the beach. Dragging him with me. Confusing the tired male.

"Where are we going?"

I glanced back at him, giving him a look like it was the stupid question he could ever ask. But as always, he glanced at me with an unfazed expression. I got pretty used to it for a while. I smiled.

"Home. I'm guessing that you didn't take a nap today." I hummed, "You look awfully tired."

He sighed as he joined me. Walking beside me at the same pace. It was quiet as we walked through the street. No conversations are involved. Just plain, peaceful silence. Something I could use after today's event. To be honest, I was kind of tired too. I covered my mouth as I yawned, glancing around just to noticed that we were a street away from home.

"Ah! [Y/N]!"

I glanced up at the male, who was hanging onto a lamppost. I chuckled at his excited expression as he jumped down onto the floor. And made its way over to us. He laughed, ruffling up my hair. Which I was not happy about. His eyes landed on the male next to me. Who was not entertained by the conversation? And seemed like he is looking forward to taking a nap more.

Asher looked jealous. But it completely disappeared like it was not even there in the first place. He smiled, smacking Shota back as hard as he can. I winced as it looked it the force was going to break Shota's back. Well, I was wrong. Cause the next thing I knew, Shota was coughing his lungs out.

Asher recoiled and squinted his eyes. Instantly bowing down in front of Shota. Apologizing over and over again. Let's just say it was very hard to keep my laughter in. But I think I needed to help the dying man on my right first. Before he dies from who knows what. Coughing out his lungs?

He sighed as he coughed again. At least it was better than the last one. He cleared his throat, gasping for another breath of air. Asher passed the male a bottle of water. Which Shota accepted quite quickly, popping open the cap and chugging the water down. I smiled. I never knew I could see Shota on the brink of death.

Ash, on the other half, was panicking real hard. Trying to make up excuses on the top of his head. I could see that he didn't want to get on Shota's bad side. The black-haired male. Gasped as he threw the bowl empty bottle into the chest. He gives Asher a glare, scaring the younger male a bit. Ash released a nervous chuckle as he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

Sweat dropping, the poor boy placed a hand on Shota's shoulder. Stopping the so said male. Which shot him a glare. Asher visibly trembled, his legs shaking under the male. I puffed out my cheeks.

And I thought I was the one dating the man.

"C-congrats on your girl Shota. I-I mean Aizawa." Asher chuckled awkwardly. He patted the confused man on the back, "I-I think it's time for me to go home. Yeah! H-home."

I watched in amusement as Asher walked away, waving goodbye at us. Shota glanced at me in confusion and pointed at the younger male with a questioning gaze. I guess this was pretty unusual since they don't share words daily. Shota is a man of few words. And Asher doesn't talk to Shota much. A thought popped into my head, I turned over to Asher. Cupping my hand over my mouth.

"We live in the same house, Asher!"

But that only made the male run faster. And soon, he couldn't be seen in the distance anymore. I shrugged, grabbing Shota's hands. I mean, we were going to walk home anyway. Shota was still confused but followed me from behind. Wanting to hit the bed as soon as possible. Proving my point, he yawns rather loudly. Even after he covers his mouth, muffling his yawn.

I opened the door for him. Kicking off my shoes and placing them neatly at the doorway. I walked in with Shota trailing behind me. I watched as he immediately walked up the stairs towards our room. I cocked a brow when I spotted Asher from the corner of my eye. Stuffing pieces of chicken nuggets into his mouth.

"Hawks really rubbed on you."

Asher just shrugged, "I'm eating, trying to get over you." He swallowed the food in his mouth, "This is what you call a breakdown."

"Then shouldn't you be crying."

He then proceeded to drop down onto his knees. Fake crying as he stuffed more food into his mouth. I sighed, ignoring him. I made my way up to my room. Turning the knob, I opened the door. Closing it behind me. I turned around, suddenly spotting Shota on the bed. Naked. Well, not completely naked. But naked. I felt myself heat up when I noticed my eyes were roaming around his body. I heaved a sigh, flustered. Sadly, the male had spotted me checking him out.

A mischievous smirk appeared on his face, "What?" He still seemed quite tired.

"You're hot."

I blurted out. Slapping my hand over my mouth once I noticed my mistake. I sighed when Shota chuckled at my reaction. Signaling me to come over to him. Embarrassingly, little by little I made my way over to him. Yelling when he pulled me into the bed. I gasped as he rested his head on top of my stomach. He was very much enjoying this. Especially the reactions he was getting out of me.

I pouted. Letting him rest on top of me. Soon, I had my hand in his unruly black locks. Playing with them as I please. He hummed every once in a while. Feeling satisfied as my handwork through his hair. I smiled as I combed my hand through this hair, enjoying myself.

"We're not strangers, not at all."

This caught Shota's interest. Even if I couldn't recognize it on his face,  he was definitely intrigued. Flipping over, he glanced up at me. His black hue found mines as we sat in the silence.

"Are you talking about Merikh?" He was the first one to speak up.

I nodded, still playing with his hair, "Yea. I felt like I should tell you this. Since you're dating me and sorts." I heard him hum in agreement, "I dated him during my time here. But we broke up as you could see. But I guess he kind of missed me. That's why he stuck with me for a whole day yesterday."

"He's not over you." He commented.

I smiled, "I know. But you're here now."

Shota hummed as he yawned again. Feeling sleepier than ever. I mean he hadn't gotten his daily naps in days. Fortunately for him, I was pretty good company at night. He had been able to fall asleep much quicker than ever when I'm there next to him. As embarrassing as it is, he admits that he sometimes wanted me to be in his arms. Which I do allow.

The more cuddles, the better.

"What were you doing at your agency today."

I chuckled, "Now that's the only secret I'll be keeping from you." I yawned, "At least for now."

We sat in silence, both getting extremely tired as time goes by. I perked up when I heard a knock coming from the balcony. I lifted Shota's head off me since he was already asleep. Carefully lying it onto the mattress. I walked over to the balcony. Opening the curtains to see...

"What the hell, Merikh?"

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