Chapter XXX

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Frantic knocking made Andrew rush to open the door. "What is it, Steve?" Andrew asked his now third in command. "Some of the boys found this on the east border," Steve replied as he handed his Alpha an envelope. Rage rose in Andrew's eyes as he read what was written on the piece of paper. "Did they try tracing the scent?" Andrew asked his Gamma. "Yes they did, but the scent ends a few meters away from our border, they did search around for a clue but couldn't find anything other than this" Steve responded curtly as he placed a bracelet in his Alpha's hand. Andrew's fists clenched around the bracelet, "Where did they find this?" Andrew asked. "It was on stuck on a branch, I think it might've broken off as she tried to flee... I think it was intentional." the Gamma told his Alpha who growled lowly. "Summon all of our warriors, my family and I need to talk to them," Steve nodded his head curtly before leaving his Alpha's house on alert.

"What is the matter Drew?" Axel asked his brother as the rest of his and his sister's family sat in his father's office. "Our border patrol found this at the eastern border," Andrew said as he handed his brother the envelope. "Read it out loud hun," Linda said as everyone listened attentively. Axel cleared his throat before he began reading the note out loud:

'Dear in-laws of mine,

I know you must be wondering why I am writing to you all of a sudden. Well, it is because I wanted to let you all know that you can try as hard as you want to keep what is mine away from me, but you are going to fail miserably. Athena is mine and I will get her, one way or another. We will fight a few miles away from your pack in three weeks at the field and be prepared to lose.

yours truly,

The Rogue Alpha'

Loud growls shook the room, the loudest growl coming from Wade as he grabbed his mate and smelled her scent. "Mine," was all he mumbled, over and over again. Athena held her mate as close as she could. "How prepared are our warriors?" Adrian asked his son. "They are ready to fight at a moment's notice," Andrew replied quickly. "And what about the other packs,". "They are prepared," Johnathan replied curtly. "And your coven?" Adrian turned to his cousin. "They are well prepared and will be here by tonight," Owen said as he held his mate close to him.

"How many warriors do we have in all?" Angela asked. "Fifty thousand, give or take a few thousand," Logan said as he took a bite of the apple he had brought along. "I need your help, we need to address the warriors," Andrew told his father, he had never done anything like this. Adrian nodded his head before he left the room with his two sons. " Wade, Logan, come along with me, we need to address our pack," Johnathan said as he looked at his two sons.

"Have you seen Anna and Issac anywhere?" Axel asked his sister who was setting the table for dinner. Athena shook her head, "When did you last see them?" she asked as she looked around. "I saw her go out with Issac a little before, but they haven't returned," Axel said as he called out to his mate and nephew, hoping that they were in the house. A scream made Athena and Axel look at each other in horror. They ran out of the house and followed the sound only to see Anna on the ground bleeding out of her side and a crying Issac next to her.

Axel growled loudly as he held his mate close to him while his sister ran to the traumatized child. Axel rushed his mate to the pack hospital where they took Anna into the emergency room. "A-A-A-Anna, g-got h-h-hurt," Issac stuttered out with tears coming out of his eyes, "Shhhh, she'll be al-alright," Athena said as she tried to calm the young pup down, would Anna be alright though?

"ISSAC!" Ashley screamed as she saw her pup crying in his aunt's hands. "What happened!?" Andrew exclaimed as he and the rest of his family entered the hospital only to see his brother sitting on one of the chairs next to the emergency room with his head in his hands, his sister looked angry and scared at the same time and his son was crying his eyes out. "A-Anna and I went on a wawk, a-a big bad stinky man jumped out of the bush and hit Anna, he said he wanted Auntie, t-that's when Anna hit him, the bad m-man, he go away because Anna shouted for you," Issac stuttered out in between tears.

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