Sweet Mistake...| KTH ✓

By tanniesmae

35.6K 3.9K 7.4K

Finally our lips parted but he was still holding my face, ❝I didn't even imagine, my first kiss will be with... More

1. Nightmare!
2. My Fantasy!
3. Turning back
4. Thank you
5. Accident
6. Stay with Us..
7. We are just FRIENDS!
8. One Good Day
9. Surprise!!!
10. The Truth..
11. Story
12. My Moon..
13. I heard it all!
14. Stuck with you
15. My Euphoria
16. Souvenir
17. Get Together Party
18. I'm back!!!
20. I want her!
21. Your lips..
22. An offer
23. Help me..
24. Disappear
25. Without you...
26. The Box
27. Fire!!!!
28. It's Him!!!
29. Breakup..
30. That's me!
31. Will you marry me?
32. It's a trick
33. Promise!
34. The Kiss
35. I hate you!
36. Fade away
37. I know
38. My Moonlight
39. One LAST time
EPILOGUE - The conclusion

19. Are you scared?

717 75 400
By tanniesmae

I didn't dare to see anybody's face while eating. It niggled me in every possible way.

Hobi broke the ice and spoke.
"Congratulations Tae!"

"What? Why?" Tae puzzled.

"For getting admission in the university."

"Ahh.. That.. Ha ha.. Yes. Fortunately!" Tae smiled.

"Your grades are too high.. So you got seat in merit!!" Hobi praised.

"That's a great thing.. Congrats Tae!" Jin exclaimed.

"Thank you guys." Tae was bit shy.

"Hobi.. At least learn something from Tae.. Look at his grades.." Jin spoke looking at Hobi.

"Did Mom call you to say this to me?" Hobi laughed with stuffed mouth.

"You will never change.." Jin laughed.

"Ahh.. Leave my grades now! Let's talk about tomorrow!" Hobi said.

"Yeah! What's the plan?" Tae said.

"We will go together. I'll drive! I'm so excited." Hobi cheered.

"Bee.. Please get ready in time for God's sake. We should not be late for introductory classes." Jin requested me.

"Pardon?" I didn't hear what Jin told.

Jin shook his head, "What's wrong with you? Why are you silent?"

"She is levitating somewhere else. Just leave her alone Jin." Hobi giggled.

Jin was bemused by Hobi's reply.

I looked at Tae, he was already looking at me impishly.

Jin was quick to understand what was happening.
"Ahaa.. I see." He chuckled.


The next day..

"K and K" The logo of college was visible from far ago. It was huge.

There was spacious parking lot, separately built for students.

Hobi parked the car. We four got off from the car. I saw around and perplexed.

"Woah! This institution is ten times larger than our school!" My eyes widened.

"This is just parking lot. There are more things to see inside." Jin tousled my head.

"Yeah. Lets go." Hobi rejoiced.

We entered the gate and showed our ID cards. But the guard bowed to us and entered us in. I puzzled, because he didn't bow to other students.

"Are we that royal?" I laughed on the way.

"It's strange.." Hobi contemplated.

"May be he was just dreaming." Tae responded.
We all giggled.

This was the great experience. Walking into new school with seniors as friends. It felt somewhat different.
As we walked through the entrance, everybody looked at us with eyes widened.

"Where is my class?" I looked around.

"I think it's on the second floor." Jin responded.

"Don't worry. We'll drop you there. Don't get lost in here." Hobi chuckled.

"I miss Ari so much now.." I contemplated and walked with them.

The college interior was more than tremendous.

Hobi rechecked the class room number.
"Yes. This is it, Coo Coo..." Hobi said it outside of the class.

"Call me Yoomi, Hobi! Everybody will tease me or else!" I mumbled.

"We'll see who will dare to tease you!" Jin snapped and held my hand, went inside the class.

"Everybody listen!" Jin caught attention of the whole class.

The messy class turned into pin drop silence in a fraction of second.

"This is my sister. She is new to this school. Treat her well! Nobody's gonna rag her!! You got that?!" Jin commanded.

"Yes, senior!" Everybody agreed in chorus.

"Bro! What are you doing?? I just-"

Jin cut off my words, "Shh! Go and have a seat. We'll pick you after the classes." He insisted.

I did not know, Jin was this classy senior like they show in movies.
Girls were going crazy to see him.
I noticed it while coming in the corridor.

I nodded to Jin and waved at them. And gave a special smile for Tae.

I took a quick glance of the classroom. I did not see Jimin anywhere. He was supposed to be here as per my Dad told. I contemplated.

"Well I don't care." I sat on empty bench at the last row. Everybody was glancing me as if I'm the senior.

"Huh! Now nobody's gonna be friends with me!" I shook my head.

Bell rang and Professor entered the class. "Good morning."

"Morning, sir!" We all said in chorus.

"Well. This is a introductory class. We will start-" Professor's words were cut off by a voice.

"Excuse me, Sir. May I come in?"

Professor glanced him. "Ah! You are new here. Isn't it?"


"Come in. Don't be late from next classes." Professor entered him in.

He came in with the same old careless attitude.
Yes. It was Jimin!

He walked towards my direction and sat beside me.

"Excuse me?!!" I muttered.

He didn't bother to answer me.

I rolled my eyes, "Huh!"


My stomach growled a bit. It was already noon.
"Ah.. I'm hungry! When will this classes get over.." I whined internally.

*Bell rings*

"Finally!" I sighed silently.

Jimin got up and went out of the class even before Professor could go out.
Everybody's jaw dropped seeing his behavior.

"Such a mannerless boy!" I thought and made my way out.

Now the corridor was crowded. I couldn't find any of my brothers. Neither Tae.

I didn't know the direction of cafeteria. I was bit uncomfortable to go alone too.

"Huh.. I should have asked the direction before." I thought. "Should I ask it now, with somebody?"

I looked around. Everybody looked so busy and didn't seem like they will help me.
The crowd slowly faded away and I was still standing in the corridor.

I slowly walked forward, having zero idea where I was going to.

Someone came rushing behind me, held my arms, "Hehe heheh heh.. Noo.. You cannot catch me!"

She was panting and laughing at the same time. And hopping too!

"Aishhh.. Who are you??" I asked perplexed.

She was infront of me, holding my arms, looking behind me.
Someone was chasing her.

She didn't hear what I said. She was lost on her own world.

"Catch her. Don't leave her to escape!" I heard another male voice from behind.

"You can't escape from my hands today!" He was also laughing from my behind trying to catch her.

"Na na na na na na!" She sang and mocked at him.

I was standing like puppet in-between them.

"Will you guys just stop?!" I was loud enough to catch their attention.
"Play somewhere else! I'm already hungry!!!" I rambled.

She finally came to her senses. "I'm.. I'm so sorry.."

"It's okay, excuse me." I shrugged from her clasp.

"See, you even troubled her!" He said looking at her.

"It's okay." I sighed.

"If you are hungry why are you standing here? Awwww waiting for your boyfriend. Huh!?" She chuckled.

"Boyfriend? I don't have one! I'm new to this place and I don't know where is cafeteria." I rambled.

"Don't you have boyfriend?" She shockingly asked.

"Why did I stuck between them? Just why?" I thought to myself and shook my head.

"Is it important now? She is hungry. However we also going to cafeteria." He spoke. "Would you like to join us?" He asked me.

"Y-yyes.. Thank you." I agreed even though I don't wanted to go with them. But I was damn HUNGRY!

We finally reached cafeteria.

"By the way, I'm Nightingale Smith. And this is-"

"Nightingale Smith?!!" I rechecked her name. It reminded me of Ari.

"Yeah.. What's wrong?" She puzzled.

"Ah.. No no.. Nothing." I smiled.

"And this is-"

"I'm Jeon Jungkook." He showed his bunny teeth.

"Oh.. Nice to meet you guys." We three sat on the cafeteria and kept the meals on the table. "I'm Yoomi Soo." I smiled adjusting myself in the chair.

"So you are new here. That means you are 11th? My junior!!" She chuckled.

"No! I'm 12th.. I switched my school." I said.

"Woah! We are all same then! I'm from section B, Commmerce block. I think you are from A. Am I right?" She exclaimed.

"Nany, you talk so much! Let her eat.." Jungkook said stuffing his mouth.

"Yeah. It's okay.. Haha.." I spoke.

"Now you are planning to say my pet name to whole school?" She slapped his arms.

"It's okay.. I don't mind. Nany." I chuckled.
"By the way, why were you chasing her?" I looked at Jungkook.

"Nany stealed my banana milk and emptied it before I could taste it! I was only dreaming to drink it after the classes!!" He made a little pout.

"You know Yoomi, he can even kidnap people for banana milk!" She burst out laughing.

I too laughed with them.

"Yoomi! You are here? I have been searching for you everywhere!"

I turned. It was Tae. My face lit up with glee.

"Tae! I was also searching for you! Where are my so called brothers?!! I was so hungry!! I didn't even know where cafe was! They didn't come to pick me! How can you guys just leave-"

"Yoooomi... Calm down!" Tae held my cheek.
"Now I'm here for you." He twinkled his eyes.

"Ahem ahem!" Nany fake coughed.

I came to my senses.

"Ahh.. Okay.. Come have a seat." I escaped from his hand.

"No no, it's okay. Enjoy with your new friends. I gotta go now." He tousled my head. He quick glanced both of them.

I sighed.

"Yoomi.." I heard Tae's voice again.

"What?" I turned again.

"Are you free this evening?" He asked.

"Of course, I am."

"Okay then. Wait for me near your class. I'll pick you after the classes. We are going somewhere." He leaned towards my ear and said.

"Really? Where?"

"Surprise! May be?" He winked and made his way out.

"You said, you don't have a boyfriend!" Nany exclaimed as soon as he left.

"He.. He is my friend Ta-"

"Tae Hyung. Isn't it?" The proud smirk peeked her lips.

"How do you know??!!" My eyes widened.

"Well.. I'm not new to this school. And he is our senior. A lot of my classmates, friends crush on him!" She chuckled.

"Oh.." I said.

"But he isn't close to any girls! I didn't even see him talking with girls.. That too like this!" She paused. "Look at you! You are new here and he is already close to you???"

"That... I... Hehe.. Umm.." I blabbered.

"Nany.. You are making her uncomfortable... Yoomi. It's okay if he is your friend. I can understand." Jungkook said wiping his hands with tissue.

"Kookie! She is already my friend! She won't feel uncomfortable!"
She saw my face, "Isn't it Yoomi?"

I smiled. "So now you guys are my new friends!"


After lunch break the classes resumed as usual.
Whatever you say, no classes are boring than afternoon classes.
Throughout the class I couldn't concentrate on the subjects.

All I was doing was thinking about Tae!
"What is that surprise? Will he confess? OMG! I can't believe!"
I was chuckling alone.

*Bell rang*

The classes got over. Everybody left. I got up excited and made my way outside.

"Hello... Miss Gorgeous!"
There came a voice from my behind. I turned. It was Jimin.

"I'm Yoomi Soo!" I gave a cold answer.

"Well well.. Would you help me with-" He sniggered, fluttering his lips.

"What do you mean?" I reprimanded.

"I mean, will you come with me?" He sniggered again.

"Can you be more straightforward?"

"You know.. I'm new here. Could you lead my way to administrative office?" He showed some school envelopes.

"Even I'm new here! Ask somebody who knows." I obliged.

"I can help, Mr. Handsome!" A girl entered the class. "Hello, I'm Chrissy." She offered her hand to Jimin.

Jimin leaned close to her face and said, "I don't like easy girls like you. Save your help for other guy!" Jimin retorted and switched his glance on me with an evil smirk on his face.

She angrily kicked the bench and she glared at me. "You will pay for this girl!" She rolled her eyes and went out of the class.

"What the hell.. What did I do?" I thought to myself frowning.
I immediately took out my phone and called Tae, "Come on! Pick up!" I agitated and was tapping my feet apprehensively. He didn't pick.

"Tch tch tch.. Are you scared?" Jimin sneered.

"Just get lost!"

"I like your attitude.." He remarked.

"But I don't like yours!" I thundered.

"Hahahah! Should I change it for you?" He playfully asked.

"Can I help you changing that Mr. Park Jimin?" There came a familiar voice.


[Note: The admission is compulsory for joining the university even though they have studied pre-university in the same institution. Don't get confused. Even Hobi and Jin also got admissions.]

Hi my Tannies 😃 HAPPY YOONGI DAY💜

As I promised, I uploaded the chapter today.

So here we go the ART OF YOONGI~

Yes. Art by me 😌 How's it?

And coming to the chapter,
It's the biggest chapter till now.
I included so many things in this chapter.
I don't know how you will take that.

As so many of them were asking JKs part, I made his entry soon which I was never planned before.

Any guesses, who came to rescue Yoomi at the end?

Forgive all the grammatical errors and typos.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If not I'm sorry💜

Stay blessed and healthy
You all mean world to me💜
LOVE YOU ALL💜❤💖💕💓💝💘💞💟💋

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