Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]

By AlphaFemale127

63.6K 1.6K 3.8K

Loosing family is hard, soul-breaking. It causes trauma in people, especially when you see the people you lov... More

First Day of UA
Being a 'Hero'
Pervert in a Store
Class Rep
Villains at USJ
2 Days Later
Friend Greetings
Some Company
Pain Isn't Wanted
Days Of Silence
Waking Up
Just Some Talks
The First Night
A Mishap
Just Some Fun
A Helpful Conversation
Birthday Surprise
Don't Worry
Sports Festival
The Final Round
No Noise
A Bath
Just A Day
Answering A Question
Hero Names
An Invitation
Only 1 Week
The Change*
Top Of A Building
Girl Talk
Morning *
A Massage*
Family Lunch
All Red
It's Not The Blood-loss
The Crash
Deleted Scenes pt 1
Deleted Scenes pt.2
Made to Be pt. 1
Made to Be pt. 2
Book 2
10K READS!!! A Special...?
Special Chapter (Completely Smut)
What I imagine Mira to look like...

Mira vs...

854 25 55
By AlphaFemale127

I sat, hidden under the stairs somewhere in the arena. After I stormed off, I just aimlessly walked through the halls until I decided to find a quick place to sit and be alone. Now I was in the corner of where the back of the stairs and the wall met, hidden by the shadows. People walked by, but I was unseen, unheard as I didn't make a noise. 

I thought I stopped breathing, how quiet I was. But all that was happening was me thinking over things.

I wonder whose all watching? Of course heroes are, most citizens would be too. This event could be considered larger than the olympics, so there would be a large variety of people watching. Is Yuuko watching? Does she have the time to put the Sports Festival on a screen and watch? Does she even want to see how I am doing, scared if I'll be too dangerous?

And what about Mrs. Osaka and her goons, or those above her. Will they watch to see how much I've grown, how much I've changed? Just the thought sent shivers down my spine. I don't want them to watch me anymore. I don't want them to think of me as something to experiment with anymore.

I sighed silently, leaning my head back against the wall as I drew my knees up. I was never told why they were so interested in my Blood Quirk, in training me. Maybe they wanted to find a way to mind control me, so if they see me they just say a few words and I'm a robot. Isn't that a movie or something?

But how can I win without using both my Quirks? Wouldn't that be a punch in the balls to those going full out, only to lose to someone who gave only half her best. I mean, if Shoto beat me just using his ice Quirk, I'd be pissed. But more than that, I don't know how I can stop instincts from turning my Blood Quirk on just to avoid injuries. But using my Quirk will make me look more villainous, right?

"Mira, how can you confidently say people will accept you as a hero?" I looked up from my book work to my exasperated grandmother. She looked as if what I was saying was preposterous.

"Why can't I be a hero? Would you rather me be a villain, go around killing people? Is that good enough for you?" I ask, my tone harsh and angered as I slam my book shut. "What is wrong with aspiring to be a hero? You should be glad I don't want to follow my father's lead and take a swan dive off the top of a building."

Her face turned red with anger and I moved just as she tried to slap me, it being too obvious for me to just sit there and accept it. "You will not talk about my son that way!"

"Why can't I talk about my own father? All he did was abandon me in that shit of a place before taking his life." I stood up and stepped back, avoiding another slap to the face. "You don't even bother to ask what happened, thinking it's all fine. Thinking that me just barely moving on with my life is all fine."

I was taller than my grandmother, so I now looked down at her, her angry, stark blue eyes and graying blue hair, neat and orderly, almost an older image of a female version of my father.

"I want to be a hero. Maybe then I'd finally fix my fucked up life." I growled out and my grandmother seethed with anger.

"You will not be a hero. With that bloody Quirk of yours, I'm surprised you even managed to make at least one companion in your life." She stepped back, swinging her shawl to cover her arms as it came loose from her trying to smack me. "Mira Kazama, as long as I am here, I forbid you from becoming a hero. All you will see are people terrified and disgusted by the Quirk your dreadful mother passed on."

I raised my hand, swinging it down, feeling rage fuel me. I managed to stop it before I smacked the living daylights out of my elder grandmother. I sucked in a large breath and pulled my shaking hand down. "Don't talk about my mother. At least she died trying to protect her child." My voice was shaking with anger, barely controlling myself from attacking.

My grandmother huffed and turned on her heels. "Jane, I'm going for a walk. Get Shiny." She ordered her American maid, asking for her dog. I listened as her heals clacked out of the room, before I growled and slammed my hand down on my desk.

Why am I trying to honor her again? 

As anger fueled me again, Present Mic's loud voice filtered in through the arena, announcing the start of the final rounds. I pushed myself up, stalking out from under the stairs. I was third, against Kaminari. I heard Midoriya's name being announced, followed by an unfamiliar name from the general classes.

I walked up the stairs and down the hall until I saw the sign 'Class 1-A', heading down the entrance to our class's seating area for watching the matches. I barely got under the sun when my name was called.

"Kazama, come over here!" I turn to Mina's voice, her sitting in the middle of the seats surrounded by most of our class. Kyoka smiled and waved and I waved back. Shoto sat against the wall, silent and hard-eyed I heard an angry tsk and glanced at the end of the first row, one seat in front of me, as Bakugo leaned forward and placed his chin on his propped up hand. He was angry with me, no doubt.

"Thanks, Mina, but I liked to sit close to the exit." I replied, sitting across from Bakugo and in front of Shoto, also against the wall. 

"Hey, why is Midoriya walking towards the edge?" Kirishima asked and I looked down at the match, not really watching, arms crossed, leaned back against my seat.  I wasn't worried; Midoriya would win.

A light breeze picked up a strand of hair and blew it in my face but I didn't bother to remove it.

Why was I honoring my grandmother? Seriously, why did that thought even pass through my head today. Yeah, it was the day she was murdered. If I didn't get so angry, then maybe she wouldn't have stormed away and would still be alive.

But she was a bitch, quite honestly. I think I got my bitchiness from her. All she used to do was downgrade my Blood Quirk, which I inherited from my mother. Always insulted my mother in underhanded ways but got upset when I brought up my father. I mean, at least my mother died trying to save her daughter. My father abandoned me in a place which tortured me then took his life when I was finally released, which sent me right back in. Who was the better parent?

Then the whole hero argument. It had been going for a while, and I took it silently, lying to my teachers and principle at my Junior High to get a recommendation. When she found out, she was pissed off. She thought being a hero was out of the park for me, that my expressionless face wouldn't work, that my trauma would inhibit me, that my Quirk would make me a villain. 

That's a lot of moral support, you know?

I think that's why Bakugo telling me to use my experiences and make me stronger hit home more. His observances of me and telling me my problems but not telling me to quit. He told me to get stronger. He didn't tell me to give up and that a future was impossible for me.

I turned my gaze to Bakugo, taking in his side profile, just as Present Mic announced Midoriya as the winner, the crowd cheering. He was too hot for my own good, but right now all I saw was something... boiling under his surface, under those burning red eyes that showed anger as he looked down at the green-haired man.

A new question raised up in my head. How can Katsuki Bakugo, the angriest, loudest, headstrong person I've ever met, understand my problems so well? 

He may not have been tortured since he was six, may not have seen his parents die or had a terrible childhood. No, he may have been the bully in someones childhood, like Midoriya. But I think the reason why Bakugo knew what to say to me was... ah, it was pressure.

We've both been pressured. I've been pressured to be a perfect weapon, pressured to prove that I am perfectly fine to everyone else and that I was the best, despite how fucked up I was. Bakugo was pressured to be the best, to never lose, to prove that he was the strongest. He knows how it feels, doesn't he? 

To feel all that pressure on you and feel the need to rise to those standards, even if it took so much out of you. To feel yourself crumble away inside before everyone's expectations of you, no one caring about your personal thoughts or struggles with their high expectations. We're only human after all. We can't be perfect machines.

Bakugo felt my gaze and turned to look at me, eyes furrowed in a hidden type of anger. When his eyes locked with mine, his widened, shocked at something his saw in them. 

Was Bakugo angry at Midoriya because nothing large was expected of him? That everyone praised him as he achieved his goals? While Bakugo was thought of as an angry person, a strong Quirk with a deadly personality, as if he's more of a... villain. Not really... humane.

Is that where his trust issues stem from?

I felt Shoto move out of the stands, ready for his match, but I couldn't take my eyes off Bakugo's ruby ones. For some odd reason, I felt as if I understood him so much more in that instant than the entire time I've known him.

"I-" I didn't know what to say. I understand? I know how it feels? Bakugo would think I'm insane. All that happened was me, off in my own thoughts, thinking of my grandmother than to him then to trying to understand Bakugo. 

Bakugo's eyes turned to their normal, angry state, something other than anger in the emotion held within. My mouth went dry and my heart thudded against my chest. I was trapped by those ruby eyes and couldn't escape, not on my own.

"Kazama! You're going against Kaminari next, right?" I was thankful for Kirishima's loud voice as it gave me a way to escape the soul-burning gaze Bakugo was giving me (and that I was returning).

This is a sports festival. I should stop with the melodramatic thoughts.

I turned to the kind, red man and nodded. "Yep." Kirishima winked as Kaminari complained about having to fight a hot woman.

"Good luck!" Kirishima said, but the nuance when he looked at a huffing Bakugo returning to look down at the center of the arena then back to me made my face flush. 

"It's not needed." I said, trying to shove off the idea that rose in my head.

"Hey, I noticed, you can blush now?" Yaoyorozu piped up and stares of my classmates filed onto me.

"Yeah! Like earlier, when we caught you telling Endeavor you would kill him!" Uraraka said, bouncing slightly in her chair. My face flushed even more.

"Uh-yeah, well..." It happened due to an embarrassing moment with Mina and Kyoka.

"You look so cute when you turn red." Kyoka said, a soft smile of the truth of why I can blush on her face.. Heat bloomed and I brought hands to my cheeks, feeling heat as I tried covering them.

"When did it start?" Tsu asked.

"Uh, it was a question-"

"Shut up you loud ass nerds!" Bakugo shouted at that moment and the others sighed as if expecting that.

"Don't need to get all angry boom boy." Kirishima said with a smile.

"I'll kill you Shitty Hair if you call me that again!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Mina's golden gaze looked over at Bakugo then me.

"So, what was the question about that made you blush?"Uraraka asked.

I jumped up, hating that I couldn't lie easily anymore. How was I supposed to say that Mina and Kyoka asked me if I had ever orgasmed before and then I started blushing?

"I'll see you all later." I ran out of the seating area without hesitation, just as Shoto's name was called and the crowd went wild. I really hate blushing.


Shoto won against Sero, not a big surprise to me. So I stood at the hall, waiting for my name to be called. I rotated my shoulders and hips, relaxing my muscles.

"For our third match!" Present Mic yelled into the speakers. "We have, from class 1-A, Denki Kaminari!" Kaminari winked and wave at the crowd with a smile that tried to hide his nervousness. "His Quirk is Electrification! He can generate electricity and cover himself and distances with it!"

The crowd cheered for him but I felt my body pale. They were announcing Quirks? I should have paid attention to the previous announcements. 

My fingers flexed, nervous about them announcing my Quirks to everyone. I'd have to deal with it. Once I'm a pro-hero, most people will know my Quirks. It will be fine.

"And his opponent, also from Class 1-A, is Mira Kazama! She has been first in the previous two rounds!" The crowd cheered so loud as I my name was called. I was nervous myself. "This lucky girl has two powerful Quirks! Controlling the air and making any object out of her blood, harder than almost everything on the earth!"

I drowned out the noise, not sure if it was cheers or boos, as Kaminari smiled at me. "Kazama, I think of you as a friend. So, after I win, no hard feelings and we go get a bite to eat?" He said in a slightly flirtatious voice,  and I shook my head.

"You're right. No hard feelings." Midnight started the match and I raised my right hand, not bothering to move. 

"Indiscriminate Shock, 1.3 Million Vol-- wahh!" Before Kaminari could pull of his attack, it took me two seconds to blast him out of the arena. One second to gather enough air, which wasn't a lot since it was multiplied in power, and one second to release.

The blast of air was slightly stronger than I expected, almost knocking me over as a wave of wind releasing in a large diameter, thankfully just in front of me. It blasted into Kaminari and threw him out of bounds, into the wall. Not hard enough to imbed him in it. The crowd went silent with the shock of how fast the match was over and at the gust of wind that rushed into the walls and over the stands.

I turned my Quirk off and brought down my hand. Midnight waved her hand up in my direction. "M-Mira Kazama is the winner!" I winced at how loud Present Mic's voice was over the speakers. "In just two seconds! She managed to knock Kaminari out of the match in just two seconds! And did anyone feel that shock of wind! Woah man - watch out for Kazama kids!"

Kaminari was knocked out by the impact. I felt a bit bad but turned on my heel and walked straight back into the arena, the increasingly loud cheers of the crowd following me. One down, three to go.


I sat as Bakugo and Uraraka was called out to the arena. I was sitting where Bakugo sat earlier, Mina, Kyoka and Kaminari behind me.

"Man, I really thought I could win." Kaminari groaned. He just got back after waking up. 

"Really? Don't you remember the first battle training? How could you beat her?" Mina asked, and I was unsure of whether or not she was teasing or being completely real.

"I really want Uraraka to win! Just look how cute she is!" Present mic stated just before Midnight started the match. That wording irked me somehow. Shouldn't he be objective and just report the match, not picking sides?

 Uraraka rushed in the second the match started, low to the ground, trying to tap Bakugo as she distracted him with her jacket. Just one tap and he'd float out of bounds, a win for her. But Bakugo seemed to expect her attack, and instead of doing a large right hook - as he learned not to do after multiple training sessions - he went with an explosion straight to the ground, blowing up debris and blowing Uraraka back.

She got up and went low again, only for the same thing to happen. Over and over. The crowd went silent and I felt a weird vibe among them. What was their problem? Bakugo is treating Uraraka like a normal opponent, and Uraraka was using the explosions to her advantages with all the debris floating up.

Another explosion, the smoke thick in the air, ground destroyed and Uraraka getting tired out while it seemed like he was fine. but you could see it in his eyes, in his stance, that Bakugo knew his opponent wasn't done and that she wasn't giving up. Uraraka wasn't the easiest person to fight. 

"Isn't Bakugo being a little harsh on Uraraka?" Tsu said, and I felt my body harden.

"Even I wouldn't be able to attack a girl like that." Kaminari added.

"What is he doing wrong?" I piped up, probably shocking the rest of my classmates. 

"Don't you feel uncomfortable watching?" Kyoka asked, leaning over the seat. I never moved my eyes from the fight below. 

"Why would I? No one goes easy on me."

"Yeah, but you have that healing ability! " Kaminari tried to put up a defense but I scoffed, finally looking over to those talking. 

They flinched, the anger in my eyes pretty visible. "Uraraka isn't a piece of fluff that will break away at the faintest touch. She is made of tough stuff." I said, trying to keep my voice calm and not harsh. "Bakugo isn't treating her like a girl. He is treating her like any other person he would be fighting. In training or once you step on the battlefield, gender doesn't matter. All that matters is doing your best."

My voice wasn't even close to a loud tone, but the way Mina and Kaminari cowered away made it seem like I was shouting. Another explosion grabbed my eyes back towards the match. "You should look up. Uraraka isn't done yet."

 After the noise of the explosion died down, a pro-hero shouted out loud in the silence of the crowd. "Hey! How can you say you want to be a hero like that!?" I stood up, bending over the railing to look a few blocks of seats over, seeing a hero in a white and yellow costume stand up, pointing thumbs down. My anger levels were being hit right now.

I gripped the metal hard as the 'hero' continued. "If there's such a huge differences in your abilities, then hurry up and send her out of bounds!" Another explosion. "Stop bullying and playing with the poor girl!" A growl emitted from my voice and I almost jumped the railings as people started agreeing with the guy, if it wasn't for the warm hand that gripped onto my forearm and held me.

I look over my shoulder to find Shoto, shaking his head no. "No more fighting pro-heroes." I huffed and let go of the railing, just as the microphone of the announcers squeaked.

"Was that a pro saying he's playing around? How many years have you been a pro?" Aizawa's angry voice filtered over the speakers, and my eyes snapped to the box he was in, seeing him standing up with the mic in his hand. Shoto's grip lightened when he realized I wasn't going to attack anyone.

"If you're saying that with a straight face, there's no point in you watching anymore, so go home! Go home, and look into changing careers!" If there was any time I wish I could smirk, now was it.

"Bakugo's being careful because he's acknowledged the strength of his opponent who has made it this far. It's because he's doing everything he can to win that he can't go easy on her or let his guard down." 

The crowd was in a silent shock at those words but i just crossed my arms and rolled on the heels of my feet, feeling snobbish in a good way. Bakugo may be an ass, but he doesn't play around when it comes to fighting to win. He's not some creepy bastard who likes to throw woman around in a fight. 

I believe. He did throw me around a bit. 

The smoke started to clear and a tired, determined Uraraka  stumbled up. Shoto's presence moved away as he noticed I was fully calm, eyes focused on the match.  

"Did you guys not notice what she was doing?" I asked my classmates, wondering how Bakugo will get out of this one. 

"What do you mean?" Mina's voice asked. 

"There was a reason she kept rushing back in, low to the ground, after each explosion." I pointed a finger up, as Uraraka put her fingertips together. "Kept Bakugo's guard up and eyes focused on her, so he wouldn't notice that she took all the debris from the explosions for weapons." I said that just as she released them, a seeming meteor shower falling down over the arena, barely missing the stands.

"She had a desperate plan like that up her sleeves this whole time!?" Midoriya shouted from behind me, shocked. She isn't just one to give up.

Uraraka rushed in, touching her fingertips and no doubt thinking that there would be an opening in this situation.

The crowd was tense. Was Uraraka about to win or was Bakugo going to pull one over her. I watched as Bakugo let out a slow breath, grabbing his hands and aiming them up at the sky. I saw the little explosions go off in advance before he released a huge, hot explosion. The wind and smoke from the size of the explosion racked over everyone, pushing me back slightly and sending my hair flying behind me.

At first everything was clouded by smoke, and I couldn't see what happened. But by the pressure of the blast of wind, the match seemed to have concluded.

When my hair settled down, no doubt messy, I heard popping, light and heavy thuds on the outside of the arena. Smoking debris falling back down, miraculously avoiding the crowd. The smoke cleared away and there Uraraka was, laid flat, almost outside the boundary. Bakugo stood there, breathing hard, a focused look in his face. He may have seen fine to most, but I saw  the way his hands twitched and his eyes glanced, ever so slightly, to his arms. He was getting close to overusing his Quirk.

Uraraka struggled, fighting to stay awake and keep fighting. But she was exhausted, body tired and worn out by the explosions. Bakugo seemed ready for an attack, charging in as she stood up and brought her hands up in a weak fighting position. I knew, just by her shoulders, that she was exhausted. So when Uraraka took one step forward, and instead of running she fell down, shocking Bakugo and most people in the stands, I nodded.

"You did well, Uraraka." I said, not loud enough for everyone to hear me. Present Mic announced that Uraraka was down and she began crawling, trying her hardest to stay in the fight. Bakugo gave her the respect and got into a defensive position, not giving up on her just yet. She stopped moving and Midnight came over to check on her. 

"Uraraka is out of commission. Bakugo advances to the second round!" There was a loud cheer in the crowd, a complete opposite of just a few moments earlier.

 I stared down heavily at Bakugo, not sure if I was happy he won, since the more he won the higher the possibility of me facing off with him in the finals; or if I was satisfied he didn't go easy on Uraraka because she was a girl. He certainly didn't go easy on me these past weeks.

I guess Bakugo felt the weight of my stare, cause soon enough he was staring me down from his position on the field as the crowd gave their cheers. Such false cheers they were. I don't know how, honestly, we locked eyes at this distance but we did. 

I noticed a lighter expression swept over his eyes and his shoulders loosened just a smidge. I nodded, giving my creepy-ass 'smile' to show that I wasn't a fake fan and that I didn't think that this match was just Bakugo toying with Uraraka. He quirked an eyebrow in confusion at first which made me hold back the finger. I just tilted my head and widened my eyes before taking a few steps back and falling back into my seat. I was fine now. No more rising anger.

The next round of matches were about to start. I was first, against Ida. Then Shoto and Midoriya next.

They cleared out the middle of the arena. Ida and Midoriya left to go check on Uraraka and the rest of my classmates began talking with one another. I looked over my shoulder, up at Shoto who was still silent. Thoughts were passing over his eyes and it made me want to go over there and ask him what's wrong. 

But I knew the reason why he was in a worse mood than usual. The fact that his father is here with insane pressure on him to win, probably already trying to force Shoto to use his fire Quirk. I mean, Shoto should use his fire. It is his Quirk. But he won't listen to me and Endeavor's bullying just makes it worse.

I sighed and turned back to sit normally, legs extended and back slouching, arms crossed. Kaminari and Sero were behind me, Mina and Kyoka a seat away from him to be closer to the other girls and classmates, crowding the other half of our seating area. It was a bit peaceful, as Kaminari was engaged in a conversation with everyone else.

I'm going against Ida next. He was fast. Maybe too fast for me. If he can start his boosters one second before I turn my Quirk on, the match might end just like that. If I can stop it somehow... maybe a shield? If I can make one in time. Otherwise I'd lose. 

I felt a bite of panic hit me. I can't lose. Not now. 

"Hey Bakugo!" My head snapped up at Sero's shout. I looked over my shoulder to see Bakugo, shoulders hunched and hands stuffed in his pockets, a frown on his face as usual. "That was tough, huh? Playing the bad guy."

"Bad guy?" I mumbled under my breath, turning back to the arena. How did he play the bad guy?

"Even if it was because of the match-up, you played an amazing villain, Bakugo." Tsu... complimented. 

"Shut up! Be quiet!" Bakugo yelled over at Tsu and I shrugged so slightly.

"But man, I can't believe you were able to aim such a huge blast at a frail girl. I couldn't help but hold back." Kaminari said and I scoffed.

"Kazama kicked you out in two seconds. How did you have time to hold back?" Tsu said and Kaminari groaned and I felt my body sit up straighter. 

Bakugo tsked angrily and fell into the seat next to me, arm brushing mine just enough to shock me. Our arms were pressed together and warmth bloomed. I didn't know whether to move or to stay.

"What part of her was frail?" Bakugo said and I nodded, trying to ignore his movements as he leaned forward. 

"I mean, what do you guys think of Uraraka?" I asked right after and heard the boys squirm behind me.  I sighed and elbowed Bakugo slightly in the ribs.

"What was that!?" He shouted angrily but I waved him off, standing up. "Good job. Make sure to win against Kirishima. I would like to see you in the finals." I said, stretching my arms as I looked down at the clean-up crew. Bakugo huffed.

"I'll kick your ass like always." I placed my hands on my hips and turned to look at Bakugo, a slight evil smirk on his face.

"What do you mean like always? We haven't had combat training for a while, and she kicked your ass during it." Sero asked, intrigued by our conversation.

"Shut up Soy Face!" Bakugo yelled in major annoyance. 

"I mean, he isn't wrong." Kaminari said in defense and Bakugo turned on him with an insult. I sighed.

"We did the private training together. Without my Quirk, Bakugo's stronger than me." I said honestly and both boys had a 'Ahh' of understanding come out of their mouths. Bakugo huffed and turned away.

"But Quirks will be used, and I would say I have the advantage." I waved my fingers at the boys as I walked around them. "See you later." I said before I left the space, sparing a glance for Shoto. He was focused on his hands. 

Time to hopefully not lose.


I ran past Kirishima in the hall, who wished me luck. I returned it, as he was going to be facing against Bakugo in the last match of the second rounds. I asked why it took him so long and apparently he was eating. Lucky.

I stood at the end of the fighting space in the arena, shaking out my leg in nervousness, acting as if I was just prepping. 

"Both from class 1-A - like every other match - from the left is Tenya Ida! The Speedster!" The  crowd cheered as Ida stared me down. I think we both knew this was going to be a fast match, either due to his speed or my reflexes. I really hope it was the latter.

"And on the right side is a favorite to win- Mira Kazama!" I didn't like how many people were cheering for me or how loud those cheers were. If they knew me I doubt they'd cheer me on.

Midnight raised her bat- oh, it was a flogger this whole time? "Ready! Set!" Ida started his boosters and I turned my Air Quirk on, sensing him and Midnight. Two very different presences. "Begin!" She dropped the flogger and Ida shot straight for me, a blur.

I placed a shield up just in time, body shaky as Ida ran straight into the shield. An inch from touching me. 

The force of his speed hurt him against the invisible shield, and Ida fell onto his back with a painful groan. Not done, just yet. Releasing my deep breath, I decide to be nice to him. 

Ida struggled onto his elbows just as I walked around him, aiming to blast him out of the arena with a light blast, not wanting to hurt him more. Ida, a bit blind with his broken glasses, didn't have time to prepare as the second he began to move I released the air, shooting him out the boundaries.

"And with that, Kazama wins!" I hide my flinch at the cheer of the crowd. I try to find a camera, and when I think I find one, I stare just at it.

I wonder which pros are watching today. If I could, I would smile obnoxiously at the screen.

I turn to watch the crowd, cheering for me. Would they still cheer if they knew how I really am? If they knew how my second Quirk worked? I doubt that. 

With a sigh, I turn to walk back towards the hall which I came out of. "Nice job, Ida!" I shouted over my shoulder, being fully honest. I was a second from losing. I didn't understand what Ida said back, and just walked back into the arena. Midoriya was there, nervously staring at me.

"K-Kazama." Midoriya said, fiddling his hands together.

"Yeah?" I asked, unsure as to why he's so nervous. Well, maybe because he's going against Shoto.

Midoriya bit his lip and looked a bit... scared of me? Or scared for me? I felt my body tense and my senses heighten, feeling a bit weird. He sighed and looked back up at me.

"Um, Todoroki told me... Well he told me about how he was raised." Every hair on my body stood up. Midoriya didn't look me in the eye as he said the next part. "He also talked about... you."

Oh. That's why he looks so scared, so nervous. 

My body didn't move, frozen in that spot. The breath froze in my lungs, and two emotions came over me. A cold fear, fear that Midoriya may tell someone. Fear that he may tell someone like Aizawa and I'll be treated different - put under therapy. 

And a burning anger. 

It felt as if my skin was suddenly burning, my blood boiling. My canines popped out with that anger and my fingers flexed, wanting to grab something tightly. I resisted the urge to run across the field and punch the living daylights out of Shoto.

I gulped, trying to control myself. "Why did he tell you? How much did he tell you?"I asked, looking down the empty hall. 

"Well... T-Todoroki d-didn't really go into s-specifics." Midoriya stuttered, my anger obvious in how I held myself, how I spoke. "But he did say how you lost your parents. And that you were... t-tortured..."

I suck in a breath sharply and finally turn my gaze back to look at Midoriya's green eyes. He flinched at my gaze, and I felt bad at that. I let out my breath slowly, failing to calm the anger boiling in my blood.

"Make sure to give him an ass-whooping, whether you win or lose." Was all I said before I stormed away, feet surprisingly light on the cold floor.

My fingers flexed painfully, me fighting with my Air Quirk that wanted to lash out. With a painful thought, I turned my Quirk off that had a mind of it's own, canines shrinking to normal size. 

Why the fuck did Shoto tell Midoriya? What was I missing here? If he wanted to tell Midoriya about his past, go right ahead. But don't drag in my own history without my fucking permission.

When I exited into the seating area of class 1-A, it was pretty fucking obvious I was seething.

"Good job Ka- woah, why are you so angry?" Kirishima said, my eyes not straying as Shoto and Midoriya were announced.

"Yeah, you're practically burning!" Mina added.

With a light growl as Shoto came out of the tunnel, I answered them, feeling eyes on me. "I really want to kill someone right now." I said, as honest as I could. 

"Sit your ass down, Vampy!" Bakugo shouted, sounding exasperated in a way. I didn't answer him, only stalking to the railing. My arms were pinned at my side. I felt that if I moved them, I wouldn't be able to keep myself from jumping down there and strangle Shoto.

"Just keep your mouth shut for this match." Was all I said, my tone unlike any other time I had been upset with Bakugo. Everyone went silent at it. 

This time, unlike when I was upset with myself or with him for thinking stupidly, I was beyond upset with the half-and-half man who trained cold eyes onto Midoriya.

The only thing keeping me from lashing out was the cameras. If no cameras were here, I don't know what I would have done.

"Let the match begin!" Present Mic shouted. 

Kinda long chapter! 6,000 words!

One more chapter with the Sports Festival! I wonder what will happen....

Thanks for reading! Hope you Enjoyed it!

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