Chapter XXIII

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Knocks on their bedroom door woke the young mates up. "Get up lovebirds," a familiar voice teased. Wade groaned in his sleep as he cuddled into his mate. "Go away Dee," he said in an annoyed voice. "Fine but come downstairs, Adrian wants to speak to everyone," Delina said as she walked away from the door. This caught Athena's attention as she remembered the conversation she had with her grandmother. Athena found it extremely difficult to get up given the fact that her mate's strong arms were wrapped tightly around her. Wade grunted when Athena attempted to get up again. 

"Goodmorning," Wade said as he snuggled into his mate's neck. All of a sudden Athena burst out into a loud fit of giggles. This threw her mate off and he loosened his grip, giving Athena enough time to get off of the bed. "Why did you laugh?" Wade asked sounding extremely confused. 

Athena placed a hand in front of her mouth before she spoke, "Your breath stinks,". She quickly ran into the bathroom and locked the door when she saw her mate getting off the bed, ready to chase her. 

Everyone sniffed the air the moment Athena and Wade walked into the dining room. The woman squealed loudly before hugging the young mates and congratulating them on completing the mating process as the men growled lowly. "How did you guys find out?" Athena squeaked out in embaressement as she turned redder than a tomato. "Well your scents are now mixed silly," Ashley said as she hugged her sister-in-law who began to blush even harder. A throat clearing stopped the woman from gushing over the young couple. Everyone turned to look at Axel who looked annoyed. "Could you guys sit down and eat, I'm hungry," he said which earned him glares from the women in his family. Axel gulped loudly when he saw his mother and his grandmother glaring at him. "O-or you could continue, I mean it's not like I mind or anything," he said rather dismissively as his voice cracked a little.    

'I need to have a chat with you guys  Adrien's authoritative voice came through the mind-link. Athena looked up at her father and nodded her head. Adrian, his mate, his children and their mates' were seated in Adrian's office. "What was it that you wanted to talk about?" Axel asked his father. "I think I might have found the mole," Adrien said. "Well, who is it?" Andrew asked impatiently. "I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I think it might be one of our commanders, we'll have to conduct an incognito questioning," Adrian said as he sipped his coffee. "Alright, we could do that," Axel said as he thought of a way to conduct the questioning. 

"I have something I need to say," Athena said seriously which cause her whole family to turn to her. "Um, well I spoke to my grand mother last night," she said as she looked at everyone. "So?" Axel asked as he looked at his sister. "I spoke to our grandmother, the Moon Goddess," this caught everyone's attention. "And?" Anna asked curiously. "Well she wanted me to tell you all that the rouges are going to be teaming up with the hunters, the war will take place nine months from now and that the rouges don't plan on playing fair," This caused Andrew to scoff, "When do they ever play fair?" he asked rhetorically. "What else did she say?" Angela asked her daughter. "She told me that the war is going to take place between our packs which includes our uncles packs and the rouges. She will be training me and that I must help you by training the rest of the wolves." she said. "Dad, she told me to tell you to never trust the rouges and that in this war our enemies will become our allies," Athena said as she looked at her father. Adrian looked as though he understood something. "What does she mean by that?" Wade wondered aloud. "Well I think I know what she meant, but I'll have to think about it before I tell you all," Adrian said as he looked at his family.

"Did she say anything else?" Adrian asked his daughter. "Just that this was going to be one of the biggest wars seen by humankind and that we would become one during the war,"she said. "What? What does that mean?" Ashley asked. "I really don't know, she told me that she would explain it to me later," Athena said as she sipped on some water. Ashley nodded her head in understanding. "Alright I think we're done here, just remember not to trust anyone other than those who are here in this room, also whatever has been spoken about in this room must stay within this room, you musn't utter a word about it outside," Adrian said seriously. 

"Daddy I wanted to talk to you," Athena said as everyone began to leave the office. "Sure, go ahead," Adrian said as he sat down on the couch in his office. Athena closed the door before sitting down next to her father. "Well?" Adrian asked after a few moments of silence. "When I spoke to grandma last night, I asked her the question which was bugging you the most," Athena said as she looked at her father. "And what's that?" Adrian asked curiously. "Why it was that grandma left you with the Williams," Athena said which caused her father to tense up a little. "And what did she have to say?" Adrian asked after a moments' silence. "Close your eyes first and open your link to me," Athena said as she held her fathers hand. 

Adrian hesitantly closed his eyes. All of a sudden he saw the beautiful woman everyone had been talking about. Athena was replaying her memory for him. "Grandma, why is it that you left my dad with the Williams?" Athena asked curiously with her head in her grandmother's lap on the grass. "I didn't have a choice sweetheart," his mother started with a deep sigh. "Believe me when I tell you that I didn't want to, never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine giving my baby away. It broke my heart to hand him away, but that was the only he would have been safe. He would have ended up getting hurt if I kept him with me. What hurts me the most is that he questions my love for him, the love which has only grown as he grew up. My mate and I have watched him grow up and we have watched you and your siblings grow up without ever being able to show you our love. The only time I had been able to give him my love was when he slept, I would kiss his forehead softly and leave before he woke up." 

Adrian had tears coming out of his eyes by the end of it. "I didn't do that for you to cry!" Athena exclaimed as she wiped her fathers tears. Adrian wordlessly pulled his daughter into his embrace. "Thank you," his whispered lovingly into her hair. "You're welcome daddy," Athena smiled softly as she snuggled into her fathers chest. It was still one of her favourite spots.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this chapter 😁What's your take on it? What did you feel about Adrian expressing his emotions freely? Let me know in the comments. I hope you all enjoyed it, I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that lets me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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