The Nerd and The Bully

By l_michelle11

391K 7.7K 1.6K

Ashton Scott, regular bully and quarterback of the football team. Everyone bows down to him. But he has his t... More

001. Back To School
002. Meeting Ashton Scott
003. Chloe And Comments
004. Friends?
005. Hangouts and Confusion
006. Project Partners
007. Apology
008. Feelings
009. Before the Meeting
010. First Kiss
011. Baby Girl
012. Alice
013. Sister Fight
014. Hanging w/ Chase
015. Truth Hurts
016. I Love You
017. Shy
018. Trust
019. Football Game
020. Partayy
021. Hurt
022. Be Mine...?
023. #grashton
024. Cake Pops
025. Stressed
026. Hideout
028. Creep
028. Meeting the Parents
029. Toxicity
030. First Time
031. All Good
031. Good Day
033. No...
034. The Truth Comes Out
035. Explore w/ Me
036. Our Future
037. Queen Bee Faceoff
038. The Night is Ours
039. Visiting Gwen
040. Hah
041. Celebration
042. Summer
043. Sleepover Gone Wrong
044. Hospital and Regret
045. Walks By The Lake
047. Party Prepping
048. Day w/ Chlo
049. A Lot of Things
050. Tragedy
051. Senior Year
052. Grumplestilskin
053. Addiction
054. Back Together
055. What I've Been Missing
056. Birthday
057. Missing Mama
058. Christmas
059. Graduation
060. Epilogue

046. Fixing

2.4K 60 4
By l_michelle11

~ Gracia's POV ~

It's been two weeks since summer. Still haven't spoken to Serena. We're just avoiding each other at this point. Anyways, enough about her. I'm spending my day with Chase. He called yesterday complaining about how we don't spend time with each other anymore.

He said we were going to a cafe he loves going to. I love cafes so I couldn't past that up. It's about 2:30pm and he's picking me up at approximately 2:50pm, as he told me. I sighed and got up, looking to see what I can wear.

(^^^ Gracia's outfit ^^^)

After getting dressed, I walked downstairs so I could be here when Chase comes. Soon, there's honking. Little footsteps come downstairs and a small figure hugs my legs. "Are you leaving?" She asks.

"I'm hanging with Chase for a bit." I tell her.

She pokes out her bottom lip in a pout. "Can I go?" She asks. "Please, Auntie Gigi, please?"

I chuckle. "Let's ask Chase when he gets in, huh?" I say and she smiles and nods.

Chase just opens the door and smiles. He hugs me and I hug him back. "Hi, Chase!" Chloe waves. She hugs his legs.

"Hey little one." He picks her up. She loves getting picked up and held, that's for sure. "You doing alright?" He asks her.

"Yes." She says. "Can I hang with you and Auntie Gigi too?" She asks. She pouts her lips out like she did with me.

He kisses her cheek. "Not today, Coco but I'll bring you candy and a toy." He says.

She smiles. "Ok! Have fun." She says. I hug her one last time and Chase and I walk out.

We drove to the cafe I had went to a couple of weeks ago with Gwen. I had already ate before I left so I just ordered and cold lemonade. "So, how have you been?" Chase asks, taking a bite out of his ham and cheese melt.

I drink my lemonade. "I've been good. Spending time with Ash and my family." I reply.

He nods. "That's what's up." He says. "Have you, by any chance, spoken to Rena?"

I sigh. "No. Why should I? She's hurt me." I tell him. What I'm saying might sound selfish but Serena and I have been best friends literally for months. What hurts is that she accused me of being a fake friend.

He sighs. "Friends have their arguments. Just like couples. But you shouldn't let it come in between your friendship." He says. "Look, she's really sorry. She is and she wants to talk to you."

I sigh. I think about it. Should I talk to her? Kind of figure things out? I finally make a decision. I don't even know how I feel about it. "Ok, I'll talk to her." I tell him. "It has been a bit boring without her, I must admit."

"Great." He says. "Because she's already here." He says. What is he talking about?

Before I could respond, the cafe door opens and Serena comes in. She looks... sad. I don't see the joy I used to see in her. Our fight must've hit her harder than it did me. Chase stands.

"I'll give you guys your time to talk." He says and walks away.

It's really awkward. It's only a few seconds before I decide to talk. "Hey, Rena." I say.

"Hi, CiCi." She says. "How are you? Are you alright?" She asks.

"Yes, I'm fine." I reply. "Thanks for asking. How about you? How are you doing?"

"I'm okay, I guess." She replies but so melancholic. I hope everything is okay.

"Serena." I gently take her hands in mine. "Whatever happened, it happened. Don't be sad. It's okay." I tell her.

She shakes her head. "No it isn't." She whispers. "Everybody blames me for what happened. I blame me. I shouldn't have lashed out." By now, tears are falling down her cheeks. "I shouldn't have said those things."

"It wasn't your fault." I tell her. "I have asthma, and it gets flared during this season. I was being careless that week and not taking care of myself like how I should've been doing. That had nothing to do with you." I say.

She sniffs. "Still doesn't make me feel less guilty." She says. "I think AJ is gonna break up with me." She says quietly.

I gasp. "He wouldn't. Why do you think that?" I ask her.

"The day he drove me home, he snapped at me. I knew I deserved it but it wasn't like a scolding type way. He was low key blaming me too." She says. "He won't talk to me. At all."

"Have you tried calling him?" I ask her.

She nods. "Plenty of times." She says. "I'm so fucked up." She says with a chuckle.

"No you're not." I tell her.

"Yes I am." She nods. "I fucked up my friendship with you, Gwen and Ash. Fucked up my relationship. I'm so sorry."

I stand up. "Come here, Rena." She stands up. I hug her. I feel so terrible that she's been through that. I pull away. "I'll talk to everybody." I tell her.

"Ok." She says. Her phone rings and she picks up. "It's my brother, I have to go." She hugs me one last time. "I'm truly sorry." She whispers.

She pulls away and walks out of the cafe. I feel so horrible. She shouldn't feel like that. No one should feel like that. Chase walks up to me. "Is everything okay?" He asks.

"Could you drive me to AJ's house?" I ask. He nods slowly. "Good. Let's go."

To my wish, Chase drove me to AJ's house. I've never been to his house before. I knock on his door and a lady opens the door. Probably his mom. "Hello, Chase." She says.

"How are you, Mrs. Ballinger? Is AJ here?" He asks.

"He's upstairs." She says. "Who is this girl?" She points at me.

"I'm his friend, CiCi." I tell her. "Nice to meet you." I say.

"Nice to meet you too, sweetheart. You guys come on in." She says. We walk in and she offered us water but we both politely declined.

We then walk upstairs into AJ's room. He was sitting on his bed, playing video games. He looks over at us and I wave. He smiles. "Hold up, Noah, I'll be right back." He says. He takes his headset off and walked over to us. "What are you guys doing here?" He asks. He leans down to hug me and I hug him back.

"I needed to talk with you about Serena." I tell him. I look at Chase and he took that as his cue to leave.

"What about her?" He asks.

"She's miserable, AJ. As her boyfriend, you should be there for her." I say. "Listen, we all know what she's said wasn't okay but I forgave her. Could you forgive her too?" I ask him.

He sighs. "I love her but she hasn't been the same. Something's going on with her and she won't talk with me about it." He says.

"I know but she might wanna tell you." I tell him. "Call her and hold her tight. Let her know that you got her, no matter what. Okay?" I tell him.

He sighs and nods. "Okay." He leans down to hug me again. "Thank you, CiCi."

"I love you both and your relationship. I don't wanna see it end." I say.

"I love you too, sis." He says. "I'll call her today."

"Great." I say. "I'll see you two tomorrow. Ash is throwing a party at his house." I tell him.

"For what?" He asks with a chuckle. "Oh, it's his turn to throw a summer party."

I shrug. "You're gonna help us?" I ask him.

"Maybe." He says and I chuckle.

I'm glad I was able to help my friend's relationship. Hopefully, it stays this way.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay tuned for the next chapter! Comment your thoughts and vote! Thanks for reading!

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