
By DC93_15

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She was the baby faced beauty who captured the hearts of everyone. She was the loving angel who had a heart o... More

New job
Lost bracelet
Pet shop
Double Surprise
Intimacy- Part 1
Intimacy- Part 2
Eschewing + Ring
Blue Sea Vs Green Forest
Unruly fondness
Naked Glory
Pillow talk
Under his mercy
Flaming taste
Lick and Flick
Ti amo
Snake Vs Rose
Secret Sweetheart
Unsolved identity
Candlelight dinner
Shattered heart
Bitter truth
Unexpected meeting
Mission of Compadres
Feeling so high
Me & You
Royal wedding
My light
Visit from the past
Bambino's Oma & Opa
Heavenly Realm
Aaron Theodore
My perpetuity


51 4 0
By DC93_15

I didn't realise how tightly I was clutching my dress with my hands until she shook me gently. How can I believe what I have heard? How could it be? Is he really the next in line to the throne?

But he looked so down to the earth and carefree at the good moments I spent with him even for a small time. He didn't even give such a hint to me. But how did I miss about his wealth, palace like residence, the guards with the same uniform,expensive clothes and his extraordinary beauty comparing to the others.

I am really a big fool.Oh God! what am I suppose to do now? I need some fresh air right now. Yes, I need some oxygen right now to relieve the stress I am feeling right now. So I gave a small smile to the girl who was having a puzzled look on her face after seeing my pale face..

Yes if I was another girl, she would have jumped up and down hearing the news as it's not easy to be the pet of the next in line to the throne. But I am not any other girl. I am me, just Sofia.

I need only freedom ,not to be caged in a palace without any contact of living beings. But how can I escape this trap now?

I excused to the girl and moved my legs towards a door which lead to the back garden of the huge house. I have to clear my mind a little no matter what before I face him again. What is he planning to do to me? I know that he doesn't want see me even a little after that incident.

My head is filled with so many unanswered questions. When I opened the door, it led me to a small pathway. So I strolled down the pathway which had decorated with lights ,having no idea where I am going.

But there was no reason for me to panic as I sensed the gentle breeze and the sound of water clattering. It really started calming down my escalating heart beat for a second.

There was a wooden bridge which led to the beautiful river which reflected the New York lights. Truly it was quite a sight to hold. Yes! at least for now I am away from the horrible vampires and the sexy pants.

So I removed the uncomfortable heels I was wearing and placed them on one side of the bridge and sat holding the Barbecue sandwich I brought along with me.

My mind wandered back to the time in orphanage. Why did I grow up so fast? If not, I would have stayed there even for a little while. I thought that coming to new York will open up new doors for me. But look where I have ended up right now.

Even though I was hungry to eat the Sandwiches earlier, I truly lost the appetite to eat it with that thought. I don't know why I am weak and downward about myself this much. But I cannot stop them coming to my mind right now.

Eventually two tear drops which were stuck in my eyes for a long time started cascade down my cheeks. It seems the tears have no plan to stop right now. So I just sat there like a lifeless corpse with tear stained face while looking at the never ending river and the sky filled with countless stars.

I didn't know how long I was crying and sobbing. But clearing of somebody's throat and the question he asked brought me back to the reality.

" Are you ok little belle?"

I instantly turned my head to look at the source of the deep voice. Actually whom do you think stood there with his all glory? not the one you are thinking. But another striking vampire with dark golden silky hair and attractive pair of silver eyes. These creatures are lucky enough to be born with such a beauty even though they are blood suckers. It truly amazes me sometimes.

So the first thought that came to my mind was like.. Is he also a prince somehow? Coz he also carried the same aura like that arrogant jerk. But one thing I noted was his calm composed look even after seeing me, a mere human girl with red swollen eyes.

The worst thing he will do is throwing me to the river after drinking my blood, right? Because I know it's not a big deal to him. Ah! I forgot the ring. He cannot smell my blood now. Yet he can recognize a human and I know it very well. Yet he didn't seem displeased with my presence right now.

Then only I realised that I am still checking him out, immersed in my thoughts of bubble without replying to his question. Suddenly my face became hot after realising my mistake. So I instantly looked down avoiding his silver eyes which were observing me with an amused look on his face.

"Umm.. I am ok. I just wanted to get some fresh air and eat this peacefully."

A small smile appeared on his face and he nodded his head acknowledging my words.

"Glad to see somebody who isn't into these boring parties. That's fine. I also came to get some fresh air. So can I sit here if it's not bothering you?"

How can I be rude to a polite handsome vampire unlike the jerk I came with? So I scooted a little further by providing him enough space to sit next to me.

I don't know why I feel very comfortable with him even though this is the first time I am seeing him. Coz he just feel like an old acquaintance of mine that I am meeting after a long time. That thought looks crazy, isn't it?

"By the way I am Xavier Calascione.. how about you belle?"

"I.. am Sofia Charmeine... it's a pleasure for me to meet you..ummm Mr. Calascione."

He started laughing out loud as soon as I finished the sentence. What's wrong? did I tell something unusual? No! right?

"No need to be formal Sofia.. just Xavier is enough.. otherwise I just feel too old.."

"Umm..ok then.. X..avier..."

"That's good to hear. See it's not bad, right? By the way, if I am not mistaken, you are the new pet of Zion, right?"

How did he know? My jaw dropped halfway hearing the name I was avoiding for quite sometime now. Above all how did he mention it accurately like he knew it all along?

"You know him?" it slipped out of my mouth.

" Yep...I know that jerk since we were in diapers. I am his best friend actually." he grinned like the Cheshire cat.

Oh that explains how he knows about me very well.

"But may I know the reason why you were crying earlier?"

"You heard me crying? Was I too loud?"

"Na Sweety.. my ears are super sensitive. So it's something that I cannot avoid no matter what."

"Oh my...I am really embarrassed right now." I covered my face with utter shame.

He gave a small chuckle and remained silent like he didn't want to embarrass me further.

However I couldn't wait any longer there as it was already 11.40 p.m. Coz that jerk wanted me to be there in the hall at 11.45p.m. So I said my good byes to Xavier and headed back carrying the pair of heels on my left hand while holding the clutch on the right hand. Truly I am happy today. At least I made a friend today even though he is a vampire.

According to Xavier, this may not be the last time I am going to see him. I truly felt happy to meet him again. With a small smile at the corner of my mouth, I came back towards the same door I exited some time ago.

When I went inside, the first thing I wanted to do was drinking some water before searching for the arrogant jerk. So I padded towards the table where I could find water and started gulping down the water in the goblet like a dying animal.

Coz I was too thirsty by now after finishing two barbecue sandwiches. Meanwhile my vigilant eyes zoomed over the hall which has turned into a dance floor. I wanted to find the jerk quickly not wanting to get another scolding. But I couldn't find the certain green eyes I was searching anywhere.

But after few minutes of looking around, my eyes stopped on a certain couple who were grinding to each other while eating their faces like no tomorrow in a dark corner of the far end of the hall. But within few seconds I identified the familiar broad back and the hair. Because that silky black hair and the well built body were hard to miss even amid of a huge crowd.

One of his hands were under her dress through the huge slit while the other hand was gripping her ass cheeks tightly. The blonde we met earlier was clung into him and eating his face like her life depends on him. Meanwhile both of her hands were secured around his neck.

Even though they are shamelessly making out and doing other dirty stuff in front of everyone, nobody seems to care. I mean can't they see it atleast?

Above all, she looks like a hot mess right now. Because my girl instincts told me that she is thoroughly pleased with whatever he is doing to her right now. Because it was clearly visible on her seductive face. At that moment my breath hitched in my throat, seeing the scene which is playing in front of my eyes.

A sudden pain tugged in my heart unlike ever. What is happening? Why am I feeling like this? Is it because of that unlucky first kiss? Or because of the scene is fully explicit to my unfamiliar eyes? I don't know.

However I don't remember the moment when the water goblet slipped out my hand. But within a second or two, it crashed in front of my feet making a huge mess and a sound. It was like a alarm which woke me up from the trance I was in. Then only I registered the weight of my atmosphere.

All the humans and the vampires are focusing on me like I am some kind of an animal.

Specially vampires were having awful looks on their faces . Was the goblet expensive or did I do a terrible mistake? But such mistakes might happen, right? But vampires don't do mistakes like that dear.

Then I saw him turning his head towards the source of the noise. In an instant his furious gaze locked with mine. Actually he looked totally pissed and angry. But why? Is it because that I interrupted their make out session or I broke this expensive goblet?

If looks could kill, then I am already dead with the murderous look on his face right now. However in the next instant his eyes followed down the mess I had created.

Water goblet had shuttered into tiny pieces. Dear lord, what have I done? Without having any second thoughts about anything else, I bent down to clean the mess I created by myself. Because I was totally scarred by the weird attention and the looks on their faces including Zion, the mighty jerk.

However luck wasn't on my side at that moment. Because I cut my palms while picking up the broken pieces. That wasn't the only worst thing happened at that moment. I accidentally stepped into the broken pieces with my bare foot and it created a mini pool of blood on the floor.

And then only I realised the greatest danger I have faced. Because when I looked up, I could see the real monsters hidden in these beautiful vampire faces. Because they were blood shot red sensing the smell of my blood.

It seems I have to go to early grave at the young age. God, what am I suppose to do now? Because they were ready to pounce at me like panthers. I felt so helpless and scared at the moment unlike ever.

But without giving anybody to do harm at my 4.9 frame, somebody covered my self from the front in an instant. Oh! He seems my guardian angel.

"You are safe little belle..."

I really thought that he truly came to protect me leaving her there. But I was wrong all along. Whom are you trying to deceive Sofia?

"Xavier... I.. I.." because of the fear and the helplessness, I couldn't understand what I am supposed to tell him except stammering.

"Shh..shhh.. that's ok." tears started to flow down my face without any control. So I hid my face in his chest to seek some sort of a protection even though I knew he was a vampire and a total stranger I just met today.

" Ple..ase take me.. out.. of this place Xavier...I...I..m so scared."

My voice was barely a small whisper. Because I felt drained and exhausted all of a sudden.

Within few seconds I was out of that horrible place. But my face was still hidden in his chest until his voice speaks to me.

"No one is going to jump at you Belle.. but we have to dress your wounds quickly to stop the bleeding." So I slowly raised my voice and gave a feeble smile to him to indicate that I am ready for that. Because though my feet are injured at the moment it's bearable to the unknown pain I carry in my heart. It seems the physical pain didn't matter to me at that moment.

When I peeked through his side, to my wonder, I saw another three gorgeous vampire men who were standing with a total worry written on their faces. But the wonder is there was no sign of blood thirst on their faces as they weren't having any blood shot eyes.

Are they really vampires? Of course they should be, right? But...why can't I...

"This is George, the doctor and the other two are Arnold and Stuart." My thoughts were halted with the voice of him. So I just nodded to the introduction of Xavier realising they might be close relatives or friends to him.

"Ok love... you shouldn't be standing like this when you are bleeding so badly. So shall we sit on this chair quickly? Then I can clean them up."

The words of George felt so sincere and kind. He truly suits to his career with such a voice and a composed look like that. So I took a seat by letting him to dress my wounds on foot and wipe the blood stains from the scratches on my palms.

Meanwhile other three were observing my face without any single word. They seem to be from wealthy families. It's visible to anybody who sees them without a doubt.

"Why aren't you all affected by my blood like the others?" I was too curious to know that.

"We are trained very well to control our thirst sweetheart, that's why." The guy called Arnold answered it within a heart beat. Oh! now I get it very well.

When he was doing the finishing touch to my wounds, they started paining unlike earlier. It might be due to the disappearance of the numbness after some time. However it didn't take much time for the Mr.Jerk to reached us with a pissed off expression on his face at that moment.

"What did I tell you huh? Why are you being such a pain in the ass? Why did you do the only thing I asked you not to do?"

"Zion, that's enough." I heard the voice of the doctor in the background.

I think my whole demeanour changed into a fury and a rage hearing his insults. Whom he thinks he is?

"Do you think that I wanted to kill myself almost? I am tired of you. I am tired of your egoistical words all the time...I hate you... I"

"What did you just say? Repeat it now."

"I...hate you. Can't you just see at least I am ok first? All you are worrying about is your own reputation. Oh god! what am I suppose to do?"

"You both better stop this right now." I can hear Xavier's voice. But my whole focus was on the jerk who blamed me for no reason.

" Do you think I wanted to come here in the first place? You are the one who dragged me here. Then why are you blaming like I wanted to injure my self purposely? You are really a heartless monster."

I cannot believe that's me. Yes! my bottled up anger was out in that instant without any brakes. And then the tears that had stopped a while ago started to fall down like a waterfall once more. Why am I too weak infront of him? God please help me. I don't want him to see me like this.

I knew that the others were watching our encounter with astonished expressions on their faces. But I didn't care about anything at that moment. So I slowly rose to my feet without thinking about the bandages wrapped on them. I started going down the pathway aimlessly with the idea to avoid the jerk. Actually I couldn't stand his presence any longer.

But I could hear the foot steps coming after me. But I didn't even want to acknowledge whose foot steps they were. May be the jerk or somebody from the small circle who surrounded me earlier.

However I could walk only few steps carrying the small pride I had as a strong pair of hands circled my waist from behind and dragged me back to a hard chest. Without even looking at the face, I could recognise his smell and the familiar touch in that instant.

So I struggled to detach myself from his firm grip. But he didn't let me go easily. Honestly I didn't want him to touch me with his dirty hands. He was touching that blonde with those hands, right?

So I looked at his face with tear filled eyes and gave out my anger, frustration and the helplessness.

"Sofia, you have to listen to me for a second.. I...I just..." I didn't let him finish the sentence.

" I don't want to talk to you right now. Please let me go." I knew that I have created a commotion as I could see the vampires and the girl who was clung into him earlier was observing our grapple, standing in a little distance. But I didn't care about them as I wanted to get rid of his firm grip.

"I said.. let me go...let me go...don't touch me with your dirty hands that touched her. Don't make me hate you more than this. Please..."

Then I felt the grip on my waist loosen. But that was the last thing I remember. Because the world around me started spinning suddenly and my vision blurred with some unclear darkness. The next instance, a complete black out caused me to fall into someone's strong chest.


So how is this chapter? Do you like it?

I know Zion is so bad. But we have to bear with him a little more.

You will see what are his true characteristics sooner or later.

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