From Boredom to Busy

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Crush on the Teacher

Chapter 11

From boredom to busy


"Anyone else bored?", I ask. 9:30. We got together an hour ago and we're super bored. 

"Yes!"Hector agrees. "We need something to do... Before I totally die just from being bored out of my mind.

"I can tell a story," Sara smirks.

I sit up. "Wow! Why didn't you think of that an hour ago?!"

She laughed and sat up. "Okay, on March 29th, 1809, our beloved Finland has just became a country. It was founded on that date. So a week later, the people voted for a King and Queen of Finland?"

"Is this history?" I ask.

"Since when has Finland ever had a king or Queen?" she laughs. I shrug.

"You know I'm bad at history."

She shakes her head. "Am I okay to continue?" Everyone nods. She takes a deep breath. "They voted for King Aruis and Aliisa, they were Russian and Finnish and born on the same contenent of Europe. They were voted for King and Queen and then 3 years later, they had a beautiful little girl, Cirlie and she had no patience. So whenn she turned 16, she began to have some... problems. Her parents were busy all the time and neglected her for the most part, so she grew distant, confused and depressed."

"Why does this sound like Hannah?" Biance asks. "The distant, neglected and depressed part?"

"Don't know, didn't plan it," Sara sighs.

Hannah's adoptive father neglected her for the most part, but she was okay. She had us. It's not like her hit her though. If he had layed a finger on my little sister, I'd be prison. I've never seen any bruises, but she's been dealing with Depression since she was 12. 

"Anyway, one day, the King and Queen left her alone for an hour and due to her Depression and her depressing desires and when they returned, she was in her bathroom in her large room, cutting her arm to pieces. So Depression and suicide existed then too. They were horrified by what they saw and they hired a therapist to help her through it along with her parents. Her parents spent more time with her, they cleaned out her room. She was never alone. Literally, NEVER ALONE. Okay, when she was using the restroom or going to sleep, a servant was watching her to make sure she was doing what she said she was doing. So, since that incident, the country of Finland tried hard to make her feel loved and she didn't want anyone else to feel the way she did, so when she got better, she made a support group for those who felt alone or suicidal and because of that, Finland is a positive and warm country, for the most part. The end."

We all clap. 

"Better than doing nothing," Hector sigh, wrapping an arm around Biance. She laugh and then frowned. She immediately get up and run towards the bathroom. I smirk. Hector gasps and runs after her. We all follow her to the Girl's bathroom- Saana, Sara and Salla's-She began to empty her stomach into the toilet farthest from us. She gasped whens he was done. 

"May I suggest a test?" I sighed.

They gasp. "No! We used a condom... Didn't we?", Hector asks.

She sighs. "Where's the test?"

"We don't have one. I was just suggesting... Go out and buy one."

"Wait, don't you have to wait 14 days to take a test?", Hector ask, confused. 

"Expect the unexpected," I say. Honestly, I don't know.

Man, I'm glad I'm gay and not a girl.

"Wow. Girls only, Sauli Koskinen, we've been through this.", Salla sighs in disappointment. 


"Yeah, like I really wanna be in here. All that's in here are toilets a shower, a sink and make up and perfume scattered everywhere. I mean, not that I mind a little mascara or eyeliner... "

"No... me and Dad have. Ugh, can you guys take Biance to buy a test?", I asks Salla.

Saana laughs. "Why would you wanna take a test? Tests are boring." No one replied to her. My beautiful, smart, but crazy and sometimes clueless older sister. She relized she was laughing alone and stopped. "Oh, OH! Yeah, let's go..."

"We'll be back.", Biance says, standing up and rinsing her mouth. She uses some mouthwash and then heads out with the girls. 

"Alright, you," Salla sneers, pointing at Hector and harshly pokes his chest. "Details, now. Everything." 

He squints at her. 

I whine. "Salla! Can't we just assume she's pregnant?"

"God's going to strike you down." 

"I'd rather God strike me down with all his power right now than listen to Hector tell us what they did, how did it and how much she liked it."

"Then go away. Rivera, start talking."

"With pleasure.", I scoff, scurrying out of the room. I really don't wann hear that. A little TMI. Hannah's good with that crap. Not me. Probably because she's got a filthy mind. 


"So you're positive you guys used a condom?", Saana asks. 

"Yes. I'm so positive, I've got positivity of the fact that we used a condom coming out of my hears.".

"Okay, you sound pretty sure, bit FYI, condoms can break."

"I'm dead. My mother will kill me."

"Yeah... Which is why I'm hoping to God it didn't break. Here.", she sighs, picking up a pregnancy test. "If you're not pregnant and you're lucky, I highly recommend birth Control."

"Yeah... Thanks.", I say, taking the box. Saana and I walk up front to pay for it. 

After leaving the store, we go straight back to her house. Osmo and Girlie are at work, so they can't kill me. They would call my mom and tell her everything, so thanks to them being at work, I'll live until I know for sure. 

After waiting for a while, Sauli and Salla come back with a paper. Saana, Sauli, and Salla sit down with Sara, Hector and I. 

"I'm ready to die.", I sigh. 

"Result time."

"Is she pregnant?", Hector ask. 

"Let's find out...", Sauli says, unfolding a paper. 

"Wait, what about the stick?"

"I threw it away," Saana says. "The paper is the same thing as the stick. We printed this off on a machine in our Dad's office." Hector and I both nodd, ready for the results. 

Sauli began to unfold the paper with the results. Hector squeezed my hand.

"What's it say?", I asked. 

So I find it funny how I had a dream about me being pregnant and then this was the next chapter to update... 

Thanks to all of you reading and commenting. It means a lot to me to get your feedback!! :) 


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