The Grand King and Queen [Oik...

By mangoezhoez

307K 13.7K 5.5K

Oikawa's sister... the great Oikawa Tooru, and his little sister. To get out of his shadows you went out to f... More

1. You Should've gone to Shiratorizawa
2. Meat buns
3. Novice
4. Gungun Yogurt >> Yakult
5. The Flower Pot
6. Dorming
7. The Intersection
8. First Practice
9. Oikawa Cuisine
10. Onigiri with da bros~
11. Oversleeping
12. Hacking the vending machine.
13. Hell week but it's training
14. Interhigh
15. Interhigh - Quarterfinals
16. Interhigh - 2
17. Interhigh - Semifinals
18. Interhigh - finals
19. Next Time
20. Off days
21. Super glue
22. The White Knee Pad
24. Interhigh Nationals
25. Interview
26. Day Two
27. Nationals - Quarterfinals
28. Nationals - semis
29. Beef
30. Party at Aunt Miya's
31. Pond Duel
32. Sick Days
33. Training Camp
34. Training camp - 2
35. Training Camp - 3
36. Oikawa
37. Hyogo
38. Sleepover
39. Love Letters
40. Mani no Pedi
41. Luck
42. Prodigy
43. Let's Get It
44. Thank You
45. Engawa
46. Deal?
47. Lights
48. New Year
49. All-Japan
50. Shark(ie)
51. 113
52. Polaroid
53. Sugar Cubes
54. Onita
55. Iwaki
56. Wanaka
57. Pretty Girl
58. Young Miss
59. Deal.
60. Date Auction
61. Strong
62. Cherry Blossom Tears
63. Peculiar Meetings
64. Seijoh
65. Mija
66. Shoji Screens
67. Practice
68. Doki Doki
69. Intrusive Thoughts
70. Choco Milk
71. Wise Words
72. Fingers
73. Weekend in Tokyo
74. Feisty
75. Favorite
76. Weirdo(s)
77. Like and Subscribe
78. I <3 You
79. Questions
80. Interview
81. Training Camp
82. Dragon
83. King
84. Spooky
85. "Coaching"
86. Athletic Festival
87. Flower Field
88. Friendly Rival
89. W's
90. Party Hardy
91. Class Inspection
92. Sister
93. The Competition (?)
94. Training Camp
95. Kanari
96. Bars
97. Minegishi Minami
98. Call
99. The End

23. Caltan

4.2K 215 74
By mangoezhoez

Just one more point
You panted as you duck back down into receiving position.

Second set 1-0
Shiratorizawa - Taiwa
24 - 21

You clutched your stomach as Taiwa's server started her approach.

Darn western food

You grumbled to yourself as you stepped up, hands up to receive her jump floater.
"Moto-san!" You yelled as you tossed the ball up, Nakamoto moving under it as you all started your approach.

What was it called again

Nakamoto set the ball to you, prompting you to jump as you ignored the grumbling in your stomach.

Burger supreme?

Your arm cranked back as you looked at the opposing teams positions. Bringing your palm up to hit a straight.

Who knew western food would mess up my insides

You shot the ball straight down hitting the sidelines, just barely missing the blockers hand.

You landed soon after, looking at the ball roll away with a blank face as you stopped yourself from running to the bathrooms.

Shiratorizawa v. Taiwa 2-0

Stupid western food

You turned around and high-fived your teammates before moving to the back line, yelling out your thank you before moving to the cheering section.

You bowed as you yelled thank you, looking up to see a snickering Shirabu and dead looking Kawanishi.

Stupid western food

You grumbled once more, remembering how you and Kawanishi had shared the triple patty burger back at the restaurant.

You turned around, jogging back to the benches to pick up your bags before turning to look at the coach.

"Kojima-Sensei!" You straightened up as he looked back at you, lifting a brow at the sudden action. "Permission to go to the bathroom, sir."
Kojima sighed as he waved you off, returning his attention to his bags as you jogged off court. Your jog morphing into a sprint as your stomach grumbled again.

You clutched it as you looked around for the bathrooms, ignoring all the murmurs and stares from the other teams. You sprinted down a hallway with a sign on top labeled 'restrooms' feeling your life flash before your eyes as you collided with a wall. Closing your eyes as you awaited impact.

Impact came in the form of two hands under your armpits, holding you up from the ground. You opened your eyes, seeing as the 'wall' had actually been a piss haired loser you could recognize in an instant. You ignored him as you looked up, trying to see whose hands were holding you up. You catched a glimpse of light brown wavy hair.You tilted your head back further, brown eyes looking at you with a shy smile.

"He's cute." You muttered, confused as to why the boy flushed pink. You lifted a brow as snickering reached your ear, turning towards it to be met by a pair of big seagull like green eyes as they looked down at you. The boy stopped snickering when he felt your eyes on him, opening his eyes to look straight into yours. You smiled up at him, slightly relieved when you saw him smile back. He had white spiky hair, looking peculiarly tall from your point of view.

"Oi." You shot your head back to the 'wall' you had hit. Meeting Atsumu's brown eyes as he glared at your chest, you unconsciously brought your hands up, covering your already covered chest. "Watch where yer placing yer hands" he snarled as he turned his glare up to look at the boy holding you in his arms. Confused, you looked down. Noticing how the boys hands were hovering over your boobs, though they were shot straight as to not touch them.

You moved back, growing a few inches as you stood up straight. The peculiarly tall boy now being at your eye level, his distaste evident. You moved your hands up to grab the boys hands, moving them down next to your hips. Not letting them go as you glared up at Atsumu.

"Shattap, Miya"
"You shattap, Oikawa." Atsumu huffed as he moved to stand in front of you, glaring down at your still intertwined hands with the light haired boy. You were about to retort when you felt your stomach grumble again, suddenly remembering you were on your trip to the bathroom.

You whisked around letting go of the boy's hands as you turned to look up at him. Your height difference slightly shoocking you. You grabbed his hands again, clutching them between yours as you smiled up at him. "Thank you savior-chan!" You giggled as he stiffened up, nodding to you in return. You turned to look at the spiky haired boy and smiled, waving as you turned around. Lightly squeezing your savior's hand once more before letting go and jogging to the restrooms. Ignoring Atsumu as he followed behind you, his silver haired friend following behind him.

"Oi Hirugami!" The spiky haired boy elbowed his friend, the boy slightly flinching as he turned to look at him and nodded. "You're acting like you don't get confessed to by girls on a daily basis!" The boy huffed as he turned around, prompting Hirugami to follow. "Why are you acting so surprised when this one called you cute?" The boy turned to glare at him, Hirugami only shrugging as they started walking back to the court.

"Crap." He stopped walking as he turned towards the hallway you jogged down. "I didn't introduce myself." The spiky haired boy glared at him once more as he clicked his tongue, turning around to walk ahead.
"Ah. Hoshiumi wait up!"


"Stupid western food."
Kaneko snickered as she passed you a banana.
"I think we get it Oika-chan. You've been grumbling about it for the entire game."
You clicked your tongue before turning your attention back to the game. The Shiratorizawa boys' club were currently playing, so the team sat with the cheer section to watch the game. Joining in on the cheers every now and then.

"Nice kill U-shi-ji-ma! Ushjima! Ushijima!"

"Semi-san is really reliable." Kaneko muttered before taking a bite from her banana. You turned to look at her, "Ushijima-san's the one who made the point though."

She looked at you and sighed, "thanks to who?"
"His arm strength?" She deadpanned at you before shaking her head. "No. It was thanks to Semi-San."

You shrugged. You knew how important setters were and how heavily they impacted their team but either way, it was thanks to Ushijima's strength that the ball got past that block.
You both turned your attention back to the game.

"The blockers are too-" you stopped, seeing Semi jump up as to set the ball but ended up spiking the ball down at the last second.

"Focused on the spikers." You shrugged.

"Nice kill Semi-Semi!" You yelled, receiving a glare from Semi and thumbs up from Tendou.
"Semi-san is very reliable." Kaneko nodded as she looked down at Semi. You shrugged as you leaned back into your seat, fishing your vibrating phone out your pocket before blindly answering.

"Little bunny!" You lifted the phone a bit farther from your ear as you closed your eyes, maintaining your cool as Tooru yelled.
"What was up with your receives last game!" He shrieked. "It looked like you were about to shit your pants!"

"That's because I was."
"I almost shit myself last game."

"Language." Nakamoto glared down at you as you apologized. You picked up your bag and told her you'd be standing outside, you waited for her okay before moving to the hallway.

"I ate a western style burger, and it messed up my insides." You cut Tooru's ongoing rambling off as you leaned back on one of the walls. Sliding down it until you reached the floor.

"You're not supposed to eat so heavy before games dummie!"
"I ate it four hours before warmups Tooru." You grumbled. Hearing Tooru click his tongue before shuffling was heard.

"What are-"
"MAMMA!" Tooru yelled, basically bursting your ear drums as you lifted the phone away from your ear. Hearing him yell something to your mother before your mother yelled back.

"CALTAN?!... OKAY! THANK YOU." You sighed as you ignored the stares from passersby, confused about the yelling coming from your phone.

"Caltan. Mamma said to go buy some Caltan." Tooru hummed into the phone.

"Where am I supposed to go buy-" you stopped as you slightly jumped, seeing a white box with yellow and blue words shoved into your face. You looked up at whoever it was that was handing you a box and met a pair of foxy eyes you had become accustomed to.

"Tooru-nii, I have to go."
"Okay. Good luck with your next game little bunny!" You hummed as you said your goodbyes and hung up, patting the spot next to you for Suna to sit down.

"Caltan?" You asked as he slumped down next to you and hummed. "You kept on clutching your stomach during your last game, and Atsumu said you jogged to the bathroom after your last game." He shrugged as he turned to look at you.

"So you bought me Caltan?" You grinned at him, biting your lip down from forming a smile.

"Well, Kita-san that it's good for stomach aches." He said as he scoot down the wall, moving his head to the side to rest it on your shoulder.

"Domestic." You giggled as he grumbled a 'shut up' under his breath. You moved your head to place it on his as you hummed.

"When's your match tomorrow?"
"It's the third match. Yours?"
"Second." You and Suna hummed as you stared at the passerby's walk by.

"I don't think I'll be able to watch your match this time." Suna said as he placed his hand out in front of him, palm up. "It's fine. We'll just have to win our game faster so I can catch yours." You hummed as you traced your finger over the creases on his palm. He hummed as he sat up straight, ignoring Atsumu as he ran up to you.

"Bunny!" You hummed as you looked up at him.
"Can ya make me a handkerchief too?!" He beamed as he looked down at you with stars in his eyes. You stopped playing with Suna's hand as you looked up at him with a confused expression. "What?"

"I overheard Ushiwaka talkin' to an interviewer, and they asked him 'bout the handkerchief that fell out his pocket and he said you made it for him! So can ya make me one too?!" He lightly jumped up and down as he looked at you with an expectant look. You put your hand up, prompting him to pull you up as you hummed. Standing up straight as you dusted yourself off, placing your hand out to help Suna up.

"Sure, I don't see why not." You shrugged as you turned to look at him. He smiled brightly, "thank you Y/N-chan!" You hummed as you leaned down to pick up your bag, throwing it over your shoulder.

"Did the game already end?" Atsumu hummed as he followed you and Suna back into the stands. "Yea, they won." You hummed as you saw the cheer section starting to pick up.
"We're still hanging out with Kozume today right?" You asked them as you stepped into one of the top rows of seats, sitting down as you looked at your team. Waiting for them to stand up for you to follow. Atsumu hummed as Suna nodded, showing you a video from his phone.
"Where are we even goin'?" Atsumu asked as he tried to look at whatever it was you were laughing at with Suna.

"I'm not sure. Kenma didn't tell me anything." You shrugged as Suna took his phone back, not letting Atsumu catch a glance of his screen.
"Well I hope we can go to an arcade so I can destroy all you scrubs." Atsumu snickered as he leaned back into his seat, receiving an unimpressed look from both Suna and you.


"Ah. Tendou-san." you turned around, seeing as the cheery redhead skipped over to you.
"Where are you going?" he leaned into you, seeing how you had changed out of your tracksuit and into a blouse and jeans.

He leaned in closer, catching a whiff of a sweet aroma coming from your hair. "You took a shower?" he asked as he looked you up and down, lifting a brow as he took your image in.
"Tendou-san, I know this is your first time seeing me out of my uniform or workout clothes, but it's rude to stare." you giggled up at him as he took a step back, hands up in the air as he looked at you with a look of surprise.

"I would never!" he huffed as he crossed his arms and looked back. You shrugged as you walked towards the elevator, Tendou following after you.

"Are you going somewhere Tendou-san?" you asked after you clicked the first floor button. Tendou hummed as he rested his arms behind his head. "Where are you going Y/N-chan? You didn't answer me when I asked ya back there."
You hummed as the elevator dinged, doors opening soon after. "I'm meeting up with some friends." You smiled up at him before stepping out the elevator, Tendou looked at you with curiosity as he followed you through the lobby.

"Tokyo friends Y/N-chan? You're a social one aren't you~" you giggled as you walked towards the lobby doors.

"I guess you could say that." you shrugged as you stopped in front of the doors, waiting for them to open. You stepped outside with Tendou, instantly spotting the putting head in red hoodie and black pants. You turned to look up at Tendou as you pointed at the boy. "That's the friend."

Tendou followed your finger and saw a relatively small looking boy with pudding like hair look up at you. "You said friends Y/N-chan, that's friend." He turned to look at you, his lips morphing into their regular cat like ones. "We're meeting up with them along the way. Their hotel's closer to the place we're going to." you clarified as you began walking over to the boy, Tendou still following after you. "Are they all boys Y/N-chan?" Tendou asked as you stepped closer. You hummed as you waved at Kenma.

"Ayaya, Y/N-chan~" you and Kenma turned to look up at him. "A night in Tokyo with boys." Tendou squirmed as he smiled at you.

"Kenjirou'll be jealous." he grinned at you as he saw your face turn into a a confused one and Kenma's a disgusted one. You cleared your throat as you turned to look at Kenma.

"We should be going, Tendou-san." You nodded at Kenma as he looked at you with a confused look. "Have fun on your outing." You smiled up at him before turning to link arms with Kenma and dragging him down the sidewalk. You glanced back at Tendou wave you off, as you smiled and continued to walk away.

"We're going the wrong way, Y/N."
"You should've said so earlier Kenma!"

Tendou snickered to himself as he saw you and Kenma bicker before turning to walk back into the hotel.

"Tendou." he looked up and into a pair of olive colored eyes. "Ah, Wakatoshi-kun~" he hummed as he walked over to him. "Why were you outside? I thought you said you were going to the vending machines." Ushijima asked as he turned to walk back to the elevators.

"I was making sure my dear kouhai wasn't getting abducted." Tendou shrugged as he waited for the elevator. "Kouhai?" Tendou hummed as he nodded at Ushijima. "The same kouhai that embroidered that handkerchief for ya!"

"Little Oikawa?" Tendou humed as they stepped into the elevator with him. "Why did she embroider that handkerchief for you anyways, Wakatoshi-kun."

"She couldn't wash off the blood from the one I let her borrow last time."
"So she embroidered you a whole new one?" Tendou asked as the elevator doors closed. "She didn't want to give me a plain one." Ushijima hummed as the elevator started moving up.

"Do you think she'd make me one, Wakatoshi-kun?" Tendou asked as Ushijima shrugged.
"You can ask."

"Y/N-chan! Kenma!" Atsumu waved you over with both hands up in the air. Osamu and Suna at his side.

Kenma and you walked over to them, interchanging a quick hello before looking over at Kenma.

"So where are we going Kenma!" you smiled at him as he took out his phone, punching something in before looking up at the street signs.

"Well I was thinking we could go to an arcade then go get something to eat, and we could end it with going to this internet cafe they recently opened." He hummed as he put his phone back into his pocket, slightly startled when he noticed Atsumu, Osamu and Suna were looking at him with surprised expressions. You on the other hand, had your hands up in front of your chest, lightly clapping as your mouth formed a little 'O'. "What?"

"Nice nice! Didn't know you'd put so much thought into our outing Kenma!" You smiled at him as you gave him a thumbs up. The other three nodding along. "Where are we going to eat?" Osamu asked.

"Whatever's fine." Kenma shrugged as he glanced up at him.

"Onigiri!" both Osamu and you said in unison, turning to high five each other at your common tastebuds.

Kenma hummed as he began walking ahead, Suna and you following behind him as Atsumu bickered with Osamu about his choice of food.

You walked over to the arcade, cashing out coins before going off to choose games. Most of your time at the arcade was spent with Atsumu, Osamu, Suna and you trying to beat Kenma in different games. Foolishly losing in all of them as your coins slowly disappeared.

You left the arcade devastated at your losing streak with a smug looking Kenma guiding you towards a ramen restaurant. Atsumu had convinced Osamu and you to just get onigiri and the cafe and eat an actual meal for the night. You slurped on your Miso ramen as you giggled with the other four. Your talks consisted of random memories, volleyball, things that happened at the arcade and laughing at photos and videos that Suna had taken at the arcade.

A majority of them being pictures or videos of Atsumu mopping after his loses.

You left the restaurant and headed towards the internet cafe. Taking five spots at the end of the row and hopping onto the game you all first met at.

Tobio had texted you that he was visiting his grandfather so he wouldn't be joining.

You played for a little over an hour, laughing as you flashed through levels and stuffing yourselves with the cafe's food. More specifically you and Osamu eating an unholy amount of onigiri.

The night was cut short when Kenma received a text from his mom, telling him to head back home. You all stepped out and waved him off, the four of you realizing just how late it was before deciding to head back to your hotels.

"Nakayama-san is going to kill me." you groaned as you walked with them along the busy streets of Tokyo. Atsumu hummed as he checked the time again. "Captain already texted all of us." Atsumu sighed as he put away his phone.

"At least he hasn't started calling yet." Osamu spoke a bit too soon.

All four of you stopped when Atsumu's ringtone went off. "Answer it." Suna said as Atsumu whipped out his phone, handing it to Suna instead. "You do it!" Suna shook his head as he moved Atsumu's hand over to Osamu. "Let Osmau do it. He's captain's favorite." Atsumu hummed as he urged Osamu to answer.

"Oi, you answer it! It's yer phone." Osamu huffed as he moved Atsumu's hand away. Atsumu freaking out as he realized just how long the phone had been ringing.

"I'll answer." you hummed as you reached for his phone, answering before any of them had the chance to tell you anything.

"You three said you'd be back in four hours! It's been five and I don't see any of ya!" you lifted the phone away from your ear as their captain continued to yell profanities through the phone.

You looked up at them as they shrugged, Atsumu looking down to play with a rock on the sidewalk.

"Atsumu! Are ya even listenin'!"
"Captain-san!" you spoke into the phone with the most giggly voice you could muster. "...a girl?" their captain asked as muffled mustering was heard in the background.

"I'm sorry for keeping them so long captain-san." You pouted, making a little 'hmph' sound to let them know. "Suna-kun, Osamu-kun and Atsumu-kun are walking me back to my hotel. They didn't want to leave me alone captain-san." you spoke into the phone, a happy tone in your words.

"Though if you want them to go back, there's nothing I can do... sorry captain-san." you said as you brought your tone down to a sadder one, ignoring the other threes looks of confusion and shock.

"A-ah. It's fine! It's fine! They can walk you back."
"Thank you captain-san! ... Well, I'll leave you now that it's been setted." you spoke into the phone, smile evident in your voice.

"Of course, of course. Bye. "
"Bye bye captain-san." you said before hanging up, your smile instantly falling back to your neutral face as you handed the phone back to Atsumu.

"He said you three could walk me back." you said as you turned around, walking ahead as they followed.

"Didn't know ya were an actress Y/N-chan."

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