Chapter II

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A/N: I just want to thank everyone who has been reading my story! I appreciate it. Happy Reading!!♥️

Athena was fast asleep, tucked safely into her father's chest, where she felt calm and content. Adrian and Angela were ecstatic and couldn't wait for the rest of their family to meet their little bundle of joy. Adrian had refused to put his daughter down and held her close to him as his wolf became restless when she wasn't in either his or his mate's arms.

Although Athena was just a day old, her aura was that of a powerful wolf. Every wolf that would now come across Athena would be filled with the overwhelming need to respect her and to become the cynosure in the future Moon goddess's eyes, even though they wouldn't realize what they were doing.

Adrian sat in a chair next to the hospital bed where his mate lay with his daughter in his arms when suddenly the hospital door opened which made Adrian and Angela snap their heads up. Andrew, the six-year-old held his younger brother Axel's hand. Both of the boys had bright smiles that stretched across their faces. Adrian and Angela hadn't noticed the beautiful young lady who looked as though she was in her late twenties with jet black hair and sterling grey eyes standing behind the boys as she held her mate's hand.

The handsome man who seemed to be in his early thirties with shaggy brown hair and eyes as blue as the sky on a sunny day held the beautiful woman's hand tightly. Large grins decorated their faces, they felt overjoyed for they were going to meet their only granddaughter and the future Moon Goddess. The boys ran into their mother's awaiting arms and showered her with hugs and kisses. The Moon Goddess Serena and her mate Simon made their way to where their daughter-in-law lay and gave her a hug and a kiss before they congratulated her.

They then made their way over to where their son stood to meet their granddaughter. They congratulated Adrian before they hugged him and kissed his forehead. Serena motioned for Adrian to give Athena to her. Adrian hesitantly handed his baby to his mother before heading over to where his wife lay to greet his sons.

The moment Athena was placed in Serena's arms she began to stir in her sleep. She eventually woke up and opened her eyes. Athena looked at the stranger holding her curiously.

She realized that it was neither her mother nor her father but she felt safe and comfortable with this person. Serena smiled seeing that the baby had moon-like blue-grey eyes much like hers, the only difference being that these grey eyes were filled with wonder, curiosity and unadulterated innocence. Athena looked around only to be met with the sight of two boys with jet black hair and light blue eyes sitting on the bed with her mother and father.

"Athena" Serena whispered to the newborn in her hand. Athena heard a soft and silky voice whisper something and turned her head in the direction of the sound, only to see the person holding her looking down at her with a smile on her face. "Hi baby," Serena said as she leaned down to kiss Athena's soft and warm forehead. Athena liked the feeling a lot, so she snuggled into Serena which caused a giggle to erupt from Serena's lips.

"Do you want to meet your baby sister?" Adrian asked his sons which caused them to nod their heads vigorously as large grins decorated their faces. Adrian gently took Athena from his mother's arms before he made the boys sit down on the sofa in the room.

"Alright then boys, before I hand you your little sister I want you to promise me something, can you do that for me?" Adrian asked his boys softly. Both of the boys nodded their heads. "Okay, so I want both of you to promise that you will always protect her and never hurt her. I want you to promise that you will love and support her no matter what happens and that you will hurt anyone who hurts her."Adrian said which made an "I promise" chorused sincerely from both of the boys.

Adrian smiled and gently placed Athena in Andrew's arms. Andrew put one of his hands around her bottom and the other supported her neck. Athena cuddled close to her eldest brother who smiled happily and looked down at her, love shone brightly in his eyes. "I will always love and protect you, baby." He whispered before kissing her soft cheeks. After a few minutes, Adrian took Athena from Andrew and handed her to Axel before he put an arm around the both of them to ensure that Axel doesn't drop her as he was merely three years old.

Athena snuggled into her elder brother's warmth and smiled in her sleep which caused Axel to giggle and look at his father. "She loves you," Adrian said as he looks at his children with love in his eyes. "I love you so much sissy, I pwomise to be the best bwothew I can be," Axel said, adorably mispronouncing the words 'promise' and 'brother' before he kissed his little sister's forehead.

Soon every member of the Williams family had come to the hospital room baring tons of presents for the little princess. Every male of the Williams family including the youngest male, Mason, who was barely six months felt very protective over the little baby girl. So naturally, when one of the male pack doctors came to take Athena for a few check-ups, he was greeted with several ferocious growls coming from each and every male in the room. They demanded a female doctor and the doctor happily complied, not wanting to anger six Alphas especially his Alpha.

By the end of the day, Athena had met every member of the Williams family. Anyone who had eyes could tell that this baby was loved and was going to be spoiled rotten.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this chapter😁 I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that lets me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.
Thank you for reading and have a great day!


The Moon Goddess's GranddaughterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon