๐ƒ๐ž๐ฏ๐ข๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ | Karma Akaban...

Von Poppy1413

128K 4.7K 5.1K

[Modern Yakuza AU!] Congratulations, you are now engaged to the most powerful underworld leader of all of Jap... Mehr

[1: His Little Game]
[2: Meeting The Devil Himself]
[4: A Rose With Throns]
[5: Sweep You Off Your Feet]
[6: When The Hell Flames Extinguish]
[7: Starting Over]
[8: Bloody Email]
[9: Two Of A Kind]
[10: Loveless]
[11: Blonde Beauty]
[12: Charmed]
[13: A Taste Of Fear]
[14: Devil Or Angel?]
[15: Weak Eyes]
[16: Naivety]
[17: A Shady Deal]
[18: Powerless]
[19: Tough Love]
[20: Being A Good Fiancรฉ]
[21: Her Story]
[22: Invitation]
[23: Black Sheep]
[24: Hot And Cold Sniper]
[25: Yearning For You]
[26: The Loneliest Girl]
[27: Closed Heart]
[28: Two Truths And One Lie]
[29: Lovely Red]
[30: Here For You]
[31: Your Reality]
[32: Not Your Home]
[33: All In Your Head]
[34: Devil's Wrath]
[35: Guilty Thoughts]
[36: Tough Decision]
[37: Selfish]
[38: Sugar & Spice]
[39: Secrets To Be Kept]
[40: Criminal Date]

[3: Snake]

3.9K 129 177
Von Poppy1413

Who's ready to get bullied by the sadist?

~To The Story~

"That bastard!"

You stormed out of your bathroom, drying off your wet hair with a white towel. You wanted to splutter out more curse words at that redhead, but your sentences came out as incomplete. Yes, you were the one who fell for his innocent act, but that doesn't excuse him for purposefully spilling his drink all over you!

Because of the anger still boiling up inside of you, you aggressively tossed the towel to the ground. You were left with now tangled and unkempt hair that was still damped from your shower. You blew out some of the hair strands off of your face before plopping down to sit on the edge of your bed, next to your hairbrush.

What the hell is that guy's problem!? You literally said, nor did anything for him to commit such an immature act! You were polite as you could be as well as respectable, so why did he still do that?! Does this mean, no matter how much of a saint you try to act with him, he will continue his stupid game until you leave?

No, no. Don't get mad now. You can do this. It's only your first meeting with him and something tells you that it will get worse. If you were to lose your cool now, then how will you be prepared for the upcoming future.

You let out a long sigh as an attempt to calm you down.

How did your life come to this? For a long time, you've always been a romantic at heart, and not to mention a daydreamer relating to the topic. You dreamt about dating a boy close to a prince charming personality, spent hours fantasizing what your wedding would be like and cute dating scenarios.

Despite your three other relationships ending in disaster through and through, you were still a bit hopeful about finding your prince charming... that is until the fourth relationship happened. Which in short was awful and in the end, you realize that there is no such thing as a prince charming nor do you believe you had a chance of living happily ever after with a partner. Hench why you didn't at least put much of a fight when it came to the arranged marriage.

And after meeting that asshat, it further proves that God or the universe doesn't want you to find true love.

"(Y/n)-san." A soft knock was heard on the other side of your door. Craning your head to the door, Kataoka poked her head to see if you were in the room. "You alright? I heard what happened. The spilt milk was kind of a giveaway."

"I'm fine," you mumbled, averting your eyes from her.

Of course, you weren't really okay.

"Not that I'm trying to sound mean or anything, but why are you here?" You asked, trying your best to not take your anger out on her.

She didn't do anything wrong, and having someone treat you with a bit of kindness in this unfamiliar household is a nice thing.

Kataoka closed the door behind you. "It's my job and Nakamura-san's job to look after the girls and keep them from destroying anything."

Oh, didn't Karma say something about his second fiancee throwing things of him when he spilled his drink on you?

"I wasn't going to do anything..." You mumbled. You were still mad at the Yakuza boss, but that didn't mean you were going to throw a tantrum over it. Unlike him, you weren't going to act like a child.

"Here," Kataoka walked over to you, placing herself right beside you. "Let me fix your hair."

Wordlessly, you gave her your brush to which she took before plopping down behind you and began brushing your tangled damped hair. You kept your body still as Kataoka began brushing on one side of your hair. You can tell she was being gentle and trying her best to not pull your scalp out.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather go home?"

You wanted to shake your head but decided against it cause Kataoka was trying to fix your hair, so instead, you went with a vocal response.

"No, I'm sure."

"Look, you seem like a nice girl so why are you putting up with him?"

"I told you, it will trouble my dad. Our family is not doing well especially with money and status so he'd figure it'd be best if I marry someone who does possess those things." There was more to the story, but you weren't going to push your problems to another person.

The girl behind you sighed.

"Fine. Just don't tell the boss that. I get that you're helping your dad but he'll just think you're using him for your gain."

"My own gain?" You mumbled with knitted eyebrows. From her words, you do recall Karma saying something about how if there is something you want from him, it isn't worth it. "Did the other girls try to use him for something?"

"Of course," Kataoka replied. "He's young, has money, and does have a pretty face. How can he not attract the wrong kinds of girls? Every girl wants to be the boss's princess."

She's right about that. Now you can at least somewhat understand where Karma was coming from but you still don't excuse him for what he did. And you know you're not after anything from him. Something told you that he won't believe you if you were to say that to him. Guess you're just going to have to earn his trust somehow and prove to him you're not after anything. And you most certainly going to tell him the truth as to why you agreed to marry him. You believed he won't take pity on you and wouldn't care what happens to you.


After meeting Karma, you wanted to do your very best to avoid the guy, but you knew that it was unavoidable. You knew you were going to have to at least engage in conversation with him 'cause if you didn't, you'll come across as rude and that was one thing you wanted to avoid with this guy. No matter how much you hated it, you had to do your very best to learn to tolerate this guy. He wasn't gonna get rid of you.

Seeing Karma came sooner than you expected, sadly. The day after meeting him he wanted you to be in his office. For what? You don't know. Though, what you do know is that he isn't going to apologize for what he did yesterday. Is he going to make sure you're comfortable in your new home? Don't hold your breath.

You sat across from Karma, silently and awkwardly as he ignored you and played with a Nintendo Switch. Obviously completely ignoring your presence for the time being.

There was another person in the room as well. He... or is he a she...? Anyway, the androgyny person was sitting from the other side of the room, minding his own business and focusing on their tablet.

"You seem bored," Karma commented, pausing his game for once to look at you. "Wanna try playing? If you can beat my high score I won't bother you for the rest of today and tomorrow." The Yakuza boss grinned cheekily. Through his grin, you noticed another feature about him. His two sharp canine teeth that looked more spiked up than your own or anyone else you have ever met.

"I don't like video games," you admit.

It might sound tempting to have him off your back for a little while, but, he is offering you to play a video game. A field you have no knowledge of.

"I'm not asking you if you like video games or not," he rolled his eyes. "I'm asking if you wanna play? And it doesn't have to be with this console, I have plenty of others."

Does he just want to make fun of the way you play? You're not having any of this. He was acting so cocky as if he knew you couldn't beat his high score in any of his games. And you know what? He's right. Which is why he put that offer up on the table in the first place.

"I don't want to play." You said calmly. "But thanks for the offer."

"Fine." He put his game on sleep mode, before placing it right beside him and pushing his back off from the sofa as his foot came off the table. "Be a stick in the mud. But the fact that you're being cautious around me just means you learned your lesson to not be so trusting. You're welcome."

You figured it was best to not thank him. He wasn't even being serious in the first place.

"Anywho~," he said in a sing-song voice. "I didn't bring you in here to play video games with you, but from what I can tell, you're probably no fun to play with."

'Let me guess; you brought me here just to make fun of me?'

You kept those thoughts to yourself. You didn't want to give him any signs that you were bothered by his words.

"Following up from what I said yesterday; I did scare of my other two-faced fiancees into the sunset. They had it coming." Karma bluntly admits. "And yeah," his lips stretched into a cruel smirk. "I have every intention of doing the same thing to you~"

Your hands began to sweat. The fact that he can display such an innocent smile for a second then to a twisted smirk the next is so chilling.

"Of course, I'm not a total jack ass, you can leave whenever you want. I'm not holding you captive. The door is right there." Karma motioned his head towards the door. "But feel free to stay if you think you can handle me. I highly doubt that though."

He isn't worth the trouble at all, but you remember how your faith will turn out if you don't at least try to get on his good side. He is only doing this for his own entertainment. Once he gets bored from tormenting you, then maybe he'll stop and give up and accept the engagement. Just think of him as a junior high bully.

Because that's what he demonstrated to be. A bully.

"I'm not leaving. I just want to make that clear."

An amused hummed was hear from this devil. The answer satisfied him, especially since you did sound confident from what you said which means it will be even more fun to get you to crack.

First, he'll try to get to know you a little (which is the main reason why he brought you here) find out what makes you tick or figure out what makes your skin crawl. It didn't have to be anything major. It could be even a simple insult and that would suffice... for the time being.

"Have it your way then. Also, before I forget, if you're hiding something from me, I think it's best to tell me now before I find out."

"Huh?" You were visibly confused.

"Example. Do you have a boyfriend I should know about? Fiancée number 4 had one and saw him behind my back. Not that I care obviously that she had a lover, I was just pissed that she thought she could get away with it." He chuckled, thinking back to how stupid she was. "She paid the price for lying to my face and using me, and by that, I mean that her boyfriend won't be getting out of prison anytime soon-"

From that, your eyes widen.

"-Oh but don't worry," he grinned playfully. "Her boyfriend belonged there. It's not like I sent an innocent person to prison."

H-He explained that so nonchalantly and casually. It was terrifying! He punished the girl by sending her boyfriend to prison!?

"Uh... no, I swear I'm not hiding anything." You said, trying hard to hide the shakiness in your tone.

"You sure?"




"Okay~" Karma smiled. "Doesn't matter either way cause I'll find out anyway."

He really doesn't trust you, does he?

"Can't you just take my word for it?"

"In case you missed the subtle hints, sweetheart, your 'word' means very little to me."

Figures that he won't trust you just by your words. The other girls used him for something for their own gain so he probably thinks you're the same as them... well, technically you are still using him to save your skin, but that should automatically be a freebie!

"Want my trust? Try chopping a finger off."

You screeched in fear, holding your fingers close to your chest.

"Now, now," He chuckled playfully. "I'm kidding, no one is getting their finger chopped off, you scaredy-cat."

'Anyone would have been scared if you brought that up!' You argued in your head. "R-right..." Heart still racing you lowered your sweaty hands to your lap, once again. Were you happy that it was only a joke? Yes. Were you still mad that he made the joke? Double yes.

"The whole chopping off a finger thing is an old fashion thing here for the Yakuza anyways," Karma said, then shrugged with a hum. "Not an issue though, there are other methods available though. For me personally, I like to shove either mustard or wasabi up someone's nostrils as a form of punishment~"

"I see." You said quietly, and maybe a little awkwardly.

You didn't know how to respond to that. How can you respond to that without saying something like 'you're a freak.' Yeah, you get it, he's a Yakuza boss and he has to punish anyone who dishonours him and his family or fail him in any sort of way, but the way he said it made it seem like he enjoyed the punishments.

Karma had to hold back an annoyed tsk from you. Seriously? Not a single reaction came from you out of that? Every fiancee from 1 to 4 has given him either disturbing looks or held back a gag.

He's starting to think that you have the personality of a loaf of bread.

"Is... is there a reason why I'm here?" You finally asked what was weighing on your mind since you got here as you fiddling your fingers.

You've been here for, like, what? 10 minutes? And you still don't know why you're here. The only thing you're doing with him is having an idle chat, and you know for a fact that Karma didn't bring you in here for that.

"Of course there is. But I'm not telling you."

'This son of a bitch.'

"Are you bored with our conversation? Would you prefer it if I harass you?"

"I... I would appreciate it if you didn't." You said. "And I didn't say I was bored."

"You sounded bored. Or is that just your personality~"

'Stop making fun of me!'

"You don't even know me that well," is what you said, and once again, not showing any signs that you were bothered by his words.

"Fair enough. However, what I do know about you is that you can pretty gullible. What? Do you always fall whatever a pretty face says to you~?"

You bit the inside of your lip. You can feel your chest swelling up with anger. You were upset about that comment because it was true. Why do you think your previous relationships went so bad? It's because you did fall for a pretty face.

You forced out a sheepish smile to help hide that anger you were feeling inside. "L-look, can we talk about something else? I actually want us to get to know each other."

"Get to know each other? I honestly don't want to get to know you. Except maybe what makes you mad. So why don't you tell me about that?" The Yakuza boss smiled devilishly.

"Um, I'd rather not."

"No? Weren't you the one suggested to get to know each other?" He countered, obviously choosing to be uncooperative with you.

"You know what I mean." You said, trying not to get flustered. "Um... Can you tell me a bit about yourself?"

"Can I? No."

You have never met anyone so irritating in your whole life! Talking to him alone is such a pain!

You pressed your lips together for a moment, inhaling some air. "I'm trying to be nice, can you at least--"

You suddenly felt something touching your ankle which was the cause of your mid-sentence. Every muscle in you has stiffened as a look of utter horror took over your face. Robotically, and slowly you tilted your head down to where your ankle is. Your eyes widen in fear when you saw what was touching you. A snake. It was a snake slithering across your ankle.


Follow by your scream, you hopped your feet onto the sofa without a second thought.

"There is no reason to scream," Karma spoke, as usual, very casual. "It's not venomous."

"WHY IS THERE A SNAKE HERE!?" You shouted just as Karma naturally got up from his seat and made his way to where the snake is. He picked up the animal right near where the head is.

"Why?" He asked nonchalantly, before shrugging. "No reason. And could you not shout, you'll scare him."

'I"LL SCARE HIM?!' Subconsciously leaning your back against the sofa. If it not for the support of the sofa, you would have fallen off by now.

"I would have gotten tarantulas for you buuut gender over there--" Karma pointed his thumb over his shoulder and aimed it at the blue hair person. "--said they were too much of a hassle to find if we were to set them loose in this big manor."

'Gender? That's so mean.'

The person who apparently was deemed the nickname gender hasn't even spared a glance at his boss, nor seemed fazed about the name and instead kept his blue orbs on the screen and said...

"Remember what happened last year? Terasaka-kun is still mad about that whole prank."

"Oh wow~ his memory span is a lot better than I expected."

Nagisa merely sighed. A sudden sound from his phone is what shifted his attention away from Karma and you.

"Wanna try holding him?" Karma asked you, with an innocent smile.


Venomous or not, you wouldn't touch that creature with a ten-foot pole!

"Hm~?" The yakuza boss hummed questioningly, with a bit of smugness and acting as if he understands your feelings. "Ah, not a fan of snakes?"


"Haha, is that so? Sorry, sorry." He didn't sound sorry at all. All he did was laugh merrily, getting a kick from scaring you. "I completely forgot that girls are not very fond of snakes as pets. My bad."

'You're insane!' You wanted to scream at him.

"Last chance. Do you want to keep him?"

"I don't want it!"

"Huh. Ungrateful arent you. I got this little guy for you."

The anger in your chest kept rising and rising. You felt like you were going to snap right about now, however...

"Sorry to interrupt." Nagisa butted in, hovering near you and Karma and handing his phone to the Yakuza boss. "It's Chiba-kun."

"Good grief," Karma sighed, his shoulders drooped down a smidge. "What did he do this time?" He took the phone out of Nagisa's hand, then put the snake around his neck.

"I'll be back." He walked past you and Nagisa.

"What about (l/n)-san?"

Without looking back at the two of you, the redhead just waved him off. "You keep her company. See yah." He stepped out, closing the door behind him. Once he left, you relaxed and sat back on the sofa properly once again.

You heard the blue hair male sigh before turning to you with a kind and friendly smile. You flinched from seeing that.

'Please don't tell me he's going to torment me as well?!' You internally begged.

The look of realization dawned on Nagisa's face as if he read your mind.

"Ah, sorry, I'll put this guy away." He smiled once again before moving closer to the sofa you were sitting on and bent down to get something out from underneath. What he got out was the snake's box which Karma purposely put there. Nagisa put the snake back inside the box and put it elsewhere in the room.

"There we go." He dusted his suit then meet his eyes with yours once again. "Hi, my name is Nagisa Shiota." He greeted. A voice so gentle that it calmed you down for a moment. "Please call me by my first name." You noted how his eyes were a nice shade of blue and completed his light blue hair. What made him seem so feminine was his height and small body. On top of that, he had two bush like pigtails which were actually adorable.

"Um..." You cleared your throat. "Hello... Nagisa-kun."

"Do you want some tea?" He offered. "That snake gave you a bit of a fright."

You immediately shook your head. "No, I'm good."

"Don't worry," he waved both of his hands. "I won't pour it on you. I'm not allowed to be mean to any of the fiancée's."

There was a different atmosphere around this guy compare to Karma. He seemed nicer and far more gentle. But is he going to torment you like Karma? He did say he isn't allowed to be mean to you. Why? Does that mean Karma is the only person allowed to vex you?

"No, but thanks."

"Okay." His smile did not falter at all. Nagisa stride over to where he last was to pick up his tablet, never making a single sound from his footsteps in the process. "I'm surprised you managed to keep your composure."

'I am too.'

You let out a long sigh as if to release any of the anger you were holding.

"I feel bad for his other fiancée's." You admit.

"Don't be." He assured you, picking up his tablet, tapping something on the screen a few times. "They can be just as cruel as Karma."

"You call him by his first name?"

"He doesn't like it when I call him boss." Nagisa chuckled, sheepishly scratched his cheek. "We grew up together along with another friend of ours, so being formal to one another is weird."

He grew up with Karma? Is this evidence that Karma can be tolerable? Like, either you have to be insane for putting up with someone like him, or a complete saint. It has to be one of those things.

"I only call him boss when I have to be. For example; around other Yakuza leaders or formal events" he explained.

You softly hummed as a response.

"I would tell you that he isn't so bad, but something tells me that you won't believe me."

You knitted your eyebrows together. "Are you just saying cause you're close to him?"

Nagisa did a half shrug. "Possibly. But I'm sure there is some truth to what I said."

Is there? There could be. You know Karma is only treating you like this because he doesn't want to take this engagement seriously. He only wants to enjoy harassing you and see how long it will take for you to snap and leave. Then how does Karma truly act?

"Anyway," Nagisa spoke. "I keep you company and continue this chat, but I have other things to do. You can leave."

"Um, but didn't your boss say he'll come back?"

"Trust me, he's not," Nagisa said with a meek smile. "If he does come back, I'll just tell him I send you because I was busy."

For that, you did a ghostly smile at the boy. "Thank you."

With that, you got up from the sofa and walked out of the room just as Nagisa parted a wave.

You felt a bit of relief once you step out of the room. It was a short visit, but painful. And it was only the second day. What will tomorrow bring? You dreaded to think about it.

Instead of worrying about what tomorrow will bring, you walked down the hallway to find your room. You couldn't wait to get to your room cause at least you knew you would get privacy and some peace. You needed to recharge after that interaction with Karma.

Unfortunately, once reaching your room and entering, you were greeted with more of those snakes slithering across your room. A dozen more.

Again, you screamed.

~End Of Chapter~

During Karma and reader-chan's interaction, Nagisa was just sitting in the background thinking 'yeah, it's just another normal day.'


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