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Crush on the Teacher

Chapter 36



"It was Broc," I say.

"Broc was the one who sent the other gifts?" Adam asks on the other line.

"Yes and it's not that he likes me like your brother said... He's blackmailing me.

"Don't listen to him, baby. Whatever he throws at us, we can fight it.

"We really can't baby. I"m sorry. There's no way around it this time."

"Don't let him scare you."

"He has over twenty pictures of us together in your house, Adam."

Adam sighs. "Crap. This is all of my fault..."

"There's no way around this Adam... We might have to..." I pause, my voice cracking.

I can't bring myself to finish my sentence. Adam and I might have to take a break. Or even just end it all together. I don't want to break up with Adam, but if those pictures reach the authorities, his life could be over. He could lose respect, his career. His life would be ruined. I can't let that happen. I'd rather break my heart. At least he'll still have his life.

"Take a break?"

"I'm sorry. I think tutoring him and not giving him more evidence is the only way to protect you."

"I know. I understand. I"m sorry this happened, Hannah. You really don't deserve any of this."

"It's my fault," I say, a tear trickling down my left cheek. "I'm sorry." My cracked voice is visible now. "Bye, Adam."

"Bye, Hannah," he says softly and then hangs up.

I throw my phone and sob loudly. Sauli and Hector hug me and assure me I'm doing everything I can do keep Adam's life and job safe and that they know he understands. Hector is struggling to not beat Broc up after practice. He's always kind of hated him and although Hector might not agree with our relationship, he's always been an older to me.

"I know, but I love him," I whisper.

"I know, sweetie," Biance says. "I know it hurts, but right it, it's for the past with the blackmail and everything. I know he understands."

When Mom and Dad come in with the doctor, I'm still crying. They point a finger at the boys and ask why his baby girl is crying. They manage to come up with an excuse on the spot. The problem is the excuse is dumb- They said I checked my grades and am overreacting, but it's a lot better than them telling my parents that I broke up with my boyfriend. In daddy's eyes, a boyfriend means gun. The only worse than telling Daddy I had a boyfriend is telling him my boyfriend happens to be my English and Health teacher. The teacher he talked to in the kitchen while we were in Canada.

"Don't cry, pumpkin. I'm sure you'll get them up before the end of the year."

"I've got three weeks," I say, sniffling. "You know what? No, not even three weeks. Two and three days of dumb final exams. There's no way I'll get an F and D- up in time."

"Technically D is still passing."

"Not if I want to get into UCLA and get a good job! I want to be a wedding planner. Who wants to hire a wedding planner with an F and a D-?"

"Calm down," Mom says and hugs me. "We can help you. Just take a deep breath, sweetheart. It's going to be alright. THe doctor has some news for you."

The doctor slightly smiles. "The bad is news you'll have this disorder for a while, possibly the rest of your life. It's caused by stress of the brain. It's kind of like a chemical imbalance with Depression. The good news, we can reduce the nightmares with some medicine and studies are showing people with this disorder have an eighty percent chance of being smarter than their peers. You might be smarter than your brother."

"She is," Sauli says with a grin.

I sigh. "Thank you, Doctor."

"Of course. If your parents will just sign the papers, you are free to go, miss Koskinen," the doctor says and hands Daddy the release papers. He and Mom both sign them and give them back. "Have a nice day, everyone."

"You mean by tutoring a guy you want to hit with a brick?"  I think to myself. "Sure thing, Doc." 

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