Sauli to Mr. Lambert talk

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Crushing on the Teacher

Chapter 7

Sauli to Mr. Lambert talk


It takes her a while, but eventually she eats her salad. I smile and give her hand a light squeezed and then let her sleep, since she's half asleep right now anyway. As I'm walking down the hallway, leaving Hannah to rest, I bump into her best friend Sauli. He's practically her brother. If Hannah got hurt by a man, he'd be the one to bury him alive. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sauli."

"Come with me," he says, grabbing my arm. He drags me to a closet and closes the door. "Okay, Mr. Lambert..."

"Have I done something wrong?" I ask.

"Not yet," he whispers. I stare at him in complete confusion. "Look, Lambert, I know you're crushing on my... sister." Hannah and Sauli are like siblings. Fight like siblings, love each other like siblings. He'll protect her like a brother would... 

My eyes widened, but I try to conceal it by chuckling. But it comes out sounding nervous. "What would make you think that?"

"A number of reasons. The way you look at her. The way you speak to her. The way you wink at her. The way you smile at her. The way you told her to call you Adam as long as no one else hears it..." My eyes widened. I gulp. He sighs. "Look, she didn't tell me, I heard you. I'm not deaf, dude. I just want you to know something..."

"I'm listening."

"I don't know how thing are going to end, but if things get really ugly between you guys, they get ugly between us too. I may not actually be her brother, but I'm like her brother and she's like a sister to me. So if you hurt or take advantage of her, I'll kill you. You've only got three more months to teach until Summer comes, but I can make those 3 months seem like thirty years of fear and suffering." I nodded. "And don't assume because I'm Finnish, I won't actually do anything."

"I believe you. I really do, but aren't Finnish people nice- nicer?" I ask, hoping he won't stab me with a pocket knife or hit me with my own cell phone. 

"A great number of us Finns are, but those Finns are nice, sweet and sane.", he said. Okay, I'm getting scared. "A difference between them and me, I'm more than a little crazy.I can bury a body and avoid prison time. Trust me, I've practiced." 

I really hope he means he's practiced avoiding jail time and not cold blooded murder. Although, if he has, he'll get a slap on the wrist because he's Finnish and Finnish people don't normally commit crimes. I've never heard of a Finnish person going to prison. 

"I understand your place as a friend and brother to Hannah-"

"Good. Because your body will be easy to bury and I've got sisters and Hannah's friends to help me..." He smiles and is about to open the door when he pauses and turns around. His blue eyes in this closet kind of scare me. "Oh. And one more thing, Mr. Lambert. If you try to tell the police about this conversation, there are no cameras in your and that generator knocks out cell phones within a 20 yard radius." He smirks and then leaves the closet. I stare at the generator on the floor and sighs. 

Well... All I can say is Hannah's happiness is worth my death. 


"Okay, tonight is our final night to be here. Any questions...?", Mr. Lambert asks. 

A girl raised her hand and asks her question. 

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