Chapter XXXIV

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"Mom, what's wrong? Dad?" Adrian asked when he noticed his mother looking at the picture in horror as his father's face filled with rage. "That-that's Carson Romano, he is the one who killed my sister," Serena said as tears streamed out of her eyes. "WHAT!?" Abner growled out.

"Savannah and I met Carson when I was 13-years-old. I was weary of the rouge at first, but Savannah scolded me, telling me that I shouldn't judge someone because of their situation. The two of them were 15 at the time and seemed to hit it off well. I didn't like him, he looked at her with these disgusting lust-filled eyes, and he was extremely possessive over her, even though she wasn't his mate. Savannah was 18 when Devon stumbled over our pack's boundaries. I never believed in love at first sight, that was until I saw the two of them. They were so in love with each other that they didn't care about what others said about their unconventional pairing. 

Carson was furious, he pleaded to Savannah and told her that she was his true mate and that Devon was merely brainwashing her. Needless to say, Savannah and I told him that he was delusional, he tried to get a hold of Sav and that was when Devon lost it and beat him up till he couldn't stand on his feet. My backward minded mother refused to accept Devon and called him insane for beating 'the perfect boy', she forced her daughter to choose between her mate and her family." Tears welled up in Serena's eyes as she thought about the day her sister left her pack. Adrian placed an encouraging hand on his mother's shoulder as his cousin fumed in silence.

"Savannah left with the promise of finding me when I was older. I finally met her after my mother's passing, Dean was 9 months old when she told me that she was pregnant with her firstborn. I still remember thinking that her face was going to split into two because of how big her smile was, she was so in love with her baby before he was even born," Serena held Abner's hand as tears slowly fell out of his eyes. "Savannah and Devon visited as much as they could with Abner, Adrian and Abner were inseparable. Devon and I had been planning to surprise Savannah for her birthday. 

The plan was that Abner would stay over at our house and that we would go over to her house on her birthday with a big cake and he would do the rest, he wanted everything to be perfect for her. I still remember how hesitant she was to leave her baby over at my house, she spent hours kissing his face and hugging him, showering him with all her love as if she knew it was the last time. I was finally able to get Savannah and Devon out of the house after she read her baby a bedtime story. When we went over to their house I knew something was off because the house looked far too dark and grey for it to be called Savannah's house-" Simon wrapped his hand around his mate's waist as he heard her voice break. 

Serena got up and sat next to Abner before she took his hand into hers, she knew what she was about to say was important but she also knew how much it would hurt the man next to her. She inhaled deeply before continuing, "The streamers on the door had been ripped off and the front door was cracked open when I got to it. My nose burned when I smelt the blood, I walked into the house only to see my sister and her mate lying on the floor covered in their blood. I screamed louder than I ever recollect screaming. I sobbed over my sister and her mate before I noticed my sister's hand and saw that she had managed to pull off a chunk of the attacker's hair. She was wearing the dress I had chosen for her, a beautiful white dress with blue flowers which were now red, everything was red" Serena said as she broke down crying, Abner quickly wrapped his arms around the woman who was as good as his mother, his body shook with the rage he tried to contain within himself. 

"The hair was a 100% match to Carson, we tried to search for him day and night. It was as if he had just vanished, disappeared off of the face of the Earth." Simon continued as he could see that his mate was in no condition to. "I'm going to kill him," Abner said as he got up. "No," Adrian said as he looked at his cousin. "What did you just say?" Abner asked in an eerily calm voice. Wade quickly mind-linked his sister and told her to come into Adrian's office to calm the man who looked like he was going to kill his father-in-law. "You can't kill him," Adrian said as he looked at his cousin leaving no room for argument. "I'd like to see you try and stop me," Abner said as he tried to leave the room only to have Adrian stop him in his tracks. 

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