Baby Eyes?

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Crush On The Teacher

Chapter 30

Baby Eyes

Adam's POV

I'm so excited for tonight. Hannah and I are going to see Mirrors at LA Cinema and then, we're having dinner with my parents tonight. She loves horror movies so I figured she'd like it. Tommy leaked about Hannah, so my parents are excited to meet the amazing girl that has my heart. I'm sure they'll love her as much as I do if not more. Tonight's pretty busy. I plan to pick Hannah up around six if it's safe, meaning her parents are gone long enough.

"Mr. Lambert!", Hannah says in a sing-songy voice.

I turn and smile at her, leaning back into my chair. "Well, hello Miss Koskinen. How are you today?"

She lets the door close. "Excited."

"Me too, Baby Eyes."

She raises an eyebrow. "Baby Eyes.

"Your eyes light up a dark room." I lean forward and giggle at her adorable blush. "You are so cute. So are you sure it's safe?"

"Totally! Osmo is okay nearly anything as long as I have my phone and he knows I'm at least close to LA. Do we plan to leave the city?"

"I wanted to."

"And where did you want to go?"

"Heaven." I whisper as I lightly peck her softly on her lips.

She giggles and winks. "Only you, Mr. Lambert."

School goes by very slowly. And it only started 15 minutes ago. I have the kids working in groups on a project about a topic of their own choice and they'll give a presentation. I don't expect anyone to get too far since we only have 35 minutes of class left. I wonder what everyone's doing. I'm sure will be beyond anyone's imagination.

"Mr. Lambert, can you help us?!" Sauli yells.

Everyone stares at him and then turn back to their computers. I brought the kids down to the computer lab in case they get farther than I expect. Hannah glares at Sauli. I try to hide my laugh as I approach a laughing Sauli, Sara and pouting Hannah.

"What's up, guys?"

"We need help and Hannah wouldn't ask." Sara says. "We can't find Teacher's Share."

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. A lot of people struggle with TS. Go to Computer and you'll see Teacher's Share." She clicks on Computer and i can tell she's completely astonished. "Hit Teacher's Share S and click Lambert." She does what I ask and smiles once she finds it.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome and don't ever be afraid to ask for help, okay?"

She nods and pulls up the document with the topics on it. The door opens and in walks the principle with a pink pass. Now I'm intrigued. Who's leaving and why is my boss walking around, delivering passes? Don't we have students for that?

"Ugh. Brothers. Sometimes I hate them.", he says as he hands me the pass. Oh... I guess he lost a bet. He has gambling problems, but isn't losing money enough? Obviously not.

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