Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]

De AlphaFemale127

62.6K 1.6K 3.8K

Loosing family is hard, soul-breaking. It causes trauma in people, especially when you see the people you lov... Mais

First Day of UA
Being a 'Hero'
Pervert in a Store
Class Rep
Villains at USJ
2 Days Later
Friend Greetings
Some Company
Pain Isn't Wanted
Days Of Silence
Waking Up
Just Some Talks
The First Night
A Mishap
Just Some Fun
A Helpful Conversation
Don't Worry
Sports Festival
Mira vs...
The Final Round
No Noise
A Bath
Just A Day
Answering A Question
Hero Names
An Invitation
Only 1 Week
The Change*
Top Of A Building
Girl Talk
Morning *
A Massage*
Family Lunch
All Red
It's Not The Blood-loss
The Crash
Deleted Scenes pt 1
Deleted Scenes pt.2
Made to Be pt. 1
Made to Be pt. 2
Book 2
10K READS!!! A Special...?
Special Chapter (Completely Smut)
What I imagine Mira to look like...

Birthday Surprise

991 26 65
De AlphaFemale127

"So, your father died a few days ago. How does that make you feel, Mira?" Mrs. Osaka asked with a 'warm' expression as I sat in the same chair as a few weeks ago, in the white room, my arms covered in a fabric I couldn't bite through again.

My heart hurt, strained, as I could see the fear on my father's face the second before he hit the ground. "I- I don't feel good." I admitted this to the woman. Over the past year, she has become more familiar to me than my father, in a sick, twisted sort of way.

She sighs, uncrossing her legs and leans forward a bit to look at me more on my own level. "You always said you wanted friends, right? However, friends won't help you." She shook her head sadly and I felt another knife dig into my heart. "Your father was surrounded by friends. He had the support of family, the support of lovers, the support of some 'heroes'."

The way Mrs. Osaka said heroes sent a shiver down my spine. She said it with such distaste, it made me yearn to be a hero just to upset her. Like the smile man.

"But look at what that did for him. Nothing. Your father, with all his support, jumped off the top of one of the tallest skyscrapers in Japan."

I winced at that, the memory of the blood splattering my body as my father landed right next to me. I felt my canines pop out and an urge to rip the 'bloodied' skin off my body came over me.

"That's why you don't need friends. That's why you don't need support. It won't help you in the long run. You need to rely on nothing but yourself, Mira. Nothing but yourself."

I opened my eyes, staring up at the ceiling of my room as I wake from my memory. The sun filtered in through a space in the curtains, little dust particles shining in the rays of light. It was warn, the blankets hot around my body, my left leg sticking out like a sore thumb. 

"Happy Birthday Mira." I sighed out, rolling onto my side and grabbing my phone, checking the time. Saturday, May 18th. 8:30 a.m. Why can't I ever sleep past nine? 

Knowing full well I would not be falling asleep again, I push myself up and knock the blankets off me, slipping on my slippers and making my way to the bathroom, stretching my arms as I yawned. Leaving the door open, I turn on the shower and strip down, stepping in and closing the glass door as the hot water touched my skin.

I stood under the water for a bit, going over my memory. It wasn't as... heart-wrenching as I expected. Maybe I am getting better. Maybe it's just because I know that I have support. I have - have friends. That won't push me to suicide, that would actually help me.

I grab my 'orchid' shampoo, stepping from under the water and lathering my hair, scrubbing my scalp in slow motions, enjoying the feeling. After I try making a hair cone, I grab my 'orchid' scented body wash and lather my body, the scent mingling with the steam of the hot water. I step back under the water and closed my eyes, letting the water rinse my body clean.

I like the scent of Orchids and Jasmine.

I shake my head, chasing the thought out. Not important. Just a coincidence.

I was now officially seventeen years old. 

I don't feel any different. I feel... blank. I don't have any emotion. I'm seventeen years old, woke up with a bad memory, and feel blank. Is it because I am just still waking up? Maybe because of what Bakugo told me yesterday... I still don't know how to respond. 'I'll try my best to be better'. That sounds terrible. What about... 'You need to stick with me after telling me all my problems Katsuki Bakugo!'. Nope, doesn't work. 

Maybe I just need to come to terms with how terrible I really am and ask for help, for once.

"Agh." I step back and grab my 'orchid' scented conditioner, rubbing it through my hair and scalp before letting it rinse off. How would Shoto wake up on his birthday? The same as me. We are kind of lost on the birthday deal.

What about Bakugo? He would... well, quite frankly, I can imagine Bakugo waking up how he's going to take over the world on his birthday. Claiming he's the absolute best and can kick everyone's ass. Probably not exactly true, but I may not be far off.

Turning the shower off, I let the water drain then I blow my body and hair dry. Luckily my hair didn't poof thanks to the conditioner. I open the door and reach to grab my black bath robe handing on the wall. Wrapping the plush fabric around my body, I step out and slip on my slippers, tying the robe tight on my body. I walk over to the sink and brush my teeth before leaving out the open door and turning towards the kitchen instead of the bedroom. 

I was hungry.

I stalk into the kitchen, finally picking up my iPad that I left, closed and plugged in against the wall three weeks ago. Opening it, I go to FlexNet and pick a random show in my watch list, playing it whilst I check the fridge for what I wanted to eat.

Kyoka gave me the playlist she made. But, quite honestly, I was scared of listening to the music. What if I'm so far gone that I can't enjoy music anymore? I don't want to risk that.

So breakfast...Meat would take too long to defrost, so something quick and easy. Eggs? Nah. Pancakes? That's an option... I have strawberries too. What about syrup? Yep. I have all the ingredients. Pancakes it is.

Taking out the eggs, milk and butter from the fridge, I place it on my island and get the flour, sugar and other ingredients. Turning the show off, I look up a pancake recipe, almost turning the music on. Should I....? Okay. I'll risk it. I play the playlist Kyoka made for me.

 Before starting to cook, I went to put on panties. I didn't want to cook absolutely naked.

Back in the kitchen I tied an apron on top of my robe and washed my hands harshly. Afterwards, I began making the batter. Knowing how much I love pancakes, and how much I was yelled at yesterday, I made double recipe. 

I listened to the songs intently. Some were... slow? Slow with a nice beat that made me nod my head to it. Some were English, which I understood, some were Japanese, and some were Korean, I think. Although I couldn't see the names of the songs and never listened to them before, I did not feel any urge to skip anything.

I really have to than Kyoka today. In fact, let me do it right now.

I wash my hands before scrolling to texts. Opening up our chat, I send a very long thank you message to Kyoka. I state how I never listened to music before, how good all the song choices were and how I don't want to skip them. I also thank her for being kind enough to bother making a playlist for me.

With that I sent it.

I rewashed my hands and went to continue the batter, eyes focused on the text message.

EarJack: I'm glad u like it!

EarJack: Don't need to thank me so much tho. I'm glad I got u on music, finally.

EarJack: Don't forget to find ur own songs!

Me: Thnx! 

Me: See you Monday.

EarJack: ^_^

Why do I sound so formal?

Right as I finished the batter a knock sounded at the door. A knock? It was only 9:30 a.m. Who would be knocking this early on a Saturday? Shoto, maybe. Bakugo... nah. Yuuko, if this was a surprise visit... I don't know anyone else who knows where I live.

A song started playing that made me want to hum along as I stalked to the door, opening it without checking who it was first. And almost slammed the door immediately.

"Move out the way, Half-and-Half!"

"I'm not in your way. I got here first."

"No you didn't! I was the one who knocked on the door so I win!"

"Just because you knocked-"

"What are you two doing here?" I interrupted the... weird conversation between Shoto and Bakugo, crossing my arms and jutting my hip. "I didn't know I had invited both of you over."

Bakugo tsked and looked away as Shoto began speaking. "It's your birthday. Of course I'd come over."

I looked over to the male I didn't know how to talk to right now. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Sighing, I moved out the way. "Come on in. I'm making pancakes."

I didn't bother to watch the two males move in the house as I stalked back over to the kitchen, pausing the music and grabbing a non-stick pan to cook the pancakes in. "Thanks, Shoto, for coming. Honestly, I was planning on doing practically nothing all day."

Shoto sat down across from me at the island and I looked up at him, a small smile on his lips. Just a tiny one. "I'm glad that I came over. Happy birthday, Mira."

"It's your birthday?" Bakugo said loudly, sitting at the other end of the island, two seats separating him and Shoto. I looked over to him, taking in his ruby eyes, spiky hair, strong figure covered by a black t-shirt.

"Yeah. Seventeen years of age now." I leaned forward a bit, tilting my head. "How old are you?"

If I were to guess, by his behavior, that he was probably one of the younger kids. Maybe an only child, or the youngest who was spoiled, unlike Shoto. "I'm the oldest at seventeen, ya baby."

I blinked a few times, looking over to Shoto who looked just as surprised as I felt, and back to Bakugo. "Y-you're the oldest?" 

"You got a problem with that!?" His eyes flared and he stood up a bit from his chair. At his raised voice, I felt my voice threaten to disappear as I recalled everything from the night before.

I shook my head, turning away. "No problem. But how can you call me a baby if we are the same age now? Wouldn't that make you a baby as well?"

"Shut up!"

"Why is there a hole in your wall?"

I look over to the wall with the hole I forgot to patch up two weeks ago."I threw a knife at Pom-Pom's head. Missed by a centimeter."

"A knife?"

"Vampy threw a fucking knife at my head for no fucking reason."

"Scaring me awake is good enough reason. And it was already in my hand."

"You grabbed the knife from under the sofa!"

"Wait, he woke you up?"

"My door was open and I was sleeping on the sofa. Don't you remember?"

"She's a dumbass."

"If you want pancakes then shut up."

"Don't tell me to shut up!"

"Bakugo, relax."

"Don't tell my what to do Half-and-Half!"

"Guys, no more shouting."

"I can do whatever I want!"


"So, we are at the mall. You two plan this together or something?" I ask as I was dragged inside the large shopping mall, literally. Since I was adamant about not going anywhere after I ate, wanting to drown in my thoughts on my birthday, the two males forced me to do things.

Not those type of things. No - they forced me to get dressed, taking my chocolate hostage. After I got dressed they forced me to put shoes on by Bakugo threatening to explode my favorite pair of combat boots. I would have killed Bakugo if he were someone else. 

Then I was forced to grab my phone and wallet, Shoto pushing me out of the house. Once on the bus, I didn't want to get off, too lazy. So, earning a bunch of weird stares, Bakugo shouted at me for being an idiot on my birthday, grabbing me by my wrist and dragged me down the path to the mall.

Bakugo looked over his shoulder, ruby eyes digging into me, making my mouth shut. "Do I have to fucking drag you everywhere or can you walk by yourself?"

I huff and try to break my hand free. His grip was too tight. "I can walk by myself." We were at the entrance to the mall, a couple leaving and staring at the three of us with a peculiar face before walking by. I didn't want to be dragged through public spaces like this.

"Come on, Mira. Let's do some shopping."Shoto said the second Bakugo's warm grip let loose of my wrist. Feeling a bit weird, I follow Shoto into the mall, a tsking Bakugo following us. It's been a while since I've been to the mall, probably over a year. 

"So, whose idea was it to storm my house this morning and force me to get dressed to come to the mall?" I didn't know which one of these... out-of-touch-with-shopping men chose to do this. 

"I just wanted to take you out to eat, but Bakugo said that was lame and said the mall would be better." I love how Shoto answers point blank sometimes, not thinking much about what he says. I heard a grumble and turn to look at Bakugo, hands in his pockets, eyes straying to look around. 

"So... where to first? I haven't been to the mall in ages." I ask, looking at the multiple levels full of stores and lights. It was pretty, in a way, the mall and it's hexagonal design. But what should I buy?

"We can go store by store, looking for things you want. Or things you need."

I stop and look over my shoulder again to Bakugo, turning back to Shoto. "Let's go."


"I am not putting that shitty thing on!"

"Stop cursing so much! And why not? I think it'd look cute on you."

"I don't need to look cute!" Bakugo stepped back into the wall of the store trying to escape me, face angry and at the same time scared. "Get those fucking things away from me!" 

With an evil laugh, I block him in. "Listen, Pom-Pom. It's my birthday. Be nice."

He grabbed my wrist as I tried to put the object on his head. "I don't care if we are in public, you are not putting that piece of dog shit on my head!"

"It's cat shit, not dog shit. And too bad!" And with that I maneuvered my other hand with the ears and placed it squarely on his head, gripping it tightly as he immediately tried to take it off. "Just take a picture with me for a second! No one else will see it, I swear!"

"I'm going to kill you one day." Bakugo muttered under his breath, a promise that felt so threatening it made me want to smile.

"Yes, yes okay. Just, smile for a second. Or continue frowning, if that's what you want to do." I took my phone out of my pocket and turned around, getting the selfie camera on and raising the phone to take a clean shot of the new Bakugo and I.

He growled and looked up at the camera, the tips of his ears red. I placed a headband with black cat ears and little pink fluffs on top of his spiky ash-blonde hair. It was cute at the same time attractive on the angry man.

The second I snap a picture, my face in it's weird smiling expression, Bakugo threw the thing off his head like it had the plague. He growled and grabbed me by the top of my head as I went to his contact page and edited the photo so that would be his contact picture. "Don't make me do that shit again! If anyone is a cat here it's you, with those fucking canines." He shook my head as he spoke.

"I'm not a cat. I'm more like a... bloodsucking creature." I said nonchalantly and turned to look up at him. "So, no on the cat ears? I want to hurry up on to the next store."

The look he gave me sent shivers down my spine. Both in fear and something else. "Alright fine, let's go."

I grabbed my bags on the floor and exited the 'toy' store, looking over to see the next store on my list. Forever 22. My arms were already full with bags and even Bakugo had to carry some, but I was going to buy more.

It was now around 2 or 3 p.m. Shoto left around thirty minutes ago, after getting a call from his sister saying they needed him at home. That was after the three of us raided a few stores and got ice cream. Shopping was more fun than I thought.

When Shoto left, I wanted to say something to Bakugo, about what I was yelled about last night. But I didn't know what to say. That I was going to change? That his words really hit me deep? I mean, what do I say? 

Other than those thoughts running through my head, Bakugo and I spent a good time together today. I was -now- thankful for he and Shoto coming to get me. Though, I am still unsure of how Bakugo decided to take me to the mall. Is he sick or something?

"Vampy!" I blinked up as I heard Bakugo's voice call out to me loudly. "Can't you hear me?"

"Sorry, I was spacing out for a bit. Come one, let's go to 22."I say, turning right.

"22? What is that - tch." Bakugo quickly realized what I meant when I entered the pink store, the lights dimmed. I enter the store, Bakugo behind me, wondering what type of clothes I should buy. 

"Hmm..." I mutter as I walk through a section of shirts. Or crops. A mix of both, basically. I always wear black and red, so should I get something different? But what? I don't really have that high of a style index. "Pom-Pom, can you help me pick out something?" I ask as I walk over to the skirts.

"Why me? Can't you figure things out?" Bakugo asked, sounding a bit annoyed. I feel the texture of a tight, black skirt, looking up and over to him.

"I don't know what looks good on me. I just buy things in black or red. So help me." I tell him and he raised a brow at me. We stared each other down before Bakugo sighed. I huffed softly in victory.

"Fine. What do you need?" He asked dejectedly. 

"I want two shirts, two pants, shorts or skirts, and one dress." I say as I scroll through the skirts. All short, basically.

I couldn't pick anything out the whole time we were there and ended up following Bakugo around until he chased me away so he could think in peace. So I watched from a small distance, sitting and thinking.

I've know Bakugo for over four weeks now, but already he is someone I trust with my life. If he asked me, I'd tell him anything, and that unnerves me in a way. I take his words serious to heart, and so far he's been the only one to get me to... to cry. The heat Bakugo spreads through me with a simple touch. His smell drives me crazy, his appearance being fucking hot. Even his voice is tantalizing. 

It's annoying.

Yet, I know Bakugo's appearance and smell isn't really what makes me open up with him. It's... well, put simply, it's how he treats me. How he speaks to me. It's stupid. I mean, he yells a lot, calls me dumbass and Vampy most of the time, but Bakugo is honest with me.

Brutally honest. Katsuki Bakugo doesn't cut back on his words or try to appease me, like so many do. He doesn't take how I act and accept it due to my trauma. He tells me what is wrong with me, what I need to fix, what I do that is fucking stupid. People don't do that for me. 

Well, I do have some people that tell me when I'm being crazy. But Bakugo insults on another level.

Bakugo also treats me better than most people, I noticed. Whether it be in private, when he is calmer and more open with me. Or how he jokes with me. Or how he is helping me, showing that he cares, to some extent, for me. Bakugo chases away my fears when I am around him. He makes my heart race with a simple look or calms my hysteria with just placing a hand on my shoulder.

And the dialogue he gave me last night... I think I finally realize what I want to say to Bakugo. But, how do I say it? Now- No. Then when? How do I tell Bakugo tha-

"Okay, I've finished your job." The deep voice interrupted my thoughts and I look up, not realizing I was spaced out. Bakugo held up a forest green sweater and black shirt, the backs facing me. There was also a black dress, one pair of jeans and one black skirt. They looked cute. "Go try them on."

I took the clothes from Bakugo, about to walk up to the cashier. "Wait, try them on? 


"Don't be stupid! To make sure the fucking clothes fit!"

"You curse too much." I sigh, turning to walk towards the dressing room. 

"And you don't?"

"Yeah, your right." I pause at the entrance to the hall, turning to look at Bakugo with a tilt of my head. "We both curse too much. You're rubbing off on me."

With that, I enter a dressing room that, thankfully, didn't have an employee guarding the amount of clothes I brought in. Locking myself in a fitting room that had doors that didn't leave three feet of space open, I set the clothes down and decided to start with the dress. 

I checked the size first, making sure it was correct. A small, or three to five. Perfect. Taking off my original clothing, leaving nothing but my undergarments, I slip the dress on, it a bit tight but flexible fabric. Adjusting it to lay on my body correctly, I turn to look in the mirror, liking the fit.

It was short, coming to mid-thigh, and tight. It had a crop top front, making a diamond shape at my midsection before becoming a dress again. In front the neck was v-line, a really deep v-line, exposing the top of my breasts in a subtle but... sexy way, I suppose.  It was a ruched drawstring in between my breasts, making a small design, two strings that I tied into a bow  hanging slightly over the open midsection. The back of the dress came up to the top of my back in a slight slope shape, I noticed, as I pulled my hair up and looked over my shoulder. 

It was a tight fit, a mix of spandex and something else to make it a bit more stretchy and form fitting. Smoothing out the lines around my breast and hips from my undergarments, I had to say I quiet liked the dress. I know my normal outfits expose a lot of skin, but that's just how I dress. So this fits into my quota perfectly.

Opening the door, I decide to ask for Bakugo's permission. I spot him at the end of the hall, arms stuffed in his pockets as he leaned against the wall. I noticed an employee watching him carefully with a slight blush on her cheeks and I felt a weird ire rise in me.

"Pom-Pom, what do you think?" I call out, wanting his attention as I fully stepped out of the fitting room. Bakugo turned to look at me and his eyes went wide for a brief moment before he schooled his expression back to it's usual frown, taking his hands out of his pockets and crossing his arms, leaning on his shoulders to look at me intensely.

I tried my best to stop my heart beating as Bakugo scanned me, top to bottom, his gaze intent on something. "It looks fine."

Was that a- a compliment? Did Bakugo not say something bad about how I looked for the first time in forever? "T-thanks." I said, turning around and back into the fitting room before I said something embarrassing out of shock.

I was complimented, in a way, by Bakugo just now. Am I dying? Do I need to get my head checked out again? Am I hallucinating? No... Bakugo picked out the dress, of course he'd like it.

Shaking my head vigorously, I move to check out the other clothing. The forest green sweater was loose, this time long sleeved and a light knit material, would cover up to my collarbone, stopping at the top of my hips. The jeans, which I would pair with it, was a tight straight leg that would look good on me. They would go well together.

The black skirt was short again, probably a mini, with a dolphin hem. Why does Bakugo like short clothes for me? Maybe he just knows I like freedom. Maybe it's for another reason. Maybe I should stop blushing.

The black shirt was a soft material, not as tight as the others, and seemed to be a long crop tee. Turning to look at the front I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up at the words on it. I instantly took my dress off and put on the black skirt, coming down to just below mid-thigh, and the shirt on top. It was soft and a bit loose, tight enough around my breasts and loose at my waist. And the words fit perfectly.

On the top of my chest were the words, in white, gothic letters, 'Honestly, I'm'. They weren't that large but were eye-catching. At the top part of my breasts were 'A' and at the middle of my breasts on the tee was the word that made me laugh. 'VAMPIRE'.

'VAMPIRE' was in bright red, the V and the E 'bleeding' down to make the top part of a mouth with elongated canines. 

I loved the shirt. I seriously loved it, my mouth trying to smile with how much I liked it.

Grabbing my phone out of my jacket, I exit and storm up to Bakugo. "I seriously love this shirt you idiot." I say in a happy voice, stuffing my phone into his hands and he just stared down at me a bit surprise at my sudden appearance. "Take a picture of me please!"

"If you like it I'm not an idiot!"

"Just take a picture!"

"Fine!" He growled, raising the phone.

I hop back a few steps and pose, activating my Blood Quirk and did my weird smile, showing off my canines, putting a peace sign against my face, right leg extended and left arm propped on my hip.

"Ok Vampy, three two one..." I heard three clicks before Bakugo threw the phone towards me and I grabbed it, letting my Quirk turn off and excitedly taking a look at the pictures. 

"I love this shirt!" I say as I watch check the three pictures, happy with the way they came out, glaring happily at the shirt.

"Just hurry up and let's go. I want to eat." Bakugo complained and I waved him off, sending the picture to Shoto and Yuuko- who I told I would call later- and walked back into the dressing room, changing back into my first outfit. Grabbing all the clothing, I walk back out and to the register, happily buying the clothing that Bakugo picked out for me while he loitered at the entrance.

"That boyfriend of yours is pretty hot and got good taste. What a lucky girl." The cashier said, sighing softly. 

"Huh?" I was a bit confused about who she was talking about. "Who again?"

The employee gave me a smirk and leaned in. "We both know exactly which hottie in this room is your boyfriend. You are so lucky! I need a man myself."

Hottie is my boyfriend...? Did she mean- "Oh, no we aren't a couple! He's just my friend, taking me shopping on my birthday!" I waved, shaking my head softly. 

As the girl scanned the final piece of clothing, her violet hair swishing out of her face, she gave me a look that obviously meant she didn't believe me. 

"Alright. Then does that mean he's open for business?"

"No!" I covered my mouth at my instinctive reaction and the lady just laughed, winking at me. "I-I mean yeah, h-he's o-open." I tried so hard not to hit myself on the head at my stupid mouth for having a mind of it's own. 

"Then be on the lookout! The price is..."

After I bought the clothes for a surprisingly low cost, I had to school my heart into being calm as I walked over to Bakugo. I can't believe how I reacted to the thought of Bakugo being chased by other woman. I mean, that's so unrealistic, what with his behavior and all that. I must be going even more insane than I already was.

No, I wasn't insane. If anyone was in my position and had been through what I had, Bakugo would be someone they would instantly like as well. Like as a friend, right. Ya know, not romantically. Right?

Looking at Bakugo's profile, the strong jaw and outline of his body, the ruby eyes and ash-blonde hair. Yeah, he was hot. Incredibly so and it annoys me a bit. But that isn't all there is to him.

"What took you so long? You aren't a snail, are you?" Bakugo complained as we began to walk out of the store, ready to go get some food. I ignored his comments, taking in a deep breath and grabbing his bicep to pull him to a stop. Locking my blue eyes with his ruby ones, I said what I felt like I needed to say.

"Katsuki Bakugo, thank you. Thank you for..." I took a deep breath and hoped, hoped to whatever power was out there, that Bakugo could see how much I cared about what he has done for me . "Thank you for being by my side. Thank you for being brutally honest with me. Thank you, Katsuki Bakugo. Thank you!" 

With that I turn, almost as if a robot, a bit shaken by my own words and the shocked look on Bakugo's face. I inhaled deeply and exhaled deeply, trying my hardest to remain completely calm. Or just a tad bit calm.

"Come on, Pom-Pom! Let's go eat our late lunch!" 

"Like I said, don't tell me what to do!" I waved his words off as he stomped over to me.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go catch a bus."


"If you pay I cook." Bakugo said, grabbing the tongs out of my hands in a flash. 

"You sure you won't burn this place to the ground?" I tease as Bakugo began to pick up slices of meat and put them neatly on the grill in the middle of the table, a round booth with Bakugo and I opposite each other at the ends and the shopping bags taking up all the space.

"I can cook better than you can, Vampy." Bakugo said, surprisingly more calm than I thought. I just shrugged and took a sip of my vanilla and caramel milkshake. Milkshakes shouldn't be eaten with meat like this, but who cares.

We got on the bus, and when I checked the time it was 5 p.m. Way later than I thought it would be. We got off the bus in the city to walk around and pick a place to eat at. That is when we came upon the restaurant that I had always seen in anime, where people can cook their own food. And that is where we were at now.

"What's your Quirk?"


"I asked you what your Quirk is!"

I set the milkshake down on the table and lean back against the chair as Bakugo handled the meat on the indoor grill, glancing up at me before looking back down.

"You know what mine is, don't you?"

"Yeah. Nitroglycerin sweat that you can explode at will." I mutter, remembering the quick spiel he gave me a weak ago during training. I know that would probably add on to his caramel and smoky scent, but the thing is I smell the scent of someone's blood, not perfumes or other scents. Unless no one is around me.

Bakugo tsked and looked up at me, pausing a bit as he was going to flip a piece of meat. "So, what's your Quirks?"

I tapped my finger on my arm as I tilt my head. "Well, my first Quirk is Air Manipulation. I can do anything I want with the air with my hands and arms in a thirty foot radius. I can also sense people's temperatures in their body too, and my body reacts to attacks automatically because of that.

I drum my fingers a bit more. "The output of my Air is ten times stronger than what it was before, and the more pressure the higher the force of the blast. It makes it hard for me to do concentrated blows.  And because of the strength of the air, the temperature drops and the pressure causes my muscles to begin tensing."

"And you shimmer blue when it's on. Now the other one." Bakugo placed half of the meat on my plate. I could smell something savory and my stomach growled softly, ready to eat. I didn't answer Bakugo as I picked up the first sliver of meat and placed it in my mouth.

I sighed out as the hot meat hit my tongue, the flavor perfectly between savory and spicy. I was glad we had the thought to season it before cooking. And it was cooked perfectly, it tender and juicy. Not raw.

"This is good. Hurry up, put more meat on the grill!" I command, already on my third piece of meat.

"it's good because I'm cooking it!" I looked up to see that shit-eating grin on his face and shook my head, Bakugo placing more meat on the grill. "Now what's your second Quirk."

I pause, looking to him with meat sticking out of my mouth. Quickly chewing and drinking my milkshake, which matches well with the meat. That, or I just like caramel way too much. "You know, Midoriya asked me to explain my Quirk to him, but then combat training happened and we forgot about it."

"Why are you mentioning that asshole De-"

"I told him I would explain after school, not while we ate, because of some bullshit reason." I cut off Bakugo's angry voice, tapping my finger on the glass of the milkshake. "The truth is, last time I told a person about my Blood Quirk while we ate, that girl looked at me like some kind of hideous creature and swore that I was falsely eating food just so I can get closer to her." 

I leaned forward and placed my left elbow on the table, making a finger gun at Bakugo. "But you won't do that. I trust you so don't get freaked out."

Bakugo scoffed, the anger from his voice dissipating. Well, it's always there, but you know what I mean, right? "Yeah, yeah, hurry up."

Taking away my finger gun, I explain. "Blood Hardening. When activated, I can make anything out of my blood and it hardens into a type of metal that can basically cut through anything. The blood rushes through my body at a faster rate when I have it on, so it counteracts the tensing in my arms.

I flex my fingers, remembering all the tests done on my Quirk."It also enhances my healing abilities. I can heal from virtually anything while my Quirk is on, and my natural healing is much faster than a normal persons. If it takes someone one month to heal from a stab wound, without my Quirk it would take me a week, at most. It is a complicated process though, with multiple descriptions involved that I will explain at a later date." I sounded like some doctor or teacher. Oh well.

"The problem is, I can only make things out of my blood. So the more objects I make, the more blood leaves my body, the more lightheaded I become. And that's where my canines kick in." I lick my teeth in my mouth, my canines normal length now. 

"To replenish lost blood, I have to have my Quirk activated. Because of that, needles won't work for blood transfusions since my Quirk will either heal around the needle and cut it off inside me or will just not let the needle in. So, to combat that, I have my canines. It used to hurt, my canines popping out or cutting myself to get blood. Now it's just part of daily life."

I was surprised that Bakugo was being quiet this whole time. It was out of character for him. I'll just finish my long-ass spiel.

"I have to drink blood like an actual vampire. Whether it be a blood bag or a human body, I have to drink by mouth, making sure my canines are in place so that the Quirk recognizes the blood that I 'enjoy' and will multiply it within my body. And it doesn't matter what blood type; it matters whether or not the person smells good or attractive to me. Because of that, I don't smell people by their perfumes or body washes. I smell their blood."

That is when I let my canines pop in and opened my mouth to showcase them, standing up and leaning over the grill, trying to look menacing in Bakugo's eyes. "And you smell absolutely amazing." 

He was not amused, smacking my forehead lightly and forcing me to sit back down and I huffed, turning off my Quirk and take a long sip of my shake.

"So you're an actual vampire." I nodded my head. "Now hurry up an eat the steak, I know you want it."

Without hesitation I swipe half of the steak on the grill onto my plate, Bakugo taking the other half. "Thank you for cooking my steak!" I say happily and dive in without worry.

"Stop thanking for bullshit reasons." He grumbled but ate his second portion too. I didn't bother replying, too focused on the steak.

I wasn't worried about what Bakugo thought of me. Sure, now he knows that I drink blood like a vampire. Now he knows that I find his smell amazing, his blood. So what? If he thought I was disturbing, what with my mental lapses and everything I've done, Bakugo wouldn't be sitting across the table from me right now.

So I wasn't worried. In fact, I felt a bit better finally telling someone about my Quirk. I've always wanted to tell people, to see how they would react. But after that time, I felt a bit scared of how people will further perceive me. 

We ate the food in a happy silence, our normal banter occurring. After the steak, we ordered ice cream and I was surprised to see Bakugo order some, seeing as he likes spicy food. And because he didn't want any earlier today. It was dark, by the time we left, and I was full past my capacity.

I just finished saying bye to Bakugo and thanks for spending time on my birthday with me, to which he told me to shut up and go home. 

"Make sure to stay healthy for the sports festival!" I shouted down at him.

"You're the idiot that doesn't know how to stay healthy!" Bakugo's angry voice shouted back. Being as Monday was the sports festival, I planned to stay inside and make a shitty plan on Sunday.

Now inside, my bags crowding the table, I took my phone off do not disturb, noticing almost a hundred messages and twenty calls from Yuuko. I immediately call her and she picked up instantly.

"Hey. Sorry for ignoring your ca-"

"You can widen your eyes!?" I almost dropped my phone at that. 

"Yuuko, t-that isn't funny. It's my birthday now, don't be mean." I try to brush her off, ready to unpack my shopping bags.

"It's not a fucking joke! Look at the picture you sent me, dumbass!"

I exhaled slowly, putting Yuuko on speaker and taking the phone off my ear to go to photos. I enlarge the pictures of me in the 'Vampire' shirt, focusing on my face. 

And I dropped my phone.

Thanks for reading and Enjoy!

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