✔ Unforgettable- Aizawa x Re...


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"I know that you're unstable." The wind blew his luscious black locks back, revealing his black orbs that we... More

Morning Madness
A Coffee for A Marathon
Feathers, Sweat And Coffee
Mister Number Two
Working Workaholics With Cookies
Family Visits Are Not Therapeutic
Hobo At A Dinner Gathering
Flashbacks And Drunk People
Friends Gifting Cookies
A 'Lovely' Visit
Two Frigthened Friends
A Inviation To Go Back To The Past
A Loyal Puppy
A Trip Back To the Past
Teacher's Lounge
Energetic Boy In A Meeting
A Bunch Of Aholes
Drunk Machine Gun
Holographic Bullets
They Can See
What An Intresting Aftermath
I Have Feeling For Who?
Thoughts And Doubts
Jealous? Am I?
Just A Game Of Tag
Extra Training
Stuck Up High In A Tree
Cars And Airplanes
A Dance In The Rain
Surpisingly, I Have New Visitors
Comfort Me In The Darkness
Who Listens To The Law Anyways
Meet My Fists
My Agency - PT. 1
My Agency - PT.2
The Lies You Have Told
Lets Go Somewhere Seculded
Help Is On The Way
Freefalling; What A Pain
Oof- Rejection Is Going To Hurt Bro
We're Not Strangers, Not At All
The Plan Has Already Begun
I'm Being Chased Down
Useless Bunch Of Suited Males
I Figured It Out
We Are Going To Save Her
Coming through like An Savoir
I Really Wished That I Could Run
Here Comes The Double Suicide
Someone's Going To Prison
Dadzawa Is Back At It Again

Dinner Clean Up

835 35 20

    A frown sat on my face as I felt a presence behind me. The person was holding onto my wrist tightly, restricting me from making any movements at all. As upset as I could be, I glanced back at the person. Having a good idea of who it was already.

"Sorry. [Y/N] is rather out of her mind today." He glanced at Merikh with a frown, "What a pleasure to meet you...again."

Merikh smirk, dropping my dad's hand immediately as he walked over to Asher. It looked like they converse in a 'great' conversation. I sighed, sensing my parent's gaze on me.

"It's a great time to disappear..."

I groaned as my brother walked past me, murmuring some words on me. With the same smirk, I saw in the morning when he rats me out. He hummed as he plopped onto the couch. Turning the television on again. Leaving me to deal with my own problems. My mom cut the awkward tension in the air. Walking up to me with a question expression.

"Who was that?"

I chuckled nervously, "Just a friend."

Shota coughed, "Doesn't seem like a friend to me." He glanced at me, "What kind of relationship do you have with him? Why won't you tell us?"

You're supposed to be on my side...

"[Y/N]. I have something to tell you."

I held in a sigh of relief when Asher requested me. Directing the attention to him. I awkwardly excused myself from the conversation and went with Asher out of the living room.

"Why is Merikh here?"

I sighed as I rubbed my hand down my face, "I don't know. He just walked in without an invitation. Like he owns this  house or something. And I couldn't get him out. So he's here now."

"The audacity from the mother fu-"

"[Y/N]." We turned our attention to the tired male standing by the doorway, "I want to have a talk with you."

And with that, he turned around, walking away from us. Asher glanced at me with confusion in his eyes. I just shrugged my shoulders as I followed the black haired male up to our bedroom. He opened the door, allowing me to step in first. So I did. I tilted my head in curiosity as he closed the door behind him. Walking up to the balcony and sliding that glass door open as well.

I followed from behind. Shivering as the breeze hit my bare skin. Closing the door, I walked up to the male who was leaning against the balcony. Joining him. Everything was just pure silence for a few minutes. Only hearing the faint conversations coming from downstairs.


I cocked my brow. But hummed, letting him know that I had acknowledged his sentence. Another minute of silence passed. He heaved, suddenly leaning down to my level. His arms were on either side of the railings. Trapping me in, under him.

I felt myself heat up. Trying to distract me with the lightbulb behind him. Obviously, that did not work. My heart was pounding like crazy as we stared into each other's eyes. Blushing, he chuckled and leaned in.

Our lips molded together. I gasped as he bit the bottom of my lips. Using that to his advantage, he managed to slip his tongue into my mouth. I hummed in satisfaction as I grabbed a handful of his shirt. Wrinkling it up in the palms of my hands. Taking a step forward. I pushed him back until his back hit the back of the wall. He tasted like mint. An grunt was heard. I pulled away, completely out of breath.

Breathing heavily, I blushed as I realized I had Incase's him in between my arms. I giggled in amusement after I noticed how much taller he was than me. He smiled as he watched me laugh off on my own. He cleared his throat, catching my attention after my small laughing fit. I removed my hand from the wall behind him. Allowing him to move around now. He smiled at me, patting my head.

"What? You satisfied yet?"

He hummed. Completely dodging my question.

I perked up, a smile stretched out on my face, "Oh my god! Shota, were you jealous of Merikh?" I smiled, "You were so jealous. How did I not notice that before?"

He glanced away, suddenly finding the cold metal railings more interesting. I chuckled at his behavior.

"Am not."

I smiled, "Am too."

"Am not."

"Am too!"



My mom smiled at me with a wooden spoon in her hands. I watched as my brother brought out the freshly cooked dishes and started placing them neatly onto the table. Shota just stood behind me, trying to cover up his shock.

"Merikh going to stay for dinner. He said he was a great friend of yours." She placed the spoon down on the counter, "So I invited him to stay over and eat with us."

I internally facepalmed myself, "So you let a stranger stay over"

"Nah. Babe. I got permission to stay over. Don't forget we were pretty close before you went back to Japan."

Merikh commented, glancing at the tired male after he had called me 'babe'. To see what Shota's reaction would look like. Obviously, Shota kept a straight face. Not wanting to give the other male the satisfaction of winning. Merikh smirked and opened his mouth to say something to further provoke the tired male.

"Shut your mouth, Merikh." Asher stated, smacking him harshly on his back, "You're actually more useful when you keep your mouth shut."

Remind me to think the kid later.

I smiled as I jolted down a mental note. Merikh just shut up, quietly pulling out a chair, and took a seat. A few minutes later, everybody was seat around the table. Talking and hold a conversation.

"Shota. How does your hair stand up when you use your quirk like that?"

Hizashi perked up. Probably hearing people ask this question a lot. Nerumi had to remind him to chew his food properly and to swallow it before talking. Eventually, he got the food down his throat and was prepared to answer my question.

"His hair defies the rule of gravity."

"You mean gravity is scared of him."

Hitoshi commented as he threw some fries into his mouth. Chewing loudly as he continued to munch on the crispy potatoes. That were littered all over his white plate. Hizashi went back to eat his peas. Which I was surprised to see. Normally, he'll be munching on some fries.

"I don't know how it actually works." Shota answered, "But it works."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah. I could see that."'

I snapped my head across the table when I heard my name being called out. My eyes landed on Asher. Who was arguing with Merikh. Probably over something small. Asher frowned and turned his head towards me. Pointing his finger at Merikh. Who was sitting besides him.

Who made the seating arrangements and decided it was a good idea to put these two next to each other...

"Merikh said that he likes mushy cereal!"

I could hear an audible gasp coming from the person two seats away from me. The blond clasped his hand over his mouth as he faked cried. He didn't say anything, mostly because he was trying to finish the food in his mouth. He sighed as he swallowed the last piece of rice that was left in his mouth.

"What a monster!"

I chuckled at the insults that were going back and forth from the table. The topic turned into why brushing your teeth is important. Then that's why you should wash your hands after the bathroom. I sweatdropped as they continued to bicker. I nudged Shota, who was busy getting the chicken of its bone. But he dropped what he was doing and glanced at me with a grunt.

"Do you know any way to tire Hizashi out?" I glanced back at the shouting blond, "The neighbors are definitely going to complain about the noise to me tomorrow." My eyes landed on the grandfather clock, "It's around 1 o'clock in the morning..."

The tired male hummed, too tired to respond since he didn't have his fair share of laps today. I chuckled as his eyelids drooped down, ready to fall straight to sleep. But I could tell that Shota wanted to stay awake. Especially when he felt a pair of unwelcoming eyes on me. To be honest, it was on me the whole time during dinner. But I just brushed it off.

"I'm fine."

He sighed as he refocused his attention back to the half-eaten chicken leg on his plate. I watched as Hizashi got sleepier and sleepier, up to the point when he could just jump into slumber if he wanted to. Meanwhile, everyone was getting tired, ready to head straight to bed. Merikh was the only one who looked happy and energetic, unlike the others.

"Mom. Dad. I'm going to head to bed." Hitoshi stated as he pushed himself off the chair, "Night sis."

I hummed at him as he walked past me. Mumbling 'good night' to him. My parents followed Hitoshi in a suit, wanting to meet the pillow. Bidding is good nights as they went. Hizashi and Nerumi then got up, also ready to hit the sheets. I waved at the tired figures that walked up the stairs with droopy eyes.

Then I glanced back at the table. The three males sat at the table, two of them were trying to stay awake as long as possible. I sighed as I stood up, grabbing my and Shota's plates.

"Asher could you-"

"I'll do it. You two could go to sleep. Looks like your going to faint any minute from exhaustion." Merikh smirked as he picked up a few plates, "Me and [Y/N] could handle this by ourselves-"

"I'll help too. After all, I should clean up my own mess." Shota states as he took the plates in my hands, "You guys should probably go rest on the couch."

"I'll help."

A few minutes later Asher and Merikh were on a competition on who could clean the most dishes. Shota being the tired male he is just sat back after he finished cleaning the table. He plopped next to me on the couch. Leaning his head on my shoulders as he yawned quietly. Out of nowhere, he started speaking.

"You love me, right [Y/N]?"

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