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Crush on the Teacher

Chapter 38



Saana shakes me awake at ten in the morning and then says I smell like alcohol. Sara closes my door and locks it. I rub my eyes and sit up, not happy about being woken up at ten in the freaking morning. Being up late with your sister who had a lot to drink will do that to you.

“Did you go to that party last night?”

“For a few hours. Why?”

She clears her throat. “Well Hannah told Mom and Dad she would be at Biance’s house, but her mom came home a twenty minutes ago and said that they aren’t there. Her sister told her that they went to a party. So Dad’s pretty mad about Hannah lying to everyone. Biance’s in a heap of trouble too. Did you see her?”

“You going to rat me out?”

She shakes her head. “I just want to know.”

“She was… upset about the breakup and had a lot to drink. The plan was to bring Hannah to her house early in the morning, but obviously, Biance didn’t get up either. And she was supposed to be the sober one.”

“Well, Biance isn’t answering her phone so her mom doesn’t know where she and Hannah are. Dad is trying to call Hannah, but is having no such luck. I heard Dad say she’s grounded for a week.”

“That’s not bad.”

“It’s not the party. It’s the fact that she lied,” Sara says.

An hour later, I’m freshly showered so I’m no longer smelling like alcohol, dressed, and I’m listening to Dad mumble about “how grounded” Hannah will be when she comes home. Sure, she’s only grounded for a week, but Dad has those special little ways of making a week feel like an eternity.

Once I broke a window and it was expensive to replace it. He made my month feel like a year. Because of that, I’ll never break another window again. I can’t imagine what he’s going to do to Hannah. He doesn’t hit us. He doesn’t see spanking, slapping or the belt as an effective way to discipline someone. He sees as a way to make your kids hate you and to go to prison. That’s it. He’s never laid a hand on any of us growing up, but that doesn’t stop Salla, Saana, Sara, and I slapping each other if we feel it’s necessary. Well, I don’t hit them, but if I’m getting out of line, they’ll slap me and I think I’ve poured water in their faces if they get too crazy.

“Just try to calm down for a minute. It’s not healthy on the heart, Dad,” I say with a sigh.

“I can’t- I can’t believe would lie. What if she had gotten hurt and we don’t know where she’s really at?” he sighs. I know he isn’t angry. He’s just worried and when he’s worried it comes out as anger. “I need to know she’s safe, Sauli.”

“I know, but try to stay calm. I’ll try to get ahold of Biance’s boyfriend. Maybe he knows where they are.”

Me: Hector, are you awake?

Hector: Yeah. Hannah and Biance didn’t get up. I tried waking them up, but it was nearly impossible! Everytime I tried to pull them out of bed, they went possessed demon on me so I stopped and said they’ll have to get in trouble.

Me: They are in a lot of that! My dad and her mom know they aren’t at her house like they said they would be. Brinny ratted you guys out.

Hector: I told Biance to bribe her!! Ugh. Alright. Well, at least we know where it’s coming from.

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