Chapter IX

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A week had passed since Athena had been shot. She was yet to open her eyes. It was taking much longer than expected for her to wake up. The whole Williams family had met Athena but had to return to their respective packs for their duties. Serena and Simon refused to leave their granddaughter's side. She lay on her hospital bed with her brothers on either side.

Serena and her mate forced their son and his mate to go home and freshen up as none of them had been able to leave Athena's side. Andrew and Axel sat next to their little sister who looked quite weak when their grandparents left the room to get all of them some food. Axel fell asleep with his head on the hospital bed as he held his little sister's hand in his, with a silent promise to never let go. Andrew closed his eyes as he too attempted to sleep when the image of Athena getting shot flashed before his eyes. Tears fell out of his eyes, but they remained closed.

"I'm so sorry Athie, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, It should have been me who was hit by the bullet, not you. This is all my fault" Andrew kept whispering to Athena as his tears fell onto Athena's hand which he held onto for life.


I couldn't see anything. Darkness surrounded my being. Suddenly I could feel that I was on some sort of bed that wasn't too comfortable and that two hands held mine tightly, I could even hear a steady yet annoying beeping sound that echoed in the room I was in. I felt something wet fall onto my hand. It felt like drops of water. "I'm so sorry Athie, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, It should have been me who was hit by the bullet, not you. This is all my fault" someone kept whispering this to me. I quickly realized who it was. I summoned all of my energy and was finally able to open my eyes, only to shut them again due to the harsh light getting into my eyes.

I slowly reopened my eyes and looked around. The room I was in was completely white, and the beeping sound was coming from a machine that had its wires attached to me. I looked to my left only to see Axel sleeping soundly with his head on the bed I was laying on as he held my hand. The sound of someone sniffling reached my ears.

I looked to my right since that was where the sound was coming from, only to see my eldest brother holding my hand as tears fell out of his closed eyes. My heart shattered. I lightly squeezed his hand since I was feeling too weak to be able to do anything. Andrew's eyes shot open and his head snapped up. He looked at me, his bloodshot eyes now open wide. He quickly engulfed me in a bear hug. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder since I couldn't move. Axel opened his eyes slowly due to the sudden movement and looked at me with wide eyes as if he couldn't believe that I was awake. He then proceeded to engulf Andrew and me in an even bigger and more powerful hug.

If the first hug wasn't enough to knock the air out of my lungs, this one sure was. "I love you guys too but I can't breath" My voice sounded raspy, as if it hadn't been used for a long time. My brothers quickly broke the hug and Andrew handed me a glass of water that was placed right next to him. I took the water from him and guzzled it down in an attempt to quench my thirst and the pain in my throat as Andrew mind-linked the rest of our family. "So, how are you feeling?" Andrew asked me nervously once I finished drinking my water, he probably thought that I was in immense pain, which was not true since my whole body felt numb.

Axel rudely interrupted me right as I opened my mouth to speak. "How do you think she feels, she got shot a week ago and is waking up for the first time since!" Axel said in disbelief. Wait I was asleep for a week! "WAIT WHAT!?" I screamed out, instantly regretting it when my throat started hurting again. This managed to get me all of their attention. "Was I asleep for a week?" I asked them confusion evident in my voice. The boys nodded solemnly.

"Are you in any sort of pain?" Axel asked after a few minutes to break the silence that filled the room. I smiled at him softly and shook my head. "I am so sorry Athie, I never wanted you to get shot, It should have been me...." I placed my hand on Andrew's mouth to stop him from rambling rubbish. "It wasn't your fault Drew, it was solely the rouges fault," I told him softly.

"But if I would have explained everything to you, you wouldn't have left and none of this would have happened," Andrew said as tears brimmed his eyes. "Drew, what had to take place has taken place, we can't change the past so there is no point in brooding over it. If I had to take a thousand bullets just to save you guys, I would do it without a second of doubt and I'm sure that you guys would do the same for me" I said sincerely.

Andrew and Axel looked at me before they smiled and kissed my cheeks. "This is exactly why you are the most annoyingly perfect sister in the world," Andrew said lovingly as Axel voiced his agreement.

As the siblings bonded over loving words, the hospital door suddenly burst open which made them snap their heads up, only see their parents and grandparents. Adrian and Angela ran towards their daughter and hugged her tightly and sighed as tears of relief fell out of their eyes. Serena and Simon smiled happily as they hugged their grandsons. Finally, they all hugged the little princess. Athena had never felt more loved than she felt at that moment. After some time Serena and Simon left with their daughter-in-law and grandsons to go home and get some rest. Adrian happily volunteered to stay with his daughter to spend some much need time with her.


I sat down on Athena's hospital bed with her snuggled up on my lap. Suddenly I remembered the time I thought I almost lost her. My wolf whimpered in sadness. Tears welled in my eyes as I thought of a life without my baby girl in it. Athena suddenly looked up at me before she reached up and wiped a tear that had fallen out of my eye. "I thought I lost you" I whispered out, scared that I would burst into tears if I spoke louder than that. Athie gave me a sad smile.

"I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to daddy," she told me lovingly. I smiled and kissed her cheek before I hugged her tightly. "I love you daddy" she mumbled sleepily. "I love you too sweetheart," I said as I kissed the top of her head and fell into a peaceful slumber knowing that my family was safe.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this chapter😁 I hope you all enjoyed it. I will be posting the next part only if there are at least a few votes or comments, that let me know that you guys like my work and that you want me to continue. I hope you guys like my story! If you do then please do vote(press the star) and comment.
Thank you for reading and have a great day!


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