Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]

By AlphaFemale127

62.6K 1.6K 3.8K

Loosing family is hard, soul-breaking. It causes trauma in people, especially when you see the people you lov... More

First Day of UA
Being a 'Hero'
Pervert in a Store
Class Rep
Villains at USJ
2 Days Later
Friend Greetings
Some Company
Pain Isn't Wanted
Days Of Silence
Waking Up
Just Some Talks
The First Night
A Mishap
Just Some Fun
A Helpful Conversation
Birthday Surprise
Don't Worry
Sports Festival
Mira vs...
The Final Round
No Noise
A Bath
Just A Day
Answering A Question
Hero Names
An Invitation
Only 1 Week
The Change*
Top Of A Building
Girl Talk
Morning *
A Massage*
Family Lunch
All Red
It's Not The Blood-loss
The Crash
Deleted Scenes pt 1
Deleted Scenes pt.2
Made to Be pt. 1
Made to Be pt. 2
Book 2
10K READS!!! A Special...?
Special Chapter (Completely Smut)
What I imagine Mira to look like...


1.3K 32 93
By AlphaFemale127

My neck was sore. It was in an uncomfortable position on the arm of the sofa, my face pressed against the back, a thin blanket tossed over my body. I wore a sweater and shorts and was trying to sleep on the sofa in an uncomfortable position after throwing the pillows to the floor for taking up too much space.

After I got home, with the help of Bakugo, I took a shower and cleaned up. Then I watched my dramas for the rest of the day into the night, after reassuring Shoto that Bakugo didn't kill me. Then, too tired to move, fell asleep on the sofa. It wasn't comfortable.

I should have probably got up and checked the time to make sure I wasn't late to class. My bruises were practically gone, I could tell. That meant I can do basic hero training and private training today. Thank you my advance healing abilities. 

However, I was too lazy to move. After my fitful night, luckily dreamless, I just wanted to sleep now. Not get up. Not worry about class. But life had different plans for me.

My whole body shook when the door slammed into the wall, instinct rolling me onto the floor and reaching under the sofa, grabbing hold of the knife I kept underneath. Ignoring the way my hip and ribs hit the wood floor, I moved exceptionally fast and turned, ready to throw the knife at the head of the intruder. 

And when I did, I had another heart attack as the person filled my view and I altered my throw to move slightly to the left and the knife imbedded into the wall with a dull thud. And the two of us just stared at each other for a few seconds in silence.

Then he exploded.

"What is wrong with you and throwing sharp objects at me!" The angry man shouted and I just looked from his head to the knife. It missed by a few centimeters. I looked back to the angry man and got a bit frustrated myself.

"What do you expect when you just barge into my house with zero warning? A warm glass of tea?" I asked sarcastically. This man could be so dense at times.

He frowned and turned to look at the knife and back to me. "How is this my fault? You left the door open!"

I huff and rub my hip, stretching my back and rolling my sore neck. "Bakugo, don't barge in like some villain if you don't want a knife thrown at you. And what are you doing here anyways?" I loom over his frame. Dressed in the UA uniform. Why was he here? 

"I missed the bus." He said, stuffing his left hand into his pocket and throwing his briefcase on his shoulder. "And knew you weren't awake and was going to be late."

I blankly stared at him for a good second, taking his words in. Bakugo missed the bus. He always rode the 8 a.m. bus. If he missed it, the next bus would he at 8:30 a.m. When class started.

"Ok. You miss the bus. So you come get me instead of running to school. How did you know I was here and not already at UA? And why would I be late?" I asked, still not understanding what this had to do with me. Bakugo tsked and looked over to me.

"Are you really that dense? You were practically a zombie yesterday. No way in hell you'd be awake early." He raised his wrist with his watch in it, aiming the face towards me. "It's 8:10 a.m. Its at least a 25 minute run to UA if we sprint the whole time. So get your ass dressed and let's go."

One second, two. "Shit!" I exclaimed, pushing myself up from the floor, turning away and hopping over one of the pillows on the floor, bringing my hands to the edge of my sweater as I began to pull it up and run into my room. "I'm going to be late!" 

"That's what I said!" The deep voice yelled behind me and I paused, turning to look over my shoulder.

"You are going to be late too, dumbass." I said blankly and turned back to running into my room.

I left my door open as I threw my sweater onto the floor, running into my closet and exchanging my loose shorts for my protective shorts, grabbing a random bra and putting it on. I ran out like that, my uniform in hand, running into the bathroom and throwing my UA skirt on. I slammed onto the bathroom counter and turned the faucet on, throwing water on my face and getting my toothbrush, hasting to put toothpaste on and brush my teeth with one hand and zip my skirt with the other hand.

I speed-run my brushing before rinsing my mouth out, pulling on my shirt and started the buttoning process as I ran into the front area, Bakugo's eyes widening at my disheveled state. Or my exposed breasts. Or the light yellow bruises still healing.

"Get my briefcase from the coffee table!" I shout to Bakugo as I finished my buttons and slammed my blazer on and began to pull on my knee high black socks. He growled but didn't complain.

I grabbed my black combat shoes by the door and pulled them on my feet, tying them in record speed. I turned and sped into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing an apple, rinsing it and turning to Bakugo who had my briefcase in his hand, an angry frown on his face.

I bit on the apple as I spoke."Cnn ehh rnnn?" I chewed on the apple and Bakugo sneered at me.

"Chew your food before you speak, Vampy. What are you saying?" He pushed the briefcase towards me as I swallowed the apple, taking the case. I cleared my throat.

"Can I run?" I ask, catching him off guard. He turned away from me and I tapped my fingers impatiently on my messy blazer.

"Let's go." I took that as a yes as Bakugo just turned around and began to walk out the door. I put the apple in my mouth, biting into it as I followed Bakugo out, closing and making sure to lock it with the code.

I swallowed my apple before speaking as the two of us spilled onto the sidewalk. I gave Bakugo a long side glance. "Thanks for waking me up, even if the way you did it and the excuse you gave is shit." Bakugo growled and turned to look at me. I raised my apple, about to take another bite. "Make sure you keep up." I bit into the apple and broke into a sprint, Bakugo shouting behind me.


We were breathing heavily as we stormed into the quiet building, the digital clock marking 8:40 a.m. I glanced to Bakugo and he looked at me with understanding in his eyes. The possibility of Aizawa killing us is extremely high right now.

I took a deep breath and took off in a sprint down the large, empty halls, footsteps loud as Bakugo's joined me. Still breathing hard. My clothes a huge mess, Bakugo's not far off from mine.

Well, not a sprint. Just trying to go as fast as my tired legs would let me.

Bakugo and I sprinted down the streets of Musutafu, earning angry shouts that made Bakugo almost stop to kill one of the people shouting. I almost got ran over by a car and Bakugo laughed his ass off at me, but we kept running. We ran over parked cars and through crowds of people, sticking together and moving extremely fast. Just to get to UA.

The guard at the gate let us in easily, giving Bakugo and I the look of understanding how much trouble we were in. We ran up the stairs to the entrance and when we entered the building, felt the cool air, my legs suddenly got week.

Now, as I stared up at the stairs and Bakugo started to take them two at a time, I just groaned and leaned onto the stairs, almost dropping my briefcase. I was tired. My legs were getting weak, my chest getting tighter, my lungs trying to regain their composure. Not to mention wearing tight  clothes on healing bruises, which finally got irritated.

Sure, I can run for an hour at a good pace. But sprinting across a city? Yeah, that was hard.

I was about to sit down on the stairs when a warm hand gripped my upper right arm tightly and pulled me up. I groaned and looked to the ruby eyes, also tired from sprinting across the city without stop, but with the determination to finish.

"B-Bakugo-" I took in another deep breath, trying to speak. Bakugo didn't let me, instead giving me a shit-eating grin I wanted to slap.

"I thought I was supposed to keep up with you, Vampy?" He threw my own words back to me and I felt my ire rise a bit. I ripped my arm away from his grip and inhaled deeply one last time, taking one step. 

Bakugo just continued do smirk at me and turn to run up the stairs. I followed, suddenly angry with myself for getting tired. We took the stairs two at a time, up the two flight  of stairs and to our level. We ran down, past class 1-B, past the hallway connecting other buildings, and pulled to a stop in front of the large door with the A on it.

Bakugo pulled the door open before we could catch our breath, slamming it open and I mentally cursed at him. I was breathing heavily, hands on my knees, Bakugo leaning against the frame of the newly slammed door. I need water.  I looked up. And wish I hadn't.

The glare Aizawa gave us sent a shiver down my spine. The entire weight of the stares of my classmates were on Bakugo and I as they stared, in shock, at us out of breath.

"So now you finally decide it's time to join class, huh?" Aizawa said and I swallowed, trying to talk before Bakugo made out situation worse.

"We missed the bus, so we ran here." Bakugo said, his voice a bit strained. I shook my head yes and stood up, feeling a bit insecure at Aizawa's gaze. I should apologize to him, too. And to the entire class.

"You both missed the bus together? What a coincidence!" Kaminari shouted in a suggestive voice and I shook my head no, straightening out my rumpled clothes. I was still struggling to get my breath under control. I was a bit lightheaded.

"I bet you guys were super busy this morning! All out of breath!" Sero teased, Kaminari, Kirishima and others started laughing, although most of them eyed me with worried gazes. Bakugo started growling and shouting at them to shut up. I just glanced over to Shoto and shrugged, he nodding, knowing I would explain later.

"Be quiet." The cold voice of mummy Aizawa said and the class went silent. "Bakugo, Kazama, detention both of you. Now sit down and don't make a peep."

"Yes -- sir." I said in between breaths, moving into the classroom behind a growling Bakugo, feeling my head spin a bit and put a hand in the wall to reorient myself. And I noticed, when I glanced at my classmates, a wide-eyed look on their faces. 

"D-did you just speak?" Midoriya blurted out.

"Shut up Deku! It's none of your goddam business!" Bakugo yelled over his shoulder and Midoriya flinched. I swallowed, my throat a bit thick, and nodded my head, pushing myself off the doorframe.

"Yeah. I-"

"I said don't make a peep. Want extra detention?" I shut my mouth and began walking towards my desk, unable to stop myself from breathing hard.

I stopped in the middle of the room, turning to look at Aizawa. I saw the disappointment in his eyes and the worry. Ignoring my dizziness, I straightened my body and stood stiff, bowing at a ninety degree angle.

"I apologize for my behavior the past week, Mr. Aizawa!" I said in a loud voice, knowing we'd have a talk later along with Toshinori. Then I turned around and bowed facing the class. "I apologize to everyone for going mute for a week! I got... triggered to remember my past and shut myself off. I apologize for not just being open and for closing myself off!"

I stayed in my bowed position for a few seconds before looking up and coming face-to-face with wide, surprised eyes.

"Hey, at least you're talking now!" I look to Kirishima's bright smile. "Just don't ignore me again when you're the only one who can back me up in a conversation, alright?"

I nodded my head, the room spinning slightly. "You got i-"

"Got another day of detention, Kazama." Aizawa's voice forced my shaky legs to move to my desk in a hurry. I glance down at Bakugo, a frown on his face but a... proud?... emotion look in his eyes. As I sat, Midoriya smiled warmly at me.

As I sat and started taking my notebooks out of my briefcase, I inhaled deeply, running a hand through my hair. It was tangled a bit from all the running and my bad, sleepless night. My neck still hurt. I still felt guilty at ignoring everyone. I need to be more open with my classmates, starting at lunch. I need to tell Shoto why I am still alive.

Though, right now, I was extremely dizzy. Sick, in a way. The room spinning, the handwriting in my notebook twirling on the page. My breath was coming in short bursts. Not heavy breathing that is noticeable, but I could tell that my breath was weak. My hands felt weird, unable to pick up my pen. I felt inexplicably tired.

 I ate the apple earlier, in record time, and didn't cramp. Was I having dehydration from not drinking any liquid before sprinting across the city? After breakfast with Bakugo yesterday, I didn't eat anything. I ran across the city, sprinting without a break. How would that effect me?

As I began to lower my head as exhaustion and lightheadedness began to overwork my head, I realized what was happening. A stupid side-effect. My stupid, but helpful, but extremely annoying Quirk was fucking with me.

I felt my head lightly touch the notebook, my eyes now shut, and myself mentally cursing at my Quirk before I passed out.


"Such a perfect and flawed Quirk." A whisper sounded over the speakers in the black room as I sat in a pool of blood, head woozy, swords and blades surrounding me as I struggled to keep my focus on them.

"If we can make a drug out of her blood..." Another voice popped in as my eyes struggled to stay open. I didn't like how warm the voices sounded when they talked about my Quirk like that. It sounded so different, so scary, compared to when they addressed me.

"That is another conversation for another day." The first voice said, shutting down that conversation. "Mira! I want you to create another weapon, anything other than a blade, before you pass out." The warmth was sucked out of the voice. Now they were just talking to the bloody girl in the black room.

My anger flared in my chest, my hands digging into my thighs as I bared my teeth at the mirrored window. I wanted to attack, to throw another sword into the room, this time hit on of those people. Instead, as my nails drew blood and pain began to reenact in my body, I gasped. 

I felt my grasp let loose on the already created weapons, them melting into puddles of my blood on my lap and around my legs. My head spun, the room spun, the mirrored window tilting. I heard the angry voice scold me as my head hit the floor, everything spinning, my lungs hurting. I couldn't hold on anymore. 

I felt my eyes close as exhaustion waved over my little body. The smell of my blood filled my nose. It wasn't pleasant to smell. It was overwhelming. So strong. So much of my own blood. It was too much—

"You need to stop getting into your own head." I glanced up at Bakugo as I stuffed a piece of a pancake into my mouth. He wasn't looking at me, instead focusing on his own plate. He stuck the fork into his food quite aggressively. "Don't give me the crap like ' it's not that easy' or 'I have tried'."

I swallowed my pancake piece. "You get into your own head, you know. I see it all the time, when you lose a match or when something is said to you to really make you think. Or when you have a 'talk' with Midoriya." I picked up another piece of my pancake, an angry frown coming across Bakugo's face. "So where do you get off on telling me not to do it myself?"

He looked up at me, such a strong emotion in his eyes almost making me choke on the pancake in my mouth as I inhaled sharply. My heart stilled for a second before beating rapidly. 

"At least my thoughts make me want to be better, not hide like a fucking pussy." Bakugo growled at me and I felt a bit of anger rise in me. "You let your past scare you, right? Well don't. You have that Half-and-Half bastard in your corner. You have those idiots in class behind you." He raised his fork, a piece of bacon attached to it, pointing it at me.

"And you have a fucking powerful Quirk. You are strong. You aren't some weak kid who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground. So stop acting so scared. " Bakugo placed the fork about ready to enter his mouth, raising an eyebrow at me. "You've been through shit. Take your experiences to strengthen your resolve. Let what happened to you not ruin your mind but let it make you stronger." He bit the bacon of his fork.

I felt my grip tighten on my fork and my empty hand ball up. My eyes glanced down to look at my plate, my pancake cut into pieces with syrup spilled on top, my eggs gone. My heart hammered away at my chest as Bakugo's words resonated within me.

How can I take my past and make it strengthen me? My past that caused such trauma in me. Is that really possible? Can I really take what I've been through and make myself stronger? Rely on my classmates. Rely on Shoto. I can do that. I can rely on them, right? But would that make me stronger?

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and stabbed my fork into another piece of my cut up pancake. "You actually sound wise, Pom-Pom."

"I am always wise! And don't call me that fucking name!"I felt my lips twitch as his usual persona came out and looked back up at Bakugo, my lips trying to smile as I bit my pancake off my fork.

I watched as the handsome male stuffed his food into his mouth, my words sparking a bit of anger within him. My heart felt warm. I knew it was what he just told me, his 'wise words' coming to light. But I also felt my heart warm at sitting at a cafe table with him, eating a regular breakfast like regular people, enjoying each other's presence.

It was a bit different from Shoto. Shoto, the warmth I felt with him was one of a family member. Someone you trusted with your life and loved immensely, but not romantically. And as I watched Bakugo, the only clear thing in my mind about him was that - was that I can trust him. I knew it, from whatever dark corner of my heart telling me this. I can trust Bakugo with my life.

And with that I went back to eating, the corners of my lips twitched in the smallest smile ever.


I opened my eyes, grimacing slightly as a bright light filled them. As my eyes adjusted, I realized I was laying down on a bed. Not at home, but on a thin, not exactly comfortable bed. I tried to push myself up, only for my head to spin and roll my body onto it's left side. 

I saw the light blue curtain, the one used in hospital rooms when there were multiple people there. Although I wasn't in a hospital. No, I could tell by the door that I was in the school nurse's office.

I remembered passing out. I know why I passed out. I just don't know how I got here. It was silent, though. I couldn't hear anybody.

So, ignoring the way my head spun and my weak arms, I pushed myself up, positioning my legs over the side of the bed and jumping off. My legs buckled and I had to grasp onto the bed before I fell flat on my face. Taking in a deep breath, I straightened out and narrowed my gaze on the door. 

I can make it. It shouldn't be a long walk to the cafeteria. I needed food. I don't know how long I've been here, but the longer I go without any type of food the more blood I'd need, and that isn't optimal.

Holding in my deep breath, I straighten and take a few shaky steps, not allowing my spinning head or weak legs to let me fall.  I made it to the opposite wall, holding onto the wall as I used it's support to get closer to the door. My breath was coming faster, my head making my body nauseous, my legs shaky. I hate these side-effects.

I made it to the door, my grip week on the handle as I forced my muscles to tighten enough where that I could slide the door open. 

It moved an inch. I am not an inch thin. I tried again, groaning. It moved a few more, but my breathing got a bit faster and I had to pause as my legs buckled. Forcing myself to take slow, deep breaths, I managed to get the door open and slid out into the hallway.

It was empty. So it wasn't lunch, yet, then. Or was it past lunch? I gripped the glass wall as I walked down the long hallway, through the bridge, and took a right. The cafeteria was on the first floor, in the middle between the buildings. The nurse's office was in the second building, on the left side of the building. Had to move right and down.

I walked past some closed classes, luckily no windows on the inside to show me struggling down the hall. I made it to the stairs, and looked down at the deathtrap. If I tried walking down the stairs, I would trip and break some more bones. Hit my head a couple times too. So the next best thing is...

I let myself drop to the floor at the corner of the stairs. I move my legs to be angled down the stairs, struggling to keep my eyes focused. Putting my palms flat on the floor behind me and using core strength, a lot of it, to lift my legs, I push myself down the stairs.

As I bounce down the first flight of stairs, wincing as the stairs scraped against my skin and banged against my tail bone, I almost threw up. As I came to a stop at the bottom, my stomach rolling, head spinning, breath short, I almost vomited over myself and the floor.

Key word almost. 

Ignoring everything, this time rolling onto my stomach and pushing myself down the stairs that way again, grimacing as the stairs banged into me painfully, scraping against my bruises, I slid to a stop at the bottom, legs on the floor, torso on the stairs.

Groaning, I push myself up and around, putting a hand to my mouth as my stomach lurched me forward against the wall. 

Calming myself down, I look up to see - shit. Class 1-A. I forget my class was right by the stairs. And, what was worse was that the door was open. 

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. I did not want to be seen this way by my classmates. So, steeling my nerves and stomach and spinning head, I pushed myself up straight. And tried to run. 

Key word is tried.

The second I started to run, taking at least three steps forward, my heart leaped into my stomach as my stomach lurched, my lungs stilling, my head spinning, knees buckling. 

So, instead of running past the classroom door, my legs tripped up after three steps. And I went sprawling, face first, across the view of my open class door. My hands hit the ground first, luckily, so my face didn't bang the ground and make my nose bleed. But my knees hit painfully, followed by my thighs and hands, my breasts, then my nose and face. And I groaned, incredibly loud, from pain and embarrassment.

"Who was that!?" I hear Kirishima's loud voice ask and I didn't bother moving, too embarrassed to let my face be seen.

"What crazy kid is running around - Kazama?" I heard EctoPlasm's voice from the doorway and groaned again. Why did the door have to be open? Couldn't it just have stayed closed? Then I wouldn't be sprawled out like an idiot for the entire class to see.

"Wait, that's Kazama!" Kaminari said, shocked. Then footsteps bounded and an angry growl was sounded, sending a shiver down my spine. The loud, stomping footsteps got louder, and instinct to leave overtook me.  I pushed myself up and started crawling away from the door.

"Kazama, what are you doing here?" EctoPlasm asked. "Bakugo, sit down - *sigh*."

I felt hands grab the waist of my torso and suddenly I was being flung up, the floor disappearing, the hallway disappearing, the ceiling disappearing as I was turned in a circle and flipped around. Then, after an oof on my part, I was thrown on the shoulder of the strong male, seeing his strong lower back and legs and floor.

"You are an idiot of the highest level!" Bakugo said angrily. I tried to bang on his back and kick to be let free, but my hands barely moved, my legs not budging at all. My head spun and my stomach lurched. So I just dropped my arms and let Bakugo grip me tightly across his shoulders.

"I need food." I mumbled, loud enough for Bakugo and EctoPlasm to hear me as Bakugo turned to take me back to the infirmary. "I seriously need food before I go into shock."

EctoPlasm released another long sigh. "Take her to the cafeteria, Bakugo. You can stay there, as lunch is about to begin." Bakugo tsked and turned around again as EctoPlasm told the class to sit back down. We began moving and I groaned lightly.

"What is wrong with you? Can't even walk but crawl all the way here like a snail." Bakugo said and I just groaned in return, trying to not get in a trance as my hair blocked part of my vision and all I could see was the strong backside of Bakugo walking.

"I just need food." I closed my eyes. I shouldn't ogle the angry man. Not a good idea.

"So wait for someone to bring you food, dumbass."

"My name is not dumbass."

"When you act like a dumbass I'll call you a dumbass."

"Just be quiet Pom-Pom."

"I said don't call me Pom-Pom!"

"Then what do I call you, ass-man? Boom Boy? Bitcher- be careful!" I lift a hand to my mouth as my stomach lurched, threatening to make me vomit in Bakugo's back. He started going down the stairs, two at a time, my body rocking on his shoulder and his grip tightening on my waist.

"Stop talking! All your stupid nicknames are shit!" Bakugo growled deeply as we landed on the first floor. I couldn't respond, holding my hands to my mouth to stop myself from emptying my already empty stomach.

'Your nicknames aren't any better' I retorted in my head. He turned sharply, my upper torso swinging slightly, and I hit him in the small of his back. "Don't do that unless you want vomit down your legs." I warn.

"If you vomit on me I'll kill you!" Bakugo shouted and I just ignored him. Glancing up, I recognized the hall space. We were getting close to the cafeteria. I need food.

"I'll die from malnutrition before then." I said back.

It was a few steps and then he paused to open a door. Just as we entered the cafeteria, the sense of the room expanding largely, the bell rung. 

"Pom-Pom, hurry it up before it gets too crowded." I hit his back a few times to get him moving and Bakugo just growled.

"I know, Vampy." He growled and walked down the rows of tables until we came upon the one that 'our' group normally sat at.  There, he lifted me up over his shoulder and sat me down on the ending chair swiftly.

"If you try to crawl around like a fucking caterpillar again I'll blast your -"

"Ass into the ground, yes I've heard the spiel before. Just get me food please." I sighed, flopping my head down onto the table with a bang. Bakugo just tsked in annoyance but walked off. 

Food. I need food. Now.


Shoto just shook his head at me as I stuffed my third bowl of curry down in a flash, he almost done with his soba noodles. Kirishima and Kaminari were in an argument about some fashion choices, Purple-Balls joining in lewdly along with Sero sometimes, Mina scolding them between conversations with the girls and the boys, everyone continuously getting scolded by Ida two tables down and Midoriya and Uraraka having fun with everyone.

Then there was my end of the table. In front of me were two empty bowls of curry and Shoto. To my left was a quiet, acting angry but not actually angry Bakugo. Across from him was Kaminari and next to him Kirishima. While they talked, occasionally getting Bakugo to react, I just ate and ate, Bakugo wordlessly getting me a new bowl when I finished my previous two, he and Shoto watching me carefully.

I was too busy eating to ask my questions I had. But as I finished my third bowl and stopped Bakugo from getting up, finally full and feeling all my senses return to natural, it was time to ask these questions. I had some for everyone at the table, ones that anyone could answer. And I had some for Bakugo I wanted to ask since yesterday morning but was too nervous to ask at the time. I'd have to wait till after lunch.

I sigh, putting my bowls in a stack on my tray. "Hey, Kazama, how can you eat so much and not get bloated?" Kaminari asked me and I shrugged, raising my arms above my head to stretch them.

"Normally, I would have been bloated. Today, I was just low on energy" I said, tapping my foot lightly on the ground. I felt so much better now, with food in my system. A lot of spicy curry now in my system.

Kirishima's head popped around Bakugo's frowning face, a light smile on his friendly face. "So what happened to you? Mute for a week, but now cussing out Bakugo again like normal!"

I tilted my head towards the table in guilt, Bakugo huffed, crossed his arms and slouched in his chair. I glance to Shoto, who just slurped his soba noodles. I look back to Kirishima, leaning on the table to look around the spiky hair in between us.

"Shoto helped me. He told me something I told him in the past when he was in trouble. Then a lot of emotional pain, food, and shouting." I explained the past few days briefly. "I didn't want to react that way. I need to find a better mechanism."

"Yeah you do. Everyone was worried." Kaminari replied, nodding his head 'professionally'.

"Well, what happened this morning? You passed out all of a sudden!" Kirishima asked again and Bakugo huffed even angrier this time.

"I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday morning, only having an apple this morning. Then Bakugo and I sprinted across the city without stopping, and we live literally across the city." I shrugged and picked up the water in my cup on the table, too afraid to get any more cranberry juice. "I lost too much bodily fluids and nutrients."

As I drank water, Kaminari asked another question. "Yeah, you and Explodo Boy lives close together? How come you were both late together and ran across the city together?"

"None of your business, Sparky!" Bakugo piped up but I just ignored the loud boy, replying with my own question.

"When did you guys realize I passed out?" I was ignored myself.

"Trying to avoid the even bigger question, huh?" Sero said with a wink.

"I bet there is more than just friendship happening behind the scenes!" Purple-balls popped up, a look on his face that sent a shiver of disgust down my spine. "The hot, crazy girls always fall for the bad boys! It is fate!"

"Shut up before I kill you, shrimpy!" The boys burst into laughter and I just sighed, turning to look at Shoto.

"We passed out papers and no matter how much Bakugo yelled you wouldn't wake up. That was not long after you arrived." Shoto said, filling in some blanks for me. He leaned forward a bit and I leaned in towards him. "So, what happened yesterday and this morning?"

I glanced briefly over to Bakugo before looking back at the gray and blue eyes, tilting my head as I prop my chin on my left palm. The arguments of the boys drowned out my quiet voice. 

"Bakugo fed me food, as I hadn't eaten anything all weekend yesterday morning. I, being my stupid self, just showered and sat on the sofa all night, not eating anything. Fell asleep on the sofa around 2 a.m., didn't sleep well, got woken up and almost killed Bakugo, only for me to sprint across the city with him to try to not be too late and get murdered by Aizawa." My lips twitched in  urge to make a small smile as Shoto's eyes furrowed in confusion.

"That is a lot of time with Bakugo." Shoto said this as Bakugo stood up, brushing against my thigh. I glance up at the angry man, who after shouting he'll kill whoever he was arguing with, stormed off. I looked back to Shoto and I just nodded my head.

"So, who took me to the infirmary?"

Shoto sighed as if a bad memory came upon him and closed his eyes. "Bakugo did. I volunteered, but Bakugo threw the largest anger fit about it, getting an extra day of detention, just to carry you to the nurse's office."

I blinked a few times at that and shook my head as a feeling of laughter overcame me, although I didn't laugh. I looked up, just in time to see Bakugo storm out of the cafeteria. "What goes on in that angry mind of his?" I muttered, asking rhetorically.

"Whatever it is, it involves a lot of cuss words and killing people." I felt my lips urge to make a smile as Kaminari said that, I turning back to him. I look at his profile for a few seconds.

He and Kirishima had some of the nicest smiles I've seen. Most of my classmates do. They are all nice and kind to me, not really caring about how expressionless I am, still being kind to me even after me ignoring them without a care for a week straight. 

I felt a wave of guilt wash over me and I stood up, attracting the three tables of Class 1-A attention again. And again, I straightened my arms and bowed deeply, feeling more stares, from other classes, as I did so.

"I know I already said it, but I'll repeat myself!" I shout, making sure to be loud enough for everyone to hear me. "I apologize for being an ass and for letting my words and past get to me! I apologize for ignoring you all so rudely for a week! I apologize for being such an asshole!"

"Girl, sit down!" A hand grabbed my arms and I looked up to see Mina smiling at me largely. "One apology is enough! At least you know you did something wrong."

"And you aren't an ass. The biggest asshole in the class is Explodo Boy, so there isn't anything to worry about!" Kaminari winked at me.

"Now, hurry up and finish your water! You can't pass out on us again!" Kirishima said with a smile.

"Just relax, Kazama!" I looked down to see Midoriya and Uraraka smiling at me. "Everything is fine! You already know we're in your corner! It's still only the first half of the day, don't tire yourself out anymore!"

I just was in a bit of shock as Mina's arm was thrown over my shoulders as she took Bakugo's former spot. I look down the line of my classmates before turning to look at Shoto, Mina telling something to Kirishima loudly.

Shoto looked back at me with a familiar warmth in his eyes. I saw his lips twitch up in a smile and he nodded. I knew what he was saying to me, but still I didn't understand. How can people be so forgiving? So open? 

I looked away, to the door of the cafeteria, wondering where that angry blonde ran off to. I still had a question for him, but more kept on stockpiling in my head. How come I find it so easy to talk to the angriest one of them all? 


"For today, there will be no hero basic training. So everyone gets to begin their private training earlier." Aizawa sighed as the class reconvened for instructions. I was a bit deflated after hearing no hero training today, but I knew that Aizawa and Toshinori wouldn't cancel it for no reason. "You all are dismissed to get started. Kazama, Bakugo, up here please."

"Trouble is awaiting..." Sero said ominously as I slid out of my seat, following behind Bakugo to the desk that Aizawa stood behind, the sounds of my classmates leaving the class and getting excited for their private training disappearing as Aizawa waited for it to be quiet.

I felt a hand tap my shoulder and glanced over to see Shoto. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said and I nodded. Shoto loves to practice alone. And, with my detention this afternoon, I'll be staying longer than I wanted.

I turned back to look at Aizawa as Bakugo huffed and slid his hands into his pockets, arm brushing mine. If he was anyone else other than Shoto I would have stepped away. Yet, I didn't feel that urge to.

Aizawa stared up at us, his face completely wrapped in bandages. It was a bit tense, so I decided to speak.

"How are you feeling, A- Mr. Aizawa?" I ask, trying to sound nice. I didn't get the chance to apologize for how I reacted in the lounge room last week.

The look Aizawa gave me was unpleasant, to say the least.

"So you really are talking. I'm tired and have a long meeting awaiting me." He grumbled tiredly. 

"Yes sir. I apologize for my behavior last week." I apologized again, bowing again.

"Stand up. You need to learn how to handle criticism of your habits from your past better. But I did say something out of place without any real knowledge, so I apologize." Aizawa said sternly with care in his voice and I felt my hands tense.

He apologized. Bakugo just looked between the two of us in confusion.

"Thank you, sir. I'm trying." Aizawa stared me down before sighing. Bakugo stood there silently, waiting.

"Now, Bakugo and Kazama, you have detention today. So, when you hear the bell ring, I expect both of you in the gym room where you'll clean it all, understood?"

"Yeah, yeah, got it." Bakugo grumbled and I nodded my head. Aizawa sighed.

"And, what I really called you here for, is that you both will do training together for the rest of private training."

I blinked a few times, staring blankly. It took a while for the information to pass through my head. In fact, I finally understood what Aizawa said when Bakugo exploded. Or tried to.

"What do you mean I'm training with her! What kind of shi-" Bakugo growled and put his hands back in his pockets when Aizawa turned to look at him, giving Bakugo a glare that could rival what the actual devil looked like. It would be worse with his Quirk on.

"W-why do I have to train with him? Isn't it private training, meaning we do our own training?" I ask, not really in the mood to have to spend hours with the fuming man next to me.

"Because you get along well together." It was such a blatant lie.

"That is bullsh- not true." I stopped myself from cussing at Aizawa when he shot me that glare. Bakugo huffed angrily in agreeance. Aizawa just sighed and looked between the two of us.

"You two are the only ones that can keep up with each other physically. Kazama, you have been professionally trained since six years of age, mainly your body and with swords. Add that to your sensing ability with your Quirk and your healing abilities, you are a tough opponent."

He turned to look at Bakugo. "And you, Bakugo, have an extremely powerful and versatile Quirk that you control extremely well. You also have fast reflexes and a well-enough hand-to-hand combat skills. But you both have major flaws."

It felt as if time was ticking forever as Bakugo and I waited for Aizawa to tell us our 'major flaws'. I had tons of them. I just wondered which one Aizawa was going to pick for the both of us.

"You always play offense, never defense." Directed to Bakugo. "You just let yourself get injured in battle, relying on your Quirk to help you." Directed to me. "And you both rely on your Quirks too much."

True. Bakugo's shoulder slouch and tsk acknowledged that as true.

"Sometimes, it's better to think things through. To see whose on your side and how you can help each other."

"I understand that." I interrupt, pointing a thumb at Bakugo. "So why do I have to train with Pom-Pom?" Growl was sounded in return.

"Not like I want to train with you either, Vampy." Bakugo muttered back and I just shrugged, eyes focused on Aizawa.

"Because, the stronger the opponent, the more you are forced to grow." At that I glanced to Bakugo, noticing his red eyes doing the same. "Both of you will challenge each other to want to win more. Neither will lose willingly, never go down without a fight." Bakugo sneered and turned away sharply from my gaze.

"And, seeing as what your personalities are like and your interactions, I think this is the best thing I can do to help with both of you furthering your abilities during private training." I tried to furrow my brows to show my confusion but my face didn't move.

Our personalities? An angry man who screams at everything and strives to be the best. And a traumatized girl who is probably insane, sarcastic and snarky, not really knowing who she is. The perfect match.

"So... the whole private training time?" Aizawa simply nodded at that. I groaned internally.

"Kazama, just watch Bakugo or something today. You can start physical activities tomorrow. Now go I have a meeting to get to and you both are wasting extra time standing here." Aizawa chased us away with his words, not being able to wave with his wrapped hands. I sighed and moved back to my desk and grabbed my briefcase.

With a brief glance towards Bakugo, I say, "I'll see you outside in five. Don't be late, Pom-Pom."

"If anyone is gonna be late it's you, Vampy."

"Yeah yeah. Who was late this morning."

"You was."

"And you too, Pom-Pom."

"Stop calling me that fucking name!"

"Stop calling me Vampy"

"I can call you whatever I want!"

"Then get used to my voice calling you Pom-Pom!"

"You dumbass."

"Whose the real dumbass?"


Blahp. I don't know.

Thanks for reading! Long chapter today! Enjoy!

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