โœ” Unforgettable- Aizawa x Re...


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"I know that you're unstable." The wind blew his luscious black locks back, revealing his black orbs that we... More

A Coffee for A Marathon
Feathers, Sweat And Coffee
Mister Number Two
Working Workaholics With Cookies
Family Visits Are Not Therapeutic
Hobo At A Dinner Gathering
Flashbacks And Drunk People
Friends Gifting Cookies
A 'Lovely' Visit
Two Frigthened Friends
A Inviation To Go Back To The Past
A Loyal Puppy
A Trip Back To the Past
Teacher's Lounge
Energetic Boy In A Meeting
A Bunch Of Aholes
Drunk Machine Gun
Holographic Bullets
They Can See
What An Intresting Aftermath
I Have Feeling For Who?
Thoughts And Doubts
Jealous? Am I?
Just A Game Of Tag
Extra Training
Stuck Up High In A Tree
Cars And Airplanes
A Dance In The Rain
Surpisingly, I Have New Visitors
Comfort Me In The Darkness
Who Listens To The Law Anyways
Meet My Fists
Dinner Clean Up
My Agency - PT. 1
My Agency - PT.2
The Lies You Have Told
Lets Go Somewhere Seculded
Help Is On The Way
Freefalling; What A Pain
Oof- Rejection Is Going To Hurt Bro
We're Not Strangers, Not At All
The Plan Has Already Begun
I'm Being Chased Down
Useless Bunch Of Suited Males
I Figured It Out
We Are Going To Save Her
Coming through like An Savoir
I Really Wished That I Could Run
Here Comes The Double Suicide
Someone's Going To Prison
Dadzawa Is Back At It Again

Morning Madness

11.7K 312 463

   Light chilly winds passing by the mid-dawn blew through the young woman's purple locks, her hair covering most of her eyes. She didn't seem to mind, as she was busily dozing off.

Big dark eye-bags were apparent as she opened her eyes. She looked like she hadn't had a good night's sleep in a few days. Next to her stood two decently built bodyguards, their mean and gruff attitude as bright as ever.

They were wearing their classic black suits with their signature red ties. No wrinkles or dust were to be seen, not by the human eye, of course. They kept their eyes in front of them, staying alert if they saw any danger.

The sleepy beauty yawned as she rubbed her eyes. Hoping that she could rub her tiredness away. She lacked the energy to even stand, but alas, she continued, waiting patiently for her driver to arrive.

She brushed her bangs away from her purple eyes and tucked them behind her ear. She inhaled the fresh, crispy air, still smelling the morning dew that lingered around her.

They were all standing in the middle of an airport parking lot, waiting for my servicemen to come to pick me up with my luggage.

An overly dramatic black low-slung, high powered Limousine pulled up. The black outer coat strikes as being bulletproof. I couldn't let some jealous bystanders shoot me. The Limousine was so clean that the surrounding air seemed to dirty it-the elegant, black armoured vehicle parked in front of me.

The newer car windows, which also appear to be bulletproofed, rolled down, revealing the chauffeur. He exchanged a few nods and glances with my bodyguard and me and pushed a strange red button to open the back doors.
My luggage was taken in advance and was stored neatly in the trunk. I slid off my sunglasses and hanged them in the small chest pocket of my dress shirt.

"Please enter, Madam."

I grunted as an act of acknowledgment and stepped into the black Limousine, with Thomas, one of my bodyguards, following close behind me.

As I walked in, the air heater hit me instantly, making the hair of my neck stand upwards nicely. Peter, the other one of the two guards, an English man, came up to me to help me take off my coat.

I shook my head, signalling to him I could perfectly do it by myself. A grunt was all he offered as he hung his head in shame.
"Thanks, Peter, you have done enough. Now please take a break."

I made my voice soft and comforting for him. I knew it took a big part of him to leave his family for a month, just to make sure I was safe.

I had offered him a large salary for this month, just to play off his bills. Even if he didn't want to join me in Japan, he humbly declined the offer and took part in the trip.

The sentence immediately helped Peter release some of his stress that he had built up in his head, and he sat down in front of me. I folded up my trench coat neatly and placed it on the seat next to me.

Now looking at it, the seats were covered in black leather, the cushions were soft yet bouncy. Sighing, I gave in and situated myself onto the comfy seat.

The fanciness of the car made me feel out of place.

My eyes darted around, taking in the elegant interiors of the car, but it eventually landed on Thomas again.

I hired Thomas a week before my trip back to Japan. He was the only one that accepted the job since he had time to spend travelling and was fond of it. The short notice made things harder, but we eventually smoothed out the problems.

I've taken a liking towards him. He had a goofy personality; he enjoyed fun but was serious when necessary.

"What's on today's agenda?"

I asked lazily as I stared out the window, observing the grass fields and trees pass by. The window was rolled down to allow some air in. With a sense of self-satisfaction, I felt a refreshing breeze hit the back of my neck.

"We must visit the Japan Hero Commission. We'll check-in at a hotel right after."

Peter answered; I puffed out my cheek, feeling annoyance building up again. I stared at the hair that covered my eyes intently before blowing it out of my face.

"Do we have to?"

"Ma'am I know-"

Thomas cuts in, "I notice they can be a dick sometimes, but it'll feel great when you get under their skin. Maybe we should try that today."

I chuckled and shook my head in amusement as I learned more of Thomas's 'wise words'. As my phone started vibrating inside my pockets, I sighed and reached in just to pull my phone back out again.

I turned it around to look at the caller ID, a gasp escaped my mouth, and excitement pulsed through my body. I pressed answer and placed the phone next to my ear to give me some privacy.

"Morning, Mom, how are you?"

"Hello, sweetheart. I'm going on fine, so glad you decided and visit us for a bit."

I giggled childishly, it's nice to hear my mom's voice once in a while.

"That's nice to know, how's Hitoshi doing? Is he still depressed over school?", I asked, my voice laced with pure concern for my brother.

"He's doing fine. He was so excited when he heard that he was going to be on the hero course. He looks up to you, you know?"

The corner of my lips tugged upwards, forming a light smile when I found out that Hitoshi was doing great. He always wanted to become a hero, but the bullying got the best of him.

It's splendid to know that he fought through those insecurities and started reaching for his dreams. Humming a simple lullaby, I got out to grab a packet of [snack of choice].

I glance over to the two men in front of me; I hold out a few packets of popcorn. Offering them some snacks to get them occupied during the ride.

Thomas raised his hand above his head; his palm was spread open. Motioning me to throw it to him, I smiled and threw the popcorn over to him. He successfully caught it and dropped a few bags onto Peter's lap.

"Yep, I know, mom," I replied, "How's dad?"

"Dad, fine, he's as tired as always, though."

I chuckled, "No sleep, wished I had that quirk." I shifted on the seat as I tried to make myself comfortable.

"Enough talk about us. Let's talk about you, Sweetheart."

I nervously chuckled as I knew the oncoming question that she was going to ask. But there's still a tiny bit of chance that I could change the subject.

"Do you bring anything home? Any food, water, soup?" I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping the tactics would be in use.

"Sweetheart, we're fine; we need you here, of course. I went grocery shopping yesterday just for you. Did you know who I saw?"

I released a breath of relief for dodging the question that had been replaying in my mind recently.

"I saw All Might. He has that cake; he's got that booty."

I shook my head, my bangs flew down, covering my face again as I listened to my mother's obsession about the retired number one hero.

"I honestly don't know if you still like dad more than All Might."

"Of course, I love your dad more; it's just that All Might has always been my favourite hero. "

I puffed out my cheeks, "What about me..."

The realization took a big bang to my mom's head, and she apologized ruthlessly, as I kept assuring her.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart.", she apologized once again, "Now, I've been going off-topic. Do you have a boyfriend yet-"

Suddenly, the car stopped, pushing us back toward the already filled trunk; I groaned in pain as I banged my head against the window.

I could hear the brief screaming of citizens running past the car. I poked my head out to see if my chauffeur was okay. Once I saw he was fine and dandy and was only in a trance of fear, I took action.

"Hey, mom, it's been a nice talk. I'm going to be home soon; wait for me." I breathed out; I ended the call before I could even hear her reply with one push of a button.

I threw my phone over my shoulders; it landed precisely in Thomas's hands without a problem. I unbuttoned my dress shirt, revealing my hero costume and slid it off. I was throwing it next to the side with my trench coat.

"Wait, [Y/N]! Where are you going?!"
Thomas exclaimed in a rushed tone as he fumbled around with my phone; an evident fear replaced the smile he had on his face.

It was his first time seeing me in action, and of course, someone's going to be scared when I throw my life on the line. I hurriedly threw my pants into the pile of clothes that were sitting on top of the seat.

I pointed at Thomas, "Sit back and enjoy the show.", my eyes trailed toward Peter, "Make sure he doesn't pass out; I don't want to add another problem to my list."

I shot them some finger guns and opened the door of the fancy vehicle. Pushing it open, I stepped off, examining the scene that was playing out before me.

I closed the door and knocked on the window; it rolled down. The chauffeur was still trembling in fear.

"Abandon the car; I have no say if you're going to get out of this alive."

He nodded and pushed open the door, leaving the Limousine in one piece. I sighed in annoyance; why were they all scary cats? I had to hire another driver soon.

I looked back at my bodyguards, "Move out, and I'll contact you once this is over." I glanced at the scene once again before turning my attention back to them, "And don't die on me, that's an order."

I watched them shuffle out of the car as they sprinted down the road, away from the events that were happening only a few blocks away.

The pros appear to have it under control. Two low life villains were going on a rampage in the center of the city. I strolled down the streets, watching the fight among both sides.

The thing was that the villains had an advantage; it looked like they injected themselves with some drug. It was making their quirk more powerful than before.

My eyes widened as a rock came flying out of nowhere, targeting a group of news reporters.

God, damn! Why does it always have to be them? Couldn't they go home or at least far away from the fight!

     I sprinted down the streets, the fastest I ever was, and jumped over to them, knocking them both to the side away from the debris of the rock.

The young woman had an awestruck expression on her as she saw me. Luckily for us, we got out alive, and I pinned the woman underneath me. I got off her and stood up, dusting the dirt off my suit.

"Tch. If you don't want to die, then get out of the way."

       She gave me a curt nod. I turned back to check on the rest of the crew. They were safe and sound with something attached to them.

My eyes followed what seemed to be a capture weapon toward the black-haired man, holding it with an annoyed expression on his face.
My breathing hitched as I felt like I remembered him from somewhere.

"Hey, look, it's Eraserhead. Get the cameras ready."

   The world froze. I couldn't move. I was stuck in place as the words of the cameramen settled in.


Edited by: EllatheStoryteller

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