Pep Talk

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Crush on the Teacher

Chapter 5 

Pep Talk


It takes me a while to get up, but when I do, I have to hold my stomach and go straight to my room or our room-Mine and Emma's. I walk in and see Emma staring at her phone. She looks up at me frantically.  

"Biance gave me your number! I've been calling you..." Suddenly, my phone vibrates. I sigh. "Are you okay? Mr. Lambert's worried. You ran off like that..." I start crying on the floor. She immediately bends down next to me and holds me in her arms. "What's wrong? What happened?"


"Hannah, let me in."

I don't answer. 

 Emma tries to get me to open up about what's going on, but after 15 minutes with absolutely no success, she just sighs and accepts that she's defeated. Then she helps me up and gently pushes me down on my bed and lets me cry my worthless heart out. I guess I fell asleep because when I wake up, Mr. Lambert is sitting on my bed. I sigh. 

"You always seem to catch me when I'm asleep."

"Emma came and got me," he says. 

"She did it for no reason.", I say, trying to sound sincere, but the truth is, I'm broken. From the years of bullying and abuse. I'm a broken mirror that can't be fixed. 

"Don't lie to me, Hannah. I can see through your happy act."

I sigh. "I'm fine."

"Fine doesn't mean fine, Hannah and you know it. You're not fine. You're upset and I can see it in your eyes." I sigh and sat up. "Let me help you." I softly cry again, covering my face with my hands. 

Seconds later, I can feel Mr. Lambert pull me towards him. I sob into his chest and he just lets me and softly whispers words of comfort. It feels like he actually cares. That's not a feeling I know too well. 

When I wake from crying myself to sleep again, it was 11:25. I sigh and look up at Mr. Lambert. I guess I fell asleep on his chest while crying. Great. I fell asleep on my teacher's chest and he also happens to be my crush.

He smiles. "You okay?" 

"Why are you being so nice to me?" blurts out of my mouth. 

"Because you're a girl who's gone through a lot. A girl I wanna help." I felt a tear run down my cheek, but he wiped it away and kissed the top of my head. "You're gentle and kind and you really don't deserve any of the crap kids have been giving you." I sighed. "You can lay down for a little bit. We've got 30 minutes left." I nod and lay back down onto his chest. 

"I forgot to thank you yesterday."

"For what?" he softly asks. 

"Standing up for me."

"You're a sweet girl and you don't deserve that. You don't have to thank me... But when you go on rides, stay with your group of friends, you'll be safer." 

I nod and slowly close my eyes again. 


"Hannah, time to wake up, sweetie." I open my eyes and look at Mr. Lambert. "Time to wake up. We have to go. Sauli's going to take you downstairs to wait for me and the other Coach, Coach Williams." I nodded and sit up, rubbing my eyes. "And Hannah?"


"Not in front of the other kids, but in private, when we're alone, you can call me Adam." I nod. 

"Thank you,  Adam."

He grins. "Don't mention it." 

I was feeling generous, so I updated another chapter. Plus, I was bored. Since I have at least the next 10 chapters already done, I'm thinking I'll update 2 chapters when I can motivate myself to quit fantasizing about Adam long enough to update. I've got a problem... Lol. But it makes me happy, so... :D 

Sorry it's short. Next one is a little longer. 


Crush on the TeacherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora