The Good-bad Day

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Crush on the Teacher

Chapter 26

The Good-Bad Day

Hannah's POV

I smiled at the beautiful sun as I sat down. Sauli brought me to a beautiful but deserted lake, so Adam and I could be alone. Regardless of how protective Sauli is of his sisters, he's the best brother you could ever ask for and I wouldn't want any other brother that isn't Sauli. Adam sat down with some lemonade and smiled at me as he handed me a glass. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. How are you holding up?"

"I'm alright."

He gave me a look before gently cupping my face and staring me directly in my eyes. "I know you're lying, Hannah."

I sighed and looked down. There's no use lying to Adam. He knows me better than i know myself, so he definitely knows what I'm upset. It's one of the things i love about him, but sometimes I hate how he always seems to know when something's bothering me. He tilted my chin so that I was making eye contact with him again and caressed my right cheek with his thumb.

"Sometimes I feel like... it should have been me and not my cousin."

He pressed his lips against my forehead and sighed. "Obviously, I can't bring your cousin back, but I know she wouldn't want you to say these types of things. She's in a better place now. She's not in pain anymore."

"But I am.", I whispered, trying not to cry. He kissed my forehead.

"I know you are, baby and it's okay to cry." 

And that's what I did. I started crying and when i tried to stop, Adam stopped me and told me I needed to cry so I could get it all out and held me the entire time, telling me I would be alright and kissing my forehead. I felt better just being in his arms and my tears slowed down, but I was still slightly crying. I realized I had been crying for over 25 minutes and Adam's probably soaked by now. I slowly pulled away and saw his gentle eyes as he wiped my tears away with his thumb and smiled.

"I think I'm done.", I whispered.

"I know what'll make you feel better. Follow me."

I held my lemonade and slowly sipped on it as I followed Adam to his car. He unlocked the door and got in, smiling at me. I got in as well and shut the door. I took in some more lemonade as he started driving. He came to Diary Queen and drove to the drive thru. He ordered me a Large Oreo Blizard. If you knw anyting about me, you know I love a Bliz! He handed it to me and payed the lady before driving again.

"Thank you. You didn't have t-"

"I wanted to. You look like you could use a frozen treat." I smiled as he stopped at a red light and pecked my cheek.

Before long we were at his house eating some ice cream in the living room and watching Switched at Birth. I've been addicted for a long time. I felt Adam wrap his arm around me and a small peck on my temple. I feel so safe when I'm in Adam's arms. So protected.

Eventually, we goto hungry again and he ran to Taco Bell. He wanted me to come along too, but I had to tell him a friend of Girlie's works 2nd shift and it was too risky. He came back when I was reading a book that was on his nightstand in his bedroom. I took it downstairs and began reading. It's actually pretty good. Iit's about a girl who got a job as a Kohl's Sales Girl and developes feelings for her manager while recovering from the sexual abuse from her step-father.

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