Chapter XVI

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Athena sat on her bed as she stared at the wall.

Her family decided her fate effortlessly, without a second thought, and even if she left who would protect her pack?

A knock on the door disrupted her train of thought.

The door creaked open before her mate walked in and sat down next to her. "What's wrong?" Wade asked after a moment of silence. "I-I can't leave" Athena whispered. "What? what do you mean?" Wade asked sounding confused. "I cannot leave my pack right when they need me the most," Athena said as she looked at her mate. "Athena, your family and some of my men are going to remain here, they will protect the pack, we need to protect you. I need to protect you," Wade said as he cupped his mate's face in his large hands.

"You think that's going to help me?-" Athena asked her mate as she got up angrily "- I have to stay here and help protect my pack, I understand that you're an Alpha and that you have to protect your pack and your mate, but this, this is my home, my pack, my family, and I refuse to leave them to fight on their own when it's my fault that they have to fight at all". This made Wade angry.

"You cannot be this naive Athena. This pack that you want to protect so badly is the same one that helped those rouges. And I don't care what you say, You're my mate and I have to protect what's mine, I will drag you to my pack if I have to." Wade said as he looked at his mate, his wolf was furious at the thought of his mate getting hurt. A fire lit up in Athena's eyes, her mate should have kept the argument between them, he had no business pulling her pack into it. 

"You dare not blame my pack for a foolish mistake made by one of its members. My pack protected me and my family and it's my job as an Alpha's daughter to do the same for them. I might be your mate, but I am my parent's daughter and my brother's sister before that. So I don't care about what you feel, because if you think I'm going to leave Dark Moon without a fight you've been gravely mistaken" Athena said furiously as she stormed out of her room.

"Athie, baby what's wrong?" Angela asked her youngest worriedly when she noticed her run down the stairs with tears in her eyes. Athena looked at her family before rubbing her eyes dry. "I am not leaving" she announced with finality in her voice. This caused everyone to gasp, well everyone except her nephew who had been crying till she said that. 

Athena took her nephew from his father's arms and held him tightly. "I don't care what you all say, but it is my fault that those rouges are attacking the pack, they want me and to get me they will hurt everything and everyone I love and care about, starting with my pack and my family and I refuse to let you all fight alone in a war that started because of me." Her family looked at her with conflicted yet proud eyes.

"I know all you want to do is protect me, but sending me away won't do that, it will put all of us in more danger, you all need me just as much as I need you. My powers will help us and even if they don't at least I will have the satisfaction of knowing that I tried my best to protect the ones I love and that I died protecting those who mattered to me the most." The stairs behind Athena creaked. She turned around to see her mate looking at her sadly. "Athena could I speak to you for a minute, alone," said Wade. Athena nodded her head and promised Issac that she would be back before handing him to his mother.

"I-I don't know what to say," Wade said as he miserably thought of everything he wanted to tell his mate. "An apology would be a good start," Athena said as she offered him a small smile. A light blush appeared on Wade's cheeks. "I'm sorry that I judged your pack, I know I shouldn't have but it's just that all I could think of was protecting you, I didn't think about your wishes and needs, I hope you forgive me," Wade said as he rubbed his neck. 

"I forgive you and I hope you can forgive me for not thinking from your point of view. But what made you change your mind?" Athena asked as she hugged her mate. "Well, I just thought about how I would do exactly what you're doing if I was you and realized that I was just being overprotective." He said as he held his mate close to him and inhaled her scent.

"So what do we do now, because Wade needs to go back to our pack since he is the Alpha" Ryan said once everyone settled down in the living room. "We can stay right here, we have way too many rooms and even if more people need to stay here we have enough rooms in the packhouse for them," Athena said as she held a sleeping Issac closer to her body to make sure that he doesn't fall. Everyone voiced their agreement. "But what about Wade and his duties as an Alpha?," asked Delina. "I will stay here with my mate and her family, I can get all of the paperwork sent here and I could always go there if it's an emergency till then Logan and Ryan can take care of the pack," Wade said after a moment of silence. Athena smiled at her mate's choice.

A knock on the door disrupted the conversation. Athena opened the door to reveal her grandparents standing before her with bright smiles on their faces. "Grandma, Papa what are you two doing here?" Athena asked as she hugged them. "We're here to see your mate!" Serena squealed happily as her mate grumbled about how his little petal is still a baby. Serena looked at her granddaughter's mate with a sweet smile while Simon scrutinized him. 

"You have a good-looking hunk on your hands' hun," Serena said which caused her mate to growl possessively as he grabbed her waist and glared at the man who was now blushing. "Oh stop embarrassing the poor boy, it's not like I'm running away from you, he's our granddaughter's mate goddammit," Serena said as she smacked her mate on the head which caused everyone to burst out into laughter.


"Did they see you?" asked the large man at the entrance. "No, and the idiots have no idea that it's me," said the blonde-haired man as he looked at the large man before him. "That's good just keep a low profile and keep giving us information and you'll get what you asked for," said the man as he went through some of Dark Moon's files. "Oh and tell Garrett not to hit me as hard next time, I mean I am sure I got some blood on the Williams couch," he said with a small chuckle before he sneaked out of the forest.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this chapter😁 I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that lets me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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