Chapter XIX

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Serena sat at the kitchen table with her mate and her four sons. Dean played with his food as he squealed happily on his high chair. Serena and Simon chuckled lovingly at their youngest. Arthur and Johnathan were having an argument on who had more action figures than the other while James spoke to his mother about a new pup in his class.

Rain pelted heavily against the window. The six Williams cuddled on the sofa as they watched a movie. Dean who was sitting on his mother's lap began to move in his sleep.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. Serena and Simon looked at each other in confusion. Who could it be at this time of the night? Simon stood protectively before his family when the knocks on the door continued. "Sweetheart, could you take your brothers and go inside?" Serena said as she looked at Arthur, her oldest. The five-year-old quickly held his younger brothers hands and took them into their parent's room.

Serena walked behind her sons and placed her youngest on the bed. "Arthur and John, it is your responsibility to look after your little brothers," Serena said as she looked at her sons. The four-year-old and five-year-old looked at their mother seriously and promised her that they would take care of their little brothers.

Serena stood near her husband as the knocks became more rapid and urgent. Simon opened the door only to see a woman wearing a black cloak standing before them holding something protectively in her hands with the hood covering her face. "Who are you?" Simon asked as he stood before his mate protectively. "Could I step inside as it isn't safe for me to tell you who I am out here, I assure you I mean no harm" The woman whispered softly. Simon and Serena hesitantly let the woman inside their house. As soon as she stepped inside the lady removed her hood only to reveal her majestic features.

Her long black hair cascaded over her shoulders like a black waterfall. Her golden-brown skin gleamed under the kitchen light. Sterling grey eyes started at the young couple. "Who are you and what brings you here?" Serena asked as she looked at what seemed to be a bundle of clothes in the lady's hand. The woman smiled softly as she closed her eyes. A golden diadem appeared on the woman's head. The crescent shined brightly. Simon and Serena gasped as they bowed down before the lady. "Rise, my children," the Moon Goddess said as she looked at the couple.

"What have we done to have the honor of seeing you, Goddess?" Simon said as he looked at the Goddess. "Please call me Selene and this is the reason I am here," the Moon Goddess said as she removed her coat only to reveal a little baby bundled up in a soft blanket. "Although I had all of you as my children, I still yearned to have a child of my own, one who I would be able to carry for nine months, " Selene began as she looked at the baby with love in her eyes. "It isn't usual for a God or a Goddess to want to have a child and go through the process of childbirth so the idea of me becoming a mother was denied by many, I have a mate of my own who loves me more than anything else and wanted to make my wish come true... when I found out that I was pregnant I was ecstatic, my joy knew no bounds. We decided to keep the pregnancy a secret and stay on earth for a while as it would be too dangerous otherwise. It was all going well till I was eight months pregnant, someone found out about my baby and not only did they tell the other Gods and Goddesses but they also told some rouges, it wasn't safe for my baby anymore, " Selene said as she looked at her child sadly. Serena gasped and looked at the Goddess sadly, no one should be kept away from their baby.

"Is there anything we could do to help?" Simon said as he looked at the child with pity. "I need you to take my son, " said Selene. "What!?" Serena and  Simon exclaimed as they looked at the desperate Goddess. "Please, you must raise him as one of your own and make him believe that you are the Moon Goddess, years from now there will be a big war in which only he and his offspring will be able to win, I cannot take him to heaven as it is too dangerous for him to be there, your family is the best fit for him," Selene said as she looked at Serena and Simon. "First of all how do you know that we are the best for him and second of all how could I possibly act like you?" Serena asked in disbelief. "I have seen both of you grow up and I know that you have big hearts and kind souls. And as for the acting part, I will be giving you a small part of my powers which will also make your eyes gray like mine." Selene replied with a soft smile. "Whenever mankind or the whole of werewolf kind is in danger I place a sort of vessel on earth, one that will be strong enough to stop any sort of war, but years from now a great war will take place, one greater than any of which has been seen by us" Simon and Serena gasped as they listened intently. "The only one who will be able to stop that will be a baby girl who has my blood flowing through her veins," said Selene. 

Simon and Serena finally agreed but had two questions they almost forgot to ask. " What should we do about our sons and when should we tell them the truth?". "I will place false memories in their minds which will be of their little brother being born, it is your job to treat my child like one of yours and never make it seem otherwise, and as for telling them all the truth, it should be after the young girl is born and has found her mate, you must ensure that you tell them the truth fast as the war will begin soon after," Selene said sadly. 

"Come here, I must give you a small part of my powers," Selene said as she called Serena towards her. "Close your eyes and believe in me." Selene waited for Serena to close her eyes before she placed her forehead on the young girl's and muttered a spell. Simon watched in awe as his mate began to glow. "You may open your eyes now," Selene said softly. Serena opened her eyes slowly and heard her mate gasp. She looked into the mirror that was in the kitchen and saw herself with gray eyes in place of her ocean blue ones.

"What's his name?" Serena said as Selene hugged her baby tightly and kissed his forehead. "Adrian," Selene said as she smiled down at her young son who yawned adorably in his sleep. "Mama has to go now, but I promise to always look after you from above," Selene whispered to her son as she kissed his forehead and his cheeks and handed him over to Serena who carefully took the baby in her arms. He was absolutely adorable with dark black hair, rosy cheeks, and a button nose.

"Take good care of him for me, he holds a piece of my heart," Selene said as she walked to the door before vanishing into thin air. "Mommy, can we come out now?" Arthur's small voice called out from the bedroom. Serena and Simon looked at each other feeling unsure before calling all the boys into the living room. The boys walked into the living room and smiled happily when they saw the baby in their mother's hand. "Is the baby sleeping?" John asked his mother curiously who looked at him feeling surprised by his reaction. "Yes he is, and it's now time for you to go to sleep," Simon said as he picked Dean and James up and walked towards the room they shared as his two oldest groaned.

Adrian cooed in his sleep which caused Serena to look at him. She already felt like he was her baby and what was even more surprising was the fact that her wolf thought of him as her pup. She kissed his soft forehead and headed to bed.

 A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this chapter  😁 hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that lets me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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