Chapter XXXI

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Athena walked into the hospital room and saw her best friend talking happily to her mother-in-law as her brother sat next to his mate. 'You okay?' Andrew mind linked his brother who looked like he was going to puke. "Baby are you okay? You're sweating like crazy!" Anna exclaimed as she looked at her mate. The doctor rushed into the room. "Who all touched the patient?" he asks impatiently. "I did," Axel said as he wiped some of the sweat off of his forehead. "Did anyone else touch her?" the doctor asked to which everyone shook their head. "Oh lord," The doctor exclaims as he runs out of the room before rushing back in. "Give me your hand," he tells Axel who looks green and pale now. "What? Why?" Axel questions holding his hand away from the doctor. "Just do as I say, unless you prefer dying," this caused everyone to gasp. 

The doctor proceeded to inject some serum into Axel's hand. "What the fuck is going on?" Adrian asked angrily as he saw his son breathe in relief. "The serum found on Anna's clothes seems to be ancient, we weren't able to find it on our database. What we did find was an old report on an ancient serum with similarities to this one which would slowly kill anyone who touched it slowly," the doctor said as he handed the report to his Alpha. "Oh my god, what about Anna!?" Linda asks worriedly. "Anna will be fine as the serum never touched her, it was merely present on her clothes," the doctor says as Andrew passes the report to his father and his grandfather. 

"And what about Axel?" Athena asked as she rubbed some of the sweat off of her brother's face. "I just injected a serum into his system that will help slow the venom down, but it won't last for long," the doctor says as he looks at Athena sadly. "How long does he have?" Angela asks now holding his son in her arms. "Three, maybe four hours if you're lucky," this made Anna burst out into tears. "I think I might know someone who can help us with that," Simon said as he looked at his family's hopeful faces. "Adrian, Axel, Athena, Logan, you guys are coming with me, John, Wade, Abner, and Andrew will stay here with the rest of the family and take care of our family and the pack," Simon said as he looked at everyone. "And doctor, I'll need a bit of that serum in a test tube," The doctor nodded his head and ran out of the room.

"So who are we going to meet?" Logan asked as he sat in the back with Axel in the middle and Athena on the other side of Axel. "An old friend of mine," Simon said mysteriously. "We kinda got that, what's their name?" Logan continued. "Ashley Marino,". "Ooh is she hot?" Logan asked as Athena slapped his knee. "What? There's nothing wrong in trying," Logan said as he shrugged. "Why don't you tell me if you think she's hot when you see her," Simon said as he chuckled.

Soon they pulled up to the driveway of a large brightly lit white mansion. "Woah, your friend is rich!" Logan stated as he looked at the beautiful estate in wonder. Adrian and Logan helped Axel up the staircase as Simon rang the bell. The door opened to reveal a short yet stunning young man with tan skin, a neatly groomed beard, and eyes as green as freshly cut grass. His long hair looked like a waterfall made of molten gold. "Simon!" the man exclaimed as he brought his old friend into a hug. "How are you my old friend," the man asked with a heavy Italian accent as he let Simon out of the hug. "I'm not doing too great Ash," Simon said which caused Ashley to frown, Logan looked at the man with his jaw on the floor. "YOU'RE A MAN!?" Logan exclaimed as he stared at Ashley. "Excellent observation young man, good job Simon, you managed to bring Sherlock along with you," Ashley said as everyone laughed at Logan's flabbergasted face. Axel's tired groan brought Ashley's attention to him immediately. "Oh, Mio Dio! Follow me," Ashley said as he led everyone into his house. 

"How long has it been since you touched the serum?" Ashley asked Axel as he ran around his large office gathering various plants before putting them in a mortar. "Two maybe three hours," Axel said as he tried not to puke all over the mahogany floor. "Okay, so you still have some time," Ashley said as he mashed all the plants and some water with a pestle. "What are you?" Logan asked as he saw some of the plants grow towards Ashley. "I am what is known as an Elemental, I can control the elements offered by Mother Nature to my will," Ashley said as Axel groaned again. 

"Here, drink this," he said as he handed a greenish-purple concoction to Axel. Axel made a disgusted face as he drank the concoction quickly. Colour rushed back to his face as he sighed. "Thank you so much!" Athena exclaimed as she hugged her brother tightly, everyone except Ashley joined the hug. "So can you tell us what the serum is?" Simon asked as he sipped some of the coffee offered to them by his dear friend. 

Ash put his long hair up in a bun before he scratched his beard. "This is an ancient serum which used to be made centuries ago, known as Morte Lenta which means Slow Death-" he began, "-This was a serum made by kings who had many enemies, they would put some of this serum on goblets which would then seep into the victim's body through their skin. It would begin with them saying things they never even thought of, making the King want to kill them even more. They would die a slow and painful death by sweating profusely, then they would vomit their guts out, after a few hours it would look like they were doing better but that was when the venom had gotten close to their heart, they would proceed to vomit blood till they died out of exhaustion." Ashley said as everyone gasped and looked at Axel, recalling the events of the previous night.

"We should head back now," Simon said after he finished speaking to his family back home who were pleased to hear that Axel was back to normal now. "Is it true what they say?" Ashley said as he walked up to his friend. "What is it that they say?" Simon asked as he looked his friend in the eye. "That there is a big war coming up, a war that will destroy everything and everyone," Simon nodded his head. "Well then I shall join you, you'll need all the help you can get," Ashley said with a smile on his face as his Italian accent seeped through his statement. 

"Thank you," Simon said as he hugged his friend. "Hey, I owe you one anyway," Ashley said with a wink as his friend started laughing. "What? Why does he owe you one?" Logan asked as he looked at the two friends. "Ah it's a long story," Simon said as they walked out of the mansion. "Well the ride back isn't really short," Axel said as Logan gave him a high five. "You two are pathetic," Athena said as she shook her head. "Yeah but you love it," Axel and Logan said at the same time which cause Athena to burst out into laughter.

A/N: I want to thank all of you again for all the love and support! I really love and appreciate it. What's your take on this chapter? What do you think about Ashley? What are your thoughts about his addition to the team?

Do you want me to change anything about the chapter/ story? Let me know either in the comments or in my personal messages. I hope you all enjoyed it, I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that let me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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