The Enchanted Forest

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In celebration of Adam Lambert's new single "Ghost Town" I felt, today was the perfect day to update!!! :D I am so in love with this song! :D  

Crush on the Teacher

Chapter 20

The Enchanted Forest

Adam's POV

"Get out. You're free.", I said, blowing on my whistle. 

They all ran towards the building. We were training outside. I'm a football coach. I've played a little football, but I don't like  playing as much as I used to. I like watching kids or spoiled teenage brats play hard and have fun. 

I personally love music though. I'm 22. I have degreess in English, Health, Medicine, CPR, Science and I've taken 5 music classes, middle school, high school and college. I'm Jewish and would love to be a performer. 

As you know, I've fallen for Hannah, one of my students. Her innocence attracts me. She's beautiful, she's sweet and she's intelligent. Amazing, creative and her shoe box projects proves it. 

My birthday is January 29th. My zodiac sign is Aquaruis. I'm 6'1 and I love glitter and the color black. 

I used to self harm and meditate on death. I was bullied at school all the time, so I understand what Hannah and Emma are going through and they don't deserve it. 

I need to speak with Osmo and Girlie Koskinen about what she goes through and Emma's mother with Emma goes through. 

I cocked my head to the side as Hannah ran through a small door, running out into the forest. 

She shouldn't be out there alone. 

I began walked towards the woods and saw I was walking in a beautiful forest. I hear the cheerleaders call it the Enchanted Forest. Seems legit. 

I heard Hannah's adorable, contagious giggles. They drive me crazy. I saw some stairs and water. I slowly walked down the stairs because they looked pretty old and then I saw another flight of stairs and some pebbles rolling down. Well, I know where Hannah went. 

This girl is mysterious. 

I heard giggles as I made my way up to the stairs and when I got up there I saw a lake and it was dark. 8:30 and it looks like it's midnight. The moon looks beautiful. I was attacked and screamed. Hannah giggled. 

"Hey, sexy." I smiled at her. 

"Baby, you scared me."

"Aww...", she mocked, wrapping her arms around my neck. She giggled. "Sorry."

"Are you?"


I smirked as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pecked her on her lips softly. She pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. I moved one hand to the side of her neck, enjoying the magical kiss that was taking place upon my lips. 

She pulled away and managed to make us both fall on the sand. She giggled and got on top of me. I can smell her perfume. Oh, this girl knows how to drive me crazy. 

She leaned in and pushed her lips against mine and played with my hair in the process. I moved mine in sync with hers. I wrapped my arms around her. 

Minutes later...

"Wow.", a girl said. I gasped and shot up with Hannah. It was Biance with Hector. She sighed. 

"You guys are freaks."

"We weren't doing that...", Hannah pointed out. Hey, it's true, we weren't."

"Close to it.", Hector chuckled. "But, Lambert, you better be careful with her. She's fragile."

"Am not.", she pouted. I chuckled and stood up, pulling Hannah up with me. 

"Either way, you hurt her, you better think about what you're going to say to God.", Biance growled.

"Biance!", she screamed. I flinched. She turned to me and giggled. "Sorry." 

"It's fine. You're worth the test.", I whispered, pecking her forehead. 

We heard laughing and footsteps. Sounded like the kids who bully Hannah and Emma. Hannah pulled away and stood next to Biance with hopeful eyes. 

I nodded. 

"And this, guys and girls is the most visited neck of the forest in the state of Nevada."

"The water's beautiful.", Amber said, running into it. Thank God Hannah and I didn't get wet! It'd look really suspicious... 

After everyone left, Hannah and I just went for a walk around the forest. It was pretty quiet. She was probably not sure what to say, so I decided to start a conversation. 

"The kids being nice so far?" I know they were teasing her on the plane, but maybe that's all that's happened so far. Hannah's such a sweet girl and she doesn't deserve that. 

"The plane ride was the worst. They haven't really said much since."

"That's good. You watchin' the game tomorrow."

"With you as the coach...", she siad, smiling. "I wouldn't miss it."

I smiled and kissed her forehead softly and then looked at a beautiful, large body of water. She smiled and bent down and gently pushed her hand through it. She shivered. I took off my black jacket and gave it to her. She smiled. 

"Adam, I don't want you to be cold.", she said softly. 

"But I don't want you to be cold either." She smiled  and then sat down. I sat down next to her and held her hand and smiled at her. She leaned against my shoulder and I felt and saw that beautiful smile on her face. That smile that makes my heart stop and my mind blank. That smile I love to see. 

Then suddenly, she surprised me with a kiss. It started off gentle, but I couldn't help myself and deepened it, moving a hand to the side of her cheek and neck, holding her in the position she was in. I don't know how it happened. I just... couldn't control or stop myself from kissing her. I know I've been holding it in for a while, but I didn't think it would be this amazing.

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