Escape Plan

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Crush on the Teacher

Chapter 10

Escape plan


 I see Elissa and squirm around on the bed, almost screaming. "Hey, it's okay. You lost a lot of blood., she gently says, with gentleness and sincerity in her voice. I look around. I'm in the hospital. Realizing there's an oxygen mask over my face, I push it over my head. "I didn't realize your father was abusing you." I gasp. "Hey, hey, breathe. It's okay."

"W-Why'd you bring me here?"

"Because you almost died..." She pauses and then continues to talk. "Why didn't you say something?"

"Because no one loves me. No one would care! Especially not the woman who is in love with my adoptive father!"

"That's not true. Your friends love you. I don't know you very well, but you're a sweet girl and you don't deserve this. I'll even take you back to Los Angeles."

"Why would you do that for me?"

"I just told you, sweetheart," she says patiently.

I sigh. "Did they see the bruises?"

"Not yet."

"How is that possible?"

"Because this hospital is really busy and they just needed to get your wrists to stop bleeding. They didn't do a body exam, but I saw them..." she sighed. "I can take you back to Los Angeles. Please."

"I can get there myself. Not that I'm holding anything against you, but I can leave. I'll pack some stuff and go. You can tell my Dad, that you killed me, buried me in the back yard and got rid of a great number of my things." 

She nods.

"I'll sneak you out of here," she says, gently touching my cheek. Her gentleness feels weird. I'm not used to this kind of treatment. 


"A young seventeen year old girl who attempted suicide has disappeared from Valley Hospital Medical center in Las Vegas. We've got a name her last name is a Kyra," a news reporter on the Channel Nine News says. I scream and break down crying. "She's biracial, has brown eyes and is fairly skin. Reporters are wondering that w\could have caused her to do something like this."


Hector holds me in his arms and sings me a soft song, making me relax a little bit, but I still wanna kill someone for this. Someone made her do this and when I find out who... They are as good as dead.


"I talked to your father. You've got 2 hours to get out of here and I've got 3 hours to act like I got rid of your stuff.", she says, helping me pack a bag. I have most of the car full of my objects, electronics, shoes and one bag of clothes. I'm working on the other half now. 

"I'll give you some money, but do you have a sexy outfit? It's weird asking considering you're a teenager, but-"

"One sec.", I say, walking to my closet. She stares at me in shock. I hand it to her. "My friend bought it for me, but I'm not going to second base with a guy until I'm like, 25" She nods. Hey, I have no chance with Mr. Lambert. Let's be realistic. 

"Thank you. You've got Andrew's number. If he tries to call if he finds out, don't answer and change your number. You've got a place to go right?"

"2 places to go actually." She hug me. "Thank you so much. No one's ever been this nice to me before. Parent wise."

"You deserve it. Now go. Here's a map."

"I know how to get there.", I say, pulling away. She hands me some cash. I smiled and took it. 

"Now, go." I take the bag and walk out to my car. 

About three hours and 40 or something minutes of driving, I need to use the bathroom. The place i stopped at was dark and creepy. It's a local gas station that needs a remodeling job bad. I guess as far as gas, it'll be sufficient, but it won't kill the owner to give the place a paint job.

I take a deep breath and get out of the car, walking towards the building. 

Inside, the lights flicker. I've watched too many horror movies like this. I slowly walk to the restroom. 

After using the toilet, I washed my hands. Plus, there's still a little bit of dried blood on my arm, and I just went pee pee in a white bowl. I'm usually a clean freak, but if it's blood dripping down to my hands from my wrist or arm, I don't care. 

My phone vibrates. I slowly reach in my pocket and grab it.

No! Are you stupid!? We've seen this movie before a million times! This is how you freaking die!!

I look at my phone and notice I received a text. I'm hoping it's from Biance or Sauli... 

Andrew: You are DEAD! Ha. Finally, I've been waiting for you to die!

I sigh.

How sweet and touching... 

I slowly pull out my box of razors and press it against my arm, a clean spot and slit deeply through my skin, wincing. My head droops down, forcing me to look at the blood leaking onto the white and black, checker board designed floor. I watch it for a few minutes and then feel a little better.  Exiting the bathroom, I pull my sleeves down to cover my arm. 

I walk around a corner and by total surprise, I run into Mr. Lambert. He catches me in his arms, but my sleeve accidentally goes up slightly. It's enough to reveal the fresh cuts. He gasps at my wrist and face. And I know he saw my face because seconds later, he gently touchemy cheek, where a small, I swore an unnoticeable bruise and a scratch, is/

"What happened? Was it one of the girls? Or Jack or Broc? Who did this?"

"No..." I whisper, close to crying. He sighs and holds me in his arms. He kisses the top of my head softly. 


I watch Hannah sleep. She's so broken. She's sleeping on my bed. She needs plenty of rest. It's the only way for her mind and body to heal.

When I brought her to my bedroom, she immediately started crying. She's the sweetest thing ever. She doesn't deserve to feel this way. 

And don't say 'Oh, you're just in love with her'

Okay, fine, it's totally true. 

I'm in love with her...

But she is truly the sweetest thing ever. 

And I when I saw her wrist, my heart shattered. 

The bullying. 

She can't handle it. Emma probably has cuts on her wrist too. Good thing tomorrow is Saturday, so she doesn't have to be tortured at school.

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