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Crush on the Teacher

Chapter 18



Tuesday night. 

Ugh. Projects are due tomorrow. We had to decorate a box, put stuff inside and they have to have some relation to healthy, Emotional, mental, physical and social. My mental and social health is weak. Um, Emotional? Eh, not a healthy girl. Maybe after a good night's sleep, I'll relax a little. 

Osmo and Girlie are gone again. They won't be back for another week and we'll be gone when they come back...They leave a lot, but they trust us and they don't abuse me in any way, so, yeah... And when they're here, we have fun, we eat a lot of food, and we goof off a lot. So we make up for when they have to leave. It's a win-win. Not being abused when they're here and when they leave, I can stay with Adam because they're usually gone for couple days, at least. 

I crawl into Adam's bed. Adam's trying to get rid of a salesman. I don't know. I shrug it off and lay down, sighing and yawning. I'm really tired. Adam and I have been dancing and singing all day since after school and we have a big day tomorrow. We're going to Nevada tomorrow night! So excited, but really don't wanna have to share tomorrow in school, the project. 

Adam walks in, wearing a white Tee and some pajama pants. I'm  wearing blue shorts and Adam's black tank top.

He smiles. "You look exhausted, Hannah."

"I am," I answer. 

He crawls into his bed with me and wraps his arms around me. I snuggle deep into his chest. He kisses the top of my head. I can still feel his smile. 


Adam pecks me softly on my lips.  

"Dinner at 6?", he asks, pulling away. 

"I'll be there," I answer. He pecks me on my forehead and smiles."Love you."

"Love you too, hon. I'll see ya later." 


"That's her," Amber yells, pointing at me, disgust in her evil green serpent eyes. I roll my eyes and sigh, waiting to hear what I'm in trouble for. 

"Hannah Koskinen...?" The principal asks, unsure of what my name is. Well, at least he's spot-on. He says Koskinen instead of Kyra because Sauli's parents adopted me and their last name is Koskinen. 

"You're in trouble."

"Of course I am, Amber's involved," I huff. 

"Miss Koskinen, her story fits the cameras. You are done with Mr. Lambert," the principal says. 

My heart pounds. "W-What? What are you talking about?"

"We know about the relationship and it's not allowed, so say goodbye because it's unlike you'll see him again unless it's at Walmart. He's fired, Miss Koskinen."

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