She's always kind (Neville X...

By Serenitymoon104

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Neville Longbottom was always considered clumsy, anxious and shy, especially by his grandmother. However, no... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 16

672 24 7
By Serenitymoon104

Scotland - Hogwarts school
Of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Before the Quidditch game incident occured, Harry already had a plan set in motion. Scouting the library once again, it felt much like first year again to (Y/n), staring up at the rows and rows of dark coloured spines. She and Hermione were looking for a rather specific book on potions, one that would guide them on a rather complex potion. "So tell me again why we're needing to make this again?" The honey blonde inquired to the brunette with a raised eyebrow. Hermione sighed and looked across the room to Harry and Ron who were also in a search "Harry is insistent that Malfoy has something to do with Filch's cat and the chamber of secrets, so he's wanting to sneak into the Slytherin common room to ask him some questions."

"But I keep on telling you three that it's not Malfoy, I think doing this will be a mistake" (Y/n) protested as Harry and Ron started to make their way over to the two girls. "Have you found anything yet?" Harry asked as he sat on a desk next to (Y/n). "Yes I found it" the brunette answered as she started to flip through the pages "ah here it is! Polyjuice potion" she exclaimed. (Y/n)'s eyes widened as she started to shake her head nervously at Hermione " no no you can't, that's a huge risk to take 'mione." Harry eyed his friend beside him in confusion. "What's Polyjuice potion?" He asked the brunette in front of him.

"It's a potion brewed specially to allow the drinker to take on the form of another, but itll be tricky, I've never seen a potion this complex" She spoke in a worried tone to her three friends. "How long is it going to take?" Ron spoke up with his arms crossed. "A month" Hermione answered almost wincing. "A month!?" Both of the boys exclaimed quietly in shock. "The creature might've already killed all of the Muggle-borns in the school by then" Ron protested. "I know, but it's the only plan we've got" she replied sadly. (Y/n) sighed, a little in defeat but also with relief since she knew that this little 'heist' wouldn't have be able to happen for another month.

Harry's arm had healed nicely since the game and was now back to full health. Although next came the question of where they were meant to brew the potion. Of course, Hermione had already sorted that part out cunningly. "Again? You mean the chamber of secrets has been opened before?" The brunette inquired to Harry who had recounted the events of the previous night. "Of course! Don't you see? Lucius Malfoy must've opened it while he was at school here! And now he's taught Draco how to do it" Ron spoke with assurance in his voice, still throwing accusations left right and centre.

"Maybe, we'll have to wait for the Polyjuice potion to know for sure" Hermione added as she sprinkled some crushed lacewings into the small cauldron before her. "I still think this is a bad idea yknow, this isn't a very safe potion if it does go wrong" (Y/n) spoke looking up from the book Hagrid had given her last year which she was reading for the fourth time. "Well what choice do we have? It's either this or Hermione gets attacked" Harry spoke harshly.

(Y/n) wanted to get up then and there to leave this unnecessary wild goose chase that she wanted nothing to do with. But she remained, staying loyal to her friends knowing that she couldn't just abandon them. "Remind me again why we're doing this in broad daylight and not to mention in the girls bathroom" Ron asked rather sarcastically. "Please, no one ever comes in here" Hermion replied, adding more ingredients to the softly bubbling concoction in front of her. "Why?" the ginger asked confused, "Moaning Myrtle" the brunette simply stated.

(Y/n) began to grin as she saw Myrtle gracefully float out of one of the toilets behind Ron. "Who's that?" Ron asked oblivious to the ash grey girl with pigtails hanging from her head that floated just above the floor behind him. "I'm Moaning Myrtle!" She semi yelled in his ear, making him jump a little. (Y/n) had met Myrtle in her first year, a little before summer exams, it was Myrtle who (Y/n) often spoke to when everyone else was busy. The ravenclaw ghost was rather fond of the second year Gryffindor, describing her as kind and understanding, unlike some people with their horrid comments about the whining phantom.

She spoke to the group for a little bit before getting offended by Ron and resided back to one of the toilets with an almighty splash. "She's a little sensitive" Hermione added, "No, she's just misunderstood" (Y/n) pointed out, sticking up for her rather unusual friend. Later that afternoon, students gathered in the Great hall where the tables had been moved and instead held a long stage in the centre of the room where Professor Lockhart stood with his rather obnoxious grin. "Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Good, now as I'm sure you're all quite aware of the occurances happening within Hogwarts recently" he spoke gleefully as Professor Snape stood at the other end of the stage, rolling his eyes at his fellow professor.

"As such, Professor Dumbledor has given me permission to start up a duelling club, to prepare you and arm you with offensive and defensive spell against any attacker you may find yourself face to face with" he strolled up and down the stages as some delusional girl swooned and sighed at him. He began to pull off his cloak and winked as he threw it into the crowd of girls who leaped up to grab it eagerly. "Now, let me introduce you to my assistant, Professor Snape, who has graciously agreed to help me teach you all" Snape sauntered up onto the stage in a rather mysterious manner, but not at all with vanity.

They began their demonstration which ended up with Lockhart falling on his butt facing the other way earning a few giggle from the students, including (Y/n), Harry and Ron. All of a sudden Harry and Ron were being called upon to stand up on the stage, however were abruptly stopped by Professor Snape, "Mr Weasley's wand causes devastation wherever it is used, might I suggest a student from my house? Malfoy?" And just like that, Harry was up on stage with Draco, they bowed to eachother before pointing their wands to the ceiling in front of their faces. They turned around before taking ten paces outwards and turned inwards once again. "Now on the count of three, I want you to cast your spells to disarm your opponent, only!"

Without hesitation, Draco yelled out a spell that definitely wasn't a disarming charm, causing Harry to do a somersault backwards and fall on his back. But soon enough the raven haired boy was back on his feet which seemed to wipe the smug look off of Draco's face which was quickly followed by another offensive spell yelled by Harry. Draco twisted in the air before landing harshly on his backside in front of Professor Snape. The blacked haired man looked with disgust as he grabbed the blonde boy to his feet before turning him around and shoving him back in front of Harry. "I said disarm only!" Lockhart reminded them although there seemed to be no point at that stage.

"Serpent Sortia!" Draco yelled causing a green flash to emit from the tip of his wand and suddenly a large snake appeared. Most students gasped in fear and backed away, however (Y/n) just stared in awe of the beautiful creature as she leaned forward towards it. It started hissing at her, trying to snap at her. Stood beside her was Justin Finch-Fletchley, one of her friends from Hufflepuff who she sat with in Herbology. He began to tug at her sleeve to get her to back away but she wasn't budging. "Don't move Potter, I'll get rid of it for you" Snape's voice brought the girl our of her trance before it was once again interrupted by Professor Lockhart.

"Allow me Professor Snape, Alarte Ascendre!" The snake was flung at least 12 feet high before it landed back down onto the stage completely unharmed. The snake resumed it's slow movement and hissing towards (Y/n) when all of a sudden, Harry started uttering out words that definitely weren't of the English language. The reptile turned its head towards Harry before turning back to the girl, looking like it was about to pounce at her but Harry continued to speak to it almost as if he was egging it on. Justin pulled (Y/n) back away from the snake before turning to Harry "What're you playing at?!" He asked in disbelief.

All of a sudden, the snake began to disintegrate into nothing but ashes, Professor Snape had gotten rid of the reptile. That still didn't distract all the students that were now all staring at harry in either shock or disgust. Not (Y/n), the only person in the room that was more interested in the remains of the snake, she didn't cry, but she wasn't happy either that it was dead. Harry stormed past Professor Lockhart and flounced out of the room. Hermione ran after Harry while Ron dragged (Y/n) along to follow them back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Why didn't you tell us mate?" Ron asked when the four of them had made it back to the common room, "Tell you what?" Harry asked exasperated. "You're a parselmouth!" (Y/n) chimed in. "A what?" Harry looked confused, "Someone who can talk to snakes" Ron explained. "Well most people talk to snakes can't they?" Harry was now sitting on an armchair in front of his three friends. "No, they can't. It's not a very common gift Harry" Hermione added. "Well isn't that a good thing?" He continued to question "No it's bad, it's going to make people think that you're the one who opened the chamber of secrets" (Y/n) insisted. "Why would anyone think that? If I hadn't told the snake to not attack you" Harry began before Ron intervened.

"Oh that's what you were telling it? From where we were standing it sounded like you were egging it on" "couldn't you hear me?" Harry was getting rather frustrated at this point when everyone shook their heads "you were speaking in parseltongue, the language of snakes" Hermione explained. "I was talking in a different language? How can I speak in a different language without even knowing it?" Harry asked feeling more and more frustrated. "I don't know, but one of the most famous parselmouths out there aside from 'you-know-who' was Salazar Slytherin" Hermione wasn't helping with that comment, and neither was Ron when he added "and now everyone's going to think you're his great great great grandson or something."

"But I'm not! We've got to get into the Slytherin common room, Hermione you need to finish that potion" Harry sighed. "Harry, I still think that the plan will be a big mistake, please just listen to me" (Y/n) begged, but Harry was so irritated, he lashed out "If you're so nervous about it (Y/n) then don't get involved! I didn't want you with us in the first place! Leave us alone!" Hermione and Ron gasped when Harry finished. (Y/n) wasn't really one for crying in arguments, unless they happened within the family. Harry went pale, realising what he had just said before reaching his arm out to attempt to apologise, instead, the small girl in front of him took a step back, avoiding his hand.

She choked a little and cleared her throat, nodded and turned her back on the trio. She began to walk out of the common room as she heard Hermione begin to scold Harry and footsteps walk towards her. She had stepped out of the fat lady's painting before she came face to face with Ron who had dashed after her. The ginger said nothing but hugged the small Gryffindor, knowing full well she was hurting badly inside, to which she returned sighing. He stood back from her and was about to speak when all of a sudden, Fred and George came running down the stairs; they were definitely on the run from filch again.

Seeing (Y/n)'s lack of cheerfulness and energy, they knew right away something was wrong. Fred turned to look at Ron as if he were accusing him of breaking their friend. Ron held his hands up in front of him "it wasn't me, I promise you, anyway, I'll see you later (Y/n)" he patted her on the shoulder before going back through the painting. She gave the twins a fake smile which they weren't entirely fooled by, instead George picked her up and placed her on his back "You don't have to tell us anything, just say where you need to be, and we'll take you there 'm'lady' "

She sighed before beginning to smile properly and said "I left my bag in the hall, can we get it before I go to study period?" No sooner had the words left her mouth had George began to sprint down the stairs and down the corridor. Eventually, the trio had retrieved (Y/n)'s bag and had made their way to a classroom on the ground floor. She was gently lowered to the ground whilst in fits of giggles and grinning from ear to ear, the ginger twins knew full well how to get a smile from the small girl. She thanked and hugged them both before making her way into the room and going to sit with Ginny.

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