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Crush on the Teacher

Chapter 14



I park in the driveway to Sauli's house. As soon as I get out of the car, I'm attacked by Sauli. He falls on me and we both land on the ground, him on top. 

"Best friend," He yells, kissing my forehead. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Um, Not really. You're pushing down on me and I'm blacking out," I gasp. He gets off. 

"My bad."

"Yeah... Thanks.", I say, getting up with his help. He wraps his arms around me  and than yanks me inside his house. Girlie, Biance and Sara all hug me. 

"Hannah!" they all shout. 

"Ow," I whined. They pull away and smile. Wow, they were really worried about me. Finnish people are so sweet. And then, Biance, oh, man, it's gonna be world war III soon... 


"So your father abused you?" Saana asks, tears in her eyes. She, Sara and Girlie are crying. I nod and then spot Osmo, Sauli and Biance's facial expressions. 

"Where's my gun?" Osmo asked. 

"You have a gun?" I asked. 

"Osmo Eerik Koskinen. The girl is scared enough."

"But I can finally use it," he whines. "Come on, baby."

"He's in Nevada."

"Perfect. Murders happen all the time. They'll never suspect a Finnish guy."

"There have been Finnish murderers, honey."

"Not very many." 

I chuckle. "Thank you, Osmo, but I'm fine.", I smiled.  

Sauli hug me. "If he comes near you, I'll use the gun," he growls. 

"My son," Osmo says, smiling, high-fiving him. Did I mention how much I love my friends and their families. 

And especially Finnish people? 


I look at an exhausted Hannah laying down on my bed, sleeping. We were hanging out and she passed out, listening to music. That's so much like her, to make sure she's got her phone before she escapes. 

She showed us the bruises. I feel so stupid. I always thought it was the kids at school, but never once did I ever bother to think she was being abused by Andrew.  Dad said the bruises were pretty bad, but she'll be fine as long as she eats a proper amount of food, water and some love, which she'll get. She knows she'll be loved to death. Literally. I almost killed her by hugging her before she passed out. 

I sigh.  and sit down in a chair. Mum comes down and smiles.  "Hey, Mom. She passed out on my bed."

"Good, because I need to talk to you about something? I know you love Hannah like a sister and Osmo and I love her like a daughter."

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