Canada, Meetings, Family

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Crush on the Teacher

Chapter 23

Canada, Meetings, Family

Hannah's POV

I leaned against my window and sighed. I haven't seen my family over here for a LONG... time. A really long time. Sometimes I tend to be shy when seeing someone I haven't seen in a long time. Biance wrapped an arm around me and hugged me, sensing my anxiety about going back to Canada. She pulled away a few seconds later and smiled.

"It'll be okay."

I nodded and sighed, feeling my phone vibrating. I picked it up and stared at the sweet text from Adam. We left yesterday morning around 10 something. We got a late start since I fought Biance and Sara on getting up at 7:00. I like to sleep more than I'm supposed to. I smiled at Adam being his sweet self. I think I was even blushing. And the positive side of things is that Victoria is the same time as Los Angeles, so he won't be texting me at 4 in the morning on purpose!

"You in Canada yet? Miss you."

"Mr. Lambert?", Sauli asked.

"Shouldn't your eyes be on the road?", I asked, giggling and blushing some more before I looked down at my phone and responded. I felt Sauli, Biance and Sara smirking and staring at me and my phone.

"Not yet. We've been driving for 18 hours, but we're almost there. Miss you too! <3"

":) Okay. And I have to go to a meeting about you. Hopefully nothing bad."

"Mr. Johnson?"


"He say anything in particular?"

"No, but he said it's urgent and about you."

"Oh.. Okay."

"I wish you were here."

"I wish you were here with me. Biance said it's just a few days. I should be back on Monday. Tuesday at the latest."

"That's such a long time..."

"I know. It is for me too :("

"Text me when you get there, baby."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too."

I just sat there with a huge smile on my face. I don't think I've ever smiled this much before, but it feels good to be happy and it also feels good to have someone to make you smile like this.

"Done?", Sauli smirked.

"Drive, man.", I whined. "And for the record, you're a horrible driver."

"I don't see you getting your lazy butt up here."

"Drivers are supposed to drive, not butt into someone's social life."

"You have no privacy, Hannah. You lost that when you met Biance and then you lost it again when you met me." he smirked.

I just my head down against the seat and window and closed my eyes, throwing on some sunglasses. Hey, sun's bright. And Sauli's right. I lost every ounce of privacy I ever had becoming friends with those loony bats. But they mean well and I love my crazy sisters and brother.

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