A Really Bad Day

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Crush on the Teacher

Chapter 39

A Really Bad Day


The thing about being from a family of seven people doesn't allow you to have the whole house to yourself a whole lot, but now everyone is leaving. Salla and Saana have a college retreat thing, I don't know what it is for sure. Sauli is going to see a friend in New York for a couple of days. Mom and Daddy have a business trip. So I have the house to myself. I have Biance, her sister, and mother down the stress if I need anything. Mom went shopping, I promised not to do anything stupid. I probably won't even leave my bed while they're gone.

Sauli is taking today off school because he have a half day and it's being used for volunteer work at the animal shelter. For me, it is. Our English class has to do it if we want credit. If not, it's an F in the grade book. Doesn't bother me one bit. One F won't kill my grade completely and I happen to love animals. It'll work out either way.

I pack a lunch for tomorrow and smile, satisfied. It includes a Finnish stew recipe Mom gave me before she and Daddy left, some grapes, baby carrots, and a water bottle. Although all of it could change within the next hour or so. Unfortunately I have a check up today with my doctor. Height, weight, medication evaluation, etc,. If the doctor says I have to change my diet, I have no choice i the matter. My mom also wants me to call her when I'm done. I have a history of skipping appointments so it's only fair. I'd be lying if I said I don't want to skip this one.

Putting my possibly changing lunch in the fridge, I pick up my phone and scroll through Twitter. The first things I see are photos of Tommy and Adam at a bar in West Hollywood with a drag racer named Sutan Amrull. It looks like it was posted last night. Adam obviously didn't drink too much because he was at school today, energetic as usual or as much as possible considering he's as broken hearted as I am. I haven't talked to Tommy too much since we announced the break up, but he did message me on Facebook, telling me of how upset Addy has been. And I'm sure Hector's said something to him about my shattered heart.

I favorite one picture and continue scrolling. I scroll for ten minutes before I get bored and do some Algebra II homework. At first every question is like 2X-18Y=4X+y-X and I almost give up after the first two questions, but manage to keep my patience and sanity as I work through a hellish two sided worksheet.

By the time I'm done, it's time for me to actually get dressed and ready for my check up. lAtely I'm been getting into the habit of wearing leggings most days or if I miraculously manage to wear pants of any kind, I wear pajamas when I get home from school. We had a half day today so for the most part, I've had a pajama day. I don't need to look fancy for the appointment. I just need to not wear pajamas and a sports bra.

I take a fifteen minute shower and get dressed, and then I grab my phone, car keys, and book titled "The Siren" by Kiera Cass before I head out. I end up waiting in the waiting room for a solid fifteen minutes and read my book.

The doctor finally brings me back. I smile, we say our hellos and then get right to work. The first thing I do is remove my shoes, put the book down, and stand on the scale. It takes a moment, but two numbers pop up on the glass with my height underneath it.

"Ninety-five pounds... and it looks like you're five foot three and a half. Not terrible, but I would like documentation of what you eat in a day for at least four days."

"Of course."

"Now hold this for a second." I hold the BMI calculator, extending my arms out. It beeps after one minute. She reads the number. "Eighteen." She writes it down. "Alright, let's check your blood pressure." I sit on the medical bed and let Dr. Amberly do her job. "How's school going?"

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