Bullied on a field trip?

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Crushing on the Teacher

Chapter 4

Bullied on a field trip? 


I whined as I approached Mr. Lambert and Hector. He's the football coach too and Hector's on the football team. He's a senior too. So, Mr. Lambert is the football coach and health and English teacher. Busy guy. 

This trip is for his English class and the football team who are doing they are supposed to be doing. I hate the entire football team, except Hector. He's nice to me. Not just because he's dating my best friends, but we're okay friends too I guess.

Hector laughed. 

"Hey, Hannah."

Mr. Lambert looked at me and smiled. "Good morning, Hannah. You sleep well?" Hector sent me a 'See?!' look. Yeah, he knows about my little crush. Biance told him, of course. 

"Kind of. I hate waking up early." He chuckled. 

"Me too. Well, you can sleep on the plane. Hannah's here." Yep. Sauli was right. Just another female student. He sighed. "Um, Hector, your girlfriend and friends are on the plane. You can go. Hannah, I need to talk to you." 

Hector sent me another look. I sent him a 'Go away' glare. He rolled his eyes and walked away, to the plane. 

"What's up?", I asked. 

"Um, I wanted to check on you after yesterday... You kind of ran out with Emma and you guys didn't come back. Is she okay?"

"Yeah. She's coming.", I answered. 

"Okay, I'm glad. And another thing. I'm your case manager. That means I handle our parent teacher meetings, about your future and possible problems. It also means I have to meet your father. Your file says you're adopted."

He's my case manager... Meaning, more time with him...?! 

I nodded. 

"Yes." He remembers?! He smiled. 

"How about the 27th, Friday?"

"Sure." He smiled and looked at my shoes. "Nice boots." I looked down and smiled. Leather boots. I noticed he was wearing some too, but his, a different style. 


"And if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me," he said, winking.
I mentally melted and physically nodded. 

"Thank you." He just smiled. 

"Sauli and Sara. Check."


I sat down next to Sauli. He nudged me and smirked. 


"So what?", I asked. 

"Don't be dumb. What'd he say?" Sara asked. I was by the window, Sauli was on my other side and then Sara. Hector, Emma and Biance in front of us. 

"He just told me he's my case manager and he liked my boots and if I need to talk, I can talk to him and he remembered i was adopted... from my file."

"Aww...", Sara sighed. "That sounds like puppy love."

"It does. I'll be sincere now.", Sauli said, smiling and wrapping an arm around me. 

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