Chapter XXXIII

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A/N: Quick question before the chapter begins, do you guys think I should make an Instagram account related to my books, their updates and other things related to writing? Would you guys be interested in that? Let me know in the comments and if I get a good amount of responses I will definitely make one :) I have been thinking about this for a while but I wanted to get your opinion on it before I did anything. Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Dark clouds shrouded the pack in darkness. Grunts and encouraging shouts were heard as the pack trained rigorously for the war. Some wolves surrounded the Alpha's house and the pack's safe house, protecting the ones inside from the threat which loomed near. 

Athena walked into the kitchen with a tired pup in her hands. He had woken up multiple times throughout the night claiming that he needed to protect his aunt from danger. Her usually bright blue-grey eyes which used to be filled bright and with happiness had been reduced to a dull lifeless grey without even an ounce of hope.

Athena smiled brightly when she saw her best friend sitting at the dinner table with a plate full of pancakes in front of her. She ran as fast as she could and brought her into a big warm hug. Anna giggled as she hugged her back, feeling glad to be back home with her family. The two girls let go of each other when they felt the little boy, who was squished between their bodies, squirm, and huff. 

Angela smiled when she saw her daughter speaking to her best friend with happiness in her voice, something she missed terribly as it was hardly seen anymore. She placed a plate of pancakes in front of her daughter, who smiled at her warmly before she fed her sleepy grandson who was still sitting in his aunt's lap.

Adrian along with his sons, cousins, and a few trusted pack officials walked into the kitchen and brought a tense and heavy mood along with them. "Athie, Angie, I need the both of you to come with me to my office, right now," Adrian's serious voice wiped the smile off of Athena's face immediately. "Let her finish her breakfast first," Angela glared at her mate who had wiped the happiness off of her pup's face. Embarrassment washed over Adrian's face as he realized his mistake. 

Athena spoke up before her father could open his mouth "It's alright, I can eat it after the meeting," she said as she handed her nephew over to her best friend. The little pup's eyes filled with tears when he realized he was no longer in his favourite aunt's arms. Athena promised to be back quickly and sealed the promise with a kiss on his forehead. 

A young woman sat in the Alpha's office speaking to the Alpha's parents and looked up when everyone entered the room. She looked awfully familiar to Athena, but she just couldn't place who the woman was. The loving smile that broke out across the woman's face when she saw Gamma Steve gave away who she was. She quickly bowed to Athena and her mother before she introduced herself. "Good morning Luna, My name is Maya and I am Steve's, I mean Gamma Steve's mate," the young woman said with a small shy smile on her face. 

"Maya, Maya Schumacher weren't you a senior in my school!?" Athena asked the young woman whose face reddened immediately. "Ye-yes, I didn't think you'd know me," Maya said as a shy smile took over her face. "Know you!? Maya, I was one of your biggest fans! The whole school knew of your kindness and how great of a warrior you were and not to mention the fact that you were at the top of your grade in leadership studies. Although I wish it were under different circumstances, it's an honour to have finally met you," Athena beamed as the young woman in front of her became as red as a tomato. Steve smiled proudly as he wrapped an arm around his mate's waist. "Athie you can fangirl all you want later, let's get this meeting started already," Axel said which earned him heated glares from his mother and his sister. 

Adrian cleared his throat as everyone took a seat at the table. "Okay, now that everyone is seated I'd like to let everyone know the plan of action. Before I begin I need to let all of you know that all of this information must stay within those in this room, this is highly classified information and I can't have even a word of it spilling out to anyone," Andrew began as everyone nodded their head and motioned for their Alpha to continue. 

"So let's begin, now as all of you know Beta Female Anna has gone through a very traumatic experience which was traumatic physically and mentally for her, the pack doctor has requested to not let her participate in the war as her body is still healing and her wolf is weak at the moment. So given the fact that Luna Ashley, I, and Beta Axel will be participating in the war and that Beta female Anna isn't in any condition to take care of the pack who will be staying back, I am appointing Gamma female Maya Schumacher as in charge of the pack," Maya looked surprised at this and stood up before bowing to her Alpha "I promise to not let you down Alpha," she said as her Alpha nodded at her acknowledging her sincerity. 

"Our informant who will remain unnamed has given us information on some of the important rouges and hunters who will be participating in the war. Athie could you off the lights and Axel turn the projector on," Andrew said as he pulled the projector screen down. A picture of a pale man with short black hair and green eyes came up on the screen. 

"This is Martin, he is the rouge's Gamma, he is known for his agility and his strength. He is brutal and doesn't think before he kills, he has killed thousands of wolves and humans. His weak spot is his brain, since he focuses on attacking his enemy he tends to never think about his next move and how it will affect him. So we have to be quick and alert with this one." Andrew said before the picture changed to a man with blond hair and light grey eyes. 

"This is Lewis and he heads the hunters, he has a deep hatred for werewolves as they killed his parents when he was young, what he doesn't know is that it was that they were killed by rogues. He is smart and is good at shooting. We know that they will be coming with guns which will contain bullets made of sliver which will most likely be coated with wolfsbane." Axel got up from his seat when the image shifted to a man with pale skin, red hair and blue eyes. 

"This is Colton, he is Lewis's, right-hand man. Nothing goes past him, he is a genius when it comes to hacking and gathering information, but what he gains in mental abilities he lacks in physical abilities, he isn't as strong as the other hunters and isn't the greatest at shooting. He will likely hang back and collect information on the war as it goes down instead of participating." 

 A picture of a pale man with short brown hair, a thick beard and dark green eyes came up on the screen. "This is Gale, he is the rouge's Beta and the rouge Alpha's right-hand man, he is the brains and brawns of the rouges which makes him the most dangerous out of them all, he thinks out every move of his. The only way to defeat him is by not giving him time to think his moves out. Tire them out before they can even think twice. Next up is the rouge Alpha. He is the one man who we should all pay attention to,"

Serena let out a gasp as the picture of a blond man with dark brown eyes came up on the screen, a large deep scar ran over his right eye and made him look even more intimidating. "Mom, what's wrong? Dad?" Adrian asked when he noticed his mother looking at the picture in horror as his father's face filled with rage. "That-that's Carson Romano, he is the one who killed my sister," Serena said as tears streamed out of her eyes. "WHAT!?" Abner growled out.

A/N: I am sorry that this chapter is smaller than usual, but I just really wanted to get a chapter out before the end of the week. I want to thank all of you again for all the love and support! What's your take on this chapter? 

Do you want me to change anything about the chapter/ story? Let me know either in the comments or in my messages. I hope you all enjoyed it, I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that let me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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