Broken But Beautiful

By HisWantedQueen

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|Manik Malhotra| |Nandini Murthy| And their broken pieces. Broken, But Beautiful. (Disclaimer: Anyone who's i... More

Broken But Beautiful
1. Coming Back
2. With a Naked Butt
3. To The Ones Who Knew
4. Emma and-
5. Aunties and Autographs
6. Mad Shower Tap
7. His Lines, My Notes
8. The Night of Flaws
9. And the Day of ...?
10. Got a House, Let's get some Chicks
11. Midnight Blue Curtains?
12. Indecisive Friendship
13. Sandwich and Dosa Friendship
14. Homely Friendship
15. "The Tourist and the Guide"- Friendship
16.The Sun is Setting Down"- kinda Friendship
17: The Friendship 'In the Dark'
18. The Friendship in 'Shots'
19. The Friendship that Cannot be Friendship
20. The Friendship that Cannot Be Friendship, At All
21. I'm Ready, Rain on Me
22. Euphoria of the Night
23. Euphoria(?) of the Day
24. Her Reality
25. Agony of Her Reality
26. His Fuck-Up on Her Reality
27. Their Fucked Up Reality that They Understood
28. And After the Understanding Comes-
29. Life Is A Game-
30. The Road Where We Meet
31. Paints and Guitars
33. Melting into Him
34. He, Him and I
35. Her Reality Reloading
36. Chips, Beer Bottles and Trust?
37. Three Black Shirts
38. Why Supermarkets are called Supermarkets
39. Visions of Gideon
40. Seven.
41. Five.
42. Three.
43. Two..One...and Zero.
44. Right Before the Zero Hour
45. The Zero Hour.
46. After the Zero Hour
47. Christmas Card from The Hooker
A Little Talk
48. Her Own Terms
49. Haunted by nightmare
50. The Haunting Reality
51. My Tears Ricochet
52. This is Me Trying
53. I Did Something Bad, Don't Blame Me
54. August 22, 2019.
54 (a). Manik Malhotra, August 22, 2011.
54 (b). Nandini Murthy, August 22, 2011.
55. If The World was Ending
56. Aurora
58. Yeh Jawani Hain Deewani

32. Manik Malhotra and Juices

1.6K 177 53
By HisWantedQueen


"You have to take the supplements regularly, Mr. Iyer," I scribbled down more into prescription, smiling at my patient, "And from now on, I'm not ready to hear any complaints about taking medicines, please,"

"I will try," Mr. Iyer sighed. I laughed at the 65 year old kid in front of me.

"Can you believe him? He says he will try!" Mrs. Iyer snarled at her husband, "There is no trying! Only doing, understand?"

"Yeah, Mrs Iyer. He'll do it, don't you worry," I said, eyeing the other prescription, "Now, how's your knee feeling these days?"

I continued taking notes on the couple, until the door of my cabin clicked open.

"Yash, I'm not done with- Oh, Madhav," I acknowledged as he smiled at my patients cordially. Then he looked back at me. The smile still apparent in his face curling a bit.

"When will you be done?" he asked nicely, settling in one of the sofas. I ignored the question and went back to my patients.

By the time I finished, Madhav had already called Yash and confirmed that I have no more patients. Which most probably meant he was planning on having lunch with me, but of course it wasn't possible.


"Before you say let's go have lunch, I can't," I said quickly, "I need to go with Alya. For her engagement lehenga fitting,"

He chuckled, "I know that,"

I grunted inside. Of course he knew.

"I was about to say, I looked into the course you want to take up. In London,"

I raised my eyebrows, "What about it?"

"I looked into it," he repeated, "And it's a good thing. Will help you enhance your degrees... you can do it,"

I scoffed, looking back at my laptop screen, "I don't remember asking your permission, Madhav,"

"I wasn't talking about permission, Nandini," his tone was smooth, "It was an advise. It's a good course. You can take it up,"

I eyed him with the corner of my eyes, trying to figure out his expression. Then I replied, "Well, wasn't looking for your advice either, but thanks,"

His silence stare at me finally made me look up from the laptop screen, "You want to say any thing else, Madhav?"

"I think we both- should abide by the mutual agreement we had. That day in your parents' house," he said at last. Eyeing me with challenge to accept.

I frowned, "Mutual agreement? What are you talking about?"

"Our mutual agreement, to behave," he reminded me, "You behave, I behave. You don't behave- you don't wanna know how I behave then,"

I stared at him, a firm sense of apprehension as always creeping inside me. He just smiled.

"Well," I turned back, arranging my bag, "I don't recall misbehaving. But I won't waste my energy arguing with you. I'll have to do a lot of that with the tailor in the next hour,"

"Sure," his smile apparently widened, "Seems like Nandini Murthy has started to get back to being Nandini Murthy again,"

I paused to look back at him again. I couldn't believe what he just said. I wanted to laugh.

So I laughed, "You seriously think you know Nandini Murthy, don't you Madhav?"

"Absolutely," he replied smoothly. I shook my head, continuing to pack my stuff.

"Have dinner with me. Alone, tonight," he said, walking towards me, "I'll book reservations to your favorite Italian restaurant,"

"I have to see how long it takes in the fitting," I replied simply, "Then I have to go to Dhruv's house to see his progress. Then I have to come back to the hospital to attend more patients,"

"Yeah so- you don't have to go home and cook," he added, "You can just eat and go back to res-"

"Thanks for trying to be nice. Good afternoon,"

I flunked the bag over my shoulder and was just about to hold on the door knob when the door abruptly opened in my face, and Manik Malhotra stopped in a halt.

My breath hitched. The whole ambience of room shifted beneath me. All around me.

"Nandini," he took my name, almost breathlessly. I let out the breath I was holding.


His lips held a bewitching smirk as he stared at me, deep into me and I stared back. It was ridiculous how Manik Malhotra could step right in front of me and make me feel like no one else existed. Nothing else existed.

"Mr. Malhotra,"

I looked away, sighing. Apparently, everyone and everything else did exist. 

With the corner of my eyes I watched Manik's smirk fade into an almost irritating scowl.

"Hello, Mr. Mehta,"

The tension inside the room was now different than just a minute ago. That tension had made my heart stop and beat faster at the same time- this tension made me wonder why I had a heart and I ever lived.

I cleared my throat, looking back at Manik, "What's- what's up?"

"Yeah, um," he cleared his throat too, shaking his head at me, "Alya sent me. You were supposed to go for some fittings with her?"

"Yeah but I bought my car-"

"I know that," he added quickly, "I don't know- maybe we're all doing lunch after that together,"

I nodded, quite not sure of him, "You bought your car?"

"Yeah," his gaze shifted between me and Madhav, "So are you- coming?"

I moved a little in my place, all on a sudden uncomfortably aware of Madhav's scrutinizing eyes at us. I looked over my shoulder, then nodded at Manik, "Yeah I was just leaving. Let's go,"

Our hands touched as he left the door handle and I went to hold it. It brought a shiver, but I focused on closing the door behind me- and leave with him. Madhav didn't need to notice that particular shiver.

Or any particular reaction of mine to Manik Malhotra.

The walk to the parking lot was rather fast. My eyes were continuously going back to Manik's twitching palm that I could see from behind, which gave me an odd impression that he wanted to hold my hand. I tried to ignore that too. Manik Malhotra didn't do roses and holding hands.

But then- Manik Malhotra never does romance. He only writes about it. Terrifically good. I suddenly wondered if his romance would be as terrifically good as his writing of it. Or would it be better?

And tried to ignore the fact that I'll just keep wondering forever- because he and I would never be romance. We're just- fire. Fire and ice at the same time. We will burn and drown each other until-


The question blanked out of my mind the second I got inside the car. Manik swooned his one arm around me in the passenger seat and captured my lips in a cavernous urgency, melting me in his mouth. 

I kissed him back, fisting his hair and pulling him more into my mouth. The desperation of his lips and his hands as he almost pulled me over him was invasive. It didn't take him a blink to insert his tongue in my mouth, longingly devouring every inch of my mouth. His urgency bought chills down my spine. I softly bit on his lower lips in revenge. He hissed, tearing away from me to breath.

I panted, staring at his face resting so close to mine. His demanding arms around me made me want to strangle him in his own control.

He drove me insane. Insanity to a divergent level.

"What was that?"

I somehow managed to ask through my dried throat. He smirked evilly, smooched on my lips deeply and settled back in the driver's seat, "Nothing. Just missed you,"

I arched my eyebrows. He shrugged.

"You can't just kiss me anywhere, you know," I said, leaning back in the seat, "This is practically Madhav's hospital. Everyone here knows I'm Madhav's- Manik!"

Within those few seconds of my lecture, Manik Malhotra had hovered over me and his both hands had found their way inside my shirt.

"Watch me," he breath trickled on my lips, just before he captured them with his. I moaned as his coaxing lips greedily savored me. I circled my hands around his neck, or I swear I'd have fallen down the sky, even though I was sitting on solid surface. His hands roamed carelessly inside my shirt, sparkling me alive.

The feel of his hands over my naked skin almost hypnotized me to let him do whatever he wanted to do with me. Right here.


I groaned and forced his lips away from me, "God damn it, Manik!"

I fought for air, glaring up at his face. I wished I could punch that cocky smirk off his lips- or just kiss them again. Bite them. Punish them for making me feel so good, hot and bothered when I was not supposed to.

He once again smooched my lips, roughly this time, and pulled away from my body. The loss of his touch and warmth and wetness of his mouth automatically made me groan again. He grabbed my hand and squeezed lightly, while we both leaned on our seats, trying to catch our breath.

Once calmed down, I looked back at him, "What are you doing, Manik?"

The way he stared back at me, scorched a deep hole inside me. I let out a shaky breath.

"I don't know what I'm doing, Nandini," with his free hand, he lightly caressed my cheek. I closed my eyes, soaking in the delicacy of the moment.

"Then what are you doing to me, Manik?"

I didn't dare open my eyes. I couldn't bear looking deep into his eyes and hear him say what he just said.

"What are you doing to me, Nandini?"


"You do realize you have no work here, right?" Nandini said we got out of the car.

God. Of course I knew.

I just didn't know how the fuck I got myself in Nandini's office 40 minutes ago. Or why.

Just as I was about to follow Nandini inside, Cabir's Maruti Swift stopped in front of us. Cabir and Alya got out.

"Manik?" Cabir frowned, "You, in a- ladies tailor?"

Shite. Okay. Time to get caught.

"What are you doing here?" Alya laughed, "Nandini, you didn't have your car?"

"Wait, didn't you tell him to-"

"I thought we'd just have lunch together.. after you are finished," I quickly interjected, not even looking at Nandini.

I am an idiot. One bloody idiot.

Cabir and Alya passed me mixed looks.


"You know Mukti would've never believed you, right?" Alya said, as a matter of fact, "You- yourself came out of your laptop hole to have lunch with us?"

I mentally groaned. That sounded really unbelievable. Not Manik Malhotra at all.

"But since Mukti isn't here, we'll let that pass," Cabir smiled weirdly, confirming my worst fear of all. He assumed correctly, "So leave this poor man alone, and go inside to get your work done. We'll just drive around in his car,"

I shot him a look, which did nothing to him whatsoever. I dared to look at Nandini once, but she was already going inside. Didn't even look back at me.

"Okay, have fun," Alya called out, following Nandini inside.

"Thank you-"

"That was the lamest excuse in the history of all romantic excuses, Manik Malhotra," Cabir turned back at me, "Honestly, man? You call yourself an author of romance?"

"Ha, ha, ha," I widened my lips, "Thank you for the review, and that HP reference,"

"Your ha, ha, ha was better than that excuse, you know," Cabir wheeled around towards my car, but stopped and turned back, "But I was right though, right?"

"Right about- what?"

"You did come for Nandini-"


"Woh, I'm scared," he held his hand up in the air as I shot him the best death glare I could muster.

"Get inside the car," I threw him the keys, "You're driving,"

"Alright," he headed to the driver's side, "But you are driving us back,"

We randomly drove around the city, talking about random things while I constantly thought about Nandini. And my every reaction with her. And her every reaction with me.

When I had opened the door of her cabin and saw her standing right there- it felt like she was waiting for me. I felt her craving right at that moment, blending with mine. In that 5 seconds of greeting I was burning to touch her. To feel her lush lips against mine. To feel her warm body around mine. I wanted to hold her cheeks and kiss her. Then I wanted to pick her up, shut the door behind us and carry her inside.

I swear I would have done that- only if Madhav Mehta's voice hadn't come a second later.


"Yeah, what," I looked back at Cabir, "Huh?"

"I've asked you three times already, but I'll do it again," he sighed, "What is up between you and Nandini?"

"Cabir-" I didn't even realize when he shifted the topic from New York cheesecake.

He stopped the car in a corner of Marine Drive, "Get out of the car,"

"What?" I stared at him, confused.

"Just get out of the car," he said, unbuckling his seat belt, "We'll talk,"

Talk about what?

 Warm breeze washed over me as I stepped out. I looked at Cabir for an explanation. His face was quite impassive, but I could tell it wasn't his everyday mood.

"Now, what?" I demanded.

"Please just, just answer me," he spoke seriously, "What's exactly going on between you two? And before- before you come up with the 'nothing' nonsense, I should warn you I know better,"

"And why do you think this topic is open for discussion?" I grunted, "What's between me and Nandini is between me and Nandini,"

"Really, Manik?" He rounded at me, "If you were telling me this before knowing about Madhav, I'd have understood. I have already been stupid enough myself to have egged you more into  her, hiding about Madhav from you intentionally. But now-"

"God," I groaned, "You didn't egg me on anything, Cabir. And why is that man coming in this conversation?"

Even the slightest reminder of that man made my blood boil. The mention of  Madhav Mehta certainly reminded me the  searching look he gave me today. In Nandini's cabin. I knew deep inside me- I had disliked him the second I saw him. After knowing everything he has been doing in Nandini's life- I pretty sure loathe his existence. This loathing intensified everyday. Every time I saw him again.

I'd be surprised if it didn't.

"Because he is already here. He's always here, Manik," Cabir answered, looking straight at me, "I've been watching you two, Manik. I don't know why Mukti or Alya or anyone else hasn't seen it yet- but I can literally feel it in the air when you and Nandini are together in a room. That scares me as much as it makes me feel good,"

"Why would that scare you," I gulped, "Or make you feel good?"

"Because I happen to care about both of you. Something about you two tells me either you're going to bring the best in each other, or the worst no one can imagine right now,"

"Nonsense, Cabir," I shook my head, "You're going too far-"

"Maybe I am," he exclaimed, "All I know is- you both have enough shit in your life to deal with already. Don't- don't mess it up between yourselves. If all those shit in your life haven't destroyed two you yet, I'm afraid this definitely will,"

I contemplated his words, trying to get a proper, logical, clearer point of view in my head. I always know that as a fucked up human being that I am, I have the ability to destroy human lives. I already have.

Can I destroy Nandini's, too? 

Cabir's words bought a sudden feeling of nauseousness inside me.

If all those shit in your life haven't destroyed two you yet, I'm afraid this definitely will.

I didn't know if Nandini Murthy could possibly destroy a human life. But I knew I could. And I had a feeling that if I, anyhow, did destroy her life- it'd definitely destroy me. I let our a harsh breath.

What was I doing with Nandini Murthy?

"Never mind," Cabir muttered, patting my shoulder, "I really must've thought too far. Just- I don't even know what I'm saying or why I'm saying all these-"

"Leave it, Cabir," I sighed, reassuring him, "There's nothing between me and Nandini that could possibly harm any of us,"

Or maybe I was trying to reassure myself. 

"Good for you," Cabir sighed, "But um- what exactly are two right now?"

I raised my eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't believe it's just friendship between you two. Friends don't look at each other like that," the typical Cabir Vardhan voice and mood seemed to be back, "And you two definitely are not dating. So what is it? Is it 'friends-with-benefits'-"

The next glare I shot at him automatically interjected his statement. He pressed his lips together, knowing better than to laugh, and said, "Ok, sorry-"

I snatched the key from his hand and headed back to the driver's seat. I looked back at him once more before getting inside the car, "If you don't want to walk back there, shut that mouth of yours. Or you're dead,"

"Perfect," he said and put a finger over his lips, running back to the car too, "Nothing. Didn't say anything. Let's go,"

"Huh! Looks like your man can walk, after all," Nandini sighed in relief, smiling widely at Dhruv. He was panting hard, from all the hard work of trying to walk. His legs were beginning to gain back their strength, and he was doing very well. This man's self-esteem was praiseworthy to another level.

Usually he had physio therapists every afternoon come over his house for all the exercises he had to do, but today Nandini had come to analysis his recent test reports. So had we all.

Nandini's satisfied smile was infectious. Everyone was smiling now. The glow in Alya's face was priceless. She sat beside Dhruv in the bed, putting her head in his shoulder and clutching him tightly in assurance. He kissed her forehead, smiling down at her happiness.

"Aww," Navya's voice was heard, "Just look at these two!"

"Yeah," Mukti retorted, "Cringy. I know,"

Cabir and I stifled back our laughter, while Nandini and Navya glared at us.

"Mukti," Nandini shook her head, "I sometimes forget who's the bigger one between you two, you know,"

"Don't ask," Alya dramatically sighed in his shoulder, "Things I have to bear,"

"Yeah sure, sure," Mukti shrugged.

"Dude, she actually lives with me, you know," I said, keeping up with Alya, "I usually get the job of throwing away used condoms in the morning. Everywhere, in the damn house,"

Cabir and Dhruv burst into laughing. Alya, Nandini and Navya made grossed out face. Mukti shot me a look of a dagger.

"Sorry, babe," I widened my lips, "You don't scare me anymore,"

"Oh, I will," she said in a deadly tone, "Once I open up my sleeve and start writing blogs about your juicy stories for your pretty little fan girls,"

"I don't have 'juicy' stories," I said as a matter of fact.

"Everyone does, Manik," she smirked, turning back at everyone, "Ladies and gentlemen, would anyone like to subscribe to my new YouTube channel 'Manik Malhotra and Juices,"

"Ewww," Navya looked like she was about to throw up.

"I'll be the first subscriber," Cabir was still laughing like a hysterical maniac. So was Dhruv, "I'll be the second! The hell I need entertainment in my life,"

I arched my eyebrows at him. He shrugged, mouthing an apology.

"And I have already subscribed," Nandini spoke up, , winking at Mukti, "When's the first video coming up, baby girl?"

I stared at Nandini. I knew the sensed the intensity behind that stare, because she stared back at me, her playful smirk faltering lightly.

Time for me to smirk.

As everyone else got engrossed in another conversation and Nandini Murthy tried to hide her face behind a file, I slowly shifted to stand beside her.

Her reaction to the proximity was short but stark. I noticed as her eyelashes flutter, jaw clenching.

"So dear Ms.Fan girl," I murmured lowly, audible to her only, "You wanna know my 'juicy' stories? Interested much?"

I could see her cheeks heating up. She didn't look up from the file.

Eyeing everyone cautiously, I slightly leaned against her. "I can tell you those myself, you know," I whispered near her ear, "I have many different ways ready to show you,"

"Manik," her cheeks were burning. Her lower lip, as always, went beneath her teeth, nibbling.

I bit down my lips.

"You're lucky we're with people," I grunted in a low voice, "You might have been punished otherwise. You're biting your lips, again,"

That made her bite those plump, soft lips harder. I groaned.

"You love to test me, don't you, sweetheart?"

I knew that word always did something to her. Every time I called her 'sweetheart', her reaction was unstable. She shut her eyes closed, breath shook unevenly.

"Open you eyes," I commanded, "You don't want others to know what happens when I call you 'sweetheart', do you?"

Her eyes fluttered open and jerked up at mine in surprise, widening my smirk.

"Oh," I said softly, "Did I reveal another one of your deep secrets, Nandini?"

I moved away as slowly as I had come to her, holding her gaze to mine. I didn't go back to stand beside Cabir, but there was at least minimum distance between her and I. I winked at her, which brought her back on earth and in the room. She looked away.

"Okay- so," Mukti cleared her voice. She was definitely laughing about something a while ago that went unnoticed by me, "Ladies and gentlemen, again, I have an announcement to make,"

"You're pregnant? Congratulations," Alya retorted back this time.

"Shut up," Mukti said before Cabir could open his mouth to tag along with Alya, "And don't you open your mouth, asshole,"

"So," she started off again, "There's something I want us all to attend. Since Dhruv has started to work on his legs and he can stand very well, and just like him we all lack some entertainment in our life- except for arguing about the same mehendi lehenga for the 60th time-"

"Was is it, Mukti," Alya faked a yawn, "We definitely can't fly to Spain and do tomato fight,"

Mukti smirked, "But we can take dandiyas in our hands and play garba,"

"Garba, this time of the year?" Dhruv spoke first, "I can only stand, you know,"

"Grr, I know!" Mukti bellowed, "Look! There's this garba festival going to happen on Friday in Navi Mumbai. One of my event manager friend arranged it and she is gonna send free tickets. It's gonna be fun man, please let's go!"

"I'm in," Cabir said at once.

"So am I!" Navya went next.

"Dhruv can only stand, Mukti," Alya gave her a doomed look, "And I'm not going without him. It's his favorite,"

"Of course I'm going, Alya," Dhruv said, "And I am going to play dandiya. You wait,"


"Alya, don't be so creeped out. Calm down," Nandini said, an excited smile placing on her lips, "He can definitely go. He'll just sit in his wheel chair and watch us. And then when he'll feel better, we'll help him to the dance floor!"

"You're supposed to be a doctor, you know," Alya frowned, "You don't make any sense,"

"She makes perfect sense," Dhruv argued back, "Even if I can't dance, I'll just sit and watch you guys. I'm definitely in,"

Alya and I stared at him in disbelief.

If I were in his place, this was definitely not what I'd have wanted.

"I know what you're thinking," Alya nodded at me, sighing, "And yes, this is Dhruv Vedant,"

"So are you in?" Mukti looked at her with pleading eyes, "Nandini won't go without you and she's the best garba player ever. Besides Dhruv. And me, of course,"

I couldn't help passing Nandini an amused stare. Garba?

"Yeah, of course I'm going if Dhruv's going," Alya said, finally smiling back, "Okay. Okay! I'm in,"

"Yes! I'm not gonna ask Nandini because you'll say yes or I'll just drag you out of your house," then Mukti looked back at me, "And- nah. I'm definitely not gonna ask you because I know you'll say no," she smiled cheekily, "So I'll just drag you out of your house, anyway!"

I scoffed, "Yeah, Mukti Vardhan? Try me,"

Me. And Garba.

Definitely not going.

My eyes went back to Nandini again. She was already looking at me, smiling yet frowning. I shook my head, and then she shook her head.

She's most probably gonna wear a lehenga, something clicked inside my mouth, and she's definitely gonna look very hot.

Well. I sighed deeply. Then I guess I will just steal and lock her up with me, too.

But India has already done enough to me. Garba was not gonna become one of them. 


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Okay. So. Hello, everyone...

I should most probably apologize for being so late. So I'll just do that. I'm really sorry. I was really stuck with this chapter- but then happened to finish in one night. Well, never mind that!

The actual thing that I have come to tell you today is- Thank You.

I know, I thank you all in mostly every chapter. And you guys deserve it. Just- this time, I guess I said it with a greater realization.

And I guess the greater realization came flooding inside me when I saw my story just crossed 1K votes from you all. I know, I know. This happens everyday in Wattpad to thousand other free will writers. 

But it doesn't really happen everyday to me? So thank you. Thank you all very, very much for giving my story a chance and appreciating my writing like you guys have been doing. You have no idea how much it means to me. I don't know- I just don't have any better word right now!

So just, again- Thank You. Hopefully you'll keep up with me till the end. Hopefully that will be worth it for you all. 

Hope you liked this chapter:) Okay now bye bye!

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