Sweet Mistake...| KTH ✓

By tanniesmae

35.7K 3.9K 7.4K

Finally our lips parted but he was still holding my face, ❝I didn't even imagine, my first kiss will be with... More

1. Nightmare!
2. My Fantasy!
3. Turning back
4. Thank you
5. Accident
6. Stay with Us..
7. We are just FRIENDS!
8. One Good Day
9. Surprise!!!
10. The Truth..
11. Story
12. My Moon..
13. I heard it all!
14. Stuck with you
15. My Euphoria
16. Souvenir
17. Get Together Party
18. I'm back!!!
19. Are you scared?
20. I want her!
21. Your lips..
22. An offer
23. Help me..
24. Disappear
25. Without you...
26. The Box
28. It's Him!!!
29. Breakup..
30. That's me!
31. Will you marry me?
32. It's a trick
33. Promise!
34. The Kiss
35. I hate you!
36. Fade away
37. I know
38. My Moonlight
39. One LAST time
EPILOGUE - The conclusion

27. Fire!!!!

576 61 226
By tanniesmae


Standing alone
in the darkness
with broken wings
Waiting for mere gleam..

Is it a lie?
Even if it is,
Wish I could change it.

Is it an oath?
I can wait till eternity
Wish I could bear it.

If it is for you
I would fight with evil
But to find out, you are the one?
Tell me, it's a lie
Even though it's the truth,
I don't want to believe it.


"Just tell me the name and forget about your problem!" "You wanna know why?" "You know nothing.."

I started to realize every word said by Tae, meant something!

"Is Tae, really a mafia? Does he has criminal background like that lady told?" Unknowingly tears formed, my whole body went numb seeing the gun.

My heart was not ready to accept all these but the reality what my eyes were showing, couldn't be either denied. In the war between my mind and my heart, the feelings were sacrificing their lives.

"Did he really love me?" I questioned myself. I closed my eyes and savored the moment when he confessed me. I know he really meant it. But he also added this, "I'm scared that I'll lose you. But one day, I'll be able to say this in front of everyone."

Did he conclude, if I get to know about his reality, I won't Love him back? Is he bound to some other commitments, that he cannot make our relationship official? This is why, he kept his identity hidden?

Did I love a criminal?

NO! I loved his pure soul.. I still Love him. But....

"Coo Coo, why are you in Tae's room? Are you ready to go home?" I heard the knock.

I flinched for a moment, I calmed down my heartbeat by patting my chest. "Huh"

I wiped my tears and I put the gun inside the box and locked it. I hid the key under bed, super quick. And yeah! How can I forget the box? I kept it back to where it was prior.

I opened the door, "Yes! I'm ready.. But I will go in taxi!"


"I'm home, Mom." I bawled, coming inside.

"Yoomi....?" She happily came and embraced me. I wrapped my arms around for a warm hug.

"I missed you so much, Yoomi!"

"I know, you missed scolding me." I said, while pulling away from the hug.

She stroked my head lightly, "Yeah, how was your exams?" She asked.

"Mom...! Will you let me breathe for a second?"

She saw my face, "Why are you so pale? What happened?" She asked holding my face.

"No-nothing Mom... I'm stressed because of exams." I said escaping from her hands. I knew, if I stay any longer like that, I'll cry again.

"Poor you... Go and freshen up. I'll make something for you." She tousled my head.


Dad came home early in the evening.

"Dad!" I ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Yoomi... How are you?" He patted my head fondly.

"I'm.. I'm f..fine .." I stuttered.

"I missed you so much, child. Without you, our house looked so nil."

"I missed you both... By the way, why are you so early today?" I asked.

"Oh my! I totally forgot!" He shook his head.

"What happened?" I puzzled.

"Yoomi, it's something important. It's really good, you are here." He looked around, "Honey, are you ready?" He called Mom.

"Are you both going somewhere?" I asked.

"Yes, now you are too joining us. Go and get ready." He turned a bit away, "Umm.. let me book extra appointment." He took his phone out and called somebody.

"Hello, yes. Hand the call to Mr. Yoongi." He spoke.

"Did I hear Yoongi? Why would Dad call Yoongi to book appointments? Aren't we going any kinda shows? Why would Yoongi do these silly things? No! This is not silly thing. Something on it's way..." I puzzled inside my mind.

"Yeah, sure. Thank you." Dad ended the call with a wide smile.

"Dad? What's the plan?"

"We have to meet somebody. Especially you should meet." His words were indistinct.


Dad started the car. I sat with Dad, in the front. Mom sat behind.

"So where are we going? Where that person will meet us?" I asked.


"To where-- HOSPITAL!!???" I perplexed.

"Why are you scared?" My Dad asked.

"I don't like hospital.. You know that!" I pouted.

"That's why I did not mention it earlier." He smiled.

"This is bad..!" I crossed my arms and looked outside.

"Jin called me and told me about your health."

"Ahh.. That monkey!!!!..." I thought. "So you lied me? There is no one we are meeting?" I asked him.

"No no.. We are! You will know once you see her!" Dad said turning the car in front of the hospital. "Get down. I'll park the car and join." He said.

My legs were not ready to enter the hospital. Again the huge logo of the hospital made me uncomfortable. "K&K Multispeciality Hospital & Medical Research Institution." It reminded me of some of my old incidents. More than that, it reminded me of the school. Especially Tae.

"Let's go in." Dad spoke from behind.

"O..oka..ay.." I mumbled.

We entered in.

"Let me recheck the appointment timings. We have two appointments." Dad said and approached the reception. We followed him.

"How can I help?"
I saw Namjoon at the counter.

"Hey.. Hello.." I smiled.

"Hello Yoomi..." He greeted.

"You know him?" My Dad asked.

"Yes. Our senior in my old school." I said.

"Nice to know that you work here." Dad smiled at him, "Can you check the timings of our appointments please?"

"Sure, sir. Your name please."

"Jung In Soo."

Namjoon checked the timings in the screen and clicked something. He gave some receipt.

"Now the doctor isn't available. So now you can see the patient in the special ward." He checked his watch, "Umm, your appointment at the doctors' will be at 8 pm." He smiled politely.

"Thank you." Dad too smiled.

I sighed for little bit. At least my appointment at the doctor was delayed a bit. And also I was curious about who was that person we are meeting.

We took the elevator. The hospital was so big, it took us more than 10 minutes to search and reach the special ward. It was on the top floor. I saw securities and guards in front of the room. As we moved closer I saw Yoongi standing near the security.

"Yoongi??!! He was outstation, isn't it? Did he return? If did, why didn't Nany show up on exams? Where is Jungkook? He too didn't appear.. What's happening?" I was thinking so hard that I didn't notice, I was staring at Yoongi for long.

"Hello, Mr & Mrs. Jung In." Yoongi greeted and switched his glance. "Hello, Yoomi. Hope you are doing well." He smiled.

"No I am not!! My life is becoming mess!" - No no I didn't say it loud. I was internally screaming at Yoongi.

I just barely smiled at his question. While securities checked us thoroughly and let us in.

As the name says, the ward was special and luxurious. It was like home. So comfortable. The patient who we wanted to meet, was lying in the bed. Rested her back to the bed wall. The nurse was standing beside her. She saw us coming towards her and made gestures to the nurse to leave. She smiled at us.

As soon as I saw her face, my heart started to pump faster and my memories raced back to my childhood when I was 9.

"Is.. is she still alive???????!!!!!" My eyes widened.

8 years ago...

"Dad, this speech is so boring.. Let's go home. I'm sleepy." I groaned.

"Yoomi.. Don't say that. He is our CEO." Dad convinced me to stay for some more time.

"Please don't take me to your office parties next time.." I crossed my hands with grumpy face.

"I'm sorry, Yoomi.. It's a family themed party. So I took you with me, as your Mom was busy." Dad fondly apologized.

"Hmmm.. Dad I need to use washroom."

"Go straight and take left. Come soon." He directed.

I went to washroom. But while returning, there was a loud siren and people were gushing everywhere with fear. In no time the smoke filled everywhere. People were screaming "Run run.. Fire!!!!"

I bewildered by the moment and started to run despite of directions with the people around me. I lost my sandals and I was running barefoot. I fell down twice in the rush. But I didn't back up and sneaked. I didn't know where I ran, but found a room where smoke was thickly spreading. I heard the scream from inside. But the door was locked from outside. I opened it, the room was a bit dark and crummy. I could barely see anything, because of smoke.

"Hello..." I shouted.

There was no response.

"Shit! There's no one.. I need to escape from here before I die..." I vexed and turned back. But I stepped on something. As I was barefoot, It did hurt a bit. "Ouchh!" I saw down and picked. It was a ring. I slid it inside my pocket and thought, "There is somebody stuck in here."

I searched the room even though it was dangerous to do so. I saw a woman and a girl who were fell on the floor. The woman was barely conscious saw me approaching, she flexed her hand towards me, helplessly. She was already wheezing and soon she fell unconscious. And that girl was already lost her conscious. I tried to wake her up, but it was of no use. The other part of room was burning and now the room is completely filled with smoke..

There was no time to waste or to think. I ran outside. There was no one, everybody on the floor were already left. I shouted, "Somebody help!!!" I was crying loudly.

I saw somebody a bit ahead. Yes it was my Dad. He was with somebody, and was searching for me. He rushed towards me and lifted me, but I shouted again, "Dad wait... I found a woman and a girl in that room. Please save them!" I directed my finger.

"What...!?" He baffled let me down and saw that person who was with him, "Come on, let's go."

They both ran inside. Dad came out, lifting that woman. And that person lifted that girl.

"Yoomi.. Run with me.." Dad exclaimed.

We rushed outside and finally reached the safer side. The fire engine guards were helped us to come outside the office.

My Dad saw the face of that woman, he baffled even more.

"Mrs. Kim Sooha!!" Dad switched his glance on the person with him.

"And.. and.. This is her daughter, N-" That person's words were cut off by My Dad.

"This is bad.. Call the ambulance! Quick!" He insisted the guard.

"It's already here. Please come this way." The guard lead our way.

We rushed and got into the ambulance. We admitted them in the hospital.

My knees were bleeding. Dad saw my bleeding knees and took me to first aid room. He got so many calls, he was worried. He picked every calls and explained what had happened. I was watching him while I was getting treated. Finally, I got my treatment done and he came to me.

"Yoomi... I'm proud of you my child. You saved the wife of our CEO, Mr. Kim Jeong."

I just saw him with my blinking eyes.

"Are you still scared? We are safe now. Don't worry." Dad caressed my head.

I sighed, "Let's go home, please."

"Wait Yoomi. We need to stay with Miss and her daughter, until our CEO comes to conscious. He is too admitted in the same hospital."

"Is he too injured?" I asked.

"Yeah, a little bit as compared to Miss. But still, we have to stay beside them." He explained.

"Okay.. Fine..." I pouted.

We waited in the lounge outside the ward. The doctor came outside, we rushed near him. "Sir, how are they?"

"That girl's condition is quite serious. Her body isn't responding to the treatment. She suffocated a lot due to thick smoke... We will shift her to ICU as soon as possible. We will try our best." He paused a bit, "And that lady, is out of danger. Within few minutes, we will shift her to the ward. You can visit her once she gains her conscious." Doctor patted my Dad.

"You stay near ICU. I'll stay beside CEO and Mrs. Sooha." Dad told to that person who helped us saving them.

"Sure. I'll keep update with the news. I hope everything will be fine." He said and went away.

After few minutes, we went in to see, Mrs. Sooha. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Miss, are you alright?" My Dad worried.

"My Princess! My Princess... Where is my Princess?!!" She woke up vexed.

"Miss, calm down. Your daughter is alright. Doctor told that they will discharge her soon. Now please relax.." My Dad lied in-order to calm her.

"Is she's the one who saved me and my Princess?" She pointed at me.

"Yes, this is my daughter." He patted my back.

Somebody entered inside the ward. It was the same person, who was giving speech on the stage, an hour ago. Yes. CEO Kim Jeong.

He was breathing heavily, his hand was still connected to the cannula (IV) which he forcefully plucked it away. He was worried for his wife and his daughter. The guards and nurses held him, he shrugged rashly and rushed towards his wife, "Sooha! Where were you? How did it happened?" He was in the verge of breakdown.

"Honey.. You need to calm down. I'm okay now.. And our Princess is fine too.." She worriedly said seeing him in that condition.

"How did you go to that room?" He asked.

"Somebody tricked me and locked us in that room which was already lit up to fire."

"I should have been even more careful with you.. I'm sorry." He shook his head and sobbed.

"Honey, relax. Look, this little girl saved us!" She pointed towards me.

He knelt down before me, caressed my face. "Thank you so much, child." He embraced me.

My Dad was proudly looking at me.

"Un-uncle.. I got this ring. May be this is your wife's." I showed the ring.

"Let me see." She asked. "Yes! This is my ring."

"I found you because of this ring." I said.

"Keep this with you, as a souvenir." She smiled.

"We will manage this, Mr. Jung In Soo. It's too late now. Thanks for everything. You can leave now." Kim Jeong Shook my Dad's hand.

"But Sir, Doctor is calling you. Please come to the ward." Dad took him out. I too followed him after bowing to Mrs. Sooha.

"Sir, Your daughter is in the ICU. I lied to ma'am as she was so sensitive. Doctors are doing best to treat her. She is hardly responding to the treatment.." Dad's voice was trembling.

"Whaaaat?!! ..." Kim paused, "I'll appoint the best doctors! My Princess will be alright!!!"


Later we reached home. My Mom was waiting for us worriedly. Dad explained everything to her. Mom hugged me and cried. "You are just 9 and look at you! You saved 2 lives." She hugged me even tighter.


In the morning, Dad was worriedly talking on the phone. He was bawling and urgently changed and rushed to the door.

"Dad, what happened? Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Mrs. Sooha .. and .. her.. d-daughter.. is no more!"


Coming to the chapter, here is the extra information

It was Yoongi, who was with Yoomi's father while saving them.
He was in his 20's and newly appointed as one of the member of T.O.P in the company. Where it is to deal with personal affairs of CEO and his family and as well as the company. And it was very confidential work (Just like detective) Yoongi knew every detail about CEO's family and he was loyal to his work and became the senior among 5 T.O.P officials and now the Managing Director. So it's been 8 years since he joined the company. Yoongi knew about Yoomi well from the beginning. He recognized her as soon as he heard her name in the supermarket.

(So are you cleared now, why Yoongi treated Yoomi, special?)


Hello my Tannies 😃
Hope you're doing well 💜

How was the chapter?

I know now it's full of mystery but you will find out soon what's actually happening..

Please give your reviews and don't forget to press that lil' star for me😉

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