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Chapter 33


Hannah's POV

I shoot upright screaming my head and crying before I realize it was just a horrifying nightmare about a movie I watched growing up. The light turns on. Mom sits on the edge of my bed and embraces. I continue to cry. Saana stands in the doorway with Daddy and sighs. I try to wipe my tears and take a deep breath.

God, again?

I really hate this. They already want me to get therapy for my nightmares. Does it count that it wasn't even about Jeff this time?

"I-I'm sorry. Go back to bed."

"Baby, I hate that you try to shut us out when it comes to your nightmares."

I sigh. "It was about the beldam."

"The what?" Dad asks.

"Fictional evil witch looking character," Saana says. "When did you watch it?"

"A few days ago. Wrong decision."

Daddy clears his throat. "Maybe talking to a counselor-"

"I don't need a counselor," I whine. "It's nothing."

"Baby girl, you wake up screaming every night. I don't want sleeping to be torture for you. You have a doctor's appointment tomorrow."

I take a deep breath. "You did not."

"Just a checkup. To see if you have some sort of dreaming disorder."

I facepalm myself. Am I still asleep? Is this a dream too?

Definitely not a dream.

The doctor has me step on the scale. Seconds later a number pops up. 111. What could this possibly have to do with my subconscience.

"One eleven. Five foot," she mumbles the rest of the number. Frankly I don't care about how tall I am. I'm short, everyone is taller than me, including Addy. Who cares?

I sigh and step down, sitting on the bed. "Alright, so you wanted to talk about something else, Girlie?" the doctor asks.

"Yes, is it possible a girl her age could have a dreaming disorder?"

"Of course. It affects people of all ages." From infancy to hip breaking years." If Biance were here, she would die of laughter. "Has she been having nightmares?" She nods. "How bad, sweetheart?" she asks me this time.

"I wake up screaming every night, waking up everyone else."

"That's definitely a red flag. What I want to do is test her myself. I'll need her stay over night." Not tonight! "Unfortunately, this week is full, but next week, we'll have her stay. I'll set it up this week. How does next Friday sound?"

"She has to suffer two more weeks."

"We can give her something to eliminate her dreams for a while?"

"Is that even possible?" I ask.

"You just won't have dreams. And if you do, you'll be dreaming of sleeping or walking."

"Sign me up!" I shake the doctor's hand.

Girlie sighs. "Very well."

As soon as I get home, I lay in my bed and wait for school to be out, and decide to text Adam since he's texted me a bunch of times.

Me: Hey, babe! Sorry I didn't make it to school today! My parents surprised me with a doctor's appointment.

Addy: It's okay, baby. Is everything okay?

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