My Little Sisters Wedding

By Mazcat626

138K 4.9K 110

Weddings can bring out the worst in the best of us. Cameron is a 26 year old police officer who can't seem to... More

Chapter One - Drunken Hen
Chapter Two - Caution Sign
Chapter Three - Father Drama
Chapter Four - Vodka Ride
Chapter Five - Foul Play
Chapter Six - Composure
Chapter Seven - Work Mates
Chapter Eight - Guns Blazing
Chapter Nine - You Again
Chapter 10 - Suspended
Chapter 11 - A List Of Problems
Chapter 12 - Poison Ivy
Chapter 13 - Dirty Flirty
Chapter 14 - Problem Solver
Chapter 15 - Beautiful
Chapter 16 - Just Everything
Chapter 17 - Rehearsal Dinner
Chapter 19 - Crying Emotions
Chapter 20 - Pre-Wedding Jitters
Chapter 21 - Game Plan
Chapter 22 - Final Countdown
Chapter 23 - The Wedding
Chapter 24 - Reception
Chapter 25 - Tears and Confessions
Chapter 26 - Speeches
Chapter 27 - First Dance
Chapter 28 - Truth Hurts
Chapter 29 - Tears Stream
Chapter 30 - The Babies
Chapter 31 - Tea and Coffee
Chapter 32 - Pissing and Kissing
Chapter 33 - Inappropriate
Chapter 34 - The Talk
Chapter 35 - Awkward Kisses
Chapter 36 - Butterfly Kisses
Chapter 37 - Sparkly Lights
Chapter 38 - Sex and Magic
Chapter 39 - Morning Surprise
Chapter 40 - Mothers Day

Chapter 18 - Pick Up Lines

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By Mazcat626

The rehearsal dinner cleared quickly after the formalities had finished and I was left packing away pre-wedding gifts from the close family and friends. I've never heard of pre-wedding gifts but then again I've never been fully invested into a wedding like I have been in this one. 

"Thanks Jonah, I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I waved good bye to the caterer. 

"Are you okay to walk home alone? I can give you a ride. Its getting pretty late." Jonah said quietly.

"No, I'm okay thank you. Its just two minutes away." I replied while I started to make my way to the open road. 

"Okay. See you tomorrow." He drove off quietly in his van.

The sun had started to set and there was a slight chill in the air but I didn't care, this was the perfect walking weather. Now, I just hope the weather holds up for Caz's wedding tomorrow as the reception is going to be held in a huge marquee looking out to the sea. I cannot believe that Caz is getting married tomorrow. It felt like just yesterday she came home crying because a boy called her fat. I had gone to his house and gave him him a good beating; I got in trouble but it was worth it. From that day forward no one messed with my little sister.

I was too busy smiling to myself when someone grabbed my arm. I instantly went into self defence mode. I grabbed the persons hand and stepped to the side before bending over and flipping the person over using my hip. My adrenaline was pumping and I knew I was in no serious danger, thats what my police training was for. Once the person was on the ground, I grabbed the persons throat before I froze at who I had my knee on. 

"Jack! What the fuck!" I screamed. My adrenaline was still pumping but I was nervous. 

"Holy-s-shit-b-balls! You're-ch-choking-m-m-me." He managed to squeeze out. I released my grip on his throat and lifted my knee from his chest. I knelt next to him trying to steady my heart rate. I could've killed him.

"What were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking that you would need someone to wa-" He started coughing and gripping at his throat. "To walk you home. I thought you would need my protection. Boy was I wrong." He sat up looking amused.

"What are you smiling about? I could've killed you! Why would you grab someone like that when its getting dark?" I asked angrily.

"I told you I would walk you home and I always keep my promises." He said smiling at me. This kid is something else! "You know for a girl your really quick and strong! I didn't realise what had happened untill I looked up to see your angry eyes glaring down at me. It was kind of sexy." I stared at him incredulously. This boy needed his head examined! I don't think he understands that I was going in for the kill. I don't care if it was a woman or a man, if someone creeps up on me and grabs me, they would be dead. I stood up and walked way. What a bloody drongo!

"Wait! Where are you going?" He caught up with me and grabbed my arm again. This kid deffinately had a death wish. I stopped and stared down at his hand and then back at him. 

"Get your hand off my arm, now." He quickly removed his hand.

"Okay, sorry. Where are you going?"

"HOME!" I squealed angrily.

"Wait, look I'm sorry. I just really think we should get to know eachother better, considering you want to use handcuffs on me." He grinned while looking down at me.

"Shut up! Gosh, you seemed so normal back at the hospital."

"I'm a professional, so I have to act normal at work." We started walking up the long street in silence. "So, I was thinking about all the other times that we've met and do you know we haven't actually met formally."

"Okay." I stated simply.

"So," He turned his back to me then turned back around to face me. He had a huge smile and the sunset hit his face perfectly which made him look like some kind of Greek God. "Hi, my name is Jack Thompson and may I just ask, are you religious? 'cause your the answers to all my prayers." 

I started laughing. Not a pretty white girl laugh, it was a 'die ugly' laugh. I couldn't help it, I've never heard that line before. 

"You did not just use that line! Oh my goodness! Are you high?"

"Well it made you laugh, so can I have your name?" He said holding out his hand for a handshake. I composed myself and reached out my hand.

"My name is Cameron Henderson, its a pleasure to meet you."

"Well Cameron, its a pleasure to meet such a beautiful girl like you. Hey, do you have a map?" He looked at me seriously. Why did he think I had a map? Do I look like Dora the explorer? 

"No. Why?" I asked incredulously.

"Because I keep getting lost in your eyes." He stated smirking down at me. My eyes widen and I couldn't help but laugh ugly again. "You have a beautiful laugh. Your face scrunches together and you look like your in pain."

"Man, those lines though! Do you get any where with those lines?"

"Well, can I follow you home? 'Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams." I laughed and he just grinned. "Seriously though, they don't actually work, although I met this girl in Canada and used the line,'You're so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line.' Lets just say the night ended well for me...and her."

"She really fell for that line?"

"Well, that line and the fact I look like this." He pointed to himself and I scoffed. 

"Yeah thats the reason." I said dryly.

"Okay then, miss fancy pants! Whats your best line?" 

"Okay," I stopped walking and faced him. "Did you know that most people like to watch the Olympics, because they only happen once every 4 years, but I'd rather talk to you cause the chance of meeting someone so special only happens once in a lifetime." I said seriously as I looked him straight in the eye, a smile spread wide across my face as I turned to walk away. He stood in the same spot for a few seconds before speed walking to catch up with me. 

"Okay, that was good. I have another one. If I were a stop light, I'd turn red everytime you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer." 

"Smooth. Okay, how about this one? For a moment I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Now I see that I am very much alive, and heaven has been brought to me."

He laughed and I could've sworn he was starting to blush. He was quiet for a moment before he started to say another pick up line. "If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand."

"Oooooh bring out the deep emotional ones now are we? Okay, how about this one. If I were a cat I'd spend all 9 lives with you." We both started laughing hysterically. It was nice to hear him laugh. His laugh wasn't a deep manly laugh, it almost seemed quiet feminine. We stopped laughing when headlights were beaming straight at us. Daniels truck pulled up next to us and he looked at both of us seriously.

"Jack! I was wondering where you had gotten too." He seemed angry which was completely out of character. Daniel is relaxed and super chilled so seeing him angry was weird.

"Hey Daniel, is everything alright? You seem angry." I asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Hop in. I'll take you the rest of the way home. Jack can ride in the back." He said pointedly as he stared at Jack. Jack was awfully quiet and kept his head down. Theres something going on between the two of them, I can tell. 

I hopped in the passenger seat and watched as Jack climbed in the back. Then I remembered the rings. "Have you found the rings?!" I asked panicked.

"Ah shit! Yeah I found them in my bag. Its at my place. Thats the reason I came looking for you. I'll just pop in quickly." Within two minutes we were back at the boys house, which was actually Ethan's house and Daniel hopped out quickly. Mum and Dad's house was only a few houses down so I got out too. I had noticed that Jack was still sitting in the back, he looked deep in thought and I couldn't help but stare. His olive complexion told me he liked to be outside in the sun alot and his musles told me to grab one and have feel. Man! I need to get laid and soon.

"Jack, you can go inside now." Daniels voice interrupted my dirty thoughts and I stood staring at Jack. He looked up and met eyes with Daniel before he stood up and jumped out of the back. He turned to me and smiled before he walked towards the direction of the house. "Here you go. DONT LOSE THEM!" 

"I. WONT. I promise. I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I started to walk off.

"Wait! I'll walk you home." Daniel said politely.

"Daniel, its five houses down. Nothing is going to happen to me while walking five houses down, just ask Jack." I turned and walked away smiling to myself. I think I might have feelings for Jack. Bloody Hell!

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