Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]

By AlphaFemale127

62.8K 1.6K 3.8K

Loosing family is hard, soul-breaking. It causes trauma in people, especially when you see the people you lov... More

First Day of UA
Being a 'Hero'
Pervert in a Store
Class Rep
Villains at USJ
2 Days Later
Friend Greetings
Some Company
Pain Isn't Wanted
Days Of Silence
Waking Up
Just Some Talks
The First Night
A Mishap
Just Some Fun
A Helpful Conversation
Birthday Surprise
Don't Worry
Sports Festival
Mira vs...
The Final Round
A Bath
Just A Day
Answering A Question
Hero Names
An Invitation
Only 1 Week
The Change*
Top Of A Building
Girl Talk
Morning *
A Massage*
Family Lunch
All Red
It's Not The Blood-loss
The Crash
Deleted Scenes pt 1
Deleted Scenes pt.2
Made to Be pt. 1
Made to Be pt. 2
Book 2
10K READS!!! A Special...?
Special Chapter (Completely Smut)
What I imagine Mira to look like...

No Noise

911 29 92
By AlphaFemale127

"L-let m-me g-go!" I tried to warn as I felt the release of the air again. But the male didn't listen, and my face was buried against his chest as the air left my body, painful and relieving at the same time.

My heart tore in my chest as I heard such a painful grunt leave the lips of the male carrying me.

I woke with a sudden urge to see Bakugo. But my eyes wouldn't open.

"Be careful. They stick to the skin." A voice filtered into my head. My body hurt. Like, it really hurt. My muscles were so sore and my head pounded away. 

I need to make sure Bakugo gets healed. There was no way he took that blast full on without damage.

My leg moved a bit as something was pulled off. I groaned, the slight movement hurting me. The groan then caused my head to pound with the sound.

"Mira? Are you awake?" I knew that voice. 

I opened my eyes, so very slightly, the motion and the light causing black spots to cloud my vision. But, I saw Kyoka. 

"Ch-ch-" I could barely speak without pain. Her hand grabbed mine, and my eyes closed, unable to stay open.

"Just relax. It's Mina and I, taking off the hot-pads since they are done with." She informed, voice calm and soft, somehow aware of my headache.

"Bak-" I winced. "Ba-Bakugo?" I barely pushed out, feeling my body try to lull me back to sleep to avoid the massive pain exploding in my head. Kyoka's hand tightened.

"He's getting healed by Recovery Girl right now." She said reassuringly and my heart was both uplifted and sunken at once. "Todoroki didn't have any major injuries, as he was fast to use ice to protect himself." 

My fingers, even them sore, squeezed hers back as my conscious began leaving, wanting to escape the pain. My heart throbbed in pain. "I-I hurt them. I-I r-really hurt them..." and with that last thought, I trailed off into sleep, muscles hurting, head hurting, heart hurting.


"Make sure she never uses her Air Quirk. With what we do, she'll be likely to have a Quirk Awakening, and we won't be able to stop her." Mrs. Osaka ordered everyone, thinking I was sleep.

I should be sleep, due to the amount I vomited after what I did. 

I got so angry today. So, so angry. For the first time, Shoto couldn't visit me on Friday. They said he was injured - in the hospital. I got so angry at that. How can Shoto be injured? Why can't I protect him?

I was so angry. My little body trembled in anger. The scientists told me to use my Blood Quirk. I didn't listen. They sent a guard in to bully me into submission. But I was so, so angry. So angry that for the first time in a year I used my Air Quirk. 

It hurt, using it after so long. It hurt, and it was fueled by my anger. And when the guard tried to touch me, I grabbed his uniform and released all my anger into him. And then blood splattered me, the white walls. Wet, chunky blood.

I was confused for a while, not sure what I was looking at. Until my mind clicked and I put two-and-two together.

I blasted the top half of the guard off. His guts covered me and the floor and walls. And with that realization, my anger left and instead disgust and sickness filled me, and I began vomiting and vomiting and hyperventilating.

"You hear me!" Mrs. Osaka roared, making me jump from my day dream. They all mumbled yes, afraid of her. Everyone was afraid of Mrs. Osaka.

When she turned to look at me, her eyes weren't brown. They weren't glowing either. They were just... red. A very dark red, it was almost black. It scared me.

Mrs. Osaka gave me a scary smile. "See how much damage you cause with this... air , of yours?"

I opened my eyes, feeling sweaty and sore, and regretted it. The light and motion caused my head to resume pounding, a groan leaving my throat. I tried once again to open my eyes and bared the pain as my eyes adjusted. 

"Hey, she opened her eyes!?" A loud voice said and my head throbbed in response, closing my eyes and groaning.

"Don't shout. Recovery Girl told us to be careful with our volume, remember?" That was Kirishima. 

"Yeah, sorry." The first voice said again, and I recognized that as Kaminari.

"Kazama, are you awake?" Kirishima asked again, voice calm. I opened my eyes slowly again, this time seeing the two males looking down at me. My head was killing me. Each sound was as if a sledgehammer slammed against me head, each light a pounding of fists. 

I tried lifting my hands to push me up, only for my sore muscles to groan in protest. "A-aspirin-" Was all I could get out before my throat, dry, closed up. 

"I'll get Recovery Girl." Kirishima nodded seriously and hurriedly moved from the room.

Kaminari then moved closer, crouching to get a better view of me. "Man, Kazama, you really don't look good right now." He said, frowning in sympathy. I would have replied sarcastically but couldn't find the strength to do so. He moved back a bit.

"Well, just to make sure you know, it is five hours after the sports festival. you've been here about eight hours." Great. Eight hours and I still feel like complete shit. Amazing. 

"Bakugo won, against Todoroki. Then he had to get checked up and healed by Recovery Girl. Uhhh.... what else.... oh yeah, we get the next two days off." Kaminari smiled and I blinked slowly, trying to find a way to sit up.

So Bakugo won. That wasn't surprising. All that I could focus on was that he needed to get healed by Recovery Girl. Because of me. Because he helped me. 

"W-where i-is he?" I asked, grounding each word out. 

"Kirishima? He went to get the aspirin." Kaminari replied and I breathed out deadpan. He stared me in the eye for a few before an 'ahhhh' sound left his mouth. "You meant Bakugo, right? Well, he's out in the waiting room-"

Just then the door was opened harshly and my head felt as if it squeezed in on me, my eyes closing and a low moan of pain leaving my mouth.

"Woah, be quiet. She's very sensitive to sound right now!" Kaminari whisper-shouted. I heard the signature 'tch' and footsteps that tried hard not to slam on the ground, before a caramel scent wafted into my nose. "You could have asked for me to move nicely, you know."

"Shut up, Dunce Face." Bakugo said, voice quieter than normal.

Despite the tremendous pain it caused, I reached a hand out, wanting to grab onto Bakugo. My hand didn't move far, dropping off the edge of the band.

"You're an idiot." Bakugo grumbled lowly, grabbing my dropped hand and picking it back up. He tried to let go but my hand had a newfound strength and wouldn't let go. 

With the pounding in my head, I opened my eyes and aimed them to the face of Bakugo, his red eyes narrowed slightly and focused on me. 

"I-I hurt you." I said, gripping his hand even tighter. 

"I think I'm going to leave..." Kaminari said, but my eyes never strayed from Bakugo.

Bakugo's face darkened and a sneer started to grow. "D-don't lie. I hurt you. I d-don't want to h-hurt you." My heart felt a squeeze of pain as I spoke, feeling hatred for myself. "I h-hurt you. I hurt you, when you t-tried to help me. I hurt you b-because I couldn't control myself. Because I'm a terrible friend." My words were becoming stronger as I spoke, meaning each word I spoke. 

What else can I call myself? A person who can't help her childhood friend to use his Quirk, who can't smile with him or give him the comfort he needs? Who hurts the person one begins to trust and care for, one who has been there for them?

A fucking terrible and useless friend.

Bakugo let out a low growl, and gripped my hand back hard. He crouched, becoming eye level, making it easier for me to see the anger in his ruby eyes.

"You just need to shut your fucking mouth sometimes." Bakugo said, low and angry. Somehow more scary than when he shouted. "You can barely open your eyes or move, and you're worried about what you did to me? Does that sound like a fucking terrible friend?" Bakugo bared his teeth as he spoke, and my body seemed to shrink on itself in submission.

"This is fucking stupid. For now, you need to get some fucking pain medicine and sleep." Bakugo said, almost as if it was a command. He began to stand up but I didn't let go of his hand.

"I don't want to sleep." I mumbled, having no strength or courage to try to speak normally. My eyes drifted to where I gripped Bakugo's hand. Mine looked small compared to his. It made me feel small.

"You need sleep."

"I slept eight hours, and I have a headache. I'm not sleeping right now."

"You're tired." He countered.

"I just don't want to dream anymore."  I said, tugging on his hand.

The door opened again, before Bakugo could say anything. Kyoka and Mina came in, clothes in their hands. "Get out Bakugo. Time to get Mira dressed." Kyoka said with a light smirk on her mouth.

Bakugo tsked."She won't let go of me, Ears." Bakugo said, trying his best not to shout. Mina's face brightened.

"Awe! You're holding his hand!" She said so loudly that my head began to feel as if little explosions were going off. My hand lost it's strength and dropped hold of Bakugo's warm hand, my eyes closing, a painful, low groan leaving my mouth.

"Can't you be quiet Raccoon Eyes!" Bakugo whisper-shouted.

"Sorry... I was just so excited..." Mina said, trying to keep her voice calm.

"Both of you get out." Kyoka ordered, stern. "No loudmouths are needed right now."

Bakugo huffed but didn't argue, for once. I mean, he can't really argue.

"But I wanted to help..." Mina whined, loud, and I held back another groan.

"I'll be fine. Just go get the aspirin from Kirishima." Kyoka said, softly.

Mina huffed. "Fine. I'll be back." She dragged her feet to the door.

"Now, Mira." Kyoka said, a light warning in her voice. "This may hurt a little."

I was not prepared for how bad it hurt to put clothes on in this state.


I was in a wheelchair, being rolled to the exit. I was dressed in a sweatshirt and loose pants. The pain I went through to put it on was quite unbearable, to say the least. Kyoka was a big part of it.

My headache was seeping away slightly from the aspirin, making it easier to keep my eyes open. I wasn't told where we were going, and I hated being in a wheelchair.

"To a place to rest." Was all I was told by Recovery Girl as she dismissed me from her care. She wanted me to rest for two days before any questioning on what happened occurred. I was thankful for that.

"Where am I going?" I ask once again, shielding my eyes with my hair from the sun as we exited the school building. They moved me on a stretcher from the arena to the school nurse office for more quiet from the roaring crowd while I was sleep.

"You'll see soon enough." Kyoka said, pushing my wheelchair. After she got me dressed and Mina gave me the aspirin, everyone else disappeared. 

"Where is everyone?"

"Kaminari got a call from his parents while Recovery Girl was checking on you and he left with Kirishima. Mina was dismissed, for being too loud. Bakugo is by the exit." Kyoka replied, a light lilt to her voice.

I know I can't take care of myself, as much as I want to. I can barely move without pain, so it makes no sense to send me home by myself. So maybe Yuuko decided to get a plane over to Musutafu, or I was going to stay with someone. Shoto? No... no not now. 

"Am I going to Shoto's?" I asked, my voice showing a bit of my anxiety at the thought. Not after what I said to Mr. Enji, not after what I said to Shoto. I can't face them.

I especially can't face Shoto right now.

I felt a hand pat my shoulder comfortably. "No, you're not." Kyoka said quietly, understanding that what happened was directly related to Shoto.

We then turned, and conversation was heard.

"I can't believe you waited this long to introduce your girlfriend to us that we had to find out over the TV!" A loud, matured female voice said loudly, and I held back my wince. I really do not like sound right now.

"She isn't my fucking girlfriend, you crazy woman!" Now that was Bakugo, annoyed. As usual.

"Whatever - oh, there she is! Oop- let me lower my voice." I blinked my eyes open to see Bakugo, in his school uniform, standing in front of a car with a major frown on his face. And next to him was - 

Female Bakugo? She was around my height, with the same ash-blonde spiky hair that fell just past her shoulders. The same ruby eyes, though a different feel to them. And the same voice range, if her shouting from earlier was any indication.

"Wow, you really are beautiful. I can't believe he hid you from me." Ms. - I believe Mrs.- Bakugo pouted and bent down to look at. Bakugo tsked angrily and opened the car door.

"Hello, I'm Mitsuki Bakugo, Katsuki's mom. You'll be staying with us until you're all better since, apparently, you live on the same block as me." She shot Bakugo a killer glare out of the corner of her eye.

So I was staying with the Bakugo's. This was bound to be interesting. I bowed my head slightly, barely moving. "Thank you for taking me, Mrs. Bakugo."

"Oh, just call me Mitsuki. I mean, you are dating my son after all."

"Dating?" I asked, confused on where that topic came up. She smiled at me broadly and winked.

"I saw how he took care of you." She whispered, trying to not get overheard. "You don't need to hide it anymore."

I shook my head softly, any faster and I probably would be going slump from the pain. "No, we aren't dating. We're just friends." If I should be allowed to be called a friend. Too bad I have withdrawal issues.

She raised a brow at me. "Oookay." She did not believe me. "Let's get you in the car."

"What about my items?" I asked, more directed to Kyoka. 

"They have it already, don't worry." Kyoka responded, wheeling me closer to the open door. "Take care of yourself. When you get better, make sure to call me."

"Thank you, Kyoka." I said sincerely. Even though I didn't deserve it, she has been really helpful to me.

She smiled at me warmly before stepping back. Then Bakugo came over. Not Mrs. Mitsuki, original Bakugo. No... the original Bakugo would be his parents...  no, original - no Bakugo is -wait, huh?

Bakugo - the male version - angled the wheelchair to where he could stand in front of me and the door. Picking me up from under my thighs and around my waist, he was careful to not hit my head on the door as he placed me in the car. Clean, nice-smelling car.

Mrs. Mitsuki thanked Kyoka as Bakugo closed the door - aghhh. I hate using the same last name for people. It was fine, when I never met his mother. But now I know two people by the last name Bakugo, and it's confusing.

I think I'll have to switch to first names basis overall. Well, with what I said earlier and the anger in his eyes, I don't think first-name basis is anywhere in sight. Maybe. Who knows.

I leaned back into the seat, unused to cars. Last time I was in any type of car was a limo, when I was almost assassinated by a chair member. Long story. Let's just say it involves a crazy person who was fascinated with the idea of driving underwater.

Underwater. My body felt a chill at the memory. But... being in the water isn't all bad, as I learned from Bakugo and everyone. Sometimes, maybe I should face my fears.

With a light exhale, muffed shouts between the Bakugo's began, and I was unsure if they were having a major fight or if that's the norm. Knowing Bakugo, it was probably the norm. 

I tried hard to lift my hand, my arm to grab the seatbelt, not sure how safe of a driver a female version of Bakugo is. But, if it wasn't obvious by now, my muscles strained and cried in pain. All I did was move my hand from my right to my left thigh. But that was progress. 

My head rolled back to lean against the seat, eyes gazing to Bakugo, who slouched a bit more and began storming around to the other side of the car. His mother had a winning look on her face, and moved to the drivers seat. Then the door opened and he slid in next to me, slamming the door. The movement shook the car and I tried not to wince in reaction. He noticed, and went still.

I tapped my one finger on my thigh. "Can you put my seatbelt on?" I asked as Mrs. Mitsuki opened her door and slid in. Bakugo -ah this is irking me. He huffed but reached across me and grabbed the buckle, locking it in place for me. 

"Thank you." I sighed, feeling a bit safer now. He didn't say anything, falling into his seat and not bothering to put his own on.

"So, what's your name?" I was asked as the car started and we pulled off.

"Mira Kazama." I replied, trying to keep my voice respectful. Meeting the mother of a friend I have a weirdly close relationship for the first time after almost destroying the sports arena, barely able to move and can't handle loud sounds. I want at least one aspect of me to look good in her eyes.

"Ooh, such a nice name. Cute but beautiful meaning." I could tell she was trying hard not to speak loudly, the way she seemed to be holding herself from moving physically. We pulled out of the gate and onto the main road.

Bakugo tsked and slouched against the seat, drawing my eyes. He was angry. It was obvious. But still he tried his best to contain himself for me. Now I just feel even more shittier.

"I want to ask so many questions.... well, how old are you?" I was never questioned by an adult simply because they were curious. Always because I was in the hospital or business related questions. 

"I'm seventeen. My birthday was May eighteenth, this past Saturday." I answered.

"Saturday..." Mrs. Mitsuki gave me a smile in the rear-view mirror. "So that's where he was? My boy went to spend time with you all day, huh?"

I wasn't going to lie. "Yes, he spent the day with me." I suppose this wasn't helping with her believing that the two of us weren't together. She smiled wider, as we came to a stop.

"You know, he's been out late every night for the past three weeks." I knew where this was going. "Was he with you for most of that time?"

"Stop asking stupid questions old lady." Bakugo said with a large sneer on his face.

"I'm not asking you, so shut up." Mrs. Mitsuki responded with a death glare in her son's direction.  "But this will be the last of these questions."

With a side-glance to Bakugo, we both knew I wasn't going to lie. "Yes, he was with me for the majority of the day, these past two weeks."

She squealed lightly. Bakugo's ears turned light pink and his sneer increased. "Ahh, my day just got so much better. He's actually spending time with girls!" I hid my wince at her loud voice, the complete and sheer happiness in her voice making me want to laugh at Bakugo.

And he was embarrassed, I would say. "Stop talking already, ya old hag." He growled, managing to keep his voice low. Ears light pink. Mrs. Mitsuki laughed and turned onto another busy street.

"Stop being so angry when you won the festival, geez." She rolled her eyes at her son. "I'll ask questions later. Just two more important ones."

"Go right ahead." i said, not bothered by the questions.

"All right. So, do you like spicy food? I don't want to make anything you don't like." 

"I absolutely love spicy food." I replied, a bit confused by the question. It shouldn't matter what I like, I'm the one encroaching on their space.

"Great." We turned onto a less busy street, getting closer to the neighborhood. "Now, I know you're sensitive to noise. But, I would like to know what else ails you so that way we can be careful and helpful while you stay with us."

Careful and helpful... I feel like I'm going to a nursing home. With a sigh, closing my eyes and just drinking in the pain, I answered. "Well, I have a massive headache that bright lights and loud noises make worse. My muscles are really sore, and when I try to move them, they tense up. That's why I can't move right now. But, otherwise I'm fine."

If you disregard my mental state, especially when it all went down, I am otherwise fine. I suppose. I don't know.

I glanced at Bakugo. He glared back. My heart stopped.

 Yeah, no, I don't think I'm fine.

"That doesn't sound good, jeez." My attention was drawn back to Mrs. Mitsuki, and she was focused on the road now.  "I would be crying if that's the case. Kudos to staying so calm."

Bakugo didn't seem happy with his mother, whole body tensing. But, she was right. Any natural person probably wouldn't even have the strength to stay awake. Moving even a finger would probably sprout tears for someone else in my situation. But, I can't cry. I can't cry, and pain is something I am used to. 

Lucky me.

We hit a speed bump, off of the main road, and it took all my will to not make a noise. I closed my eyes and breathed slowly, trying to ignore how bad my head was pounding. Aspirin - I need more. 

As we hit another speed bump, my hands tightened into balls, doing my absolute best not to alert Mrs. Mitsuki. "Just another one, up ahead." She warned, and I new that the next one was going to hurt a bit more than the first two.

My head rocked forward and was about to slam back against the seat, going to cause me terrible pain. But, my head didn't slam. Instead, a warm, large hand gripped the back of my head tight enough to keep it still but not enough to hurt. 

I couldn't open my eyes just then, and just relaxed into his hand as he set my head back against the seat carefully.

"Why are you riding over the fucking speed bumps?" He growled at his mother. So disrespectful. 

"Such a disrespectful son." Mrs. Mitsuki tsked out, just as Bakugo removed his hand. "I'm just trying to get home as fast as I can. How about you just make sure Kazama doesn't get shaken up."

The Bakugo's seemed annoyed with each other. Let's just say, it was a long car ride.


"Stop clinging." Bakugo was loosing his patience with me, voice getting extremely annoyed. I still didn't listen. 

No wheelchair." I whined into his chest. I was somehow holding onto him, around his torso, tight enough that he couldn't just place me in the wheelchair. I fucking hate wheelchairs. I only let them put me into one earlier because no one was around to pick me up. Now, the situation is different.

"You were in the chair just ten minutes ago." He argued.

 "I don't care." I snuggled my head onto his warm chest a bit more and his grip tightened on me, in the princess carry hold. He was warm and smelled great and was relaxing. If I had to choose between Katsuki Bakugo and a wheelchair, I think the answer would be obvious.


"Does it hurt, to carry me?" No reply. "If it hurts, then put me in the wheelchair."

Bakugo began to walk towards the house. A light huff of victory was sounded out in front of us. Mrs. Mitsuki and her son argued about how to bring me into the house. It seemed she won.

I glanced towards the back door, away from the chest of Bakugo. We pulled in the back of the house, where there was a gate and a driveway and a nice backyard. Grass and decked out space. No pool, though that's a plus in my book.

"I got the medicine and briefcase." She called out happily, as the temperature changed. Then a clean, nice smell and cooler air wafted about me. Inside the house now. I peaked my eyes open, just as I was carried into the hall. Large, beige, closer to cream, colored walls. 'Modern' pictures with some family ones with a young Bakugo that I'll definitely look at later. 

"Take her to the living room. After dinner, we'll take Kazama upstairs." Mrs. Mitsuki ordered and her son tsked in annoyance, I believe.

Then we came out of the hall, into a large open space. I saw stairs, wood and carpeted, going up in my direction and I was fairly sure there was another staircase behind me. Turned past the stairs and into a room, which was a living/tv room. A large screen TV on a wooden stand, across from it a large, brown, soft sofa, coffee table and something else I didn't see. I was placed on the sofa, where my legs would spread down the length of it and my back and head would rest against the pillows being adjusted for me.

"You need to let go." Bakugo said again, and I sighed out wistfully.

"I know. You're just so..." Comfortable, warm, relaxing, tantalizing, angry with me...I let my tight grip on his torso go and my arms dropped to lay on my thighs. His chest pulled away and he muttered something under his breath.

"Okay, the medicine you're supposed to take every three hours will be on this table right here." Mrs. Mitsuki said, walking in and placing my stuff on the table. She stopped and turned to look at the two of us. She gave me a light smirk as Katsuki then began walking out of the room.

"I'll be back." He said gruffly. Two seconds passed before the mother was crouching down, eye-level with me.

"Okay, here's the remote. So you won't be bored while I cook." She said, placing a remote on my lap. "Sadly, this is for cable. I can't find the other remotes, but I feel like my bastard of a son hid them." 

That sounds like him. "Thank you." I said as she stood up.

"Just relax. I'll try my best not to get into any arguments with my son, but I think we both know that isn't an easy feat." She winked at me and I couldn't hold back a chuckle at that. 

If Katsuki Bakugo can't get someone pissed off with him, then that will be a miracle I can't wait to see.

"Okay, I'll get dinner started." Mrs. Mitsuki waved at me and left the room. With that, I let out a huge sigh and let my body sink into the pillows.

Either I let myself get lost in my head  or I put on cable. With as much thoughts that have been building up over the past few weeks, the option is cable.

Fumbling the remote into my hands, I manage to turn the television on. And flinched so heavily at the loud speakers. My fingers pressed on the low volume until no sound was heard. I could only groan and close my eyes as I wait for the pounding in my head to decrease.

Well, I waited for a bit. And the pain just stayed the same. So, I got used to it, after about five minutes, and opened my eyes blearily and saw that a news channel was on, talking about the sports festival.

With a deep breath, mentally preparing myself, I turn the volume up, one-by-one, until I could hear it without feeling like my brain was about to explode.

"The UA Sports Festival was quite spectacular today, especially the first year events." The female journalist said.

"Why are you watching the news?" The familiar deep voice asked. 

"Just sit down next to me." I said, trying to listen. 

"You're taking over the entire sofa, I can't sit there." He said, as if it was obvious. I sighed.

"Yeah, well, move my legs or something, just sit down already." He walked past my vision, and if I could I would have swatted at him to move out the way. I want to know what I missed.

With a huff, Bakugo picked up my legs gently and slid on the sofa, placing my calves on his thighs. I tried my best to ignore how strong his thighs felt. Key word: tried.

"Let's start with the winner of the Sports. Festival; Katsuki Bakugo." A picture of Bakugo smiling evilly filled the screen, and the journalist started speaking. 

"Finally on TV." I muttered and wondered what they were about to say about him.

"He has quite a powerful Quirk, named Explosion." A picture of him exploding Kirishima. "Although we don't have the full details of his Quirk, he has shown us that it is quite versatile and powerful. Used for speed, blocks, more versatile movement, stun grenades, and even major Explosions." 

With each different 'usage' of his Quirk, they showed Bakugo exploding his way to the front in the obstacle course, blocking Uraraka's attacks, dodging Shoto's hands quite deftly, stunning Tokoyami's Dark Shadow, and a fucking huge explosion. What the fuck-

"How the fuck did you manage that?" I ask, in a bit of shock.


"No shit." I squinted my eyes, as they replayed the scene. Bakugo used his explosions to turn him around... like he did in training, never telling me why he had to learn that move. Now I see what it was for.

"That's why you never tolled me why you exploded in circles." I mumbled, watching the scene. This was in the fight against.... Shoto. Right before the two attacked, it was obvious that Shoto was about to use his flames. Then, just stopped. Stopped and let himself lose.

That's why Bakugo isn't boasting about winning. He doesn't feel like he won.

The journalist began talking again, but I half-listened. "I'm not going to say congrats, you know."

I got a tsk and felt Bakugo straighten. "Why the fuck not?" He growled out, pictures of the fight flashing on the screen. But he did't sound as if he was upset I wasn't saying how well he did.

"Winning a fight when the opponent didn't give their all sucks, speaking from experience." I tapped my one finger on the remote, body not wanting to move. "If someone called me a winner after a fight like that, I would throw away the trophy."

My legs rocked as Bakugo adjusted, scoffing slightly. "You're not supposed to care if you're a terrible friend, dumbass."

"I may be a shitty friend, but I'm still your friend." My gaze narrowed on Shoto, passed out on ice, Bakugo running to him in anger. "Besides, I've got withdrawal issues. So you'll be stuck with me for a while."

"Shut up Vampy." I closed my mouth, going back to paying attention to the screen.

"But, despite winning the Sports Festival, Katsuki Bakugo was shown to contain major anger issues. It was to the point that he was restrained on the podium while receiving awards."

My body felt ice splash over me as the screen flashed to show a struggling, angry Bakugo tied up completely, on the 'first place' podium. Arms, legs, and mouth was covered with metal and leather.

"Only All Might went close enough to put the medal on his head, and even then it proved difficult."They showed All Might taking the harness off Bakugo's head and trying to put the first place medal on. "Should he have won the Sports Festival?"

Bakugo's hand fisted, under my knees, and the ice warmed into anger. Anger that wasn't health for me right now, but I couldn't care.

"If I was there, I probably would have been arrested." I say, sincerely. My eyes never strayed from the screen, my heart calm somehow. "Tying up one of their own students like that? Might as well say you're a fucking villain if that's how they do shit."

My finger started to tap rapidly, the only physical sign of my anger. "Are those heroes they have so fucking weak they can't control you? That they have to tie you up like a fucking villain, showcasing you like that to millions of people watching?" A light growl was in my voice, the image of him tied up definitely not sitting right in my head.

"Being tied up like that is the worse feeling. The freedom to move, to speak, to practically breathe, is taken away from you. Only the worse villains deserve that." I finally turn my gaze to Bakugo, who was staring at me with eyes that showed the hurt he was trying to conceal.

"If you tell me to, I won't say anything. But, the second I walk into UA in three days, I plan on either getting a month or detention or getting kicked out." Bakugo sneered and looked away.

"Stop saying so much shit like that. You aren't going to do shit." Bakugo said, hand moving from under my knee to my shin, as if trying to calm me down. I was calm, though.

"I know how it feels to be completely restrained. I'm not saying it to be empathetic." I turned back to the screen. "But if you tell me not to do anything, I won't. But if anyone tries to make fun of you..."

"You have every fucking right to kick the shit out of them." My lips twitched in a try to make a smirk. 

I was angry, yes. If I was physically fine, I probably would have stormed into Nezu's office. But, I was surprisingly calm right now. Maybe it's because of what happened, or where I am.

Lucky for Nezu.

But, how can they do that? Don't they know how they are showing Bakugo to the world? Tying him up like a villain because he's upset someone half-assed him isn't right. It may look comical, but that is messed up. Seriously fucking messed up.

"Now, onto the real mystery: Mira Kazama, the favorite to win the festival." I was brought back from my thoughts, as a picture of me was shown. Me walking out of the hall, into the center of the arena, at the front of my class.

"She was ahead the entire obstacle course, using the Air to her advantage. With one hand, she destroyed a ginormous robot immediately." With my expression, it looked as if I was bored, destroying the robot.

"During the Cavalry Battle, she showed her immense flexibility and, some might say creepy, reflexes." I was shown dodging those three, purple balls, not once looking in the direction which they come. Then there was me, looking forward, and moving my head and placing a block just as a vine tried to attack.

"Creepy reflexes belong to Pom-Pom. I just have a sensing ability." I mutter.

"How the fuck am I creepy?"

"Shhh, they are talking about me. It's important."

"Narcissistic bitch."

"I learned from the best." I gave him a pointed look.



"Then, after first place in both the Obstacle Race and Cavalry Battle, her true strength was showcased in seconds within the battle rounds." The journalist said, sounding excited as she covered me. It made me feel better about hating her.

"With her first battle, she ended it within two seconds. With a blast of wind so powerful, she knocked her opponent out of the match and knocked over most people in the stands in that direction." They showed the clip of Kaminari being flown away, me standing there, cold and bored. Then the crowd, some who seemed as if their hair stood on its own, others shocked and cheering.

"The next round was just the same! Stopping the speedster Ida, she walked around him and blasted him out of the match as if he was a paper." Luckily, my light panic didn't show on my face. Once second later, I would have lost.

"I would have kicked your ass in the finals." I teased.

"I know you're tricks, Vampy." Bakugo responded.

"Maybe. But I think I would have won."

"I'll always beat your ass."

"Hey, we are tied on wins throughout private training."

"In your fucking head."

"Whatever." I grumble, being the one getting more annoyed despite starting it. Bakugo let out a huff.

"Yet, when facing off the son of the number two hero Endeavor, we were given a show of what power really lies within Kazama's body." Shit. I really didn't want to see a replay. But, at the same time, I wanted to see if I actually made an expression of pain.

"Easily blocking the ice, she managed to sneak around and tackle the Todoroki to the ground. Then, the fight seemed to end as the two seemingly had an argument." My fingers clenched. Not an argument, a one-sided shouting that turned into self-berating that turned into excruciating pain.

Someway, Bakugo placed both his hands on my shin and gripped lightly. It helped me not think about the emotions that my mind wanted me to feel.

"Then, after it seemed like the argument was over, thats when it all started." I was show sliding off Shoto, then... I winced, as Shoto was tossed away from me, into a block of ice that led into the hall of the arena.

"Something happened, and waves of extraordinary powerful wind released form Kazama's body. In the clip, you can see it knock Todoroki all the way into a hallway, not even his ice managing to stop it." The replayed the clip, and I felt bad. I know they said Shoto was fine, but he didn't look fine.

"At first, one might have thought it was all part of a plan. Until the Air Master-" Bakugo and I both snort at the cheesy name- "Turned onto her back. And the camera captured the first expression on her face - pain."

I could only stare like a child as they enhanced the screen to show my face, eyes widened and tears seemingly falling from my eyes, the only emotion being pain in my eyes. My mouth widened with my shouts, and anyone would have said I was in pain.

Bakugo's grip on my shins tightened.

"Wave after wave of wind was released. The ground surrounding the Air Master was destroyed, as well as any walls of cement that was created to try to retain the blast. The walls of the arena was heavily damaged, and the pro heroes Midnight and Cementoss couldn't get close, barely avoiding get hurt themselves.

"Most people in the stands were shaken or pushed over with the force of the wind. No one was able to get close... until the winner of the Sports Festival."

As destruction was shown all around the arena, the ground breaking, walls about to crumble, people in disarray, Bakugo was the one coming. He exploded to the ground, and ran so fast to my screaming body, trying to not curl into a ball. He slid onto the ground next to me, grabbed me and tried to shake me out of it.

I looked away, to Bakugo, not needing a recap of what happened. He felt my gaze and turned to look at me, ruby eyes glinting in the light.

"Do not ask how bad I was hurt." He told me, knowing the question was on the tip of my tongue. "You will know when I tell you."

I huffed. "I want to know. I know there isn't any way you managed to take the blast without at least one fractured bone." I said, feeling guilt wanting to creep up.

Bakugo frowned at me. "I don't give a shit. I would have done it again, even if I would have ended up with five broke ribs." He leaned towards me and poked my head, a light version of a flick. "Now shut up and don't worry." He ordered.

"I can't help it."

"I don't care. Stop worrying." He grabbed the remote, and began to flip the channels as he sat normal again.

"Easier said than done." I muttered, low enough for him to not hear. How am I supposed to not worry? This man really expects too much out of me.

We fell into a light silence, Bakugo flipping through the channels until he landed on a random movie. As we watched, I a weird realization hit me.

Now that I am not pressed on the sports festival, not worried about how the public is going to see me, there is nothing holding my thoughts back. Nothing to give me the strength to hold back the thoughts and questions that rose when Bakugo and I had the 'incident' in the shower and only grew over the weeks...

When I mean weird, I mean - why the fuck did I realize this right now? I mean, where the fuck did this thought come from? Like seriously, I should be worrying about whether Yuuko is freaking out or not, not what types of thoughts I was going to be having now. 

I mean, it should be easy to not think of Bakugo's bare chest, water glistening on it -

"Why are you bright red?" Bakugo snapped me back and I realized my face was hot. 

"N-no reason." I'm going to be fucked up. 

"Honey, you are being too loud." An older, warm male voice said. Bakugo's eyes snapped behind me.

"Look, now you got us caught." Mrs. Mitsuki said. I didn't turn around, but by the way Bakugo was glaring, they were right behind me.

"Why are you two trying to sneak around like a bunch of rats?"Bakugo said. I would bitch-slap him, if I was his mom.

"Call me a rat again you bastard and I'll throw out all your weights." Bakugo froze with a sneer on his face. Weights... makes sense why he'd worry about losing them. That chest and those arms aren't no joke.

"Hello." The male voice said, this time coming into my point of view. He was tall, with broad shoulders. He had brown hair, lightly ruffled, and stubble. Glasses, a plaid shirt and khaki's, and I could instantly see how kind he was.

"My name is Masaru Bakugo. I just wanted to introduce myself to you." He said, bowing his head slightly and giving me a hand to shake. I tried to lift my arms, but I could reach his hand.

"Um, I apologize, but I can't shake your hand that far away right now." I said, putting on my respectful voice.

"Come on Masu, I told you she can't move." Mrs. Mitsuki whisper-shouted. Why do people always whisper when they want to shout?

"Oh, I didn't realize." He smiled warmly and took his hand away. "I'll let you two be. If you need anything from me, just call me Masaru." He nodded with a smile at me.

"Thank you, Mr. Masaru." I replied, needing to sound good. 

"Oh, don't be so shy. You can relax and be comfortable around us." Mrs. Mitsuki said. I had a sneaky suspicion she may have overheard how vulgar my words can be.

"I'll try. It's not easy, when I just met you both." I admit.

"Well, you'll get comfortable soon enough." I couldn't see her, but I could hear the smirk in her voice. "Come help me cook, Masu. Give these two privacy."

"If I remember properly, you are the one that wanted-"

"Shh." She shut him off. Some footsteps sounded out, until there was no more noise other than the movie on the TV. 

I look back to Bakugo, a light sneer on his face. 

"How much do you lift?"

"Why do you care?"

"Hey, if you can lift me up like I weigh nothing, I want to know."

Bakugo tsked and lifted his feet onto the ottoman, slouching against the sofa back. "How much you weigh?"

"I weigh between 115 and 120 on most days." Unless I'm starving or bleeding out. 

He smirked, glancing at me."No wonder you're so light. I press 250 as a norm."

I let out a little gasp. "250? How long have you been doing weight training? How much do your gauntlets weigh? Is that why you have no recoil from your explosions? Can you go above 250? Can you bench press me?"

"Stop asking  questions- wait, bench press you? What the fuck?" Bakugo picked up the last question I I accidentally asked. 

"Hey, it just popped out of my mouth. You know my words do that." I say, true. My words ramble out of my mouth sometimes, whether I want them to or not.

"Yeah, whatever. Just shut up."

"Yes sir."

"I'm not sir." 

"Yes... what, Pom-Pom? Yes Boom Boy? Yes Bakugo? Yes Katsuki? Yes dad- let me stop myself right there." I shut my lips and made sure no other noise would come out of them. I really need to train my mouth before I get attacked over it - no, wait, that's already happened.

"What goes on in that head of yours?"

"A lot."

"Shut up."

"Yes Katsuki-"

"Shut up."

I listened.

Long chapter - 7700 words! Hope you enjoyed!

I will be taking a 2-week break to write some more chapters in advance - just to be prepared! Will be back soon!

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