Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]

Od AlphaFemale127

63.7K 1.6K 3.8K

Loosing family is hard, soul-breaking. It causes trauma in people, especially when you see the people you lov... Více

First Day of UA
Being a 'Hero'
Pervert in a Store
Class Rep
Villains at USJ
2 Days Later
Friend Greetings
Some Company
Pain Isn't Wanted
Days Of Silence
Waking Up
Just Some Talks
The First Night
A Mishap
Just Some Fun
A Helpful Conversation
Birthday Surprise
Don't Worry
Sports Festival
Mira vs...
The Final Round
No Noise
A Bath
Just A Day
Answering A Question
An Invitation
Only 1 Week
The Change*
Top Of A Building
Girl Talk
Morning *
A Massage*
Family Lunch
All Red
It's Not The Blood-loss
The Crash
Deleted Scenes pt 1
Deleted Scenes pt.2
Made to Be pt. 1
Made to Be pt. 2
Book 2
10K READS!!! A Special...?
Special Chapter (Completely Smut)
What I imagine Mira to look like...

Hero Names

837 22 65
Od AlphaFemale127

For the first time in weeks, it was dark. No one turned on the blinding white light - the buzz of energy not filling my ears.

They were angry with me. Because I used my Air Quirk by accident. I fell off the beam during training, almost into the water. I reacted, and destroyed the arena.

But I didn't fall into the water. That was all that mattered.

"Stay away from large bodies of water, Mirayu." That was something my mom and dad always told me. And I always listened. They pushed me to touch fire and play with burning candles - but water. Oceans and pools and lakes, I was told to avoid.

I grew scared of it. And I will never love water. Mrs. Osaka was upset with me, but I didn't care. I just needed to listen to my parents, and everything will work just right.

The lights flashed on, and my eyes burned from the sudden change. I blearily blinked until I could see, the speaker clicking on.

"Let's do some more training, Mira." That was Mrs. Osaka's voice. Cold, falsely happy. "If you are so scared of water that you'll wrongly use your Air Quirk, then let's play with fire."

I didn't know whether to thank Mrs. Osaka or quiver in fear.


I looked out the window as I ate a bite of cereal. It was raining quite heavily. I don't have a raincoat. Or an umbrella. Me, a billionaire, doesn't even have a fucking raincoat. Pathetic, really.

As I ate, my eyes kept shuttering closed. Yuuko would be expecting me Sunday afternoon, so that was done. I had an argument with Katsuki, about whether I should sleep in my own house last night or stay one more night. I won and went home. It was so... quiet. And I slept terribly, of course. So, as usual, I was exhausted.

I finished my bowl, washed it and grabbed my briefcase. I walked over and opened the front door and stared at the wall of rain.

I usually just used my Quirk to shield myself from the rain. That wasn't happening. If I sprinted, I could make it to the bus stop in under a minute. But I would be soaking wet by then.

I groaned loudly and rubbed my lower stomach. It was starting to hurt a bit and I had a bad feeling about what it means. I rolled my shoulders back, walked out enough to not get wet under the ledge, and locked the door behind me.

I held my briefcase over my head, took a deep breath, and almost began sprinting out into the heavy rain. That was my plan, except I stopped myself from moving when a man holding an umbrella popped up.

"I fucking knew it." Katsuki sighed with a growl hidden in his voice as he came to a stop before me. I huffed and placed my hands on my hips. "You're a billionaire but don't even own an umbrella or raincoat."

"Yeah, well I didn't need one before." I stepped under the umbrella, the rain splattering off it and around. "Thank you. Let's go." I nudged him with my elbow, ignoring the stare he was giving me as he turned and we walked to the sidewalk pressed together.

"You didn't sleep," Katsuki said gruffly. I looked up at his side-profile, eyes sharp and focused on our path.

He wasn't wrong. I didn't want to lie.

"I don't sleep well." I think the only times I have ever slept without trouble was when I was passed out w pain/blood-loss, or the one time I fell asleep of Katsuki's lap. Otherwise, I either have trouble falling asleep or constantly wake up.

"Then how the fuck do you function without sleep?" I wanted to smile at him asking questions about my health. So unlike him.

"I'm glad you worry enough to ask about my health," I told him. He sneered at me.

"I'm not fucking worried! It's a real question!" We were at the bus stop now. I just stopped and stared at him, his ruby eyes alight.

I leaned forward, rising on my toes, almost eye level with him in my thick-sole boots. He didn't back down and glared at me. 

"I usually don't want people to worry about me. But I would feel pretty glad if you did. I worry about you," I told him honestly. I don't think he was expecting that. With the way his eyes widened a bit. And at that, I felt a bit mischievous. 

"If you want me to sleep well, why don't you come to bed with me?"

The bus arrived at that moment. But Katsuki's eyes darkened and a smirk crossed his lips as I let my feet relax. He looked at me with his dark eyes as if I was prey that tried to get one over him. It didn't work.

He leaned down, less than an inch away. His breath wafted over my lips and his eyes glinted dangerously. The wind to brushed his scent over my nose, my spine stiffening.

"Maybe I will." I felt my cheeks redden.

He stepped on the bus. I breathed out angrily, my heart beating unnecessarily fast. The bus driver honked and I stepped on, tossing a finger at Katsuki's back as he took a spot. I did ended up sitting next to him. With my arms crossed and hair covering my face. 

I didn't say anything for the entire ride. Katsuki knew he won. And I didn't want to go to the gutter in my head right now.

I pulled out my phone as we neared UA, seeing a message from Yuuko.

Yuuko: Call me tonight! 🤙 

Me: Sure. What time?

Yuuko: When you're with the dude from the SF

I started as the bus came to a stop and Katsuki pushed me to stand up. She wants to talk to Katsuki? I don't think that is a good idea. 

Maybe he won't be an ass. Maybe she'll be an even bigger ass. Maybe they'll get along. Maybe they'll hate each other. Oh, this is a situation that I don't want to be involved in. I don't think -

"What are you thinking that you can't even walk straight?" Katsuki nudged me out of my thoughts as I almost ran into the bus stop sign, grabbed my elbow and wringing me to his side.

"About who would be worse, you or my cousin," I mumbled as we walked past the gate. The wind shifted, rain heavier, and I looked up sharply as the caramel smell infiltrated my nose. "Take a picture with me!" I somehow shouted a random ass thing to switch my thoughts.

"Why would I take a fucking picture?!" He shouted back. We were earning some stares.

"Well, why not?" I countered, opening the camera app and turning the camera to selfie mode we were close to the doors of the building.

"What's the point of a picture!?" Katsuki was about to pull away but I locked my arm around his, pinning him to my side.

"To commemorate the day you were nice and shared an umbrella!"

"That's bullshit- hey, give me your phone!"

I snapped the picture in that moment. Me with my wide eyes and creepy-ass-grin-that-wasn't-a-grin. Katsuki with angry eyes and a wide, shouting mouth glaring at me. The umbrella and rain our background. Not the best picture but a unique one nonetheless.

Then my phone was snatched from my hand and Katsuki was glaring down at my phone.

"What kind of picture- why are there so many dogs in your photos?" He asked as he began scrolling through my photos. 

"None of your damn business!" I jumped over his body to reach for my phone, but he raised his arm up and out of my reach. 

"Why so many fucking Pomeranians?" I felt my face go red.

"I'll climb you like a tree if you don't give me my phone." I growled at him, and he glanced down at me and back to the phone.

"Do you have an obsession -" he cut off as my phone dinged and I jumped up. He just moved his arm again. I watched as his eyes narrowed on whatever he saw and felt my stomach drop. Then he opened his damn mouth.

"Your period starts tomorrow."

I felt my face burn and yanked on his arm, grabbing my phone and pressing it to my chest. Where my heart sped up in embarrassment.

He literally just announced out loud what my app alert said. An app set up to track my period. Which has never been wrong. And Katsuki Bakugo, with his gruff... everything... just fucking announced it.

"Why - what - oh, fuck me," I groaned and rubbed a hand down my face. I opened my eyes to glare at Katsuki. "Why do you feel the need to announce it as if it's some type of random thought?"

He quirked a brow and nudged me to keep moving. "Isn't it important for you to know when it starts? I don't want to wake up and see blood everywhere."

Oh, was I pissed and red.


"Woah, you okay Mira?" Mina asked me as I stormed into class fuming. I slammed my briefcase on my desk, sat down, and took a long, slow breath.

"She's in a pissy mood for no reason," Katsuki grumbled as he walked to his desk.

I sent a withering glare towards him. He had the nerve to look annoyed by it. 

"I don't think I've ever seen you so red before! You beat the color of my hair!" Kirishima said proudly. I turned to look at him, and the sight of his kind face calmed me down a bit.

I groaned and let my face drop on to my briefcase "I've had an embarrassing morning because of this idiot." That was all I was going to say. Not the specifics, but enough for the gist of it.

I think Katsuki shouted something, but I blocked it out. I lost enough already, and I didn't have the energy to handle another unexpected event from his mouth. Not with so many classmates around.

Not with Shoto a few seats behind me. I don't have the strength to talk with him right now. Because I don't know what I would say.

"Morning Kaachan." I looked over to see Midoriya giving Katsuki a greeting. Which he didn't return. His bright eyes turned to me. "Morning Kazama!"

"Morning." I stopped myself from watching him sit down. The successor to All Might. It just felt... right, in a way. His kindness. His presence.  But his outgoingness...

The door slid open and I looked to it, everyone taking their seats. Aizawa was here. And I could hear the shock of my classmates at the lack of bandages.

 "Morning," AIzawa said in his tired voice.

"Good morning." The class replied. I just stared.

He was so... nice to me yesterday. So... encouraging, in a way. And I insulted him. Then forced a stay in Tokyo.  And I just felt worse.

"Ribbit. Your bandages are gone," Tsu spoke up.

"The old lady went overboard with her treatment," Aizawa said, scratching his face. He put his hand down and sighed. "More importantly, we're having a special hero informatics class today," He said.

I felt a chill go through the class. I bet the idea of a pop quiz popped into people's head. That wouldn't be the worst. But I thought we'd be getting our internship request though.

Not we - they. Remember Mira, you aren't doing the internships. My shoulders slouched once again.

It seemed like an eternity before Aizawa told us. "Code names. You'll be coming up with hero names." It was silent for a second. Then the class burst into excitement.

I felt my skin pale. Hero name. I am no good at hero names. I don't have any good options. Bloody death? All my names will just sound like a villain name. I mean, my grandmother was right in that aspect. My Quirk is such a villain-like Quirk in this society. And I have to make a name to go with it?

I groan and resisted the urge to bang my head on the table as my classmates got hyped up.  Aizawa activated his Quirk, eyes glowing red, hair spiking up, quickly shutting the class up. I just grumbled, leaning forward, propping my elbow up and putting my chin on my palm.

"This is related to the pro hero drafts I mentioned the other day. The draft begins in earnest with the second and third years, after students have gained experience and become immediate asset to the pros," Aizawa explained, deactivating his Quirk. "In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often cancelled if the interest dies down by graduation."

I heard a table bang behind me. "Adults are so selfish," I heard purple-balls complain. I tsked and ignored him.

"So we'll have to prove ourselves once we get picked?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"That's right." Aizawa nodded slightly. "And here are the totals for those with offers." 

I took a deep breath, anticipating while Aizawa pulled out his device and pressed a button, the board now filling up with names and the number of offers they got. I scrolled my eyes from the bottom to the top and felt my eyes widen in shock.

What the actual fuck? How...? 

I held top spot with 4,315 offers. Shoto was a close second with 4,123 offers and Bakugo third with 3,876 offers. I beat them both. I felt even more like shit.

I literally had a massive breakdown on live TV, almost hurt everyone in that stadium. Who the fuck put offers up for me? Plain idiots. Just fucking idiotic heroes.

"It's usually more spread out, but there was a big interest in these three this year." Aizawa and I shared a look as he spoke. I think we both agreed I shouldn't be number one.

"There's such a big difference!" Kaminari exclaimed, rocking back in his chair.

"Those pros don't know a good thing when they see one!" Aoyama, complained? It's hard to tell since his face is always the same, basically.

"Kazama's first, Todoroki is second and Bakugo is third...?" Kyoka asked, a bit confused.

"It's the opposite of their placement in the sports festival," Kirishima added.

"Some people are too scared to ask for a guy who had to be restrained on the podium," Sero said.

"What're the pros scared of!?" Katsuki shouted, and I shared the sentiments.

"If they put offers in for a girl who had a breakdown, they should've put more on Katsuki," I muttered. "At least he didn't almost destroy the arena."

"Oooh." I glanced over as a majority of the class turned to look at me. "First name basis!" Mina smiled mischievously. I stopped the blush and looked away.

I was in for a questioning. Shit.

"Keeping these results in mind, whether or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in internships with pros. Short work studies." Aizawa cut off the class conversation.

"Internships?" Midoriya asked.

"Yep," I said under my breath as Aizawa said it.  I have been waiting for this. Well, I had been waiting for it. But I'm not participating anymore, so fuck it.

"At USJ you already got to experience combat with real villains, but it would still be meaningful training for you to see pros at work firsthand," Aizawa explained. I could feel the class energy rise.

"Those hero names are still temporary, but if you're  not serious about it..." 

"You'll have hell to pay later!" The door burst open as a female voice yelled out. Midnight, as she sauntered into the room, swaying her hips. A few people in class went happy for different reasons.

"Because a lot of hero names used by students become recognized by society, and they end up becoming professional hero names." Midnight winked at us as she walked in, a catwalk, hands up behind her head, showing off her costume. 

That's right. Hero names. I felt my mood drop a bit more.

Aizawa then explained that Midnight will be helping us choose our hero names since he's no good at that.  And that our hero name will be a more concrete image of what we want to be in the future. Then he cocooned up in his caterpillar suit.

Midnight then passed out white boards and dry erase markers for us to write our names on. As Katsuki handed me the stack and I took one, passing the rest on, I just put the board down and stared at it. Midnight then gave us time to think up ideas and write it down.

What do I put down? What would be a good name? My Quirks are blood and air. I literally cut and injure myself to use my Blood Quirk, and blast limbs off with my air.

My image... I want to be a hero that won't die. Easier to not die, literally for me, but harder in image. Harder to constantly stay in someone's head as a hero that will never lose and always protect.

The squeaks of the marker on a whiteboard accompanied my thoughts.

I want to be a hero that is familiar to people. Not someone so perfect it's freaky. Or someone so suspicious you can't trust them. A hero people can smile easily around and feel comforted. Not the perfect person, but a hero there to save them, to keep them smiling.

Do I even deserve to be that kind of hero if I can't even help Shoto or stop myself from injuring Katsuki?

I shook my head vehemently to get the thoughts out. Not right now. Another time.

Not a goody-two-shoes. Not a villain-like personality. Imperfect.

A hero that isn't absolutely perfect, but can still save the smiles on people's faces.

So what about... BloodBlade? No, too villainous. Sounds like I want blood. I don't like spilling blood, it just happens.

Then...WindBlade? No. Doesn't sit right with me. It seems too heroic in a way past me. Not a name I can live with.

I could hear people writing down ideas as I just stared at my board. Name... a name... BloodWind? That isn't a bad suggestion. It mixes both my Quirks quite well. But for some reason it doesn't fully click with me.

Name... a name that I like... a name that is right between heroic and villainous.

I groan out and slam my head down on the board, hard, my head instantly hurting. I could hear some classmates talk about it, but I ignored them.

A name. I need a name I like. What would be a name that I can carry proudly, one that exemplifies my Quirks and the type of hero I want to be? Something to do with my Quirks. Something that won't make me sound like the perfect villain or an overly heroic hero.

An undying hero. One that will stay in people's hearts as a familiar comfort. An Imperfect name for an imperfect person. Dangerous but helpful. An example of my Quirks and my ideals...

I raised my head and slammed it again. I groaned softly, but still felt that I was at a roadblock.

I just need a name! A stupid, fucking, hero name.

"Vampy, stop slamming your head!" Katsuki shouted from before me.


I sat up, hair flying out of my face.

"That's it!" I grabbed the marker and erased the smudged names. "Thank you!" I whisper/shouted.  He didn't respond.

But now I have a name. One that fits me. One that fits my Quirks and the idea of me as a hero.


"Let's start presenting names with those who are ready," Midnight said, not long after I found my name. Though, apparently, it took me almost an hour despite how fast it went. Aizawa was sleep. 

I balked at it, when she said we were presenting. I looked back down to my board. Everyone will know who I got my inspiration from. It's going to be embarrassing. Well... it shouldn't be. It's a name I already am used to.

But for some reason it is.

 I could see Kirishima and Sero not prepared to present their hero names. Looking down at mine, I felt exactly the same.

Aoyama was the first one to go up. His hero name was 'Shining Hero:I can not stop twinkling'. I couldn't hold back my creepy smile at that. Midnight altered it to Can't Stop Twinkling.  People were shocked that Midnight accepted it, but I thought it was fine. That's who Aoyama is.

Then Mina bounded up to the front, proudly displaying her name 'Alien Queen'. I personally liked it. Midnight said that it wasn't the best image to go for and Mina walked back to her seat a bit dejected. I bit my lip. If Alien Queen wasn't good, I doubt mine would be any better.

Tsu then went next, and her hero name was  'Rainy Season Hero: Froppy'. I liked it for Tsu, it fit her Quirk very well. Midnight liked the cuteness of it very much. The class started cheering Froppy. I just felt my heart throb. 

Cute is ok, mythical or aliens is not. I bit my lip, not sure what to do. Looking at my name, I am unsure if it will be ok. It has something to do with my Quirk and describes how I want to be as a hero - undying. Imperfect.

But it's mythical.


Kirishima went up. His name was 'The Sturdy Hero: Red Riot'.  Paying homage to his favorite hero and to his hair and Quirk. It was a good name.

Kyoka's name was 'Hearing Hero: Earphone jack'. Another good one that made me more nervous. More nervous about how others would react. Whether Midnight would except it or not.

But I didn't want to change it. 

Then Shoji as 'Tentacle Hero: Tentacole'.  Sero as 'Taping Hero: Cellophane'.

Ojiro -'Martial Arts Hero: Tailman'.
Sato -'Sweets Hero: Sugarman'.
Mina came up again with the name 'Pinky'.
'ChargeBolt' was Kaminari's.
Yaoyorozu -'Everything Hero; Creati'.

All great names. Then Shoto came up and said 'Shoto' as his hero name. Midnight was a bit confused but let it pass. Shoto was as serious as ever. 

He glanced once at me. I looked at him, felt my heart squeeze painfully, and looked away. I wasn't ready yet.

Tokoyami -'Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi'.
Purple-balls -'Fresh Picked Hero: Grape Juice'.
Koda -'petting Hero: Anima'.

Then Katsuki came up. With a murderous expression on his face. 

"King Explosion Murder." He said, looking as if he was going to kill everyone in the room. I snorted, and covered my mouth to stop myself from bursting with laughter, even if there wasn't a smile on my face.

"You probably shouldn't use something like that." Midnight said.

"Why not!?" Katsuki shouted.

"You should be explosion boy!" Kirishima said and I chuckled, joined by Kaminari.

"Shut up, Weird Hair!" He never cursed in front of a teacher, I realized. So... manneristic? Nope, that word doesn't fit Katsuki.

Uraraka went up after Katsuki went to his seat yelling with Kirishima. Her name 'Gravity'. It was a great name. Mixing her real name and Quirk together.

"All that's left is Bakugo, who needs to rethink his, Iida, Midoriya and Mira, right?" Midnight asked. Iida went up, not saying anything, and used his first name 'Tenya'.

Midoriya was then called up. He went up and showed his name. 'Deku'. I stared at the ash-blonde man in front of me.

"Are you really okay with that?" Kaminari asked.

"You might be called that forever, you know." Kirishima warned.

"Yeah. I didn't like this name until now. But someone changed the meaning of it, and that had a huge impact on me." Midoriya then smiled. "It made me really happy." He looked up. "This is my hero name!" He said, proudly holding onto the board that said 'Deku'. 

A name given to him by Katsuki as an insult. But now had a better meaning. And the brightness in Midoriya's eyes...

I stared at the name written on my board.

Katsuki went up again before I could and changed his name to 'Lord Explosion Murder'. Midnight didn't understand what was different. No one else did.

"Alright Mira. Do you have a name?" Midnight asked as a grumbling Katsuki went to his seat. 

"Y-yep." I said, standing up hesitantly, holding the board at an angle where no one would see.  I could feel the gaze of Katsuki's eyes as he heard my stutter. Normally I don't stutter in this situation. I was the last one before this was all over with and lunch began.

I walked up to the front of the class, glancing quickly at Katsuki. I stood at the podium and took a deep breath, not looking at anyone as I could feel the entirety of the class eyes on me.

"My hero name is..." I took let out the deep breath slowly, turning the board around. I could feel a light blush on my cheeks. "Vampire. The hero of Blood and Air: Vampire."  I looked up. 

Midnight's eyes were wide with some emotion. Kaminari and Kirishima had wide smiles on their faces, joined by a smiling Mina. "That's an awesome name! It fits you so well!" Mina said, clapping.

"It fits your personality, your Quirk abilities, and the tenacity you have to never give up. Vampires are also hot, you know." Midnight said, winking as she placed an arm around my shoulder. I felt my cheeks redden more. It's weird, my cheeks being able to blush. To show my emotions that way.

I then turned my gaze to the guy staring up at me with intense, red eyes. I wonder what Katsuki thought.  Of the fact that I took his nickname for me and made it into a hero name. Not only I but also Midoriya. 

It was hard to discern, with the intensity in his stare. It didn't help my heart or cheeks calm down.

What did he think?

I went to sit back down, half of the pressure off of my chest. My name was accepted. I was now a Vampire. But what did Katsuki think? I'd have to ask him after class. When he would be more honest.

Aizawa then woke up, but I doubted he was truly sleep in the first place. He began to give the class more instructions and information about how the internships were going to go. I listened in a half-manner, since it wasn't involving me. 

A week long, Sunday through Sunday. I wouldn't see any of my classmates for a week. Wouldn't see Katsuki for a week.

I felt weirdly uncomfortable by that. But it should be fine, I'm used to being alone and all that crap. Even though lately I've been surrounded by people...

They will be given a list of the heroes who offered for them and get to choose where to go. Those without offers will choose from among 40 agencies within the country. Everyone would all be working in different places and on different specialties depending on who they pick to inter for. I will just train. 

Everyone was handed a packet, except for me. They had until the end of Friday to make a decision. Then Aizawa dismissed the class, walking out with Midnight.

I stood up and picked up my chair, going around the other students congregating in circles and sitting on the side of Katsuki's desk.

"What are you doing, Vampy?" He asked as I reached for his paper. He didn't stop me as I split the stack in half. 

"Sitting next to you." I said matter-of-fact. I then started to look at the names. "I have to train my Quirk next week, so I don't hurt myself or others. I'll help you pick a hero." My voice made it clear that I didn't want to talk about it.

I looked through the first page of heroes and hero agencies. There were some I didn't recognize and some I did, but no one interested me yet. I turned the page. He began doing the same.

We were quiet for a bit, but I could feel it coming. 

"Why did you choose my nickname for you as your hero name?" Katsuki finally asked and I looked up to his red eyes and tried a smile.

"It was the only one that I thought fit my personality, my Quirk and what type of hero I want to be. It was the only one that clicked for me." I picked up my pen and tapped his nose, a growl forming on his lips. "You are great at picking names, Katsuki. Just not for yourself." I teased.

Katsuki grunted then looked back to his papers.

"Tell me what you think about it later, okay?" He glanced back up at me, ruby eyes shaded. "I want your opinion. Just... not right now."

He tsked. "Just go through the damn papers."

I did a fake salute. "Yes, sir!" He nudged my knee with his under the table but didn't shout at me. I turned back to the list.


I managed to keep Katsuki from exploding on Midoriya and the girls while they were talking for being 'too loud'. They gathered around Midoriya to talk about being recognized on the street, about the offers. And Katsuki, well, he thought they were 'too fucking loud'.  

Mina did indeed interrogate me during lunch. 

'What happened when I stayed with the Bakugos? Why am I on a first name basis with Bakugo? Why did I pick his nickname for my hero name?'

I answered honestly. To an extent. Wasn't going to talk about my breakdown in the bath or me trying to heal him but only to get... aroused by his scent.

I watched movies, ate food, got along with the parents. I wanted to, he allowed it. He kept calling me Mira, why can't I call him Katsuki? And Vampire just... fits.

Mina seemed unsatisfied with my 'boring story'. So that ended there.

For the hero portion of learning, it was just more time to go over the offers and pick a list. Katsuki and I narrowed it down to about two-hundred altogether. 

But classes were over now. Katsuki and I were getting on the bus. And I had a phone call to make. And an opinion to hear.

What do you think of her hero name? 'The hero of blood and air: Vampire'

My second option was BloodWind.

I'm going to start a new publishing system - every time I finish writing a chapter in advance, I'll publish one.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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