Chapter XV

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A yawn escaped Athena's lips as she lifted her body off of her bed and trudged her way towards the bathroom. A knock on the door made Issac stir in his sleep. She shook her head at how adorable he looked, sprawled out on her bed with his mouth open wide. Athena opened the door, her mate stood before her clad in a fitting black t-shirt paired along with a light blue flannel and blue jeans. The cloth hugged and defined his muscles beautifully. It took everything in Athena to not drool over her mate, who seemed to be enjoying her misery.

"Good morning Mr Roberts, how can I help you today?" Athena said as she thanked the Gods above for having brushed her teeth. "Good morning Ms Williams, um, I was told to call you and Issac down for breakfast," Wade said as he looked at his mate. It was a wonder to him how she managed to look beautiful clad in a pair of grey sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt with a birds nest atop her head. "We'll be done in a bit," Athena said as she blushed under her mate's heated gaze. "I wanted to ask you if you would-" A soft groan interrupted Wade. Athena immediately walked over to her bed where Issac lay.

She softly patted Issac's head when she noticed that he was still asleep. "Issac, Issac, baby wake up" she tried to whisper to the boy who tossed and turned vigorously. "No, no, no, Auntie" he mumbled as tears rolled down his cheeks. This made Athena panic, she shook him and said his name in a louder tone, urging him to wake up. Issac's eyes suddenly shot open. He launched his body onto his aunt who held him close, before breaking out into loud sobs. "It's okay, I'm right here, tell me what happened," Athena said as she kissed Issac's head. 

"T-t-th-they h-hurt y-y-you, " Issac managed to stutter out in between sobs, this broke Athena's heart and all she could do to help him was hold him close to her and give him the comfort and safety her body offered, her wolf whimpered in the back of her mind, she did not like the thought of a pup who was as good as one of her own getting hurt. "They? who's they?" Wade asked protectively, not liking the thought of his mate or his mate's family getting in harm's way. "B-bad peopwe," Issac said as he desperately clung to Athena, afraid that she would disappear if he let go.

Issac refused to sit anywhere other than his aunt's lap, if the bad people were going to come after her they would have to go through him, he was determined to protect her.

Just as everyone finished eating their breakfast, a hurried knock drew them out of their conversations. Andrew quickly opened the door, only to reveal a blonde man who was gasping for air. "Neil! what's wrong!?" Andrew asked his Gamma who seemed to have been attacked. Andrew and his brother brought Neil in and set him on the couch while Angela ran inside to get the first aid kit. "Take him inside," Athena said as she tried to hand Issac over to his mother. The keyword in that sentence being 'tried'. "No! M' staying!" Issac protested as he clung to Athena like a little monkey. He put up a good fight, which Athena ended up losing.

"What happened?" Angela asked Neil as she cleaned his wounds. He grimaced whenever Angela pushed a little too hard, to which she immediately apologized. "Rouges ambushed the east border," Neil said as he grimaced again. "How many?" Adrian asked. "There were twelve of them, but there was something different about these set of rouges," Neil said as he sipped on some water. "They were stronger than they have ever been, they-they hurt Jerry," Neil said, causing everyone except those who were from Wade's pack to gasp. "I'm sorry but who is Jerry?" Ryan asked awkwardly. "Jerry is one of our pack's strongest warriors, no one has been able to defeat him" Ashley explained.

"There has to be a motive," Adrian said as he wracked his brain trying to think of a reason. "That's exactly what I was thinking," Wade said, not realizing that he had earned some respect from his future father-in-law. "Please explain it in normal terms for those who aren't the best at this" Delina asked the question that remained in everyone's mind as they tried to understand what the two Alpha's were saying. "Rouges always travel in a pack of three or less if they're trying to trespass, if they attack in a pack as big as twelve there has to be a motive behind the attack" Wade explained. "Did they say why it was that they were attacking? Anything cryptic maybe?" Axel asked Neil. "They said they were doing this to get their Alpha's Queen back," Neil said as he tried to figure out the message. The Williams faces paled as they understood the meaning behind the threat. "Why don't you go home and take the rest of the day off," Andrew said as he led Neil out of his house.

"This is all of my fault" is all Athena could think. "What's going on, why did you guys look like you've just seen a ghost" Ryan's attempt at lightening the mood fell flat on its' face as the tension in the room thickened. "There is something we should tell you," Andrew said as he looked around the room, sending his little sister a reassuring smile.

"HE WON'T TOUCH HER!" was Wade's response to the story of what had taken place eleven years ago. Athena rushed to her mate's side and hugged him as he inhaled her scent, which immediately calmed him down. "We won't let them breathe the same air as her" Axel stated. "But the thing is, they are attacking the pack to make us weak," Andrew said as he looked at his father for help. "Although we are strong enough to protect her, we cannot let her stay here, to be able to harm Jerry they would have had an informant from our pack. I suggest that Athena moves packs to stay with you, she can visit whenever she wants as it's just a 10-minute drive." Adrian said once he was sure Neil wasn't anywhere in the vicinity, he couldn't trust his family's safety with anyone, and if there was a rat in their pack it meant that they could trust no one.

"We will protect her with our lives, I promise you," said Wade.

But who would protect them?

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this chapter😁 I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that lets me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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