*Christmas Special*

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A/N: Hello my loves! Merry Christmas, I hope you have a great day. This is a special bonus chapter. This chapter takes place a year before all of the events in this book take place. I.e. Athena hasn't met Wade yet. This is my Christmas gift for you guys. I hope you like it! ❤ Xxxx.

Athena slept peacefully in her bed next to her young nephew. Issac turned toward his aunt before he opened his eyes. 'It's Chwistmas!' was the first thought he had. He sat up properly before he began shaking his Aunt's body. "Auntie!" He squealed. Athena jolted awake and held Issac close to her chest as she growled protectively before looking around the room for signs of any threat. Issac giggled as he pushed himself away from his aunt. "What's wrong? are you hurt?" Athena asked as she checked the young pup's body for any cut or bruise. 

"No siwwy, Is Chwistmas!" Issac exclaimed with a bright smile on his face. Athena looked at the clock placed on her side table. "Baby it's 5:30 am, it isn't Christmas for another four hours," Athena said as she groaned and laid down with her nephew in her arms. "But Daddy said that Decembew 25 is Chwistmas, for the whowe day!" Issac said as he looked at his Aunt. "Your Daddy is also a big idiot," Athena mumbled to herself. "What?" Issac asked innocently as he looked at his Aunt with puppy eyes. "Nothing might as well wake up now," Athena sighed as she got off of her bed before she picked the little boy up. "Mewwy Chwistmas Auntie," Issac said in the most adorable voice as he laid his head on his aunt's shoulder. Athena's heart melted as she kissed the young boy's head, "Merry Christmas monkey," she said lovingly.

It was 6:00 am by the time Athena and Issac reached the kitchen. The pair were clad in matching Christmas onesies. "Oh my goodness, it's a Christmas miracle after all!" Angela exclaimed when she noticed her sleepy daughter holding her excited grandson. "Mewwy Chwistmas!" Issac exclaimed as his grandmother chuckled at how adorable he sounded. "Merry Christmas indeed my love," Angela said as she took her grandson from his aunt's arms. 

"Why are you up so early?" Athena asked as she let out a large yawn. "Well your grandmother and I are prepping for Christmas lunch, did you forget that this family eats like starved pigs," Angela said as she placed Issac on the island. Athena yawned in acknowledgement. "Why don't you and your auntie go and wake everyone else up, they need to clean the house," Serena suggested as she entered the kitchen. "Okay!" Issac shouted. 

"You have way too much energy at 6:00 in the morning," Athena mumbled as she picked her nephew up. "Who do you want to wake up first?" Athena asked the pup, who thought over the question as if the fate of the world rested on his answer. "Uncwe and Auntie Anna!" Issac said as he jumped in his aunt's arms. "Alright, calm down now monkey," Athena said as she kissed Issac's forehead. 

Athena slowly opened the door and thanked God that her brother and her sister-in-law were fully clothed, today was not the day she wanted to traumatize her nephew. Athena counted 1, 2, 3, with her fingers before she jumped onto her brother while Issac jumped onto her best friend. "What the fu-" Axel began only to be quickly interrupted by his sister "Child present,". "Holy mother of all things good," Anna groaned as she looked at the gleaming two-year-old who sat on top of her. "Mewwy Chwistmas!!" Issac shouted at the top of his lungs before his Aunt picked him up and ran out of the room. Axel and Anna grumbled as they dragged their tired body out of bed and followed Athena and Issac. "To Dada's room," Issac said as he pointed toward his parent's room. 

The two-year-old got out of his Aunt's arms before he jumped onto his father. "OH DEAR LORD!" Andrew screamed as his excited son jumped onto his family jewels. "What happened!?" Ashley exclaimed as she caught the over-excited little boy. "Let's just say, Issac doesn't want any siblings any time soon," Andrew said as he held his groin in pain, while his siblings and his mate laughed at him. "You otay dada?" Issac asked innocently. "I think I will be," Andrew said as he tried to smile through the pain.

Adrian and his father were woken up similarly. It was 7:00 am by the time everyone had come downstairs for breakfast. "Gwamma!" Issac exclaimed suddenly as he stopped eating. "Yes, sweetheart?" Angela responded. "Did Santa come?" the two-year-old asked her grandmother as he tilted his head to the side. "That's what she asked," Axel mumbled under his breath, everyone laughed while Anna jabbed him in the stomach. "Why don't you go look under the tree?" Serena said as she smiled warmly at the young boy.

Issac jumped out of his seat before he pulled his aunt toward the massive Christmas tree. The large tree was decorated with various ornaments, none of which were coordinated. It was beautifully chaotic, just like the Williams family. "YES I WAS A GOOD BOY!" Was one of the excited shouts the others heard, followed by Athena's laughter. Everyone else entered the living room only to see the little boy submerged in presents, his beaming head popped out to greet them. Athena could swear that his face was going to split in two from how much he was smiling. 

"The cookies are in the oven," Axel said as he sat down next to his mate. "Does anyone want hot chocolate?" Adrien asked his family to which everyone replied affirmatively. "Could I get some marshmallows in mine," Angela asked her mate as she smiled sweetly at him. "I want smashnellos too!" Issac exclaimed, which caused everyone to chuckle at him. 

The rest of the day was spent drinking hot chocolate, opening presents, laughing and sharing memories. Athena was surrounded with so much love and joy. She never wanted the day to end. The happiness radiating from the Williams house could be felt all over the pack. Perhaps someone who wasn't supposed to feel that happiness felt it too.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this chapter 😁 Did you guys like reading this bonus chapter? I'd just like to remind you guys that this Christmas special takes place a year before everything else.

Do you want me to change anything about the chapter/ story? Let me know either in the comments or in my personal messages. I hope you all enjoyed it, I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that lets me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.

Thank you for reading

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


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