Chapter XX

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The tension in the room was so thick that even a knife wouldn't have been able to cut through it. Serena and her mate stood before their family looking sorry. "So has everything just been a lie?" Axel asked his grandparents angrily. "It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the complete truth," Serena tried to reason with her grandchild. "But isn't that what a lie is, either it isn't the truth at all or it's just partially the truth," Daniel said as he looked at his family. "And you did lie, you told dad that you're his parents, which you quite clearly aren't!" Axel stated as he got up angrily. Simon stood in front of his mate protectively and growled lowly, ready to fight his grandson if he attacked. "Axe, calm down," Anna said as she held her mate's arm which caused him to calm down a little.

"Adrian, say something, please," Serena pleaded as she looked at her son who hadn't spoken since she finished her story. Adrian looked at Serena with an emotionless face. He then stood up and walked out into the backyard. "Don't, he needs some space," Angela stopped Serena when she tried to follow Adrian. Serena nodded sadly as tears fell out of her eyes.

"Hey honey," Angela said as she walked up to her mate who sat cross-legged in their backyard, facing the forest. Adrian looked up at his wife and offered her a small smile before he motioned for her to sit down next to him. "You okay?" Angela said as she looked at her mate with concern. "I-I'm alright," Adrian said as he looked at the forest. Dark clouds approached and made the surroundings look gloomy. "It's just that, it feels like my whole life has been a lie and that maybe my mother didn't want me and that she left me with the Williams because I was a burden," Adrian said as a tear escaped his eye. "Don't you dare say that," Angela started sternly as she wiped the tear from her mate's face.

"Your mother loved you more than life itself, do you know how painful it would've been for her to leave her baby and see someone else bring him up, your mother left you with Serena and Simon because it wasn't safe for you to be with her and because she trusted them, and think about it, if you wouldn't have been a part of this pack there could've been the possibility of us meeting later or not meeting at all and not being able to have those three beautiful children," Adrian looked at his mate with adoration before he brought her into a big hug. "And even though you aren't Serena and Simon's biological child they've loved you as if you were one, they have treated you the same way they treated their sons, and baby that's difficult, to be able to take a pup that's not yours' in and to love and cherish that pup as if it were one of your own," Angela said as she looked into her mate's eyes. Adrian looked at the forest and nodded slowly. The two mates kissed sweetly. "Could you call my- ahem- um mom here, please?" Adrian said as he cleared his throat. Angela nodded her head and went inside.

Adrian looked at the forest in awe, staring at the leaves as they rustled when the wind increased. Adrian felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around. Serena looked at her son sadly. Adrian patted the spot next to him in the grass. "Why?" Adrian asked as he looked at the forest. "Why what honey?" Serena asked softly as she looked at Adrian. "Why did you take me in? Why did you lie to me instead of just telling me the truth? Why didn't you tell me about this before? Why did you treat me as if I was your kid? Why?" Adrian asked his 'mother'. "We took you in because your father and I felt a deep connection with you, we did question it at first but after a while, we ourselves forgot that you weren't our biological son. We didn't lie to you, we just didn't tell you the whole truth. And believe me when I say that we wanted to tell you and your brothers the truth on multiple occasions, but we couldn't because it would have put all of us, especially you, in imminent danger. And as for the last question, well that was because no matter what you say, you always have been and always will be our pup, my youngest pup." Serena said as she looked at her son. "Okay," Adrian replied as he looked at the forest. "So, are we forgiven?" Serena asked Adrian as she looked at him. "Not completely, but yeah you're forgiven ma," Adrian replied with a small smile. Tears of joy sprouted out of Serena's eyes as she brought her youngest into a tight hug which Adrian happily returned.

Walking into the house Adrian was greeted by his elder brothers who apologized for not telling him before. "Don't worry, you guys didn't know about it," Adrian replied with a small smile. "So are we still your brothers?" Dean asked his younger brother shyly. "Obviously you are, I wouldn't be able to survive without you idiots," Adrian said as he hugged his elder brothers.

Serena and Simon smiled lovingly as they looked at their sons. "Wait, I feel like we're forgetting something," Andrew said as he looked at his family seriously. "And what might that be?" Angela asked her son. "Oh I don't know, maybe the war that's approaching and the fact that our whole family, especially Athie is in imminent danger," Andrew responded sarcastically. Wade growled at the thought of his mate getting harmed and gripped her waist tightly. "Oh calm down lover boy, we won't let anything happen to Athie," Serena said as she waved her hand dismissively. "Your other grandmother will be meeting you soon," Serena said as she looked at her granddaughter. "But our mom's mother is dead," Axel deadpanned as he looked at Serena. "I know that smartass, I'm talking about your biological grandmother, the Moon Goddess," Serena said as she rolled her eyes.

"Auntie!" A small voice squealed as a little bundle of energy ran into Athena's arms. Athena held her nephew tightly before kissing his forehead. Knocks sounded on the door. Axel opened the door only to see a bruised Ryan and Delina. "Oh my lord, what happened!?" Ashley exclaimed as she helped bring the siblings inside the house. "We were on our run when we spotted two rouges, near the west border, it looked like they were talking to someone else, someone from the pack, but we couldn't see who it was because they attacked us," Delina said as she sipped on water.

Everyone looked at each other seriously. It had begun.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading!😁I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that lets me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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